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English Education of State Islamic College
(STAIN) Batusangkar
Jalan Sudirman No. 137, Batusangkar
West Sumatera, Indonesia (27213)
This paper highlights the findings of a evolvent of English materials based on ESP approach
at Islamic Education Department of STAIN Batusangkar. The integrated models of Jolly and
Bolitho in Tomlinson (1998: 97-98) and Richard (2001: 264) are applied. The data are
collected by using questionnaires, interview and documentary study. The results of the
research designate first, the English materials being used did not yet based on students need.
Second, the students need to the English materials are relevant to their field. Third, the
English materials designed are Islamic teaching nuance. Fourth, it was valid and can be used
in teaching English at Islamic Education Department of STAIN Batusangkar. Finally, the
design of English materials relevant to the ESP.
Keywords: Materials, ESP, Islamic Education Department
It is no doubt that from the early 1960's, English for Specific Purposes (ESP) has
grown to become one of the most prominent areas of EFL teaching today. Its evolvent is
reflected in the increasing number of universities offering an MA in ESP (e.g. The University
of Birmingham, and Aston University in the UK) and in the number of ESP courses offered
for overseas students in English speaking countries. There is now a well-established
international journal dedicated to ESP discussion, "English for Specific Purposes: An
international journal", and the ESP SIG groups of the IATEFL and TESOL are active at their
national conferences.
STAIN Batusangkar as a college in West Sumatera also offers ESP for its students.
This college consists of fifteen departments divided into two faculties; Tarbiyah and Syariah
faculties. Pertinent to English background itself, they also can be divided into two big groups,
namely English department and Non-English departments. In other words, English is not only
learned by the English department students, but also by the non-English department students.
In English III at Islamic Education Department, the students did not yet learn English
as the source language of the materials related to their field. Based on curriculum for Islamic
Education Department, in English III the students are given the knowledge in understanding
and using English for academic and professional needs. Then, the course materials include
reading comprehension, structure, and speaking.
Ideally, the materials constructecd are those which include the Islamic materials in it.
At the end of the course the students are expected to be able to understand the materials and
speak about things around their field. It is in line, the students hoped by learning English they
understand the sources from the English materials given to them. They need to translate the

materials into Bahasa Indonesia in order to help them understand the text. It is caused by
some of the materials not pertinent to the Islamic teaching as they wish.
Therefore, it can be understood that teaching English III in Islamic Education
Department has to meet students needs in learning English as the general characteristics of
English for Specific Purposes (ESP). In order to meet the students needs in learning English
III at Islamic Education Department, the learning materials ideally constructed based on the
students field and needs.
There is constraint, as with all studies of this imposingly. The researcher only focus
on evolving material for students of Islamic Education Department. Fostering material lead
for islamic teaching nuance. It is about islamic materials focusing on reading task.
English for Specific Purposes (ESP) is an approach to language learning and teaching
on the basis of specified learners needs (Hutchinson & Waters, 1987; Johns and DudleyEvans, 1991; Robinson, 1991). In this instance, needs analysis is crucial to conduct, since this
analysis aims at specifying as closely as possible what learners have to do through a medium
of English. Briefly, ESP is an approach to language learning in which all decisions on
contents and methods are based on specific disciplines, occupations, and activities
(Hutchinson & Waters, 1987; Johns and Dudley-Evans, 1991; Robinson, 1991).
Dudley-Evans and St. John in Valeria (2010: 50) offer modified definition and express
their revised view on the essence of ESP from two perspectives: absolute characteristics and
variable characteristics. According to them, the absolute characteristics are ESP meets the
learners specific needs, ESP makes use of the underlying methodology and activities of the
disciplines it serves, and ESP is centered on the language (grammar, lexis, and register),
skills, discourse, and genres appropriate for these activities. It means that ESP is conducting
in order to fulfill the learners needs in learning English and the activities in ESP is matched
with the learners background field. Inasmuch as, the language points in ESP itself are given
in order to make the learners get more comprehension about their background field through
Dudley-Evans and St. John in the same sources (2010: 50), further, consider the
variables characteristics that consist of several points. First, ESP may be related or designed
for specific disciplines. Second, ESP may use in specific teaching situations, a different
methodology. Next, ESP is likely to be designed for adult learners. Last, ESP is generally
designed for intermediate and advanced learners. In short, ESP is designed for particular field
by using specific teaching situation and mostly is taught to the advance learners.
In evolving materials, there are some activities to be considered. Teachers may adopt
some materials related from the textbook, adapt the materials in the course book into their
own way, or design their own materials. In conclusion, materials evolvent is how teachers
design materials to be used in the classroom by using some ways. Therefore, the teachers can
evolve a good material that suitable for students needs.
Brown (1995: 161) simplies lists some of characteristic of a textbook
to be adopt: a) Material background. There are two elements of textbook
material background; (1) Authors credentials (education and experience);
and (2) Publishers reputation. b) Fit to curriculum. The textbook to adopt
must fit to curriculum and fulfill several elements; (1) Approach, (2)
Syllabus, (3) Needs (general language needs and situation needs), (4)
Goals and objectives (percentage of match and order), and (5) Content
(consistent with technique and exercise used in program). c) Physical
characteristics. The physical characteristics of textbook such as (1) Layout
(space, picture and text, hightlighting), (2) Organization (table of contents,
index, answer keys, Glossary, reference potential) Editional qualities
(content is accurate, (3) direction is clear and easy to follow, example

