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emitter follower input buffers with resistor loads and on-chip 5 HAUENSCHILO, I., and REIN, A. M.

HILO, I., and REIN, A. M.: Demonstratlon olretimrng capa-

5OQ input terminations. The interlever circuit has a conven- bility of ulicon bipolar timedivisron multiplexer operating to
tional architecture based on differential pairs and current 24Gbit/s,Electron. Lett., l991,27, (II), pp. 978-979
MERY, R. K., HAMM, R. A., and PA, M. 8.: SV, DC-l2GHs
InPpnGaAs HBT amplifier, Electron. Lett., 1990, 26, (24), pp.
m u , R. K., w,R. A., and PANISH, M. 8.: 10Gbit/s bipolar laser
dnver, Electron. Lett., 1991,11, (3),pp. 278-280


F. Suginosita, K. Imai, N. Yazawa, K. Suzuki,
S. Fujino, T. Takenaka and K. N a k a o
Fig. 4 Multiplexer ehtp photograph
Iwiexina t-: Suwconductors, Bandpass filters, Microstrip
sources. An open collector output driver allows easy inter-
facing with the external environment and compatibility The design and development of a 13.3GHz three-pole
between input and output signal levels. The circuit was tested Chebyshev bandpass filter using a YBa,Cu,O,., thn film
at up to 20Gbit/s output rates using an Anritsu lOGbit/s on an MgO substrate is described. An insmion loss ofO.2dB
pattern generator. Fig. 5 shows a typical 2OGbit/s measured at the centre frequency and an unloaded Q of 28M) are
output signal when a lOGbit/s 1 1 0 0pattern and its com- obtained a1 77K. The measured characteristics are better
than other high-temperaturesuperconductor planar filters so
plement were applied at the inputs. The fast signal transitions
far reported.
in Fig. 5 are an indication that additional circuit bandwidth is
available for even higher operation rates (not tested due to
unavailability of testing equipment). The power supply voltage
Introduction; High-temperature superconductor (HTS) planar
was 4.5 v. filters have been studied at several research laboratories. One
1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 important application is in satellite communication systems,
where reduction in size and weight is very significant.
However, a satisfactory Q value which also provides low
insertion loss and good frequency selectivity has not been
This Letter describes the design and development of a
13.3GHz three-pole Chehyshev bandpass filter using a
YBa,Cu,O,-d (YBCO) thin film.
1loomv Filter design: We designed the filter on a 0.5 thick MgO
substrate (E, 19.13). The equiripple was 0.2dB and the ripple
bandwidth was 400MHz with 3% ratio of bandwidth to
Fig. 5 Typical multiplexer output at 2OGbitls rate centre frequency. Fig. 1 shows the layout of the three-pole
Despite several processing limitations, the InP/InGaAs cir- filter.
cuits presented here and elsewhere [6-71 show a high-speed
performance that matches and even surpasses the results Film deposition and processing [l]: The HTS films used in this
obtained by much more sophisticated and mature technol- work are 35WA thick YBCO films with C axis parallel to
ogies. The inherently low bias voltage requirements of these their growth direction. The YBCO films were grown on MgO
circuits and the possibility for major speed improvement by
better fabrication methods show excellent promise for the

InP/InGaAs technology.
28th Nowmber 1991
M. Ban& B. Jalali, D. A. Humphrey, R. K. Montgomery, R. N.Not- U
tenburg, R. A. H a and M. B. Panish (AT&T Bell Laboratories,
Murray Hill, NJ 07974, USA)

1 Y A ~ U C H I Y., o., NAGATA, K., im, H., and ISHIB*SHI, T.:
AIGaAsIGaAs HBTs. Proc. IEEE of 1989 GaAs Symp., pp,
2 WANG, K. C., ASBECK, P. M., ClUNG, M. F., NUBLING, R. 8.. PIEWON, R.
L., SHENG, N. H., SULLIVAN, G . I., YU, I., CHEN, A., CLEMBNT, n., rsm,
T. c., BASIT, H. F., GEORGE, I. D., and YOUNG, R.: AIGaAsIGaAs
heterojunction bipolar transistors. ISSCC Dig. of Technical
Papers, February 1991,pp. 154-155
F. G., PANISN, M. B., and CHO, A. Y.: High speed InGaAs HBT
devios and circuits. Proc. Third Int. Conf. on InP and Related
Materials, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom, 8th-11th April 1991,
pp. 228-233 l2mm
4 REIN, H. M., and HAUENSCHILD, 1.: 23Gbitis Si bipolar decision 1555111
circuit consisting of 24Gbit/s MUX and DEMUX ICs: Electron.
Lett., 1991.27, (11). pp. 974-976 Fig. 1 Layout of three-pole Chebyshev bondpassfilter

