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189 CHAPTER 6. INFILTRATION AND VENTILATION ‘The data in this chapter is based on ASHAE tests evaluating the infiltration and ventilation quantities of outdoor air. These outdoor air quantities nor- mally have a different heat content than the air within the conditioned space and, therefore, impose a load on the air conditioning equipment. In the case of infiltration, the load manifests itself directly within the conditioned space. ‘The ventila- tion air, taken thru the conditioning apparatus, imposes a load both on the space thru apparatus bypass effect, and directly on the conditioning equipment, ‘The data in this chapter is based on ASHAE tests and years of practical experience. INFILTRATION Infiltration of air and particularly moisture into « conditioned space is frequently a source of sizable heat gain or loss. The quantity of infiltration air varies according to tightness of doors and windows, porosity of the building shell, height of the build: ing, stairwells, elevators, direction and velocity of wind, and the amount of ventilation and exhaust air. Many of these cannot be accurately evaluated ‘and must be based on the judgment of the estimator, Generally, infiltration may be caused by wind velocity, or stack effort, or bot! 1. Wind Velocity ~The wind velocity builds up a pressure on the windward side of the building and a slight vacuum on the leeward side. The outdoor pressure build-up causes air to infil urate thru crevices in the construction and cracks around the windows and doors, This, in turn, causes a slight build-up of pressure inside the building, resulting in an equal amount of exfileration on the leeward side, 2. Difference in Density or Stack Effect — The variations in temperatures and humidities pro- duce differences in density of air between inside and outside of the building. In tall buildings this density difference causes summer and win. ter infiltration and exfiltration as follows: Summer — Infiltration at the top and exfil tration at the bottom, Winter —Infilwation atthe cexfiltration at the top. bottom and This opposite direction flow balances at some neutral point near the mid-height of the build: ing. Air flow thru the building openings in. ‘creases proportionately between the neutral point and the top and the neutral point and bottom of the building. The infiltration from stack effect is greatly influenced by the height of the building and the presence of open stair- ways and elevators, ‘he combined inflraion trom wind velocity and stack effet is proportional to the quare root ofthe sum ofthe heads acting on it The increased air infiltration flow caused by stack afiect is evalaated. by converting the slack eect force roan equivalent wind velocity, ad then cleus lating the fow from the wind velocity data in the tables 1n buildings over 100 fal, che equivalent wind velocity may be calculated from the following for. Inula, assuming a temperature difference of 70 db (winter) and a newtral point at the midheight of the building Vea (for upper section of tall bidgs — winter) (1) (for lower section of tall bldgs — winter) 2) where, = equivalent wind velocity, mph V = wind velocity normally calculated for location, mph ‘a= distance window is above mid- height, ft b= distance windo height, fe Vea VETTES delow mid. NOTE: The total crackage is considered when calculating infiltration from stack effect. INFILTRATION THRU WINDOWS AND DOORS, SUMMER Infiltration during the summer is caused primarily by the wind velocity creating a pressure on the wind: ward side. Stack effect is not normally a significant factor because the density difference is slight, (0.073 Ibjeu fe at 75 F db, 50% rh and 0,070 Ibjeu fe at 95 F db, 75 F wh). This small stack effect in tall buildings (over 100 f1) causes air to flow in the top and out the bottom. Therefore, the air infiltrating in the top of the building, because of the wind 1.90 pressure, tends to flow down thru the