clear), and (4) Material quality (paper, binding, tear out pages). d)
Logistical characteristics. The logistical characteristics such as (1) Price,
(2) Auxiliary parts (audiovisual aids, workbooks, software, unit test), and
(3) Availability. e) Teachability.The teachability such as (1) Teachers edition
(answer key, annotations to help teachers explain, plan activities, and the
like); (2) Reviews, and (3) Acceptability among teachers.
The materials are validated by using the principles of teaching material in English for
Specific purposes (ESP)-(Hutchinson & Waters: 1991, Tarnopolsky in Baghban: 2011,
Harding in Basturkmen: 2010, Nuttal in Baghban 2011: 10, Basturkmen: 2010, Carter: 1983).
The aim of validation materials are casting light upon the quality of product. It was done by
experts of reading comprehension and ESP. They are highly competent in that field. Finally,
The product was revised based on expert judgement.
This study was research and development (R & D) for English teaching materials at
Islamic Education Department (PAI) of State Islamic College Batusangkar. The procedure
used in evolving materials head for the integrated models of Jolly and Bolitho in Tomlinson
(1998: 97-98) and Richard (2001: 264). They are identification of problem, collecting
information, product design and design validation. The subject of the research was the third
semester PAI students of STAIN Batusangkar. In gathering data are used qualitatively and
quantitatively paradigm as well as data analysis.
This research was intended to evolve English teaching materials for students of
Islamic Education Department (PAI) at STAIN Batusangkar. Specifically, this research was
conducted to answer the following four questions as follows:
a) What are materials being used by the lecturer?
In order to get information about materials being used by the lecturer,
interview and documentary study are utilized. In following explanation, briefly
depicting arguments of the informants are as follows:
#2 The viewpoint was made paper about discussion text such as corruption
and the danger of drugs. In explanation text is discussed about the danger of
smoking as well as review text about laskar pelangi
The student learn about discussion text, it is discussed about the danger of
drugs, but the material did not focused on nuance of islamic teaching. And then,
explanation text talked about the danger of smoking. Further, in review the
informant learnt about laskar pelangi movie. It is in line, the material provided in
English III subject not related too much with the field. Therefore, what were the
student learnt did not based on they wish.
#6 We are learnt the exposition text which is divided into two term, it was
analytical and hortatory. In analytical we are discussed about the danger of
smoking and hortatory tells about corruption. In explanation text we are learnt
about vulcano eruption and for discussion text we are learnt about advantages and
disadvantages of nuclear energy.

