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By Martika Dupigny-Williams

Social Media

Twitter is a popular platform primarily used by people aged 15-24 which fits into
our target audience. By creating a Twitter page, this is beneficial towards us as it
keeps our audience up to date with information regarding the progress of our
film. We chose to use Twitter as our primary source because the site is constantly
developing and it has implemented functions such as questionnaires. This allows
us to gather input from our target audience which ensures that our film will meet
the needs of our consumers. As well as this, there is a new feature called
promoted tweets which is a free marketing tool that will also allow us to
engage with our followers. These are displayed at the top of our audiences
twitter feed which will ensure our tweets are seen and enough input is gathered.
From using this social media platform, it will benefit us as a production company
as we would have used feedback received and implemented ideas/strategies into
creating our film. By doing this we will increase the quality of the overall
production. As well as this, when proceeding from each stage of the production
process, communication wont be lost meaning the directors initial intentions
will also be met. Following the completion of our production, this page will
include content such as posters created to market the film. This will generate a
hype prior to its release.

By Martika Dupigny-Williams

Facebook is another popular platform primarily used by people aged 25-34. Our
production companys target audience is a mixed gender of people aged 15-35
and this will enable us to appeal to our older viewers. By creating a Facebook
page, we can document progress regarding the film as its interactive like Twitter.
Facebook has the largest user activity across all social media information and it
can spread to multiple users at once. Therefore, this site is another primary
source of information helping us towards having a better outcome for our film
from giving us increased exposure.
By creating a Facebook page, this will benefit our production company as
information posted will give audience members more of an insight into the film
itself. This will generate the hype needed to ensure its success when released.
Facebook is a platform thats easily accessible on multiple devices such as
mobiles and desktops. As well as this, its completely free which is beneficial with
my groups low budget of 60. Furthermore, from using this form of social media
during each stage of the production process, this will allow us to build up our
following while keeping our current one interested in order to create a successful
short film.

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