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Review TRENDS in Neurosciences Vol.30 No.9

Historical perspective

Cajal’s contributions to glia research

Virginia Garcı́a-Marı́n, Pablo Garcı́a-López and Miguel Freire
Museum Ramón y Cajal, Instituto Cajal, CSIC Avda. Doctor Arce 37, Madrid 28002, Spain

In 1906, Santiago Ramón y Cajal was awarded the Nobel proposed have been subsequently revised, and for this
Prize in Physiology or Medicine in recognition of his work reason we hope this article can bring greater clarity to
on the structure of neurons and their connections. What is the history of glial research and contribute to the establish-
less well known is that he also had a keen interest in glia ment of new working hypotheses of glial function. Although
and developed specific staining methods for their study. Cajal mentions numerous types of glial cells in his writ-
In addition to describing their morphology, he speculated ings, for the purposes of this review we will focus on
on a role for glia in sleep and wakefulness and even in astrocytes, for which he proposed a functional link between
executive brain functions such as attention. In this article, morphology, physiology and function.
we focus on Cajal’s histological research into glial cells;
this research includes original drawings of astrocytes, Cajal’s early work on astrocytes
oligodendrocytes, microglia and radial glia, as well as The history of glial research began in 1846, when Virchow
his scientific writings. We aim to show that, concerning [3] described a connective substance that forms a sort of
glia as well as neurons, Cajal was far ahead of his time. ‘cement’ in the brain and spinal cord and in which the
nervous elements appeared to be embedded. He coined the
Introduction term ‘neuroglia’ to describe this interstitial substance.
Santiago Ramón y Cajal (1852–1934) is one of the Later, he published the first neuroglia illustrations [4],
best-known neuroscientists. He is considered by many to in which some nuclei appear without protoplasm and
be one of his time’s most outstanding contributors to others are shown as small round or lentil-shaped cells
knowledge of the nervous system, yet his research was [4]. Presumably, these were glial cells whose cytoplasm
not limited to neurons; it also included glial cells. Given the was either not stained or incompletely stained (for a recent
recent exponential increase in research into glial cells, a historical review, see [5]). Otto Deiters [6] was the first to
review discussing Cajal’s important contribution to estab- describe the arachnoid-shaped cells that were seen in the
lishing their importance in the function of the nervous white matter and were later shown to be glia. Michael von
system is timely. Lenhossék [7] introduced the term ‘astrocyte’ to refer to
The histological data for this review come from star-shaped neuroglial cells. Andriezen [8] and Albert
the Museum Ramón y Cajal (Madrid, Spain), which Koelliker [9] divided glia into two groups, fibrous glia
holds 4529 original histological preparations from Cajal and protoplasmic glia (for recent historical reviews, see
(Figure 1). About 350 of these preparations were made with [5,10–12]). Cajal adopted this classification but gave the
specific glia staining methods developed by Cajal or by name ‘astrocyte’ to both cell types [1]. The differences
contemporaneous scientists, including Golgi, Weigert and between these two types take into account the configur-
Rı́o-Hortega. Included in this review are previously unseen ation and number of their processes and their localization.
images of glial cells taken from Cajal’s slides. Some of The processes of fibrous astrocytes are fewer and longer
Cajal’s studies of glial cells are summarized in his Histo- and branch less frequently and at a more acute angle than
logie [1], although other, less well-known papers are also those of protoplasmic astrocytes. Protoplasmic astrocytes
included in this article. are found mainly in gray matter, whereas fibrous astro-
In present terminology, glial cells are classified into two cytes occur mainly in the white matter of the brain and
main groups: microglia and macroglia [2]. Macroglia are spinal cord.
subdivided into four specialized cell types: ependymal Most of the methods available a century ago for staining
cells, Schwann cells, oligodendroglia and astroglia. Astro- astrocytes were complex and most effective at staining
glia include astrocytes, marginal glia, radial glia in the fibrous astrocytes in white matter; they stained protoplas-
developing brain and spinal cord, Bergmann cells in the mic astrocytes poorly [13]. Frustrated by the lack of an
cerebellar cortex, Müller cells in the retina, pituicytes in effective stain for protoplasmic astrocytes, Cajal experi-
the neurohypophysis and tanycytes in the hypothalamus mented with different approaches and succeeded in devel-
[2]. In this review, we will show that Cajal paid special oping the sublimated gold chloride method [14]. Cajal’s
attention to glial cells, not only from a morphological point method allowed the nucleus and other intracellular
of view but also in relation to their physiological role in the elements to be better visualized – Golgi’s impregnation
nervous system. Some of the glial functions that Cajal technique and related approaches did not distinguish these
Corresponding author: Garcı́a-Marı́n, V. ( elements from the dark staining of the background. On
Available online 31 August 2007. studying Cajal’s slides, it is clear that if a particular 0166-2236/$ – see front matter ß 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.tins.2007.06.008
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480 Review TRENDS in Neurosciences Vol.30 No.9