The materials learnt are the danger of smoking, corruption, vulcano

erruption, advantages and disadvantages of nuclear energy. This was proved the
material has been learnt not pertinent to the field. On the other hand, in Islamic
Education Department (PAI) must provide islamic material because related to the
field. Therefore, the material was provided must be revised into nuance of islamic
b) What do the students need to the English materials?
In assembling data are used questionnaires and interviews. Briefly, casting
light upon of the arguments of students need are as follows:
#2 The materials are related to the field about the story of prophet
Muhammad pbuh and the text about love in islam
The student needs the material related to the field. The text about prophet
Muhammad helps the student to understand the material with regard to the field.
The text about love in islam helps the informant to comprehend what the meaning
of love in islamic paradigm based on Al-Quran and Sunnah. In short, the material
was provided based on the students need in the field.
Further, the informant 4 gave arguments are as follow:
#4 The story of prophet in English, discussion text about prayer, and
something related to the PAI, the text about love in islam, the story of prophet
Muhammad pbuh
The student need to learn something related to the field. The material that
student need, it helps elaborating his or her knowledge deeply about the field. The
texts about prayer, love in islam and the story of prophet Muhammad that made the
student care with the field. It was hoped can enrich the evolvent of English material
for student.
Furthermore, the informant 7 supported those arguments are as follow:
#7 The story of prophet Muhammad pbuh, prayer, islamic material
explicitly related to the Al-Quran and moeslim life style
The islamic material is suitable when teaching English in Islamic Education
Department. The material about the story of prophet Muhammad pbuh, prayer and
moslem life style suitable with the student field. It was expected that helps in
fostering student knowledge to the islamic material. It is in line, the informant need
the material dealing with the vision and mission of the field.
The informant 9 also given the arguments are as follow:
#9 How the truth love in islamic paradigm, islamic education in Indonesia,
life style/religious paradigm in Indonesia
The developing of globalization era, some of students need the concept to
guide theirself to be known the truth about everything. The islamic material that
provided to the student of Islamic Education Department related to the issues in the
field. The text about love and religious education in Indonesia helps the student to
prepare theirself to prevent the bad influance for them. Therefore, using the islamic
material in teaching English which is a way to comprehend the truth islam to the
Moreover, the informant 1 gave arguments are as follow:
#1 The materials are about islamic texts such as the story of prophet
Muhammad pbuh, marriage in islam, and the texts about parenting
The student need Islamic materials such as the story of prophet
Muhammad pbuh, marriage in islam and parenting. Furthermore, the material that

the students need suitable with the field. It was expected that the students are
familiar in learning English related to the field as a prerequisite to teach English to
the non-student of English department.
Furthermore, the informant 3 supported those arguments are as follow:
#3 The materials about the story of prophet Muhammad pbuh, reading text
has islamic nuance (prayer, ablution, etc), reading text that guide how to
educate the children in islam and the text about parenting
The student needs the material about the story of prophet Muhammad
because it helps to connect with the student insight such as prayer, ablution, and
etc. It made the informant dealing with the field. The reading material related to
how guide through islamic education that was expected as a provisions to the
student to teach on the future. The text about parenting was needed to enrich the
student knowledge to learn deeply about islamic material.
In addition, the informant 5 given the arguments are as follow:
#5 I need reading materials that have islamic nuance, such as the text
about moslem life style, the story of prophet Muhammad pbuh, prayer and islamic
The material provide to the student must be suitable with the field. Reading
material that was needed by the student must have nuance of islamic teaching.
Further, the material about moslem life style, the story of prophet Muhammad,
prayer and parenting helps the informant in fostering knowledge in learning. It is in
line, reading material which has nuance of islamic teaching dealing with the
The informant 8 added the arguments are as follow:
#8 The material in PAI Department suitable with the grade of semester, such
as Fiqh material, about marriage in islam, love, parenting, the prophet
Muhammad pbuh, moslem life style
Learning English at Islamic Education Department lead to the islamic
material. It was proved that by the students need to the English material. The
student need the material pertinent to the field such as the text about marriage and
love in islam paradigm, parenting, the story about prophet Muhammad pbuh and
moslem life style. It was expected that helps the student enrich knowledge to the
several materials has nuance of islamic teaching. Therefore, the purpose of learning
has been achieved well. It is in line, the material provides to the student related to
the field.
Moreover, the informant 10 gave arguments are as follow:
#10 Prayer, faith, ablution, islamic history
The material about prayer, faith, ablution and islamic history related to the
PAI department. So, the text about islamic material dealing with the student need.
It was based on the vision and mission of the field. Islamic material is the
important one in teaching English at the field. Therefore, the student learn around
the field that was expected enrich the knowledge of student.
c) What are the English materials designed for the students?
The evolvent model used for this research was ICDD, as stated by Jolly and
Bolitho in Tomlison (1998: 97-98) and Richard (2001:264). The evolving
materials based on the model as stated previously. The researcher has been
constructed the prototype model of the product design. The textbook for Islamic

