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This is part one of two posts describing the information that Dr.Patrick
MacManaway presented at Shamanic Lands this year. I took so many notes that I could
barely keep up and I had to take several photos of the screens because there was so much
information on them! It was by no means a dry presentation though far from it. Patrick
is engaging and amusing, and he delivered his information with the authority that comes
from hard-won practical experience married with a keen intellect.
Here are some of the main points that Patrick raised in his presentation.
European Magic and Shamanism
He began the talk by introducing the purposes of European magic and shamanic practise.

He stated they were for:personal evolution

landscape fertility
personal, regional and national defense (more on this later)
The Shape of Energy
He moved on to describe the shape of energy, taking it back to its elemental form which he
said was the toroid shape.

The toroidal shape of energy

In Patricks graphic the inner area was shaped like a cocoon, and I recognised the central
image as the cocoon shape that I use in my protection ritual. I thought that was a significant
correspondence and a nice bit of justification for why this shape forms itself as my natural
protection visualization.
He then talk about the apple core image, saying this was a symbol that our ancestors had
used as a means to pass on the information about the importance of this toroid shape. He
talked about the concept of harmony the vesica piscis, the musical scale (note distances

are mathematical), and mathematics generally as a language to describe harmony and

relationship between shapes, lines and sounds.

Landscape Intelligence
He talked of an intelligence in the landscape, and how our communication with the land is a

dialogue. The process to follow when working with the intelligence in the land is:Healing the hurts (tell it what we have done)
Patterning the current use (tell it what we are currently doing)
Enhancing or optimising the energies (tell it what we would like to do)
Healing the Hurts
He went into detail about each of these points, but the important one for me was the idea of

healing the hurts that have been inflicted on the land in the past. This consisted of:discovering existing spirits, and creating a communication
removing trapped human spirits, bad intent or emotion
releasing demons

Of Dragons
The most interesting part of the presentation was when Patrick began to equate the concept
of the dragon with the telluric currents within our lands. Dragons are simply another way of
describing telluric currents, he stated. They have a consciousness, and they are a pathway of

moving energy. Here are some of the main points:Above-ground dragons are straight, and are powered by and aligned to the
sun. Underground dragons follow water on wavy paths, and are powered by and aligned to
the moon
Nodal points where two or more lines cross/meet allow a definition of tone, shape
and quality to the energy
Sacred sites were put up by farmers to control and promote the fertility of the land
He mentioned the book Seed of Knowledge, Stone of Plenty by Burke & Halberg one
of the best books on the subject that I have read.
Sick Buildings and Sad Dragons

With a lovely bit of humour Patrick talked about land energy issues being as though the
dragons were upset, and he described this as sad dragons and said we had to make happy

dragons. His main points were:Sad dragons are a name given to Geopathic Stress
World Health Organization says that 30% of building are sick buildings meaning
that 20% of the residents in the building exhibit regular or sustained health issues
3 parts YANG energy (male) and 1 part YIN energy (female) is ideal for humans
More YIN is draining
Seratonin is particularly affected by this ratio and imbalances in seratonin can
result in unhappiness, and affects on the biological clock functioning
Lines which affect us can be on the horizontal and vertical planes
How energy affects animals and plants
Patrick went on to discuss how animals and plants react to the presence of forms of earth

energy. Here are the main points of his presentation on this subject:Insects and funghi are attracted to underground water
Collie dogs, sheep and cattle will lie in areas where the energy ratio is good. Cats are
not affected by this energy at all it seems I can verify this based on having six cats.
Churches were sited where a white bull or white hart would lie down
Some places have residual stress from quarrying or battles, for example
J.Havelock Fidler reported a 30% decrease in dry weight of seeds after 10 days
exposure to incompatible energies
Beech trees dont like underground water
For other trees, YIN energy will pull their branches down
Fertility is gained by right relationship with the earth energy
Ancient sites mark the location of YIN and YANG energy united what I call
UNION energy

In the next post I will reveal how Patrick works with the elemental spirits of the land, sea
and sky in order to promote fertility.
THis is the second of the posts about the presentation given by the very
knowledgeable Dr.Patrick MacManaway at the Shamanic Lands event at
the Conway Hall in London. In this second post I will recount the information that he
gave relating to working with dragons and specifically with the various elementals.
Elementals are the spirits of the earth, fire, water and air which play a large part in
mediating and harmonising the subtle energies which operate in an area.
Working with Elementals
Patrick talked about bringing your brain into the right state of mind in order to
communicate with the Elementals. He showed us diagrams of the brain states: Alpha waves
for relaxation, and Theta waves for the meditative state. As plants work in the Alpha and
Theta range, so we can connect to them in this state. The same goes for Elementals too. Our
thoughts and feelings are an electro-magnetic resonance, and when we get into a harmonic
resonance in the Theta state so we can begin to communicate with these entities.
Here are his points about each of the four elementals:

To work with the earth spirits, tell the land spirits what you are doing and what
species you want to work with
Earth elementals direct the energy of the land to help you achieve the results you
You have three options for working with elements
ignore them (things stay the same),
command them (this leads to confusion and a worse state of affairs), or
ask them (this promotes harmony and increase)
Blessing water improves the yield and resistance of plants on which that water is
He told a story of sheep galloping over a kilometre to get some blessed water from a
trough, even though fresh rainwater puddles were all around!
Dry springs can be re-filled by singing to the spirits of the water-course
He requested that we bring back well dressing ceremonies, as water is better when
Im going to do this at my local well, as this has recently been abandoned by
the former ceremonial keepers of the ritual
He requested that we Make thoughts manifest and manifest well! Make water
Sylphs the air spirits can change weather
They control air temperature, humidity and rain events

By this point hed made all the points he wanted to make about working with elementals,
and so he didnt say much about fire spirits except to say that they control temperature, and
are related to the Sun energies.
It was a fascinating talk, and one that I wont forget for a while. It was packed with
information and stories from his work with agricultural businesses. He was obviously
drawing from the years when he was head of the British Society of Dowsers as well, when it
came to explaining the ways of subtle energies and dragon lines.
There was so much more than I have been able to capture if you get a chance to see him,
or work with him, then I would strongly recommend it.

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