building and ‘out the doors on the street Ievel, thereby offsetting some of the infiltration thru them. In low buildings, air infiltrates thru open doors on the windward side unless sufficient outdoor air is introduced thru the air conditioning equipment to offset it; refer to “Offsetting Infiltration with Out door Air.” With doors on opposite walls, the infiltration can be considerable if the two are open at the same time. Basis of Table 41 = Infiltration thru Windows and Doors, Summer ‘The data in Tables 41a, b and c is based on a wind velocity of 7.5 mph blowing directly at the window or door, and on observed crack widths around typical windows and doors. This data is derived from Table 44 which lists infiltration chru ‘racks around windows and doors as established by ASHAE tests Table 41d shows values to be used for doors on ‘opposite walls for various percentages of time that each door is open. ‘The data in Table 41e is based on actual tests of typical applications. TABLE 41-1 TABLE 41—DOUBLE HUNG WINDOWS? PART 1, LOAD ESTIMATING Use of Table 41 infiltration they Windows ond Doors, Summer ‘The data in Table 41 is used to determine the infiltration thru windows and doors on the wind ward side with the wind blowing directly at them. When the wind direction is oblique to the windows or doors, multiply the values in Tables 41a, b, ¢, d, by 0.60 and apply to otal areas. For specific loca tions, adjust the values in Table 41 to the design wind velocity; refer to Table 1, page 10. During the summer, infiltration is calculated for the windward side(s) only, because stack effect is small and, therefore, causes the infiltration air to flow in a downward direction in tall buildings (over 100 ft), Some of the air infiltrating thru the windows will exfiltrate thru the windows on the leeward side(), while the remaining infiltration air flows out the doors, thus offsetting some of the infil: tration thra the doors, To determine the net infil: tration thru the doors, determine the infiltration thru the windows on the windward side, multiply this by .80, and subtract from the door infiltration, For low buildings the door infiltration on the wind: aard side should be included in the estimate, FILTRATION THRU WINDOWS AND DOORS—SUMMER* 7.5 mph Wind Velocity} FM FER 50 FT SASH AREA DESCRIPTION Ne W-Siip [Storm Sesh | No W-Ship 120 40 7 0 ao a DESCRIPTION ae % | Be Tolied Secon Sisal Sesh Indira Pioted a |n eho Projected een a 7 | | CHAPTER 6. INFILTRATION AND VENTILATION 191 TABLE 41—INFILTRATION THRU WINDOWS AND DOORS—SUMMER? (Contd) 7.5 mph Wind Velocity TABLE 41¢ DOORS ON ONE OR ADJACENT WALLS, FOR CORNER ENTRANCES FM PER G0 FY AREA™ crm DESCRIPTION Standing Oven No Use Novi 7 mee = = = ae | a 500 as 109 700 300 10 45 700 00 “mall Fecory Door earl es = as erage & Shipping Room Door 20 4s pa = Ramp Goruge Deo 20 os & = SWINGING DOORS ON OPPOSITE WALLS time tn Door = 10 [100 10 100 |__ia00 5 250 as 1250 ws 2.00 50 500 1250, 2500 750 000 75 750 ws 730 sas 7.300 Lv 100 2300 seco | 7300 p00 APPLICATION. ee 72" Revelving Door = as eo T eo eShop Pry 50 ae Candy and St 55 7 53 Giger Store 200 200 as Deperimon! Store (Smeal) as 20 rats Shop 20 25 reg store 55 7 Hospitel Res = es Tunch Room rr 30 he 2 a5 26 “al ales i Table 4 ore bose onthe wind blowing direly athe window or door, When the wind dec ls ablqve lo te window or door, multiply ‘he above volus by 060 ond wre te foal window ond door grea an he windward wae {tosed one wind veloc of 75 mph For devin wind velar lierent fom the bose, moliply the ebove voles by the ratio of velco. Iieudes rome lckage whe Exomple 1 —Infilration in Toll Buildings, Summer Given: A 20-sory bullding in New York City oriented true north Building is 100 fe long and 100 ft wide with 4 foorto-loor height of 12 {Wall area is 50% residential casement windows having 80% fixed sash, There ate ten 7 ft x 3 ft steinging glass doors on the street level facing south. infirtion x muchas 30% wher the door usage I igh. When door wage I heavy, he vestibule of ie vale for Find Infiltration into the building thra doors and windows, disregarding outside aie thew the equipment and the exhaust air quantity. solution: ‘The prevailing wind in New York City during the summer Issouth, 18 mph (Table 1, gage 10). 