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Good morning. SabH al-khayr.

Excuse me. afwan.

I would like . . . uridu . . .

Thank you. shukran.

With pleasure. bikull-i surur.

Now translate the following words and phrases into Arabic, then put together short sentences by using the
suggested pronounsana (I), anta (you, male), or anti (you, female). For example, if you hear student,
ana, youd respond by saying ana Tlib. Repeat the correct answers for practice.

student, ana ana Tlib.

tourist, anta anta siH.

from America, anti anti min amrka.

from New York, ana ana min new york.


mabrk! Congratulations! Youve nished your rst lesson of Arabic. Good job! Did you know that there
are around twenty different dialects of Arabic spoken throughout the Arab world? The vocabulary you
are learning here is the modern version of literary classical Arabic, often referred to as Modern Standard
Arabic, which is understood throughout the Arab world. However, there are many local dialects of
Arabic, so be ready for variations! Today youve learned the basic vocabulary you need to greet people
and introduce yourself. You may, of course, want to learn a few other everyday phrases, like Hasanan (all
right), shukran jazlan (many thanks), kafa (enough), and ila-liqa (so long). See you in Lesson 2!

ad-dars ath-thani: al-ashkhas wal-aila

Lesson 2: People and the family

ahlan! Hello! In this lesson, youll learn how to talk about people and your family. Youll also learn some
important points of Arabic grammar: masculine and feminine genders of nouns and the singular, dual, and
plural forms of nouns. But lets learn some new vocabulary rst. As before, youll hear the English rst,
followed by the Arabic. Repeat each new word or phrase every time you hear it. hayaa nabdaa! Lets

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