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Read the explanations on page 146 and do exercises 1 and 3 on page 147 (Part 2).
1. Answer each question so that it is true for you. Write full answers to each
a) If I found 100 pounds in the Street, Id keep it.
b) If I were able to change my nationality, I would be British.
c) If I could have dinner with a famous person, I would choose Carlos
Cuahutemoc Sanchez.
d) If I had to change one part of my body, It would be my hair.
e) If I saw someone stealing something in a shop, I would call to police.
f) If I could meet one person from history, I would choose Jean Baptiste
Poquelin (Moliere).
2. Complete the sentences so that they are true for you.
a) If I had time, I would visited my friends.
b) Id have been really happy if I had travelled to Lima to see my sister.
c) If I were very rich, I would help to many children that they live at the streets.
d) If I had been born a member of the opposite sex, I would have studied the
career Mining Engineering.
e) If I were president of my country, I would invest more money in Education.
f) Id have been very furious if I had lost an important documents of the job.

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