1-92 PART 1, LOAD ESTIMATING CCortection to Table I values for wind velocity 215/75 = 128 Glas area on south side = 30% 12 x 100 «50 00 sq ft InGleeaion thru windows 1200 > 49 % 1.73 = 10200 cfm (Table 416) Infiltration thew doors 10% 7 % 8 X 10 X 1.78 = 9640 elm (Table 41) Since this building is over 100 ft tal, net infiltration thru {doors = $640 (10200 X80) =~ 4590 cm. “Therefore, thete is no infiltration thrw the doors on the sarees level on design daye, only exfitration COFFSETTING INFILTRATION WITH OUTDOOR AIR, SUMMER Completely offsetting infiltration by the introduc. tion of outdoor air thru the air conditioning appara tus is normally uneconomical except in buildings with few windows and doors, The outdoor air so introduced must develop a pressure equal to the wind velocity to offset infiltration. This pressure causes exfiltration thru the leeward walls at a rate equal to wind velocity. Therefore, in a four sided building with equal crack areas on each side and the wind blowing against one side, the amount of ‘outdoor air introduced thru the apparatus must be a little more than three times the amount that infil: tates, Where the wind is blowing against wo sides, the outdoor air must be a little more than equal to that which infiltrates. Offsetting swinging door infiltration is not quite as difficult because air takes the path of least resist- tance, normally an open door. Most of the outdoor air introduced thru the apparatus flows out the door when it is opened. Also, in tall buildings the window infiltration tends to ow out the door. ‘The infiltration thru revolving doors is caused by displacement of the air in the door quadrants, is almost independent of wind velocity and, therefore, ‘cannot be offset by outdoor air. Basis of Table 42 = Offseting Swinging Door Infiltration with Outdoor Air, ‘Summer Some of the outdoor air introduced thru the ap- paratus exfiltrates thru the cracks around the win- dows and in the construction on the leeward side. The outdoor air values have been increased by this amount for typical application as a result of ex perience. Use of Table 42 = Offsetting Swi Summer Table 42 is used to determine the amount of out door air thru air conditioning apparatus required to offset infiltration thru swinging doors, jing Door Infiltration with Outdoor Air, Example 2— Offsetting Swinging Door Infltration Givens ‘A restaurant with 3000 cfm outdoor air being introduced thm the air conditioning apparatus. Exhaust fans in the Ieitchen remove 2000 cfm, Two 7 ft x 3 glass swinging ‘doors Face the prevailing wind direction. At peak load cond tions, chere are 300 people in the restaurant Find: TThe net infiltration thew the outside doors, Solution: Infiltration the doors [Net outdoor air = $000 —2000 = 1000 fm Only 975 cfm of outdoor iris required to oft 750 cfm of oor infiltration (Tabie #2). “Therefore, thete will he no net infiltration thru the outside doors nies there ate windows on the leeward side. If there are windows in the building, caleviate as outlined in Example I 100 x 25 = 150 cfm (Table 41e) TABLE 42—OFFSETTING SWINGING DOOR INFILTRATION WITH OUTDOOR AIR—SUMMER Nel Outdoor Al fem Nes Outdoor Ai [in] [Boar inftvation let 660 150 ‘et oueor el aval the evtdoor cir quantity inedued he the eppratus mins the exhovt er query CHAPTER 6. INFILTRATION AND VENTILATION INFILTRATION THRU WINDOWS AND DOORS, WINTER Infiltration thru windows and doors during the winter is caused by the wind velocity and also stack effect. The temperature differences during the win- ter are considerably greater than in summer and, therefore, the density difference is greater; at 75 F db and 30% rh, density is .0788; at 0°F db, 40% rh, density is .0865. Stack