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I want to start a business but I don't have money.

do I do?

49 Answers

Daniel-Flavius Lucica, Thought Leader

Written May 2, 2016

You have two options:

Pay with time first. Bootstrap, learn and create a business.
Get the money:

If you have knowledge sell your knowledge.

If you have skills sell your services.
If you have neither, but can sell, sell other people's products/services for a
If you cannot sell, get a job and learn sales. Read relevant books on your
spare time.
If you don't succeed at any of those things, start working on your mind. You are probably

Master your mind. The mind is split into two: the conscious and the
subconscious. The subconscious is what really matters, what produces the
results, but it cannot tell right from wrong. The conscious on the other hand
can, thus the conflict. The conscious mind exists just to act as a gatekeeper for
the subconscious. Obviously you don't want the wrong things to make it
through. Duality (right-wrong, good-bad, big-small, easy- hard) exists only in
the conscious mind. During your "formation years" you got by default a lot of
beliefs from the people around you (family, friends, teachers, colleagues, media
Dream big and have a vision. White down the why behind your goal.
This should be meaningful to you. Try with more things until you hit a home
run. You need to get inspired by your goal. Your goal should be a mission to
serve, to make a difference. Otherwise you are not going to take action. It's just
going to be wishful thinking. This is the process that will inspire you to take
action. It will come naturally as an idea or an urge to do something towards
your goal.


Think creatively. The industrial revolution created "robotic mindsets"

focus mainly on fulfilling pointless and repetitive tasks. A direct effect of that
was a generalized creative thought atrophy:
Some years ago, the late Nobel prize-winning Dr. Albert Schweitzer
was asked by a reporter, Doctor, whats wrong with men today? The great
doctor was silent a moment, and then he said, Men simply dont think! - Earl
Nightingale, The Strangest Secret (1956)
The findings showed: 2% of the people think, 3% of the people think
they think and 95% of the people would rather die than think. If you don't
believe those numbers I challenge you next weekend to just sit down and think
creatively for 8 hours. After 1 hour you wish you would be working.
8.9k Views View Upvotes

Michael L.F. Slavin, Self made Millionaire

Updated May 2, 2016

You can do it! I was broke, I raised $203,000 in 3 weeks. I did not put any money into
the business (I didn't have any). 3 1/2 years later I had my first million dollars in the
bank. I have repeated this message in many answers, but I will try to add something new
if I can.
Your question is about money, not about the idea so I will focus on that.
First who will not give you money:
A bank loan-No. They will give you a personal loan based on your personal
credit f you qualify, but they have no interest in your business idea or business
Venture capital-No. Just incase you were wondering, venture capitalist
fund about 1% of the deals they see. And it has to meet very specific
parameters, so do not waste your time.
SBA Loans-No. If you have no real money now, I am assuming you will not
qualify. The requirements are about the same as a standard bank loan you just
get more favorable terms since the SBA will guarantee part of the loan.
Friends and family-No. I assume you would have done that if you could.
Angle investors-Maybe. These are generally people who are sophisticated
and will often invest in groups. They will fund many more deals that a venture
capitalist, but they will slap be very tough. You will have to display a high level
of sophistication in your ability to perform. A great team will be a big benefit.
Of course you need a throughly researched business plan, and it needs to be
more than just an idea. I do think you might find some potential investors
where you do not have to put money in, if you really have none to invest. You
will have to jump through some hoops, be prepared. I will say if you can make a
few presentations you may get some great feedback that could make your plan
Where I got money and you can too- Undiscovered Investors-Yes.


Everyday people-These are everyday people you may or may not know
already. This can be acquaintances or strangers. You would be shocked at how

many people could and will write you a check for $25,000 or more to take a
chance on your business, if you project excitement and confidence. It is not just
doctors and lawyers, but everyone you run into could invest with you.
Elevator Pitch-Get a short elevator pitch down with some excitement that
also hits a greed button that you can ask anyone anywhere-the car wash,
grocery store, bakery, coffee shop, in line at the movies-anywhere. If you have
affiliations talk to those contacts too, even if you did not know them before,
college alumni, church members, your bowling team, etc. Often you will only
need a few people so do not get discouraged by all the no thank you's you will
Behind the Elvator Pitch-A Sound Business Plan-Your do not need a
100 page business plan, what is more important is a lll the assumptions and
research behind it. But you will need to follow up with a plan for people who
are interested. They will go to projections first, so make 3 examples, best,
average, and a lower one. You will need an execution page, it can be simple,
they sign up and write you a check. Keep this money separate from any other
money you have, open a business account and put the money in there-do not
co-mingle accounts. Your projections will be to a large degree how you justify
how much people get for their investment.
Extra Responsibility-Because you are talking to people who do not invest
in a business venture everyday, you have additional responsibility to tray these
people fairly. Make sure you are really prepared, you have a sound business
plan, and have done all the research you can.
Signing them up-I suggest you get an attorney when it is time. You can
write your business plan and make a simple subscription agreement. You could
also probably get an attorney to look over your work, with the contingent that
he gets paid when you raise the money. You may have to look around, but
someone will probably do this.
There you go, good luck!
Note: You might want to read my reply to a comment, there is some good information
Michael L. F. Slavin Author of 5 time award winning One Million in the Bank: How To
Make $1,000,000 With Your Own Business, Even If You Have No Money Or Experience
54.2k Views View Upvotes

Tommy Mello, Primary owner on 14 LLCs, and expected to do over 20 million combined
this year
Written Wed

Dont do it.
Give up.
It will never work.
You're still here?
Good, that means you're motivated enough to get through all the negative press. Such
statements can come from friends and family not to mention yourself.
However, if you have the audacity to set yourself apart and want to turn your goals and
visions into a real success, then keep reading. Ive got some insights to share with you.
You Can Only Achieve What You Believe
Many people are doing this right now with great success.
Will it take endurance?
Will it take sacrifice?
The answer is yes! All the above and a lot more.
I have a friend who I am watching as his own dreams turn into reality.
He left Corporate America about 90 days ago, even though his sideline work barely
makes enough to keep the lights on. Just yesterday he turned down a $600 monthly

addition to his income because that was not aligned with what he wants to achieve in his
Financially, it was a huge sacrifice.
However, he knew that the time invested in this other activity would distract him from
pursuing his dream.
You Dont Have to Be All In
You dont have to risk everything quite as drastically as my friend is choosing to do.
In fact, if you feel more comfortable holding onto your day job while building forward
your dreams then do that.
HOT TIP: When starting a business without any capital, assess the level of risk that you
are open to and target that. Perhaps you need a hobby instead of a business. Perhaps not.
For many a hobby has turned into a business success story when given its proper time
and place.
Pursue Your Passions
There are millions of different businesses you can start on and off the Web. You can also
create your own niche that no one has ever thought of before.
The question that matters in the end is...
What are you passionate about?
That answer is what unlocked the door to successful business opportunities for many
entrepreneurs. All you need, in-order to accomplish this is passion and hard work.
What you are passionate about may look like an addiction to others.
Thats fine. Let them say what they will while you remain laser focused on your intended
Their Dreams of Wilted Roses
You see, those who would be telling you it cant be done, have a history of their own.
Someone else, somewhere else at another time told them that it could not be done and
they believed in that story. Instead of proving their accuser wrong they allowed
everything to come crashing down.
Now it is there turn to exchange the favor in the words that they speak to your dreams,
your visions, your goals.
Will you let them?
The choice really is up to you.
What Will You Do?