astrocytes, including their capacity for division and their

contacts with other astrocytes, neurons and blood vessels
through their endfeet, but he realized that correctly
answering the question ‘What is the function of glia?’ would
require improved techniques. In the last few years, such
cellular and physiological techniques have been developed
and have confirmed some proposals of these pioneer neu-
Figure 1. One of Cajal’s original histological preparations. The handwriting on the
label reads: ‘glia plata cerebro y cerebelo gato b’ (glia silver cerebral cortex and Division capability of astrocytes
cerebellum cat b) (inventory number (IN) of preparation: 80028). Some histological preparations and drawings show pairs of
astrocytes joined by their soma; Cajal named such pairs as
structure or cell interested him, he became quite driven to ‘astrocitos gemelos’ (twin astrocytes) (Figure 2a). Such
find a way of staining it; he would apply all methods profiles can be observed in the dentate gyrus of the adult
available and modify them if necessary to obtain the best human hippocampus. Cajal interpreted these observations
result. Table 1 summarizes these methods and includes the as being of astrocytes that had recently divided, and he
main components of the chemical reactions used and the speculated that astrocytes might retain their ability to
kind of cell impregnated. An example of one of Cajal’s divide, unlike neurons, which lose this capability during
original slides is shown in Figure 1. the differentiation process [26]. Some decades later, obser-
vations in rats sacrificed 1 h after injection of H3-thymidine
Main functions that Cajal attributed to astrocytes (so that actively dividing cells would be stained) revealed
Astrocytes develop many functions in the nervous system some labeled astrocytes in the corpus callosum and thereby
(such functions include structural and metabolic support, showed that at least some astrocytes have the ability to
transmitter reuptake and release, regulation of concen- divide [27]. However, astrocytes mostly derive from glial
tration of different ions in the extracellular space, modu- cell progenitors of the subventricular zone [28,29]. Astro-
lation of synaptic transmission, blood-flow control, etc.). cytes generate not only other astrocytes but also neurons.
However, many of these functions, such as the supplying of Radial glial-like astrocytes in the subgranular layer (SGL)
nutrients to neurons [23], the removal of toxic waste of the hippocampal dentate gyrus generate dentate gran-
products of neuronal metabolism [24] and the regulation ule neurons and possibly some GABAergic neurons
of synaptic activity [24,25], were proposed more than a throughout life [30–32]. This is the same location where
century ago. Cajal proposed other interesting functions for Cajal observed his twin astrocytes.