ELECTRONICS LETTERS 13th February 1992 Vol. 28 No. 4 355

substrates by ArF pulsed laser deposition at 7WK and in 0, Fig. 4 shows the insertion loss at 77K against the hand-
gas at a pressure of 100mtorr. The filter was patterned by width of the HTS planar handpass filters available for use in
conventional photoresist and AI ion-heam etching techniques. the X hand and the Ku hand [2-71. The filters vary in their
A I+pm thick gold layer was then deposited on the YBCO centre frequencies, numbers of poles and substrate materials.
input and output lines of the filter using AI sputtering to Also, the Figure indicates that the insertion loss increases with
ensure good contact between the YBCO lines and K connec- decreasing bandwidth. The solid line in Fig. 4 is the regression
tors. A groundplane of l W A thick Cr and 3pm thick gold line of all the filters except ours. This line indicates that the
were deposited on the hack of the MgO substrate, The YBCO insertion loss is about 1dB at a bandwidth of 3%. Our result,
critical temperature 5 o f 8 6 K was unchanged after these pro- 0.2dB at 3% bandwidth, has the lowest loss of all these HTS
cesses. planar handpass filters
We also fabricated a handpass filter of 3pm thick gold with
the same configuration for comparison between transmission
responses of the YBCO filter and the gold filter.

Experimental results and discussion: Fig. 2 is a photograph of

a packaged YBCO handpass filter. The YBCO filter on the
MgO substrate was placed on a gold plated supporting plate.
These were mounted in a package and fixed with four screws
from the hack of the package. We selected this mounting
method to obtain good ground contact between the filter and
the package.

. 1 r n- NHKlSRL

lo-' 1bo 10'

1555u1 bondwrdth,'I.

Fig. 4 Insertion loss at 7 7 K agoinst bandwidths of ouoilable HTS

Numbers in arcles refer to numbers in References Section of this

The insertion loss of HTS planar handpass filters usually

comprises conductor loss and dielectric loss. The conductor
loss is proportional to the surface resistance of the HTS film
and ground conductor. The dielectric loss is the loss tangent
of the substrate, In microwave circuits, poor ground contact
and impedance matching may cause further insertion loss.
Hence fabrication techniques, such as the design of the
package and mounting method, are extremely important. The
excellent results achieved indicate that our fabrication tech-
niques are very effective for this type of filter.
To precisely evaluate the Q value, we designed and fahri-
cated a microstrip linear resonator using the same film deposi-
tion and processing. The unloaded Q of the YBCO linear
Fig. 2 Photograph of packaged YBCO three-pole Chebyshev bandpm
resonator was about 2800 at 71K [l]. Assuming an unloaded
Q of 2800, the insertion loss of the three-pole Chehyshev filter
Fig. 3 shows the temperature dependence of transmission is calculated to be 0.19dB, which shows good agreement with
response. Above (-86K). the YBCO behaved like a the measured insertion loss of 0.2dB. An unloaded Q of 2800
resistive conductor with no resonance peaks. Attenuation is the highest value so far achieved in HTS planar handpass
decreased steeply as the temperature was reduced in the vicin- filters, hut it is not sufficient to meet the requirements for low
ity of 5.We obtained an insertion loss of 0.2dB for the centre insertion loss and good frequency selectivity for satellite appli-
frequency at 1 7 K and O.ldB at 17K. The gold filter had a cations. For example, an unloaded Q of more than 6500 is
measured insertion loss of 2.5 dB at 77 K. required for I2GHz broadcasting satellites. It is therefore
desirable to further improve both the quality of HTS films
0, , 1 I I 1- -,, I I and HTS filter fabrication techniques.

Conclusion: We designed and developed a 13.3GHz three-

10 pole Chehyshev handpass filter using a YBCO thin film. We
m achieved an insertion loss of O.2dB at the centre frequency
and an unloaded Q of 2800 at 77 K.
h 20
0 Acknowledgments: This work was partially supported by the
e 30
New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organ-
isation under the management of the R&D of Basic Tech-
nology for Future Industries.
9th December 1991
F. Sugmosita, K. lmai and N. Yazawa (NHK Science and Technical
50 Reseorch Laboroton~s, 1-10-11, Kinuta, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 157,
'2 - 13 1L J'lPO")
kEE frequency. GHz
K. Suzuki, S. Fujino, T. Takenaka and K.Nakaa (SRL-ISTEC, 10-13,
Fig. 3 Transmission temperature dependence of YBCO bondpassfilter Shinonome 1-chome, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135, Japon)

356 ELECTRONICS LETTERS 13th Februarv 1992 Vol. 28 No. 4

Reierencs values, respectively. The strength s of an edge e located
between ( x , y ) and (x, y) is denoted as [SI
SUZUKI, K., et al.: 14GHz Y-Ba-Cu-0 microstripline resonatod.
Proc. 4th Int. Symp. on Superwnductivity,Tokyo, 1991, ADP-3
ITOZAKI, H., and HIOAW K.: YBaCuO disk resonator and $4 = If@,Y ) -f(x. Y)l (1)
bandpass filter. MWE 91 Microwave Workshop Dig., 1991, pp.
157-1 6 I An edge e exists if s(e) is greater than a given threshold. The
RENSCH, 0.8.. et al.: Fabrication and characterisation of high-Tc number of the edge direction is six. An example is given in
superconductingX-band resonators and bandpass filters, IEEE Fig. 1. The integer value at the centre of pixel in Fig. l a