Once you have determined your course forward, do not deviate. There will be those that
attempt to dissuade and diffuse you.
Ignore them.
Your dreams are yours. They may seem crazy to someone else, but that is because they
are your dreams, not theirs.
Bring them to life by creating a plan that makes sense to your individual mission. Set
goals. Create milestones. But most of all, move forward. Relentless execution is the only
way to make your dreams come true.
Dont Give Up
Once your path is set and your destination is sure. Refuse to give up even when the path
ahead looks treacherous.
I have a friend who lives in Norther Idaho in a TeePee in the dead of winter.
Some think he and his wife are a couple cards short of a full deck.
I dont.
I know he has a plan and a purpose.
I know he is set on making a difference.
I know.
And the world needs more and more people like that roaming its surface.
Assess Your Goals
While in full motion take time to look at the direction for which you are moving.
While quitting is not an option, you may find it necessary to adjust your compass based
on the feedback you get along the way.
Being willing and able adapt is a key ingredient from successful entrepreneurs. There
may come a time when closing the doors becomes necessary. However, if you are truly
passionate about what you are doing, then you can almost also find alternate paths for
which to move forward.
Integration by Design
You should know that you have a major advantage in your favor that did not exist,
The Internet is the home of many successful stories. Utilizing its reach and your power of
influence things can escalate really quickly.
Within the confines of a traditional brink and mortar endeavor one can project 3 to 5
years before meeting monetary success.

To that end, should you move forward (and I hope you do), be sure to include the Web in
your grand strategy.
Closing Thoughts
Everything said, if you have a vision, goal and plan, then pursue it.
If you have a passion that motivates you to stay up late, then follow it.
What you do and how you do it is a very personal thing.
In the end, even those naysayers who discouraged you way back at the beginning will
appreciate your work once you get the results.
13.8k Views View Upvotes

Sebastiaan Hooft, In 2015, US News called me one of the most constant successful
Written May 14, 2016

Change your perspective to: I want to start a business AND I dont have money.
Youll need to go one of two ways;

Start a business that doesnt require any investment. You can do that today.
For example, you could start via Get Everything You Need Starting at $5 Fiverr (and read The Power of Broke: How Empty Pockets, a
Tight Budget, and a Hunger for Success Can Become Your Greatest
Competitive Advantage (9781101903599): Daymond John, Daniel Paisner:
Books for inspiration)
Start a business that does require an investment. Youd need to work on a
plan to convince investors to invest in you (or a bank to lend you money). You
could start with reading Venture Deals: Be Smarter Than Your Lawyer and
Venture Capitalist (9781118443613): Brad Feld, Jason Mendelson, Dick
Costolo: Books to find out if raising venture capital would be your thing.
1.5k Views View Upvotes Answer requested by Mathew Martinez

Tim Berry, Created Palo Alto Software and grew it to 30+ people and $5 million+ sales
without outside investment.
Written May 15, 2016 Upvoted by Jonathan Brodsky, SVP, Chicken Soup for the Soul; fmr Dir of
Corp Dev, 1800flowers; 2x start-up-er

I see some real good answers here already, and the question is lacking critical details
like what business, or what kind of business, where, and what education and experience
you already have but, since you asked, Ill just add some thoughts.

First, dont think for a second that all those millions and millions of other people who
started business did have money. Not having money is the normal condition, not the
exception. So in one sense, what you do is what all the rest of us did. You are the rule,
not the exception.
Second, as several answers already suggest, many businesses dont require
money. Get going. Do a service. Write. Consult. Clean houses. Mow lawns. Create
logos and images and graphics for businesses. Do html programming. Do social media.
Dont sit around thinking you are held back for lack of money. Start doing something to
earn money.
Third, if you are still young, or young enough, and you have the luxury of choice (not
everyone does) then focus on education. Get your education now to have options
Fourth, if you see a business opportunity that requires money, start spending time, and
doing the work, to create an investment opportunity later. Gather a team. Get your
people together. Do the work, before you have money, that will make your
business worth money later. Start creating a business that can grow and make
money for you, your team, and your future investors.
Thanks for a2a
1.3k Views View Upvotes Answer requested by Tony Joseph

Widianto Zhu, Seeing things differently (hmm...that sounds familiar)

Written May 15, 2016

Hi, its easy.


Go to Get Everything You Need Starting at $5 - Fiverr

Browse for each category and write down gigs that you can do right away
Copy a couple of gigs and create your own. Of course, please use your own
Take for example hironan : I will draw you one realistic style cartoon portrait for $10 on, she had at least 4,887 orders + 28 that's in queue (4,915 in all) since
November 2012. If we do the math, 4,915*$9.50 (minus fiverrs $0.50 processing fee for
gigs up to $10 value) = $46,692.50.
This is May 2016, so $46,692.50/42 months = $1,111.72/month, and she had other 3
similar gigs. All you need is a particular skill that meets a demand in a timely manner.
Still may not be the business that you dream about since you won't get paid if you stop
working, but it's a good start to acquire a capital necessary to build one without asking
for a loan.
Patience you must have, my young Padawan. ~Yoda
1.4k Views View Upvotes