Table 1. Staining methods that Cajal employed to observe different kinds of glial cells
Method Glial type Figs Refs a
Golgi Protoplasmic and fibrous astrocytes fully impregnated in black. 5b,c [13]
Fixation: osmium acid + potassium dichromate Astrocytic endfeet.
Impregnation: silver nitrate Radial glial cells.
Golgi-Cox Protoplasmic and fibrous astrocytes fully impregnated in black. 2b [14]
Fix.: mercuric chloride + potassium dichromate Astrocytic endfeet.
Impreg: silver nitrate
Golgi-Kenyon Protoplasmic and fibrous astrocytes fully impregnated in dark red. 2a [15]
Fix.: formalin + potassium dichromate Astrocytic endfeet.
Impreg.: silver nitrate Oligodendrocytes impregnated in dark red.
Formol-uranium nitrate Protoplasmic and fibrous astrocytes. 2c, 3a [16]
Fix.: formalin + urano nitrate Endfeet, gliosomes.
Impreg.: silver nitrate (gold toning
Gold sublimated method Protoplasmic and fibrous astrocytes. Glial protoplasm, glial filaments and 2d [17]
astrocytic endfeet.
Fix.: formalin ammonium bromide
Impreg.: gold chloride + mercuric bichloride
Silver carbonate Protoplasmic and fibrous astrocytes. Glial protoplasm. 2f, 4i [18]
Fix.: formalin ammonium bromide Oligodendrocytes – only simple types.
Impreg.: silver nitrate + litina carbonate Microglial – all types fully impregnated.
Ammoniacal silver oxide Protoplasmic and fibrous astrocytes. Glial protoplasm. 2e, 4e,g [19]
Fix.: formalin ammonium bromide Endfeet, glial filaments.
Impreg.: ammoniacal silver oxide + pyridine Microglial cells, especially under pathological conditions.
Reduced silver nitrate Microglial cells not fully impregnated. 4h [20]
Fix.: formalin ammonium bromide
Impreg.: silver nitrate + pyridine
Golgi-Rı́o-Hortega Oligodendrocytes – all types 4f [21]
Fix.: potassium dichromate + chloral hydrate +
Impreg.: silver nitrate
References indicate the first publication of the method; later modifications are not cited.
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Review TRENDS in Neurosciences Vol.30 No.9 481

could not observe the movement of glial cells, he could

observe different lengths of astrocytic processes across
different astrocytes, and he proposed his theory of glia
ameboidism. One of Cajal’s principal values was his prodi-
gious imagination. Although he only observed static images
by optical microscopy, his descriptions of the nervous system
are very dynamic and animated and create, in the words of
Sherrington, ‘alive scenes’. He applied glial dynamics to two
different topics: attention and sleep–wake states.
Astrocytes have numerous endfeet that make contact
with one or more blood vessels. It has been demonstrated
that these endfeet play a role in cerebral metabolic traffic
between neurons and intracerebral blood vessels [40].
Figure 2. (a) Cajal’s drawing of astrocytes (indicated by ‘A’) in the pyramidal layer Cajal studied astrocytic endfeet with different methods
of the human hippocampus (indicated by ‘D’), twin astrocytes (indicated by ‘B’)
and a satellite cell called the ‘third element’ by Cajal (indicated by ‘a’). Sublimated
(Figure 3a–e; Figure 4c). Based on the close relationship
gold chloride method. (b) Different astrocytes (indicated by ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’ and ‘D’) between astrocytic endfeet and blood vessels and the
surrounding neuronal somas in the pyramidal layer of the human hippocampus. variability in the length of astrocytic processes, Cajal
Sublimated gold chloride method.
proposed that astrocytes could produce either vasodilata-
tion or vasoconstriction in arterioles through movements of
Role of astrocytic endfeet in control of blood-vessel their endfeet. Furthermore, he suggested that this mech-
dilatation anism could explain the process of attention [25]
With the development of modern microscopy, it has been (Figure 4a,c). Astrocytes associated with arterioles could
possible to observe the movement of neurons and glial cells. retract their endfeet, resulting in arterial dilatation and an
However, the movement of the nervous system had already increase in the supply of nutrients to a specific region of the
been observed in Cajal’s time by Wiedersheim in 1890 [33], brain (such an increase is needed during attentional
and it was the basis of different theories about neuronal switching) and explaining functional hyperemia, described
ameboidism [34–36] (see recent review in [37]). Cajal also years before by Angello Mosso and Charles Sherrington
was one of the first scientists to develop a dynamic concept of [41]. When neurons are highly activated in a specific area of
neurons (1892–1894) [38,39], and later he extended these the brain, blood flow and glucose uptake in that region
concepts to astrocytes (1895) [25]. Although he obviously increase in a temporally and spatially coordinated manner

Figure 3. Protoplasmic astrocytes from Cajal’s original slides impregnated by the Golgi-Cox method (a), formol-uranium nitrate method (c), gold chloride sublimated
method (d) and silver carbonated method (f). Fibrous astrocytes impregnated by the Golgi-Kenyon method (b) and ammoniacal silver oxide method (e). Abbreviations:
a = astrocytes, bv = blood vessels, ef = endfeet, gf = gliofilaments, n = neuron, p = processes. The scale bar represents 25 mm (INs: 84511, 84528, 80034, 800155, 80168 and
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482 Review TRENDS in Neurosciences Vol.30 No.9

