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Understanding of Drama

Drama is one of a kind works of literature that has excess

compared with other types of literary works, namely the staging elements
reveals the story directly, and paraded in public.
However, there are also plays that are only to be read
or often called closed drama.

Based on their characteristics, the drama has the property

characterizations that have important role in uncovering a story in it. Therefore
every figures have the properties of critical as the transmitter of the mandate of
the author, eg, satire, humor, ambiguity, or other social critics
illustrated through dialogues between characters.

B. Elements of Drama
The most basic element in a drama there are four, namely the play (script
play drama or text), the player (actor or actress), places (theaters),
and spectators. Elements play an important role as a player without
play obviously can not make a play. So even without a play place
will not produce the drama. But, otherwise if there is only the play alone,
then we can still follow the dramas reading, for example "closed drama."
Roles in the play are arranged on the same elements with the novel or romance,
that is:
1) Theme, the underlying thought the play drama. The basic thought
is developed such that it becomes an interesting story.
2) Mandate, is a moral message to be delivered to the author
script reader or listener (in this case) and also the audience drama.
This means that viewers can deduce moral message he has heard,
read or watch.
3) Plot. Play a good drama is always a conflict. Therefore, the spirit of drama
is conflict.

Drama has always described the conflict or

opposition. Their contention raises a series of events that became
causation and called groove / plot.

The detailed development of the plot of the drama there are 6 stages, namely:
1) The exposition, this phase is called the introductory stage, as the audience
began introduced with the play drama.
2) The conflict, this stage is the stage of events. This incident began to plot
drama In fact, because of the incident is the basis of conflict
a drama.
3) Complications, conflicts are growing and growing
many, and still raises a question mark.
4) Crisis, this stage various conflict reached its peak.
5) Resolution, At this stage of conflict resolution.
6) The decision, the last stage is all conflict ends and a short story
yet finished.

Character or disposition, the overall characteristics of the soul of a

character in the play drama.
Dialogue, Brazilians embodiment of the storyline plays drama. dialogue
do must support the character being played.
Setting, is the place, rung, the time, the atmosphere of the scene.
all the scenes played out on the stage, the stage should be able to
a scene that was going on.
Language, drama script is realized on the base material of language and
author actual language drama for his play ideas.
Interpretation, is the interpretation of the play drama being played which
usually a part of the lives of the people who are appointed to
on stage by the artists.

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