Mohammad Riad, IT Specialist and Forex Analyst

Written May 13, 2016

If your idea and plan of execution arent well thought out from the beginning, no amount
of money can turn it into a winner. Have a great idea but very little money? Dont let that
stop you! Yes, there will be ridiculously long days with little to no sleep. Yes, you are
going to be stressed. But those that want it bad enough will make it.
Here are eight tips that can help you get your idea off the ground with limited funds.
1. Build your business around what you know. Instead of venturing off into
uncharted territory, make sure that you build your business around your skills and
knowledge. The less you have to rely on outside sources the better. When your business
is built around your own personal expertise you can eliminate consultants and outside
Also, having that knowledge is sometimes all that is needed to successfully take the
plunge into entrepreneurship.
2. Tell everyone you know what you are doing. Inform your family, friends,
business contacts and past colleagues about your new business. Call, send emails and
make your new venture known on your social-media profiles. Your friends and family
members can help you spread the word, and past business contacts can introduce your
brand to their professional contacts as well. This type of grassroots marketing can help
introduce your company to a much larger audience.
3. Avoid unnecessary expenses. You are going to have plenty of expenses, and there
are some that just cant be avoided. What you can avoid though is overspending. Take
something as simple as business cards. You could drop $1,000 on 500 metal business
cards that give off the cool factor, or you could spend $10 on 500 traditional business
cards. Being frugal in the beginning can be the difference between success and a failed
4. Dont get buried in credit card debt. There is a smart way and a suicidal way to
use credit when starting a business. New computers, office furniture, phones and
supplies can all quickly add up. Instead of purchasing everything at once and throwing it
all on a credit card, use your companys revenue to finance your expenses. Eliminating
the stress and burden of debt will greatly increase the chances of creating a successful
business. that burn through millions of dollars only to fizzle out and shut their doors
5. Make sure your receivables policy wont sink you. If your business is a retail
operation then this isnt going to apply, but if you are providing services such as
consulting or products to retailers you need to make sure that your payment policy is
well thought out. Can you remain above water with net-15 or net-30 terms? Dont base
your receivables on what you think your customers will want. Base them on what is going
to make your business operate successfully.
6. Build up sweat equity. When I first started my business I worked around the clock,
handling every aspect of the business as well as the marketing and growth. All of the
hard work and long days that you put in isnt for nothing. You are building a brand and

your hard work is essentially increasing the value of your business. Your sweat equity
will come into play if you ever decide to sell off a piece of your company or take on a
7. Take advantage of free advertising and marketing. There are several ways to
generate a buzz for your business without breaking the bank. Social media is a great way
to gain exposure and interact with potential customers. You can also reach out to local
media and offer your expertise.
Make as many local media contacts as you can and be extremely responsive with their
requests. This can lead to them to branding you as the local authority, generating plenty
of free press for your business.
8. Get ready to hustle. Hard work is an absolute necessity, but when you are starting
a business with little to no capital then you must be prepared to dedicate everything you
have into making the business a success. This might mean cold calling, handling
customer support, dealing with billing and accounting, and every other working part of
your business. You will wear many hats and it will require the majority of your time and
energy if you are to make it.
Dont let limited capital prevent you from taking a great idea and running with it. Will it
be difficult and will you have some stressful situations? Of course, but that is part of
Have you started a business with sweat equity alone? If so, let us know about your
experiences in the comments section below. (Collected)
2k Views View Upvotes

Ira Dolgina, Co-founder & CEO at

Written May 16, 2016

Great answers! Right now Im doing exactly that - starting my own PickMomentwithout
any money. The most important thing is that while building my business, I acquire a
lot of important knowledge and skills, which actually help me to support my
One of the most important thing here is a loyal partner. If you cant pay salary, you can
find someone who would take your idea seriously and would be ready to go all the way.
Thats not easy at all, but might help big time.
Another thing is to think, plan and try some method for earning the money you
need for advertising or some other basic purposes. For example, we organize
group events and this way pay for FB ads, stuff that we cant make ourselves.
This is a real adventure. Good luck!
2.1k Views View Upvotes

Brian G. Duvall, Former CEO of two Chambers of Commerce, CEO of Smart Business
Written Jul 3, 2014

Rarely does someone say I want to start a business unless they already have an idea of
what they are going to do. You say you have no money. Are you homeless or are you
saying you don't have much money to risk on something that might not work out? If you
aren't prepared to risk your own money then nobody else will either. Before you begin,
read Personal MBA by Josh Kaufman. It's an easy read so don't worry. It will make a
huge difference and help you decide if you have a business idea that will work. You must
first have a market for your business. If so then you can fund your business from the
sales of your product or service. Your sweat equity will be to go out and sell to raise your
startup funds. If you can't sell your products then don't expect someone else to sell it for
you. Nobody will have more passion and belief in your business than you. forget MLM.
It's not a business. It's a sales rep position for somebody else's company. You don't
control the product selection, the pay rates, the manufacturing or anything else about it.
That's how you know it's not a business.
2.6k Views View Upvotes Answer requested by 1 person

Manoj Kumar, Startup Advisor, Innovative Thinker & Grassroots Marketing

Written May 10, 2016

Interesting question that faces any entrepreneurs starting from the ground up with no
capital. I would recommend the following:
(1) Your Money Too
Always have some of your own money that you can invest in to your dream. It can be any
amount but make sure its yours. It could be from your savings or a profit from your
garage sale or from the extra after hours work you did. Big or small amount, may you
take the first risk.
(2) The Business Plan
As many have said before me, ensure you have a business plan in place. It sounds like a
boring document and a humongous task to prepare, but you must get it done for the sake
of everyone involved - the investors, the customers, the vendors and you. Start of with a
simple one covering all the main aspects like: Aim, What is the offering, What do you
need to start, How much money will you need, How much do you have, How much will
you make, Your current team, your dream team and finally a conclusion.
(3) Start Pitching - Family & Friends
Reaching out directly to an investor with whom you have had no previous relationship
could prove to be difficult. Why not start with those who you know? Practice on them.
You never know in what valuable ways they might be able to contribute - either
financially or through references or advice. You prepare a nice email inviting your well-

wishers to your home for lunch/dinner and tell them the purpose is to share a business
venture you are going to embark on and you want their opinions on it. You can tell them
on the day the importance of confidentiality etc.
(4) Start Pitching - Professional Network
Once you have tinkered better on your idea and you have a clearer picture, you can start
telling others (outside of your family & friends circle). I would start with your
professional links in your Linkedin group. Its quite possible that one has at least 300400 connections. Ofcourse, you wouldn't share the entire idea there but you could think
of an elevator pitch or a teaser line to post. Make it short and sweet and very enticing for
someone to Like or Share or even send you a private message. Who knows - you can find
a co-founder or a designer or a financial professional to join you.
(5) Start Pitching - Crowd-funding
Before approaching angel investors, I think its a good idea to pitch on Crowd-funding
websites because that gives you a good idea of what the public thinks of your idea. There
is always a scare if someone is going to steal your idea. But I think, a good majority of the
people might not have the time or inclination to steal and execute well. If they do it,
consider it as the hand of destiny. That person was meant to hear about it, take it and
execute it well for the welfare of all. Maybe, it wasn't your destiny. Both the parties can
be satisfied that the product is serving the community well.
(6) Start Pitching - Educational Institutions
Personally, I think its a good idea to go back to your University faculty staff and share the
idea with them also. With a good majority of the universities backed by reasonable
funding either from the state or within or from their alumni group, there is a good
chance they may consider supporting you in some form - perhaps money wise or maybe
in terms of space, contacts or connecting you with a PhD student who is working on a
project connected with your industry.
(7) Start Pitching - Angel Investors
Create your list of well-known seed accelerators and other angel investors you know of or
been recommended to and plan your meet up with them. If you do get an opportunity to
pitch to them, include all the above ground work you have done and the result of that
(8) Start Pitching - Banks
I, once saw an Australian bank advertisement awarding a decent amount money for the
best idea waiting to be executed or those who were launched but would like some extra
cash to ease things. It was aimed at startups particularly. It was a prize money so you
didn't have to pay it back. Go ahead and apply if you see one. You never know - you could
be the lucky winner! Ofcourse, you can also apply for a personal or a business loan but
that means repayments & interests.
(9) Participate in events
Start attending events like expos, seminars and even MeetUp evenings. This gives you an
opportunity to connect with talents and possible investors - small, medium or big. If
every penny counts, so does every one you meet.