Figure 4. (a) Attention mechanism. (i) Astrocytes associated with capillaries could contract their endfeet, resulting in capillary dilatation and thus increasing the amount of
nutrients in a specific region of the brain. (ii) During the relaxation phase, astrocyte processes will elongate, causing vasoconstriction in a brain region when attention is not
necessary. (b) Wakefulness–sleep process. (i) During wakefulness, the astrocytes have their processes contracted so the neurons can contact each other and there will be a flow
of the nervous current. (ii) If astrocytes extend the processes between neurons, they will act as a sort of circuit breaker, preventing contact between neurons and inducing sleep.
(c) Cajal’s drawing of fibrous astrocytes of human cerebral cortex surrounding a blood vessel. The original slide was impregnated by the sublimated gold chloride method.

to meet the enhanced local metabolic demand [42]. Cajal (Figure 2; Figure 3d). Cajal observed that glial processes
proposed that during periods of increased metabolic appeared to be consistently arranged in a fashion that
demand, astrocytes dilated vessels by mechanical move- prevented contact among unmyelinated axons and den-
ments. This dilation could be reversible, and astrocytes drites at points where functional separation between those
could cause vasoconstriction when attention is not necess- elements was needed. If contact between dendrites and
ary [25]. It has recently been observed that during high non-myelinated fibers were prevented, nerve impulses
synaptic activity, glutamate provokes a response in astro- between those neurons would be blocked [47]. Cajal’s
cytes, which release vasoactive agents, presumably from brother Pedro Ramón had previously suggested that astro-
their endfeet; this response is mediated by an increase in cytes could physically insulate against the passage of
intracellular Ca2+ concentration [43,44]. This could lead to neuronal impulses [48], and this hypothesis received
vasodilation by relaxing the smooth-muscle cells of arter- strong support from Cajal [49]. After the discovery of
ioles. By contrast, Mulligan and MacVicar, by using two- myelin as an insulating material, Cajal considered that,
photon Ca2+ uncaging, have found that an increase in the in the white matter, there were two ‘insulators’, myelin and
available Ca2+ concentration within astrocytes produces a astrocytes, whereas in the gray matter, protoplasmic astro-
constriction of nearby arterioles and thus decreases local cytes were the only insulating material [49]. Nevertheless,
blood flow [45]. These apparently controversial results two years later he withdrew this view of astrocytes func-
could be caused by differences in the preparation of the tioning as insulators [1].
brain slices used for the experiments. The conditions of Despite changing his opinion on astrocytes as
brain slices in vitro (i.e., the presence of blood flow, arterial insulators, Cajal retained the belief that astrocytes were
pressure, synaptic activity and metabolic demands) are in some way modulating or interfering with neuronal
very different from in vivo conditions. Recently, Takano function. In a theoretical article published in 1895, Cajal
et al. [46], also using in vivo two-photon Ca2+ uncaging, also proposed a possible role for astrocytes in the sleep–
have described vasodilation of arterioles mediated by pho- wake cycle; he suggested that astrocytes in the gray
tolysis of glutamate in live mice. matter might represent a switch that connects (wakeful-
Although the contraction or relaxation of blood vessels is ness) or disconnects (sleep) the nervous ‘current’
probably not mediated by astrocytic-process contraction or (Figure 4b [25]. He proposed that during waking, astro-
elongation but by release of vasoactive agents from astro- cytes have their processes retracted, so neurons can
cytes, it is necessary to recognize the merit of Cajal’s contact each other and the nervous current can flow.
proposal of astrocytic control of hyperemia, when he had However, when astrocytes extend their processes among
only observed static light-microscopy images. neurons, they would act as a sort of circuit breaker,
preventing the contact between neurons and thus indu-
The astrocyte–neuron relationship cing sleep.
Cajal’s histological slides and drawings clearly illustrate Although the function of astrocytes in natural sleep
astrocytic processes surrounding the body of neurons has not been proven, the mechanism that Cajal proposed
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Review TRENDS in Neurosciences Vol.30 No.9 483