effect causes air to flow in at the bottom and out at the top, and in many cases requires spot heating at the doors on the street level to maintain conditions. In applications where there is considerable infiltration on the street level, much of the infiltration thru the windows in the upper levels will be offset. Basis of Table 43 = Infiltration thru Windows and Doors, Winter The data in Table 43 is based on a wind velocity of 15 mph blowing directly at the window or door and on observed crack widths around typical win- dows and doors. The infiltration thru these cracks is calculated from Table #4 which is based on ASHAE tests Use of Table 43 Infiltration thru Windows and Doors, Winter Table 43 is used to determine the infiltration of air thru windows and doors on the windward side during the winter. The stack effect in tall buildings increases the infiltration thra the doors and windows on the lower levels and decreases it on the upper levels. Therefore, whenever the door infiltration is increased, the infiltration thru the upper levels must be decreased by 80% of the net increase in door infiltration. The infiltration from stack effect on the leeward sides of the building is determined by using the difference between the equivalent velocity (V,) and the actual velocity (Vas outlined in Example 3 ‘The data in Table 43 is based on the wind blowing directly at the windows and doors. When the wind direction is oblique to the windows and doors, multi- ly the values by 0.60 and use the total window and door area on the windward sides, Example 3— Infiltration in Tall Buildings, Winter Given ‘The building described in Example 1 Find ‘The inltration thru the doors and windows, Solution: ‘The prevailing wind in New York City during the winter is NWat 168 mph (Table J, page 10) 1.93 Correction on Table 43 for wind velocity 6 168/15 = 1.12. Since the wind is coming from the Northwest, the crackage ‘on the north and west sides will allow inflation but the wind is only 60%, effective. Comection for wind direction ie, Since this building is over 100 fe tall, stack effect causes infiltration on all sides at the lower levels and exfitrtio at the upper levels. The total infiltration on the windwant ses remains the same hecause the increate at the bottom fs exactly equal to the decrease at the top. (For a floor by. oor analysis, use equivalent wind velocity formulas) Inti tration thru ‘windows on the windward siles of the lower levels 12,000 x 2 x 1.12 % 6 x98 = 15,810 fm. ‘The total infiltration thru the windows on the teewaed sides of the building is equal to the dilference between the equivalent velocity atthe frst floor and the design velocity atthe midpoint ofthe building. r= PT 4 08895 (175% 27) =m22.mph V,-¥ 2222168 =54 mph tal infiaton eh window inter Balto bing (upper alien) on ede 1ap00 2 ye Baqi a8 2a tn obi) NOME: ‘This the tt nation thr te winows on the evade A ory io as sou Imad to alse the pwc 10 atin Proper Contin ech oe “he inition eh the dom om the wet fee (om ecard de 79x (4/8) 9 810 cin (Teble 3, eags ms, Land sory bulla Example 4— Offsetting Infiltration with Outdoor Air Any outdoor air mechanically introduced into the building offets some of the infiltration. In Example 3 all of the out floor sir is effective in reducing the window infiltration Infiltration is reduced on two windward ses, and the ait introduced thru the apparatus exBlteates thru the other two sides, Given ‘The building described in Example 1 with 25 fm/sq ft supplied thru the apparatus and 40,000 cfm being exhausted from the building Find, The net inltration into this building Solution: Net outdoor air = (25 x 10,000 x 20) — 40,000 = 10,000 fm Net infiltration thru windows 15800 + 2160 ~ 10,000 =7970 cfm [Net infiltration thru doors = 2310 cfm (Example 3) [Net infiltration into building = 7970-4 2310 ~ 10:280 cfm 194 PART 1, LOAD ESTIMATING TABLE 43—INFILTRATION THRU WINDOWS AND DOORS—WINTER® 15 mph Wind Velocity TABLE 420—DOUBLE HUNG WINDOWS ON WINDWARD