(10) Keep everyone in the loop

Start a mailing list or a blog and email them all of your achievements and progress. You
may have someone from your very first meet suddenly get interested in your idea now.
You may even consider sending them a hardcopy mini-newsletter by post if you feel that
an email may get missed or ignored. Even if your mailing list is only 25 people, they will
value the effort you have taken to keep them informed. All acts of care & attention,
always pays in the long run.
So, that's my contribution to your question. Hope they make sense and it works. There
are some fantastic answers by others here and I am sure all of this will have you inspired
and help you start securing that money you desperately need to get your business out to
the world. Good luck! Let us know how you go :)
1.9k Views View Upvotes

Michael Gorman, It is not just about advertising, it is knowing your people

Written May 26, 2016

The best thing you can do is develop your skill-set. When people generally speak of
entrepreneurship these days they are tacitly referring to digital entrepreneurship
because the digital medium provides us with a very low barrier of entry - you can in fact
begin with about $50.
Domain name, hosting and of course your own computer, which will have a standard
range of production software - much of which can be downloaded free of charge.
The classic entry point for business is freelance writing, if you can develop good writing
skills and expand on those to include online advertising, copy writing, content
production you have a skill set you can make money with. You cannot do much online
that does not include some form of writing at some stage, when you think about it.
eCommerce is a good area to build skills, and dropshipping can be a good way to beginbut once you have some capital you can source goods to sell.
If you are keen to become a business person you will put in the effort to develop skills,
there is no end to the resources available for learning everything you need to become a
crack online expert. But writing is a brilliant point to commence.
786 Views View Upvotes

Moulik Jain, studied at Business Plans

Written May 9, 2016

Tips to start your business with a few pennies in hands!

Most of you might be thinking to start your own business, but have a very less amount in
your hand. You might be thinking is it possible to start a company or business with a
few pennies in hand? And the answer to the question is a resounding yes! You got it
right; starting a business with a few cash is not only possible but remarkably smart.

Why would anyone require incurring significant debt from small business start-up loans
if they did not require to; or needing high-interest credit card debt as the midpoints of
cash flow management? There is one of the most crucial ways that help individuals, and
its called bootstrapping.
Learn the most important ways out of the three that help you start your new
business with a few bucks in your hand and without taking big loans from banks.
Start a Home-Based Business: Whenever you need to start your business either
online or offline, you need to begin with a home-based office. By opting this method, you
can eliminate a roughly 42% of the established businesses overhead costs. Know how
your home-based business, you can eliminate or significantly reduced the belowmentioned things all together.
Start Considering Your Vital Savings:
First and the foremost you dont have to pay office lease payments
Second you dont have to deposit any cash to take the franchise or to set up
services for the franchise.

Third you are saving the fuel costs required for commuting to work

Reduction in your child care expenses that you might have to take upon if
you are out of the home.

According to the significant facts, most of the companies could add more
than a Billion to their bottom line profits if they start offering their employees
to work from their home. Thus, working from home or having a home-based
office is the smartest option for setting up your business with inadequate
Second you dont have to deposit any cash to take the franchise or to set up services for
the franchise
Third you are saving the fuel costs required for commuting to work
Reduction in your child care expenses that you might have to take upon if you are out of

the home.
According to the significant facts, most of the companies could add more than a Billion
to their bottom line profits if they start offering their employees to work from their
home. Thus, working from home or having a home-based office is the smartest option for
setting up your business with inadequate resources.
Now that you have understood that at what place you need to start your business with a
few bucks in hand, you can boost your business and maximize the ROI. Always
remember the tips mentioned above as they will help you in keeping your business on
If you dont know what business to choose from, then dont worry, as you can go with the
one in which you have the expertise. Always believe in the saying, get the job you love,
and you never have to work for a day. So find out the expert in you and start the
Source: Industries Story
1.4k Views View Upvotes

Markus Dang, Entrepreneur, Business Consultant

Written Jun 23, 2016

If you dont have money to start your own business. So, the best way is to work as a
freelancer, where you can make money online without paying anything.
If youre a graphic designer, than showcase/submit your design portfolio for free, and let
the clients see your work and start 121 project with them to get paid for your skills.
The process is very simple, just signup at Designhill.
The main benefits of being the part of Designhill are:
1. Global Exposure You will get the chance to showcase your work to businesses from
around the world including United States, Canada, Germany, Australia, UK, Singapore
2. Learning Share ideas, creatives and learn from a huge community of 28000+
designers from around the world.
3. No Bidding - No Bidding for any jobs, clients come to you!
4. Multiple Projects You can get hired for multiple projects with multiple clients at the
same time while managing everything from one place.
5. Price Flexibility - Negotiate and finalise terms your project directly with the clients.
6. Invoicing & Payments- Our system will take care of all the invoicing related issues. All
payments are completely secure as they are made to Designhill and in your control, so
you can simply focus on doing your work and not worry about any payment issues.
7. Hassle free communication You can see the entire work progress, submit your
designs and review feedback from clients without the hassle of sending dozens of emails.

8. 24X7 Support Designhill provides all its customer 24x7 support which is free of cost
and will help you get the best out of the entire process.
9. Build Long Term Relationships Work with clients not just once, but over years
without worrying about any communication or payment issues.
1.6k Views View Upvotes

Alex Smith, Get inspiration from things around me. Still evolving.
Written Dec 28

Would you like to start brick and mortar store? or you would like to start online
If this is brick and mortar store then obviously, you would require funds to make it on
the go.
And if this isnt brick and mortar but online business modal then your are lucky enough
to take a free ride. Uhhh! Not ride! even you can cover the whole journey freely and that
of without investing even a single penny.
Wondering how?
There are number of portals that would let you start your own online business but they
will then restrict you at a certain stage. However, Tibolli(.NET) an unprecedented yet
free e-commerce platform that will not charge even single penny from you.
The best thing is, you get each and everything for free and you also get free mobile
application for your online store as well.
1.1k Views View Upvotes

Kiley Webber, works at Inventory Source

Written May 15, 2016

Have you ever considered Dropshipping?

What is Dropshipping?
People who sell products, or retailers, purchase products from a wholesaler or brand.
Traditional retail, means you purchase products in bulk from a wholesale distributor to
stock your shelves directly, and you sell those items to your customer.
Getting Started Dropshipping
I work at Inventory Source- we are the leader in DropShip Inventory Management. We
literally have everything you need to get started, and this will be your own business.