Trans., 1991, MAG-21, (2). pp. 2553-2556 denotes the grey-level value of an image and the value of the
KALOKITL~, o., et d.:Performanceof a narrow band microwave edge in Fig. Ib is the edge strength calculated by eqn. 1. If the
filter implemented in thin-hlm YBa,Cu,O, with ohmic wn-

()$$ -
tacti, Appl. Phys. Lett., 1991.58, (5). pp. 537-539
NEWMAN, H. s, et al.: Microwave devices using YBa,Cu,O,-,
films made by pulsed laser deposition, IEEE Trans., 1991,
MAG-27, (Z), pp. 2540-2543 ZQO
TALISA, s. H., et 01.: Microwave superwnducting filters, IEEE
Trans., 1991, MAG-21, (2). pp. 2544-2547
2 0
Present and projected performance of high-temperature superwn-
ducting filters.IEEE MTT-S Dig., 1991, pp. 1325-1328 Fig. 1 Hexayono1 tesselllotion and edge strength
a Hexagonal tessellation
b Edge strength

threshold is 1 , the three detected edges have strength 2 or 3 as

shown in Fig. lb. Mter the edges have been detected, we use a
hexagonal relaxation algorithm for enhancement of detected
edges. For each edge, its initial confidence level is defined as
its strength of edge and normalised, denoted by &). The
HEXAGONAL EDGE RELAXATION confidence level is then adjusted dynamically. This algorithm
in itself is similar to the conventional edge relaxation [SI and
T. I. Cho a n d K. H. P a r k shown in Table I . To compute the edge confidence level at the
kth iteration of relaxation, L!(e), we proceed as follows. Each
vertex of a reference edge in the hexagonal grid as shown in
Indexing terms: 1m-e processing, Signal processing Fig. 20 has two incident edges. Therefore, if these two edges
It has been found that hexagonal spatial sampling yields have edge confidence levels a, 6 , respectively, the type of
smaller quantisztion errors. A new hexagonal edge relaxation vertex V is determined by the following rules:
method is described. In this method, the vertex types of an
edge are simple and their classification is reasanable, there-
fore the overall enhancement of edges is more reliable than
the Prager square edge relaxation method [I].

Introduction: It has been found that hexagonal spatial sam-

i type 0 when a, b c threshold
type 1 when a < threshold < b o r b c threshold < a
type 2 when threshold < a, b

The vertex type i means that the vertex V in Fig. 2a has


pling yields smaller quantisation errors than square sampling number of i incident edges at that vertex V. For the square
[2]. Horn [3] shows advantages of hexagonal grids for com- grid in Fig. 2b, there are four different vertex types [ l ] .
puter vision application. The hexagonal grids allow improved
sampling and quantisation during the image formation TaMe 1 HEXAGONAL EDGE RELAXATION
process, and remarkably improve the understanding of coo- ALGORITHM
The conventional edge relaxation [ l ] improves the con- (I) Determine confidence level E ( e ) for all edges e
fidence of detected edges using neighbouring edge information Initially, we define I?(e) = s(e)/max $e) for all edges e
in square grid. For each edge, its confidence level is initially Let k = 0
defined as its edge strength which is the difference of neigh- (2) While there exists L!(e) which is neither 0 nor 1:
bouring pixel values and adjusted dynamically as the relax- (i) ktt
ation proceeds. (ii) Compute Z ( e ) from local information around edge e
In this Letter the edge relaxation is applied to the hexago- (a) Classify the two vertices of an edge e,
nal grids rather than to the square grids. In the hexagonal based on the confidence levels of surrounding edges
edge relaxation, the edge type can he determined unam- (b) Classify edge e, based on its vertex types
biguously from the small number of pairs of vertex type (e) Update Lye), based on its edge classifications
whether incremented, decremented or unchanged, and the (3) End
edge confidence level is updated, explained in the following
Section. Because of the unambiguous classification of edge
type, this new relaxation algorithm does not cause a degrada- Now using this vertex type, each edge which is a link
tion effect which usually appears in relaxation approaches. between two vertices can also be classified into six different
pairings as in Fig. 3. For the square grid there are 10 different
Hexagonal edge relaxation: The hexagonal image can be pairings. The edge type is depicted by the pairing vertex type
obtained by simply shifting the even or odd rows of a given of the vertex V and that of vertex W such as (qyw- q-).
image by half a pixel to the right or left. In this hexagonal
tessellation, all six pixels touching a central cell are neigh-
hours so there is no ambiguity in determining its neighbours a b b
as shown in Fig. l a , where pixel value is represented by
integer values. In the case of image formation, there is no
difference in resolution between a rectangular grid and hex-
agonal grid. The edge defined by the Prager method is
obtained by a fourconnectedness neighbour, hut a hexagonal 0 b m
edge is acquired in a six-connectedness sense.
We now explain the hexagonal edge relaxation algorithm. Fig. 2 Vertex classficntion
The edges are located between adjacent pixels in the hexago- (I Hexagonal grid

nal grid. Let f ( x , y ) and f ( x , y) be two neighbouring pixel b Square grid

ELECTRONICS LETTERS 13th February 1992 Vol. 28 No. 4 357

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