SIDE cia rsa FAR fooler Pee DESCRIPTION ‘Westie | _W-Strip | Storm Sosh “Average Weed Sash aS | 53 ae 26 rand vec! tok a a | 3 3 aan tt % ye nt ha Osean NOTE: W-Ship donates weatersip TABLE 4ab CASEMENT TYPE WINDOWS ON WINDWARD SIDE ‘crm FER 50 FT AREA escarrion ae Le Len [om | wm [om | om [1% | 0m Toled Socton—Steel Sek james | y anil Pte eee eee ee toeawe! Peced Ae ese eer | ean eee |e tena zee ae | eee (eeu | a ene Moet Pedeed eee | eae = ie ize es Hollow Metal— Vertically Pivotec so [we | — Let = = = 2 = 43 Taste 42400085 ON ONE OF ADIACENT WINDWARD SIDES! GMP aa AWA ae aa ‘rege Ue aan —— ns Aas arpa | wettest ce on See my Te a va va 9.0. 309 | 340 405 495 79 nie v8 2s % ne ery 90 ki 8 5 | sh vasa Toi ere based onthe wind bling dey ot he wow o door, When he prevaing wind eon shave 0 he window A a soe Soave wees by 0.0 and eee tel window end door area on the windward sits SSUITIERY Minin 1S won for dain wind won fern fom fe he, yh abe vs by he aco le see oe rie bean woy ato coe iron onthe leeward ide To avelote hy dsterie the eauvln rele (al end wart he ‘dignity (V). The eave! velo Yor V Wi= 175 oppor sion) Vie WETS (lower seen) MARNE ave te dtonceschove and alow the mid-sight of the bug, rerpetvey in tig ec Sake OP he sate e998 fr dors ond one al ofthe windows onthe leword eof the big, Ure voles ner rand 2 Story Bide" for doar on leeward i ft bung) oe en a tana he ober vues 25% Yetines may ase he inaion ox mh ox 20% whet der wage 6 Ut At Fe era ia sn ren nvoion Hoot aed fh vetine wt help mone mm empuraarer4c We oe CHAPTER 6, INFILTRATION AND VENTILATION INFILTRATION — CRACK METHOD (Summer or Winter) ‘The crack method of evaluating infiltration is ‘more accurate than the area methods. It is difficult to establish the exact crack dimensions but, in cer- tain close tolerance applications, it may be necessary to evaluate the load accurately. The crack method is applicable both summer and winter. Basis of Table 44 Infiltration thru Windows and Doors, Crack Method. The data on windows in Table 4 are based on ASHAE tests, These test results have been reduced 20% because, as infiltration occurs on one side, a certain amount of pressure builds up in the build: ing, thereby reducing the infiltration. The data on glass and factory doors has been calculated from observed typical crack widths. 1.95 Use of Table 44 = Infiltration thre Windows end Doors, Crack Method Table #4 is used to determine the infiltration thru the doors and windows listed, This table does not take into account winter stack effect which must be evaluated separately, using the equivalent wind velocity formulas previously presented. Example 5 — Infiltration thru Windows, Crack Method Given A417 fe resiential easement window facing south Find: ‘The infiltration thr this window: Solution: Assume the crack widths are measured as follows Window frame ~ none, well sealed ‘Window openable area ~ 1/52 in. crack; length, 20 ft Assume the wind velocity i 30’ mph due south, Snftration thru window = 20 % 240 = 42 cfm (Table 44) TABLE 44—INFILTRATION THRU WINDOWS AND DOORS—CRACK METHOD—SUMMER—WINTER* TABLE 440—DOUBLE HUNG WINDOWS—UNLOCKED ON WINDWARD SIDE rye oF ‘GEM PER LINEAR FOOT OF CRACK Wind Velocity —Miph ouste HUNG WINDOW 5 5 Ce oe New We | Nowe W-| Now- W-| News we Ship Ship | “Ship _swip| Stip Shin | “Siip ship Wood sesh ‘Average Window a} as a2} ts wo] oa | uss at] 73 08 Peery Fits Window 45 to | ais 32 sas x7 | 2eo a5 | a90 1ts| 4g 133 Feory Fited—win Som Soh | 23, 0s. | sy 6 av | 130 | 140 sy! 2076 Mesa se | eas P| srt | ase nool| a er TABLE 44b—CASEMENT TYPE WINDOWS ON WINDWARD SIDE ‘CFM PER LINEAR FOOT OF CRACK TYPE OF CASEMENT WINDOW AND TYPICAL ERACK SIZE Tolled Secion—Stel Sash T Indi! Pivots Werk a vo | ae a a oa ritual Poacted 1 woe 25 4 | to us | ies | 23 ArcitecualProjced Me" erck a 2 | w | im | os 30 Residential Cavement We cock 10 e507 ea 7” | 0 | 19 oidemal Covenant We ok 2 a w|i | er | 20 Weary Cotonen Secion Pojced a? wack a5 7 20 a | Heovy Casement