When you sign up with an account with us you have access to over 100+ trusted and
vetted dropship suppliers.There are a couple of issues when it comes to dropshipping 1.
Finding a trustworthy supplier (we solve that) 2. Finding a product. (this is actually
YOUR own idea) but we can give you tons of great ideas! You need to find a product to
dropship that gives value back to their customer- but not only that you want to find a
product that is so good your customer is going to want to come back to your store3.
marketing your website & gaining enough traffic so you can gain sales (however Amazon
and Ebay is a great place to start out)
We can help with all of this! When you create an account with us you have access to all of
our dropship suppliers. We can then help automate your product source once you come
up with that amazing product and 3. We can help integrate your store! We even have an
option where you can purchase a website from us called the Turnkey Website which is
preloaded and preconfigured for you!
Want to learn more? Sign up for a free account today!
Sign Up Free
Questions? Feel free to reply back! Good luck!!!
872 Views View Upvotes

Cory A. Martin, SaaS/IoT Account Executive, Business Growth Expert and Technology
Written May 2, 2016

How much money do you need?

I have a buddy who really wanted to start a business, but didn't have the immediate
funds and really the time to do it. So guess what he did?
He started waiting tables on the weekend so his weekdays would be free, and then
downgraded his life to where he was only spending $600 in expenses (rent + food). So
he'd make the money he needed to live on the weekends, and spent his days during the
week building his business (calling biz owners and others).
It was brilliant and a great inspiration.
2.4k Views View Upvotes

Mog, Founder/Owner of different businesses

Written May 15, 2016

I agree with what Daniel said. Bootstrap. Many companies started with very little to no
money and became big. Look it up. If you need help finding the right people you need to
start your business (legal specialist, investor, advisor, marketer, developer etc) you can

join Novateur - Play Your Role (Novateur - Play Your Role) and make connections for
free. It is a business based classified ads site
347 Views View Upvotes Answer requested by Tony Joseph

Till Carlos, SaaS Marketing Entrepreneur

Written Nov 12, 2015

If you really want to start a business but you dont have a lot of money, here are some
things you can do:

Service think of a service you can offer to people. This doesnt take a lot of
money but, sometimes, it takes time.

Sell Your Service monetize your skills. If you dont have any skills, then try to
learn a skill you can sell.

Save Money if you really dont have money, then maybe you can start saving
Know more about How You Can Start a Business with No Money on our blog: Your Own
Way Out
2.3k Views View Upvotes

Childress Real Estate, Real Estate Investor

Written Thu

Earlier Today, Zack Childress, a real estate investing expert and trainer, posted a video to
his youtube account revealing the secret to How to Flip Houses with No Money or credit.
He walks through his new for buying and selling the house in just 7 days called co
wholesaling. He recently showed a local preacher how to do this and he made $4000 in 6
days with co wholesale deals.
Zack uses his REI Quick Cash System to virtually invest in 7 different markets without
every getting a mortgage or putting down big down payments while collecting anywhere
from $5,000-$40,000 in the process. Thats not a bad payday for a few hours of actual
work. The market is heating up and these deals are everywhere. It would be in your best
interest to check out the raving reviews on this system. There is no better real estate
trainer that actually invests than Zack Childress. If you check out the reviews on the big
name gurus, youll see why.
Online marketing has become a prominent strategy for flipping and wholesaling houses
with no money. The old school way of putting down big down payments and qualifying
for mortgages is dead when you know the secrets Zack is talking about in this video. 99%
of the online strategies Zack Childress teaches are free no cost lead generation tactics.

The real estate market has changed significantly since the real estate bubble burst in
2008 and so has the business of flipping houses. Before the collapse, you could put a sign
in the ground and sell a house within days. Now there are more strategic methods to
getting the property sold within just 7 days. Online marketing is proving to be a huge
asset for selling wholesale or rehabbed properties.
264 Views View Upvotes

Charlene Li, | Han's Laser

Written May 13, 2016

For this situation, actually you can start some online businesses without any money at
all. For example, affiliate marketing, drop-shipping, and so on.
You can make some money from this wonderful ideas.
1 Join the affiliate Marketing
There are so many companies which want to open the foreign market, at this moment,
they need the local affiliates to help them to do the marketing with
paid commissions. So you can select some products, and be their affiliates. The more you
sold, the more you can get in the near future.
2 Drop-Shipping
There is another way to start the business, that is, drop-shipping. Drop-shipping is a
retail fulfillment method where a store doesn't keep the products it sells in stock.
Instead, when a store sells a product, it purchases the item from a third party and has it
shipped directly to the customer. As a result, the merchant never sees or handles the
3 Blogs with ads
You can also build your own blogs for the specific products, such as,
blogger/WordPress/LiveJournal/Tumblr/over-blog and so on. And do it better, then you
can have get some advertisers' attentions with text-link ads or from the good Adwords.
4 Be the paid writer
There are a famous writer place, that is "iWriter", we has used this platform and paid 5
USD Dollars for one article's rectification.
Just some experience from ISweek - Industry sourcing & Wholesale industrial products,
hope can be helpful!

David Christy, Have been reading blogs since I was 13 about money management
Written Jan 13, 2016

Time is Money
If you don't have any money, don't fret, but be prepared to pay in time, and lots of it.
You have a few ways to start out
Sell your time
Sell your items you already have
Sell your knowledge
You can easily make money Busking in the subway with nothing but your time (and
maybe your voice or something). Or clean for people, or get paid to be a workout partner.
This takes absolutely no startup money but as you may guess the payout isn't as good as
other ideas.

Maybe you work two jobs already to pay for student loans and rent and don't have time
to do another business. You can still earn some side money to start saving and get some
cushion space to start a more "formal" business. Rent out things you already own. Have
an extra room? Rent it out. Have a guitar? Rent it out. Have a bike? Rent it out. If it's
sitting there doing nothing but getting dusty and rusty turn it into a side-income.
So maybe you are a monk, or a broke college student who hasn't got stuff worth selling or
renting. If you have a skill you know and other's don't you can turn that skill into profit.
Start a programming business, play piano at local venues, or maybe teaching people to
dance. Knowledge can be more than a skill, if you know a lot about the history of your
city, offer cheaper walking towards of the downtime.
Before you know you are making more money than you would with a physical product
you would have had to pay for.
Good Luck
1.4k Views View Upvotes

Anna Burton, Trading Binary Options Expert

Written May 3, 2016

Nowadays, it is nevertheless possible to start a business without money or personal

contribution. There are several solutions that allow you to start a business by
investing only time.