Education Department consists of three part, they were introductory part, core
part and end part. Each of part was thrown upon as follows:
(1) Introductory Part
(a) Cover
Cover is one of important elements of textbook. The cover of
the textbook was made more attractive. It seems like increasing the
curiosity of the reader to read the textbook. It was also as great view
of every reader granted the English is fun.
(b) Contents
The contents consist of textbook properties such as preface,
contents, acknowledgments, introduction, core part, end part,
references, key answer and textbooks guidelines. It tells with detail
about the pages and pinpoint of properties of textbook.
(c) Preface
Preface has been aimed to introduce the viewpoint of textbook.
It is explained the purpose and characteristics of textbook. The
purposes of textbook were designed to help learners develop reading
text as well as build their islamic character. The characteristics of the
textbook were provided a broad variety of materials ranging from hot
issues to light moment on islamic issues modified and rewritten from
magazines, newspapers, and articles.
(d) Acknowledgment
Acknowledgments provides feeling thanks of the writer to
every body contributed in constructing the textbook. It is also express
the writer passion in constructing the textbook. In this case, the writer
thankfull for reading specialist and permission to reproduce copyright
(e) Introduction
Introduction described the viewpoint of a whole the core part of
textbook. It was explained how the textbook used in every reading
activities. In every unit of textbook has learning outcomes. Extensive
reading activities are also included in every unit. To do this, you were
provided with websites supplements. These activities aimed at
encouraging learners frequency in reading. Finally, to avoid the
boredom to read, the author puts Fun with English section at the end of
each unit.
(2) Core Part
(a) Unit 1: The Prophet Muhammad
This chapter has aimed to describe the prophet Muhammad
Pbuh in his daily life. It recognizes his story and apply character during
his journey in the world. It captures several issues related to his life
and how us imitate his attitude (sunnah).
(b) Unit 2: Allah-The God
This chapter describes about the God, faith, the angels, and life
after death. It is recognizing some miracles that truth related to the god.
This unit introduced how the faith evolved in islam and how to
recognize the god creature such as human being, angels and etc.
(c) Unit 3: Islamic Parenting

This topic aims at introducing islamic parenting. It discusses

several issues in motherhood such as a tought for fathers, experience
and confidence as muslimah working mother, five common discipline
mistakes parents make and etc. These topics guide the students
understand well on how to apply islamic parenting in Islamic
(d) Unit 4: Affection in Islam
This chapters were intended to recognize the truth love based
on islam rules. How us knowing and applying of feeling affection to
every body in the word. It consists of deeply marriage discussion.
(e) Unit 5: Moeslim Life Style
In this case, the writer tells about the daily life of muslim style.
How a muslim consort with others to shape a good relationship has
been discussed in this chapter. Further, how a muslim style of health
also discussed in this unit.
(f) Unit 6: Religious Education
This unit tells about the important of religious education in
Islam. This case has aimed to introduce moral values of life in Islamic
side. How to be a better moeslim in serve out their life.
(3) End Part
(a) References
The references helps the learners to access the sources directly
on internet. Using this way make student familiar with authentic
material provide on online website, newspaper, magazine and etc.
Therefore, the student knowledge and insight enriched by using this
(b) Answer Key
The answer key was provided to help the learners evaluate their
work as individually. It also was writen to make sure the writer to
understand well about his book. Further, the answer key was used as
the intrument is to peel the texts was provided in the textbook.
(c) Textbooks Guidelines
Textbooks guidelines was used to guide the reader to use
textbook. It is about planning in reading classes, activities and passage
used in the textbook. This chapter included the way of the teacher and
students in using the textbook maximally.
Briefly, to make it clear. The prototype model was presented as
Introductory Part
a. Cover
b. Contents
c. Preface
d. Acknowledgement
e. Introduction
Core Part
a. Unit 1: The Prophet Muhammad
b. Unit 2: Allah-The God
c. Unit 3: Islamic Parenting
d. Unit 4: Affection in Islam
e. Unit 5: Moeslim Life Style
f. Unit 6: Religious Education

End Part
a. References
b. Answer Key
c. Textbooks Guidelines

d) Is the material designed valid or not?

