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Justino Rodrguez
Juan Tillero
Guillermo Prez

1.- Con la ayuda de un diccionario haga una traduccin del texto Natural Gas Story. 5
2.- Complete las siguientes preguntas con las palabras interrogativas What, When, How,
Where, Who, Why. Hay una opcin extra que no debes usar. 1 punto c/u. Total: 5 puntos.
1) ____ Who ________ is that person next to the your boss?
2) ____ Where ___ _____ are my safety glasses?
3) ____ Why ________ are not they working?
4) ____ What ________ will you send me the report?
5) ____ How________ did you do yesterday?.
3.- Seleccione entre A, B, o C; la opcin correcta para completar la la oracin. 1 punto c/u.
Total 5 puntos.
1) ___ When ___ do you have to write the report?
a) When
b) How
c) Where
2) _____ Those are _______ our boots over there?
a) is that
b) Those are c) Are those
3) What is the purpose of ____ this ______ job?
a) these
b) this
c) Those
4) _____ that
a) this

____ is my new hard hat. And that is yours.

b) that
c) they

5) ____ These are ______ my jumpsuits.

a) Is that
b) These are c) That is
4.- Responda en ingls las siguientes preguntas. 1 punto c/u. Total: 5 puntos.

a) How was natural gas formed?

It was formed when a series of decomposed bodies as animals and plants were
buried under mud and sand in the depths of ancient lakes and oceans
b) When started the formation of the natural gas?
natural gas is formed when large amounts of aquatic microorganisms die and are
c) Can you smell the natural gas?
Natural gas has no odor and a leak could go undetected and cause an explosion
d) How is natural gas transported?
It is transported in the form of Liquefied Natural Gas
e) Where is natural gas found?
It is independent or together deposits oilfield or coal

Natural Gas Story.

Hi, my name is Sniffasaurus, but you can call
me Sniffy. As a dinosaur, I know a lot about natural
gas and how it heats your home. Now, you're
probably asking yourself, "Why would a dinosaur
know anything about the way my house is heated?"
My story starts millions of years ago. When the
dinosaurs died, their bones were buried under rocks
and dirt along with other living plants and animals.
After millions of years, heat and pressure changed
organic matter into natural gas. Natural gas is found in
porous rock layers, a lot like sponges, called gas

We get natural gas out of the ground.

We drill for natural gas. It can take several weeks to drill a gas well as they are as
much as 3 miles deep - here in Colorado most wells are being drilled in the Denver/Greeley
area and are about 1 1/2 miles deep. Natural gas is buried under a lot of pressure, deep in
the ground so all they have to do is lower a pipe in the well and the pipe acts like a straw to
float or pull the gas to the surface.
Do you know what natural gas looks like?
Natural gas is like the air - you cant see it, feel it, taste it or smell it. If you poured
gasoline out of a can, you would have a puddle of gas. Natural gas is not a liquid. It's a gas.
It is delivered to your home, school and everywhere else through pipes.

Hola, mi nombre es Sniffasaurus, pero tu puedes llamarme Sniffy. Como un

dinosaurio, s mucho sobre el gas natural y la forma en que se calienta tu casa.
Ahora, usted est probablemente preguntndose, "Por qu un dinosaurio sabe
algo acerca de la forma en que mi casa se calienta?" Mi historia comienza hace
millones de aos. Cuando los dinosaurios murieron, sus huesos fueron enterrados
debajo de las piedras y de tierra junto con otras plantas y animales vivos. Despus
de millones de aos, el calor y la presin cambian lentamente la materia orgnica
en gas natural. El gas natural se encuentra en las capas de rocas porosas, muy
parecido a las esponjas, llamado yacimientos de gas.

Obtenemos el gas natural de la tierra

Perforar en bsqueda de gas natural. Puede tomar varias semanas para perforar
un pozo de gas, ya que son hasta 3 millas de profundidad - aqu en Colorado
mayora de los pozos se perforan en el rea de Denver / Greeley y son
aproximadamente 1 1/2 millas de profundidad. El gas natural est enterrado bajo
una gran presin, profundo en el suelo por lo nico que tienen que hacer es
inferior de una tubera en el pozo y los actos de tubera como una paja para flotar
o tirar del gas a la superficie.
Sabe lo que se ve como el gas natural?
El gas natural es como el aire - que no puede ver, sentir, saborear ni oler. Si usted
verti la gasolina de una lata, que tendra un charco de gas. El gas natural no es

un lquido. Es un gas. Se entrega a su hogar, la escuela y en todas partes a travs

de tuberas.

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