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| PHRASAL VERBS! : part One Look at the phrasal verbs and deduce their meaning from the context. 1. Last year, I bumped into my friend Tony while | was on holiday in London. | was really surprised because | hadn't seen him since we left school in 1987. 2. I forgot to take my glasses with me so | was bumping into things all day! | even got a black eye because | walked into a street light! 3. really need to give up watching so much T.V. I's such a waste of time and it gives me terrible headaches. 4, My teacher was really nice and encouraging. He kept saying “Don'tgive up! You can do this!” But it was still too difficult, so | gave up anyway. 5. I'm really pleased I decided to take up photography as a hobby. | had a feeling it would be really interesting and fun, and it was!! | absolutely love it 6. If you decide to take up the offer, let me know and we'll arrange a date for you to start Match the phrasal verbs with the correct definition. Definitions for sentences 1 & 2 a) hit something physically because you didn't see it b) meet someone unexpectedly Definitions for sentences 3 & 4 a) stop doing something because it is bad for you »b) stop trying Definitions for sentences 5 & 6 a) to accept something b) start a subject, activity or hobby PHRASAL VERBS IN CONTEXT Deduce the meaning of the phrasal verbs and match them to the correct definition. 1. Antonio is sometimes checking his phone in class and you might think he's on What's App. Actually, though, he’s using it to help him with his English and ittakes up very litte class time. 2. A lot of Victor's free time is eaten up by doing the huge amounts of homework that his teacher gives him 3. Sadly, more and more people in Seville are finding it hard to get by on the money they earn because of the credit crunch. 4, Maria Jesus finds it really difficult to get on with the activities in class because Manuel is always trying to distract her. © 5. Alejandro really didn't like the 1980s style in the apartment he moved into, so he spent a whole week doing it up. Now it looks totally different. 6. Steve finds it difficult to get through the moming if he doesn’t have a cup of coffee. 7. Laura didn't want to throw her old clothes away, so instead she donated them to Intermom. 8. Edu was surprised but extremely happy when he came across a €50 note when he was cleaning under the sofa. 9. Feder decided to delete his Facebook account because he realiséd it was taking over his life and he wanted to focus more time on preparing for the FCE exams. Definitions: a) find by chance b) start or continue doing something ) put something in the rubbish bin/ get rid of d) use or occupy €) use or consume in large quantities f) repair or redecorate g) take control of h) manage to live or survive i) manage to survive in a difficult period of time

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