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Mudd 1!

Gabriella Mudd
Mr. Fronk
AP World History
3 January 2017
DBQ Practice 1
Classical Sparta and Athens were the two most powerful city-states in Greece during the
5th and 4th centuries BCE. However, these ancient Greek nations were not very much alike.
Sparta was known for its impeccable discipline, military strength, obedience to its leader, and
physical fitness. Athens was more intellectually inclined; admired for their democratic
innovations, fairness, cultured society, and worldly ways. Sparta was superior to Athens and
other city-states concerning strength, however Athens was superior in their quality of life.
The time period of Classical Greece is vast, ranging from 5th century BCE to 3rd century
BCE. During this time, many other cultures and civilizations were being shaped, going to war,
rising, and declining. Some of the most notable events occurring include the rise of philosophers
such as Aristotle and Socrates, Legalism within the Zhou dynasty, and the development of
Confucianism as a whole. Overall, this period was a major time for discovery and achievements,
a time for people all over the world to figure out what worked and what did not. For the people
of Sparta, life was simple. It was all about war and obedience, as they were the protectors of
Greece. Spartans did not look for new inventions, or interesting literature, mostly because they
did not have time on account of their intense fitness regimens. However, Athens deeply
contrasted this way of life, as this city-state was like a creative wonderland. They were
constantly looking for new fabrics and materials, as well as literature and ideas. They were a

Mudd 2!
very understanding society, with a low amount of slaves, and the implantation of a free and just
democracy. Although these city-states strikingly opposed each other, they are jointly considered
the two best Greek nations of all time.
The Spartans superior strength was well-documented throughout the centuries.
Document 1 describes Sparta as the best military in the world, especially when they fought
cohesively. It states that Law is the Spartans master, they were very respectful, and have the
mentality of, conquer or die. It was also stated that the Spartan people were extremely obedient
to their leader, and had the utmost respect for him. This might have been biased as Document 1
was told from the ex-king of Sparta from 5th century BCE, making it a primary source, as well
as subjective as he would want to paint his empire in a positive light. This document supports the
idea that Sparta is superior in strength as they are the best military out of the city-states during
this time period, firm in their beliefs, and the most dutiful of men. Document 5 exhibits the
physical strength of Sparta as well; this document focusing on the lives of women. It is stated
that the women had the same intensity of exercise as the men, and they would compete in races
and trials as well. The vigor of their training was for one purpose; to bear and raise the most
robust of children. Document 5 is a primary source as is it is from 5th century BCE, and should
be trusted as it is shared objectively from an Athenian soldier. This document demonstrates the
overall idea that Sparta acquired exceptional strength as they kept it on the forefront of their
values, focusing on physical excellence from birth, and encouraging women to challenge
themselves physically as well. An additional piece of evidence proving Spartas superior strength
is their victory in the decade-long Peloponnesian War, taking place in the early 4th century BCE.
This was a battle fought with brute force and endurance, and the Spartans respectfully won out

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against the Athenians, even concerning naval forces, which was normally Athens asset. To
summarize, Sparta was the stronger city-state because they were the best in military matters,
disciplined, obedient, and proved their dominance in the Peloponnesian War.
The city-state of Athens was superior in quality of life to Sparta, as well as all other citystates in Greece. Document 2 describes the innovativeness of the Athenians, as well as their fair
and just ways. They created the democracy, and set an example to all of the neighboring lands.
They firmly believed that power should be in the hands of many versus the few, and that your
economic class should not hinder you in the eyes of the government. The author of Document 2
is an Athenian leader during the Peloponnesian war, most likely making this source biased,
however primary as well. Documents 3 and 6 concern slavery within Classical Athens.
Document 3, a vague source concerning its origin or author, is from an Athenian pamphlet during
5th century BCE, making it a primary source. It basically discusses how it is very difficult to
differentiate between the slaves and Athenians because they dress the same, and the
impoverished are given many advantages over the rich and elite. Document 6, which could be
considered unreliable as readers are not given an author or time of origin, exhibits the low
number of slaves in Athens compared to Sparta. Documents 4 and 7 discuss the worldliness of
the Athens in comparison to Sparta. Document 4 is basically calling out Sparta for not exploring
the areas and inventions around them, complimenting Athens on its ability to travel, and take
action. Document 7 expresses a similar idea as it lists the imports and exports of Athens and
Sparta. Athens both imports and exports many more goods than Sparta. When these documents
are looked at as a whole, it is clear that Athens had a higher quality of life as its society is much
more fair, cultured, and focused on intellectuality.

Mudd 4!
The Cold War was a battle between the worlds two strongest nations; the United States
and Russia. This war was basically one of ideas, with military tensions coming later on. Russia
was a communist country, believing that the government should control the resources and
production, deciding where its population lived, and worked. The United States greatly opposed
this idea with its capitalist government. This meant that the US believed in the government
having significantly less of a say in production goods, and encouraged its citizens to choose
where they preferred to live, and work. This relates to Classical Greece as Sparta controlled its
citizens, dictating how its people would spend their lives and where, while Athens virtually gave
its community free rein on what they chose to do.
Classical Sparta and Athens were two deeply contrasting, however equally dominant
societies of Greece. Sparta was distinguished in strength; its military top-notch, its people the
most dedicated and loyal, and its sole focus to breed warriors obedient to the government. Athens
predominated in its way or quality of life; they had a fair government, many opportunities for
intellectual stimulation, and a well-rounded, well-traveled culture.

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