First, be aware that there are now several corporate statutes that require no capital
Among them, auto-entrepreneur status, which has the advantage of not costing you
money as you do not declare turnover (he suffers against other defects, but n is not really
the point).
You do not need to make a product!
If you create a service business, you do not need to create product or spend money.
By cons if you want to sell a product, then you can opt for a digital product.
A real market for digital products has emerged with the development of computers and
the internet. The advantages of digital products are numerous: no production costs, no
storage cost no more than distribution.
Create a digital product will only ask you time, but you can eventually have a counter on
the internet and get automatic and recurring revenues site!
You can sell BEFORE you design your product!
Another option is to per-sell a product.
This very effective method is to bring together a group of interested prospects around a
solution to your design.
Too bad if this solution is not created!
You can make a promotional price to customers who per-register and that will allow you
to finance your solution.
This method is also perfectly suited to sales seminars: sell inscriptions, and only once
you have reached a sufficient number of customers, find a room and the facilities you
For online training, you can do the same: to create only the beginning of training and
continue only if you have enough customers.

Whether for training or seminar, if you do not have enough customers, then you will just
pay those who have already paid.
How to further reduce costs in your business?
In addition to all this, you have at your disposal other ways to reduce costs of
implementation and operation:
- Work at home, so you do not need to rent an office or work space. More so you do
not pay for transport, which represents a good economy.
- Do not go have to have your first customers!
Of course, following your business plan, it is not necessarily possible to apply these tips.
By cons, as this site is intended for web entrepreneurs, it's a safe bet that most of you can
without any worries start their business without spending money, to share a domain
name and accommodation in exchange for a certain time investment.
Finally, if you are employed, not electroplate all to get started in your project but keep
both activities for a while, at least just to see if your project works or not.
And you, what are your methods to reduce your operating costs?
1.1k Views View Upvotes

Asheesh Sinha, Founder,

Written May 6, 2016

You will need money for two things:


To survive yourself
To meet your initial business expenses until you raise funds or until your
business becomes cash flow positive
My approach would be to go for one of the below options:

Servicize then Productize - If you do not have money to survive yourself,

better not to start a business. If you really want to start, do something in service
e.g. sell your skills so that you can meet your personal expenses and generate
some surplus.
Raise funds from Friends & Family
Raise seed funding
Participate in B-Plan competitions where you get funded if you win
Lastly, of course you will need a great business plan. You can checkout Get World Class
Business Plan & Pitch Deck; Become investor ready now for business plan services.
633 Views View Upvotes

Mike Hess, I have started many companies using many forms of financing and various
Written May 17, 2016

First startup; worked a job and worked nights on the start up. There were six of us and
we all did it. Got the company started with some joint venture work for big corporations
and then got a big round of financing.
Second startup, worked a job and worked nights and weekends getting it up and going.
There are lots of other alternatives. If you are committed to your business you will find a
way to get it started.
651 Views View Upvotes Answer requested by Tony Joseph

Jonathan Brodsky, entrepreneurish.

Written May 19, 2016

Being broke is a great starting place! You can hustle! You have nothing to lose!
Well, thats not exactly true. Its really easy to give up your integrity when youre doing
all that hustling because youre broke, and integrity is the most important part of you.
Youll do almost anything for money when you have none. I remember the times Ive
been broke, and you kind of resign yourself to just doing things that chip away at your
soul so that you can have a little bit of money. You make bad deals with people you
wouldnt normally want to work with. You make mistakes. It gets much worse for you
before it gets better.
Most start-ups fail. Just think about that for a second. Youre going to hustle your ass off,
and the chances are, youre going to fail.
Im not saying this to be a dick to you. Ive launched a bunch of businesses that failed.
The merciful ones failed quickly. The not-so-merciful ones took years. Failure is a part of
starting a business, and be cautious when accepting advice that says you just need a
dream and hustle. This is true for some people, but not all. The rest of us need breathing
room, and thats created by money. Eventually, with enough failures, Ive learned to
succeed a bit.
The trick to having a great business is to provide incredible customer service to whoever
your customers are. Its not selling - while thats an important skill, its what we often call
the front door to your house. Your house has a back door, too, and thats where
customer service comes in. Its a heck of a lot easier to keep a few customers very happy
than to constantly find new ones to fill your house. If youre running your business
properly, your customers are your salespeople.
Right now, you dont know what kind of customer service you need to provide to be good
at it. Learning that takes time, and spending time on learning requires money.

So, go get money. Get a job. Any job, and do it as well as you can. Learn what it takes to
be an employee, what it means to provide great customer service, and how at least one
organization works. Live cheaply, save money, and put six months or more of money into
the bank. Start your company while youre getting paid by your job, and dont quit until
you absolutely have to in order to provide great customer service to your own customers.
Thanks for the A2A, Tony.
512 Views View Upvotes Answer requested by Tony Joseph

Prerit Mogre, Passionately curious UX Designer

Written May 15, 2016

Money is not the first thing you need to start a business.

If you truly believe in yourself, you will figure out the way to get everything necessary to
start a business.
Firstly, try and figure out what business you wish to start. Then figure out what things
you need to start that business. Then find means to acquire those things.
Do some small gigs and earn the capital required to kickstart your idea.
If your Idea is innovative and requires a large capital, then make a prototype or business
plan and share it on crowdsourcing websites(Make sure to patent your idea before you
tell it to the world)
I hope youll find the Entrepreneur in you.

Manjit Lad, Entrepreneur

Written May 18, 2016

It's an Idea which I tried at Delhi, and it really worked for me.
Find out a big wholesale Fruit-vegetable mandi in your city, where the farmers come and
sell their produce at lower wholesale rates. say , mango@Rs.100 per 10 kg. If you will go
to the normal mandi, they sells a mango at the rate of Rs.30-40 per kg, means almost
thrice the original price.
So, go to these small mandis, and venders and ask them to give the orders to you.
Definitely, they too purchase from the same place, so there is nothing that they are
benefited, but you tell them, that you are going to deliver their orders at doorstep,
without any delivery charges.
Now collect the whatsapp numbers of all these vendors.

Generally, these big mandis opens at early morning, so when you go to the mandi, send
all the rates to these vendors (off course little exra you have to tell). When you will get
the orders from those small vendors. You can purchase that collective big order, at
bargained price.
Now hire a tempo.vehicle, and distribute those fruits-vegetables, to the respective
e.g. If you succeed to take 50 vendors on your platform, then everyone will give you at
least order of 40-50 kg, that collectively becomes, more than 2000 kgs, so you will get
this at lower rates, but you have to sell to the vendors, at their regular rate. Here is yours
612 Views View Upvotes

Jens Kosman, Founder, CEO at LeadThree

Written Thu

The common currency when there is no money is called equity. There are also creative
financing options, one example:

Develop your concept and pitch.