The materials are validated by using the principles of teaching material in
English for Specific purposes (ESP). It was done by experts of reading
comprehension and ESP. The product was revised based on expert judgement.
Therefore, the product had been validated and revised.
The product was validated by using twelve items. They are measured by using
the following formula:
score of eac h item 100
Maximum score
To see the validation of the product result, the following table was
presented as follow:
Table 8. The Result of Materials Validation






: Number of indicator
V.1 : The result of Validator 1
V.2 : The result of Validator 2
: The grade qualities of materials
: Undecided score
Notes : Explanation of the grade qualities of materials
Total : Final score
Based on previous explanation of the table, it was concluded that the
product of the research and evolvent was valid with final score 69 %. It was
measured by using quantitative analysis based on formula stated previously.

Therefore, the materials are designed in a kind of textbook was valid and can be
used in teaching English for students of Islamic Education Department (PAI).

The researcher identified several problems related to the English material used in
English III of Islamic Education Department at STAIN Batusangkar. Further, English III
asked the students to construct the materials which is included the islamic material in it. At
the end of the course the students are expected to be able to understand around their field. It
is in line, the student hoped by learning English their understand the sources from the English
materials given for them.
Contrary, based on the findings, the materials that the students learn mostly unrelated
to their field. For example, the lecturer gave the text for the students, but the text is not
related to their field. Futhermore, the lecturer gave assignment to the students that search
from the internet, but the materials taken by the students unrelated to the field for instance,
the text about nuclear power, pro and contra of using internet, vulcano eruption, the danger of
smoking, the danger of drug, curruption, laskar pelangi and etc. Therefore, the materials was
discussed in classroom interaction not dealing with the students need and mostly unrelated to
the field. In conclusion, the students worry about the English materials that they get in the
class because of unfamiliarity of the materials.
It is in line, the students need of English materials must head for the field. It was
proved by the explanation of students that more need Islamic materials to learn English
because related to the field. Teaching English has nuance of Islamic teaching is a prerequisite
to teach at PAI department. Further, the informant needs learn the text about Prophet
Muhammad Pbuh, Allah-the god, ablution, prayer, parenting and children education, love and
marriage, moslem life style and religious education in Islam. Therefore, the material provides
related to the field and relevant to the teaching English in PAI.
The researcher has designed the materials which are suitable for the students need.
The materials are evolved based on students need related to the field. The design material
suitable for several topics with regard to the students need. The topics are provided in six
units. Every unit discusses on islamic issues in daily life, such as how to imitate prophet
Muhammad pbuh in his daily life, how to recognize Allah SWT by praying to him, how to
apply islamic parenting in family life, how the truth affection in islam, how the muslim life
style in posturing globalization era and how to instiling religious education in social life.
The materials designed focused on reading material. The reading material was
provided in authentic and various text. The reading activities was provided in authentic task
such as essay, reference and subtitution, fill in the blank, completing table, and equipped with
English of fun such as crossword puzzle, wise word, annecdote, and various of scientific
The design materials was validated by two experts. It was validated by using the
principles of English teaching materials in English for Specific Purposes (ESP). The experts
came from reading and ESP specialists. The result of the design materials designated the
product was valid and can be used in teaching English at Islamic Education Department
This chapter has pinpointed some key issues in ESP materials design, including needs
analysis and sample of learning task for ESP materials reading. This chapter, also, has
attempted to provide practical suggestions for ESP materials design along with sample of

learning task. The sample ESP materials as earlier presented aim to provide teachers with real
or authentic ESP materials that they can adopt.
ESP an approach in language teaching and learning that evolved by practitioners. It
needs to adopt some materials relevant to the filed. It has more chalenging to peel ESP in
EFL teaching today. To ensure the practitioners are offered some alternatives in evolving
materials in ESP materials design (Widodo: 152)
If the ESP practitioners hopes to grow, it is necessary that the community as a whole
understands what ESP actually redesigns, and can accept the various roles that ESP
practitioners need to adopt to assure its success. Further, be a new members join with
confidence, and existing members carry on the practices which have brought ESP to the
position that it has in EFL teaching today. In STAIN Batusangkar, in particular, ESP is still in
its growth and so now is the time to shape such a agreement reached.
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