for these functions (interposition between synapses) has cells [67]. Nowadays, it is easy to distinguish between
been echoed by modern studies across various brain microglial cells and oligodendrocytes by the application
areas. In the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus, estra- of antibodies as specific cell markers [64,65].
diol induces a transient growth of astrocytic processes at In 1896, Cajal observed some small cells that apparently
the end of proestrus [50–52]. In the magnocellular nuclei, lacked processes. Because of their close association with
under conditions of intense neurohypohysial hormone neuronal somata, he named them ‘satellite cells’ and con-
secretion (e.g. lactation, parturition, chronic dehydrata- sidered them to be a new type of glial cell [66] (Figure 2a,b).
tion), the glial coverage of neurons decreases in the Cajal applied alternative staining methods to confirm the
vicinity of synapses [53–56]. This results in an alteration presence of the perineuronal adendritic cells and extended
of glutamate clearance and also in a decrease of gluta- this observation to the satellite cells of the astrocytes, blood
matergic neurotransmission [57]. Great motility of astro- vessels and other adendritic cells in the white matter [26]
glial process endings, mediated by lamellipodia and (see Table 2). Cajal grouped all of them under the general
filopodia, has been observed with two-photon microscopy term of ‘third element’ of the nervous centers in 1913 [26].
[58]. Neurons were considered the first element and astrocytes
In conclusion, the astrocyte–neuron partnership is not the second. The drawings and Cajal’s original slides shown
static but shows dynamic transformations that might be in Figure 5a–c summarize some of the main shapes Cajal
essential for synaptic plasticity and the modulation of proposed for his third element [26]. Cajal considered that
neurotransmission. In recent years, further mechanisms all of these elements could have either mesodermic or
of communication between neurons and astrocytes have ectodermic origin.
been observed. It has been shown that astrocytic excit- In 1920, Rı́o-Hortega obtained clearer images of the
ability varies with changes in intracellular Ca2+ concen- morphology of these adendritic cells both in gray matter
tration [59]. Astrocytes might sense the activity of and white matter by applying a new method [19]. He
neighboring synapses and respond to neurotransmitters divided Cajal’s third element into two different types of
released by synaptic terminals. Their response might cells, microglia and interfascicular glia [67]. In microglial
induce an increase in the intracellular Ca2+ concentration cells he included some satellite cells of gray matter and
in adjacent glial cells, and this increase might in turn some of the adendritic cells in white matter, which Cajal
lead to the release of various transmitters, such as glu- had previously described. Rı́o-Hortega also described the
tamate [60,61]. These gliotransmitters could mediate transformation of microglia from an inactive state to the
intercellular signaling between astrocytes and neurons phagocytic ameboid form and their final transformation
(for recent review, see [62]). The functional significance of into granular cells in response to a threat such as infection.
these morphological and physiological findings in the He classified the rows of adendritic cells that Cajal had
modulation of nervous transmission has generated the previously found in white matter (see Table 2) as inter-
concept of ‘tripartite synapse’, whereby the synapse is fascicular glia [67]. With regard to embryonic origin, Rı́o-
functionally constituted by three elements: the presyn- Hortega suggested that microglia had a mesodermal ori-
aptic cell, the postsynaptic neuron and the surrounding gin, whereas interfascicular glia and astrocytes were of
astrocytes [63]. ectodermal descent [67]. Because of their distinct origin
and function, Rı́o-Hortega considered microglia to be the
Cajal’s ‘third element’ third element of the nervous system [67].
The ‘third element’ is a general and ambiguous term that After Hortega’s work, Cajal applied different methods to
Cajal used to describe a group of adendritic cells that study microglia [19–21], although the best technique for
seemed devoid of processes, probably because of incom- staining microglia was still Hortega’s method (Figure 5g–
plete staining methods. Rı́o-Hortega demonstrated that i). Cajal confirmed Hortega’s work, but he continued think-
these cells were indeed oligodendrocytes and microglial ing that the third element comprised different types of

Table 2. The identity of Cajal’s ’third element’

Author Method Identity Observations
Cajal, 1896 - Nissl - Satellite cells - Small cells lacking processes and in close association with neuronal somata
Cajal, 1913 - Formol uranium - Third element - Gray matter (satellite to neurons, astrocytes and blood vessels)
nitrate - White matter (satellite to astrocytes and blood vessels and in rows along nerve
- Sublimated gold fascicles; star-shaped cells; fusiform cells with an elongated nucleus and
chloride protoplasm; dwarf cells with a pyknotic nucleus)