Find 5 clients that are willing to fund you while you work on it. In exchange,
they get something meaningful out of it.
Complete the work on the 5, now go get 5 more clients.
Beauty of something like this is that in parallel you get early client validation on your
concept. If you fail at getting any signups, maybe your idea wasnt so great and you
should move on.
343 Views View Upvotes

Reynaldo Velasquez, works at Web Design

Written May 2, 2016

Hi, you can learn to build websites easily using the Wordpress platform in as little as a
day or easily navigate it within a week. Hosting is only like $4-$7 month and your
domain name is about $12-$17/yr. with about $25 you could be online or build a website
for a business if you just ask around and find some businesses. You can find step by step
instructions online or YouTube. I've made thousands doing this. It's even more scalable
once you become proficient because you can build your own website and build a course
teaching other new web designers to build a website. No employees/ hardly ANY
overhead and highly scalable! I'm currently building my own course if anyone is
interested in reviewing my Beta Launch shoot me an email, I'll give you a password to
access the content and start building. It's not get rich quick, but once you learn to build a
website you can make on for any topic until one of your ideas makes you a lot of money.
At $12 a website domain(since you will already have hosting that supports infinite
domains) you can afford to fail quite a number of times without hurting your wallet.

4.1k Views View Upvotes


Andre Ztlihcs, Online entrepreneur and IT-engineer

Written May 13, 2016

EVERYONE can achieve something online if you take time and perseverance!
I think you can go on 2 ways, quiet related in fact.
You produce quality content en publish it alongway with advertising, either
affiliate programs as ppc-programs as Adsense

You start an e-commerce

In both situation you actually need to find a niche and I wrote a great article
aboutfinding your own niche.
You can also take a look at my list of trendy niches voor 2016.

I started both simultanously and are about to make full-time income online in a bit more
than a year.
Of course ill get better at this and make much more in the future.
If you want more tips on both ways of make money online go take a look at my
websiteOnline Money Labs, i test, guide and explain several ways to make money online
for you and for free!

Sujit Yadav, Graphic Designer, Game artist and a Writer

Written May 15, 2016

First of all, Decide your aim clearly.

Wants to start a business is a broad sentence. Decide what type of business you want to
start? Paper industry, Bike repair business etc.
You can take loan, ask for financial help.
If you have some knowledge then yoi can start your online business with very low
If you have any skills like bike repairing then you can create a blog, or tutorial series that
you can sell online and earn some money. But all this will take work and time. Every
business needs that.

Where there is a will, there is a way.

550 Views View Upvotes

James L Roberts, Making money is about knowing how to manage available resources.
Written May 15, 2016

You want to start a business and you are worried about not having any money, I get that.
I am sorry but the world is full of people wanting to start their own business that dont
have money. Most of them fail to make any progress in achieving their desire/want
simply because a.) They are worried about not having money, and b.) they are unwilling
to do what is required to make their want their reality. My question to you is how badly
do you want to start your business?
Non-entrepreneurs tend to view successful entrepreneurs similarly to viewing a duck on
the water. They see a duck moving gracefully on the water, not the work taking place
under the surface. Many people tend to want to start their own business thinking that it
will be easy, and they wont have to work as hard as they do in a job. They give up when
things get hard, and they realize that they will have to work harder than they have ever
worked before. Your success or failure and the success or failure of your business rests
squarely upon your shoulders.
It is great that you have an idea to start your business, if you do not have a written
business plan for your business no one will take you seriously, and it will be highly
unlikely that you will be able to acquire funding for your business venture. My advice is
to find a coach, advisor, and or mentor to help you with starting your business.
367 Views Answer requested by Tony Joseph, Mohammad Hussaini, and 1 more

Diane Richardson
Written Jul 3, 2014

Network or Multi-Level Marketing....there is a nominal start-up cost (some less than

$100). They provide guidance and training for new entrepreneurs and if you commit
yourself and follow the system they can be quite lucrative.
Not all compensation plans are created equal so you want to compare. Choose one that
let's you make money by selling the product as well as adding people to your business.
Avoid one's where you need 2 vertical legs built before they start paying you commission
on your downline (people you have signed on to do the business too).
The products should offer a USP and be of a high quality (they usually are). Choose
consumable products and preferably one's you will use yourself and can be an evangelist
for. Feel free to approach friends and family but you will likely be met with a great deal

of scepticism, you can't let that slow you down.

If you consider yourself a lone wolf and want to do it your way then MLM may not be a
good choice, those who are most successful seem to be the people who follow the system,
kind of like a franchise. As with all business ventures you have to commit yourself and
not make excuses, the hardest part for most entrepreneurs/self-employed is discipline.
If you're concerned that this is just a single-person opportunity don't be fooled, there are
many MLMers who have several "independent" business owners beneath them and have
created a great deal of wealth that turns into passive-income if that's the direction you
decide to go.
1k Views View Upvotes Answer requested by 1 person

Simone Simone
Written Nov 14

Basically you can start a business with very little money, if you have the right
combination of skills, work ethic and marketing know-how. Follow these simple
guidelines to start a business with little money
Make something
Resell something
Utilize low-cost services
There is a lot of websites which can help you to connect experts online so that you can
get some job from them to make some money to start a business. Check this one IBN
Singapore, International Business Networking Groups Singapore

Simeona Del Prado

Written Jun 23, 2016

I started my business when I was 16 years old and a 1st year college student. Imagine
how much money I had then. I didnt have any savings and my allowance everyday was
most likely $3 a day.
Thanks to the digital world and I mean Facebook world, I was able to earn money
online without spending a single cent. I just posted pictures of the items my supplier was
selling, waited for people to message me with their orders, finalize our transactions, then
poof! I got money. Then I just saved and saved and eventually was able to invest in a real
time earning business. I franchised a food business stall and Im still planning and saving
to open up more stalls.

There are still a LOT of ways to start a business without capital, but dont expect to make
it big right away in this case. Perseverance and patience is key.
1.4k Views View Upvotes

Bryan Rossnagel, Founder and CEO @ Sentry Air Systems, Inc.

Written May 16, 2016

Begin by creating and testing your idea. For the millions of entrepreneurs and business
owners out there, you need to make sure your idea is marketable and appealing to the
general public. Now, this will never be easy. But making sure that your business model
can capture at least one of the sectors you are trying to hit will be a make-or-break point
for your business. Think about it in through this example. Imagine you want to open an
Italian restaurant within your area. But, if you know that there are at least five different
Italian restaurants and other food chain restaurants within a five-mile radius, is that
really the best idea? The obvious answer is no. Start by doing your research. Once you
have done your research and have fully internalize your business model, build a
prototype or invest in the space to test it out. Yes, this will require money. While your
previous problem does rely on building a business without any funds, you have to be
realistic. Nothing starts without any type of capital. If you know your idea can accrue a
strong amount of customers and clients, then try building a sufficient amount of capital
for your business. You can even go to a bank and ask for a loan as a possible option. Just
be cognizant of the risk that this can have on your net profit.

