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HUMANITIES- refers to the study of human experience.

- how people process and

record their thoughts, beliefs and longings.
- it include philosophy,history,literature,art,music and language as
their modes of expression.
Different of disciplines:
3 distinct disciplines:
INTEGRATIVE ART- has the idea of combining (combined art)
-has the sense of crossbreeding has resulted in a hybrid art are called
- This art forms interactive and desciplinary in nature, that is consisting of ideas
and practices from diff branches of learning.
MODERN ART developed as styles and techniques, whereas contemporary means
with the times (contempo).
- Contemporary art refers to the art of the present time.
SUBJECT or TOPIC- is any person, animal , thing, or issue that is described or
represented in a work.
- Subject is different from theme or content(substance).
THEME- is the recurring idea or element in a work of art.
-it refers to the idea , thoughts and feeling of the artist.
*REALISM- this is the first style of art which the subj. Is done the way it actually
*DISTORTION- the second, where in the artist uses his or her imagination and alters
the subj. According to his or her design.
*ABSTRACTION- the third, wherein the artist breaks apartr a subject and rearranges
it in a different manner.
*NON- OBJECTIVISM- a fourth, wherein there is totally no subject at alljust an
interplay of pure elements like line, shape, or color and so on.
*SPACE- in visual art can be defined as a void, an emptiness w/c can either be
positive or negative.
-Postive refers to a pace enclosed in shape while negative space denotes the
-it also referred to as an interval or pause.
*LINE- is the extension of a point , a shot or long mark drawn or carved on a surface.
It is implied path suggestingA.Direction: vertical, horizontal, diagonal.
B.Character: jagged, curved, series of dots or broken lines.

*SHAPE AND FORM- when the ends of the line meet, they form a shape.
- Shape can also described as a figure seperate from surrounding area or
- it can be GEOMETRIC (angular) or ORGANIC(curvy).
-(shape) is 2 dimensional, (Form) three dimensional.
*COLOR- probably the most striking art element that catches the eye is color.
- it is the eye sensation created by visible wavelengths of light caught in prims.
*pigments- it is a mixture of organic or synthetic substances, used as paint or dye.
- it create mood or tone.
*VALUE- in visual arts, is the degree of lightness and darkness of a color.
- In music, it is called PITCH, which is the highness and lowness of a tone.,
*TEXTURE- is the surface of an artwork.
- can be actual or tactile meaning, it can really be felt by touch; or it can be
SIMULATED or ILLUSORY, which means it can only be seen, not felt.

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