Rı́o-Hortega, - Silver carbonate - Microglia - Fusiform cells with an elongated nucleus and protoplasm, as described by Cajal
1920 - Interfascicular glia - Rows of cells along nerve fascicles, as described by Cajal

Cajal, 1920 - Modification of - Microglia - Adendritic cells (including those close to blood vessels and dwarf cells) and
reduced silver nitrate - Interfascicular glia microglia
- Ammoniacal silver - Other distinct
oxide adendritic cells
- Silver carbonate
Rı́o-Hortega, - Golgi-Hortega - Oligodendrocytes - Oligodendrocytes (including the satellite cells, interfascicular glia, adendritic
1921–1928 cells close to blood vessels and dwarf cells described by Cajal)
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484 Review TRENDS in Neurosciences Vol.30 No.9

Figure 5. Drawing and microphotographs from Cajal’s original histological preparations. (a) Astrocyte (indicated by ‘A’) and adendritic cells. The sample was taken from a
cat, and the original slide was impregnated by the formol-uranium method. (b) Heterothypical glial cells, big pale cell (indicated by ‘a’) and dwarf cells. The sample was
taken from a man, and the original slide was impregnated by the reduced silver nitrate method. (c) Astrocyte (indicated by ‘A’), perivascular adendritic cell (indicated by ‘a’),
adendritic cell (indicated by ‘b’), fusiform elements (indicated by ‘C’ and ‘D’) and oval nucleus with some rests of glial protoplasm (indicated by ‘d’). The original sample was
taken from a child who died from tuberculosis [26]. Oligodendrocytes impregnated by the Nissl method (d), ammoniacal silver oxide method (e) and Golgi-Hortega method
(f). Microglia impregnated by the ammoniacal silver oxide method (g), reduced silver nitrated method (h) and silver carbonate method (i). Abbreviations: m = microglial
cells; n = neuron; o = oligodendrocytes; p = senile plaque. The scale bar represents 10 mm. (INs: 81206, 80049, 84480, 82127, 80443 and 84467).

cells, including microglia, interfascicular glia and other morphological and functional concerns but also a problem
distinct adendritic cells, particularly perivascular adendri- with scientific terminology.
tic cells and the dwarf cells described in white matter (see
Table 2). Because this latter group of adendritic cells could Radial glial cells
not be easily visualized with any known staining tech- Radial glia (RG) were first fully visualized by Golgi (1885),
niques, Cajal considered them to constitute a special cell Magini (1888), Cajal (1889), Kölliker (1896) and other
type with undiscovered functions and called this cell type scientists (for a recent review, see [71,72]). These authors
the ‘real third element’ [68,69]. observed radial cylindrical epithelial cells covering the
Rı́o-Hortega made further contributions to the study of whole section of either the spinal cord or the cerebral
this problem in 1921 and 1928. Via a modification of the cortex and reaching the peripheral border close to the
Golgi-Hortega method, he described the small adendritic pia mater. Cajal called these cells spongioblasts, whereas
cells that Cajal considered the real third element and other contemporary scientists used different names, such
called them ‘oligodendrocytes’ [22,70]. Among oligodendro- as epithelial cells, radial cells, and so on. Rakic (1972)
cytes (Figure 5f), Rı́o-Hortega also included some satellite introduced the term ‘radial glia’ in his classic descriptions
cells that Cajal had identified adjacent to neurons in gray of neuronal migration in the neocortex of fetal primates
matter (Figure 5d) and the interfascicular glia found in [73].
between nerve fibers of the white matter (Figure 5e). A pivotal role has been suggested for RG in the
As we have seen, the development of the classification of construction of the nervous system: first, providing a scaf-
different glial cells has been a complex process, involving fold for migrating neurons and second, participating in
not only methodological (different staining methods), the generation of diverse brain cells [74]. Some of these
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Review TRENDS in Neurosciences Vol.30 No.9 485