Milan Stankovic, CEO at Serial StartUp Founder (2014-present)

Written May 11, 2016

You either go out and find a investor or go out and earn money needed to start
There is no other other solution...actually there is, it's GIVE UP, which actually is not a
solution and I hope you don't want to do that.
809 Views View Upvotes

Rohit Nikalje, Public Speaking at Timco Aviation Services (2007-present)

Written May 2, 2016

If you have good idea go and contact the investor , if they like it they will
invest in your idea . You won't require to pay a penny.
Get a friend on your business who has both money and skills. And not to
forget that he is trustworthy.
Talk with your parents , relatives or elders about your plan.

Find a person or friend who has great idea but no money ... what can you do
here, you can club with him and get a investor in.

393 Views View Upvotes


Stephen Shady
Written Jul 10, 2016

You find someone who does. Family and friends could help. This is what venture
capitalists do for a living. And you could always put together a good business plan that
reaches out for at least five years, with contingencies, and present it to a bank. If none of
that works, then it wasnt meant to be. Wait for your time.
177 Views View Upvotes Answer requested by Adesina Jikiemi

Written Wed

A business exists to bring value to people in exchange for money.

Before you can start thinking about building a business, think about yourself. What value
can you provide as an individual? This is the most important question you have to ask
yourself, and the main thing you need to figure out. Well get back to this later.
Regarding how to actually start a business with no money, heres three practical ways:

Start with getting a client first: The first way to start a business with no
money is by finding a client before you have a product. Building any business is
like creating a money making machine. A successful business makes more
income than expense. If you can create something that makes a bit more
income than expense then you have the beginning of a potentially successful
operation. You can then use this income and reinvest it in the business, thereby
growing it, albeit slowly at first. Theres a variety of businesses that can be
started with no budget (though you will need to bring prior
expertise/knowledge. As mentioned above, if you lack specialized knowledge go get it!), for example: A company that builds websites - find someone who
needs a website, sell him a website for X, pay a freelancer Y (X>Y) and make a
profit. Many times you can bootstrap a business like this, effectively removing
the need for starting capital. Just get the ball rolling.
If you dont have specialized knowledge, I would suggest making a
strategic career choice: If you cant provide enough value on your own to
kick-start a profitable business at the moment, go find a job at a small, growing
company that is similar to the kind of business you want to open. Your
objective is two-fold: Learn the ropes of such a business and build a connection
with the business owners. Make sure you do an amazing job, both to build great
relations with the owners and to ensure that you can truly provide value in the
field of your choice when you open your own shop. This is how I did it - I

worked at a digital agency, then opened a similar business in partnership with

my ex-employers.
Perhaps you are unable to get a job in such a company or dont know what
kind of business you want to open. In that case, try to find a job in sales.
Working as a salesman can open many doors as well as develop some very
important skills that will be useful to you in your future business. When
choosing a field, I would suggest going into real estate, finance or tech. These
are the three money-making industries where youll be able to both make a
nice salary as a salesman and consolidate your position in a luxurious market.

James Compton, I run two small businesses

Written May 2, 2016

You could take out a loan or put it on a credit card. Or apply for a credit card.
Most will say this is crazy etc, and it is - if you are trying some longshot type of company.
However, it is a safer bet if you're starting a service company. One which will always be
in demand. Think window cleaning, lawn care, delivery service, etc.
If you're willing to put in the man hours then taking a loan out for a company like this is
relatively safe. You shouldn't need to take out more than $1,500 to do so. Put together a
nice looking website, get business cards, posters, and $$$ for marketing and you're off to
a start. I hope this helps and best of luck!
You can see more my random musings here:

Joshua Shattuck, 2 years in used car sales and service

Written May 7, 2016

First thing you should do is try to figure out exactly what you want to do. After you find
out what you want to do, you should try to offer your product or service in times that will
not conflict with your day job. I would like to see you honestly be debt free with some
money set aside for a rainy day before jumping head first into the deep waters of owning
a small business. The best way to get more work in a service business is usually
advertising. TV, radio, and newspaper ads are a good form of advertising, however there
are much cheaper alternatives. I detail cars as a side business. One thing that I have done
in the past is to go to a used car dealership with a box of donuts, some business cards,
and an offer that they can't refuse. Meet with the owner and tell them that you are a
detailer that is willing to show your skill level without costing them a dime. Offering your
services for free one time is usually enough to get a small account like that. Car
dealerships are one of the best accounts to secure in that business. I'm not saying that
you need to go and start cleaning cars on the side. Just offer your product or service at no
charge to a few people and see just how quickly your business grows. The best part of this

method is that the owner will speak to their friends that also own dealerships and say
"hey you need John, he is the best and very economically priced". You need just one
account that absolutely loves you that will help spread the word. Remember that if you
are going on to other people's property or working on their equipment that you should be
insured. Also remember that to do this properly you should set up a separate checking
account that you use only for the business. Only income from the business should go in
and only business expenses should go out. What you have left is the definition of profit.
Remember that you will have to pay taxes on your profit so you should set aside 25% so
that you can pay them. The last thing you want is for the IRS to be after you. I wish you
the best luck!!!

Veneric Flores, Currently earning money in SFI

Written Dec 6

You can sell products online or promote it, thats one to start a business without money.
Promoting a product online could earn you potential huge money if being done right. If
you want to star a business that dont have any money needed to start with, I can
recommend you one store, that you only need to do is to promote the products. Of
course, this is a store a lot products can be promoted.
Have a take a look on this store, click HERE.

Yodi Collins, As a species, we can do better

Written Jul 3, 2014

Unless you have a specific business in mind, consider one of these:

10 Business Ideas with (Almost) No Startup Costs

Billy Van Jura, 5 years with my own firm, above average growth every year
Written May 15, 2016

Stop using that as an excuse and go start your business. You have plenty of access to
money, maybe yu are just not doing the work to get it. Does your business really need
money to get started or does it just need some sales?
158 Views Answer requested by Tony Joseph

Sabella Kay, 10 years experience in entreprenurship

Written Jan 13, 2016

I don't think it is wise for you to start a business when you have no money, all startup
need investment, whether big or small.
For you, you may go get a job, start saving and learn new skills and knowledge, prepare
for the day when you launch your own business. Execution is always mentioned when
talk about startup, because it is most important but most difficult thing to do. For people
who are ready to start their own business, the problem will be which business idea is
more suitable and profitable for them.
All in all, we need to move forward step by step.

Jay Miles, The guy you never see coming...

Written Jul 4, 2014

Interview a 100 potential customers about their problem, share your solution, ask them
for payment at some sort of a discount (66% off if you buy now).
759 Views View Upvotes

Thomas Dalton, Fellow of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries

Written Jul 3, 2014

Take your business plan to a bank and ask for a business loan.
665 Views View Upvotes

Taran Mahal, works at Sebiz Infotech

Written May 14, 2016

Find a one who has money or a link and believe in your idea. Show them u are really
serious and capable of running this business.

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