Figure 6. (a) Drawing of radial glial cells from the spinal cord of a 9-day-old chick. (b) RG from the spinal cord of a 3-day-old chick. (‘a’ = dorsal; ‘b’ = ventral; ‘v’ = ventricle;
the scale bar represents 25 mm). (c) RG from the optic lobe of an adult lizard (the scale bar represents 50 mm); impregnation with Golgi method. (INs 84425 and 80624)

functions were first suggested more than a century ago by confirmed that RG transform into astrocytes in most avian
Cajal and his colleagues. and mammalian CNS regions [81–84].
Cajal described the morphology of RG by using the Cajal observed that RG persist through adulthood in
Golgi method in the spinal cord [75] (Figure 6b). Magini lower vertebrates and that they are the dominant glial
proposed that these cells acted as a scaffold for migrating form in reptiles (Figure 6c) [85]. However, in the adult
neurons. He observed that the radial filaments exhibit mammalian stage, most of the RG disappear, with a few
many swellings or round varicosities of various sizes on exceptions where they adapt to the local functional require-
their course. He hypothesized that these spherical cells ments and spatial conditions and become specialized astro-
(the varicosities) probably represented the future nerve cytic cell types (e.g. the Bergmann glial cells of the
cells of the cerebral cortex (see [72] for a recent review). In cerebellum, or the Müller cells of the retina) [74]. Because
the early 1970s, Rakic used a combination of Golgi impreg- neurogenesis continues in adult cold-blooded vertebrates,
nation and reconstructions from electron microscopy a close correlation between the presence of RG and neu-
serial sections to observe migrating neurons along the rogenesis has been suggested. Recent studies in avian and
RG fibers [73,76]. mammalian brains also indicate that RG function as
In Cajal’s Histologie [1], we learn that at that time the neural progenitors and perhaps as stem cells [86].
spinal cord at its earliest stages was considered to be
constituted of elongated epithelial cells arranged in a Conclusions
single layer, that is, neuroepithelial cells, by current ter- More than one hundred years ago, Cajal proposed a
minology. Among these epithelial cells, there are scattered physiological role for glial cells. Astrocytes were initially
spherical elements with mitotic figures, which His had considered as ‘brain glue’, providing an inert scaffold
named germinal cells. For His, germinal cells represented necessary for neuronal distribution and interactions.
specific elements from which the neuroblasts derive exclu- However, it is only in the past few years that new functions
sively. However, Cajal observed that the number of epi- have been revealed for astrocytes; such functions include
thelial cells increased notably after the differentiation of the control of synapse formation and function, adult neu-
germinal cells, and he proposed that germinal cells were rogenesis and brain vascular tone. Some of these ‘new’
undifferentiated forms that could give rise to both epi- functions had already been proposed by Cajal but could not
thelial cells and neuroblasts. Moreover, Cajal observed be tested. Cajal found that the nervous system included a
transitional phases between spongioblasts and neuro- new cell type, which he called the third element. Rı́o-
blasts in very early stages of development of the chick Hortega, using specific methods, determined that this
spinal cord. This led him to consider the possibility that third element was actually composed of two cell types,
some epithelial elements might become neuroblasts. Only oligodendrocytes and microglia. Finally, some of Cajal’s
in recent years has this point been confirmed, when it was main ideas, that is, the evolution of RG to astrocytes and
observed that RG are not only astrocyte progenitors but their neurogenic potential, have recently been corrobo-
also neuronal progenitors in the central nervous system rated. As we have seen in the field of glial research, the
(CNS) [77–80]. scientific work of Cajal is still a rich source of hypotheses
Cajal described the differentiation of RG into fibrillary waiting to be tested.
or protoplasmic astrocytes after they have ceased their
guiding function during neurogenesis (Figure 6a) [1,64]. Acknowledgements
According to Cajal, astrocyte morphology depends on the We gratefully acknowledge Adolfo Martinez, and especially Sian Lewis
place where the RG ends its evolution. Influenced by and Helen Barbour, for their invaluable help with editing the manuscript.
We also acknowledge Javier DeFelipe and Luis Miguel Garcı́a-Segura for
neuronal activity, astrocytes placed in gray matter devel-
their critical reading of the manuscript. Original drawings from the
oped their processes among the thin processes of neurons; Museum Cajal are reproduced with permission from the Inheritors of
however, an astrocyte situated in white matter acquired Santiago Ramón y Cajalß. The authors are supported by the Spanish
long and smooth processes [1]. Recent studies have Ministry of Science and the Areces Foundation.
Author's personal copy

486 Review TRENDS in Neurosciences Vol.30 No.9

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