Secon Projected Ve" erack 13 | san, “| 0 13 ollow Metal—VaricallyPiveed 30 a 400 ‘inftretioncosed by sack effet mut be cakulaed separately during he wine, 0 Se Tele 43 or inlrton due to weg 1-96 PART 1, LOAD ESTIMATING TABLE 44—INFILTRATION THRU WINDOWS AND DOORS—CRACK METHOD—SUMMER—WINTER* (Conta) TARE 44e—DOORSY ON WINDWARD SIDE ‘FM PER IWNEAR FOOT OF GRACE TYPE OF DOOR ___ Wind Velocity mph 5 10 6 20 25 30 t t W eack ty so | 130 | 10 | 190 Stem s/o | ao | me | ae |e ferlnlaton 4 exee Gale Aleta of sale is go | at |e Ordinary Woed er Metal Ee Wai Fined W sip as MWe | tal | are} ay Well Fitted —No W-Strip 90 gr 2a lig Az Poot fied Ke Wp gon |e aa lear S| ea | aaa | as Federy Boor Week 32 fen oa [eo | ATES] eae [ies VENTILATION applications. In applications where the minimum VENTILATION STANDARDS. ‘The introduction of outdoor air for ventilation of conditioned spaces is necessary to dilute the odors given off by people, smoking and other internal air contaminants, The of ventilation required varies primarily with the total number of people, the ceil ing height and the number of people smoking. People give off body odors which require a mini mum of 5 cfm per person for satisfactory dilution, Seven and one half cim per person is recommended. This is based on a population density of 50 to 75 sq ft per person and a typical ceiling height of 8 ft. With greater population densities, the ventilation quantity should be increased, When people smoke, the additional odors given off by cigarettes or cigars require a minimum of 15 to 25 elm per person. In special gathering rooms with heavy smoking, 80 to 50 cfm per person is recommended. Basis of Table 45 Ventilation Standards The data in Table 45 is based on test observation of the clean outdoor air required to maintain satis. factory odor levels with people smoking and not smoking. These test results were then extrapolated for typical concentrations of people, both stoking and not smoking, for the applications listed. Use of Toble 45 Ventilation Standards Table 43 is used to determine the minimum and recommenced ventilation air quantity for the listed values ate used and the minimum cfm per person and cfm per sq ft of floor area are listed, use the larger minimum quantity. Where the crowd density is greater than normal or where better than satis- factory conditions are desired, use the recommended values, SCHEDULED VENTILATION In comfort applications, where local codes permit, itis possible to reduce the capacity requirements of the installed equipment by reducing the ventilation air quantity at the time of peak load, This quantity can be reduced at times of peak to, in effect, mini« ‘mize the outdoor air load, At times other than peak load, the calculated outdoor ait quantity is used. Scheduled ventilation is recommended only for in: stallations operating more than 12 hours or 3 hours longer than occupancy, to allow some time for flush: ing out the building when no odors are being gen- erated. It has been found, by tests, that few com: plaints of stuffiness are encountered when the out- door air quantity is reduced for short periods of time, provided the flushing period is available. It is recommended that the outdoor air quantity be re duced to no less than 40% of the recommended quantity as listed in Table 4. ‘The procedure for estimating and controlling scheduled ventilation is as follows; 1. In estimating the cooling load, reduce the air quantity at design conditions to a minimum of 40% of the recommended air quantity. 2 Use a dry-bulb thermostat following the cook ing and dehumidifying apparatus to control the leaving dewpoint such that: CHAPTER 6. INFILTRATION AND VENTILATION 197 a. With the dewpoint at design, the damper ‘motor closes the outdoor air damper to 40% Of the design ventilation air quantity. . As the dewpoint decreases below design, the ‘outdoor air damper opens to the design setting. Example 6— Ventilation Air Quantity, Office Space Given: ‘500054 ft ofce with a ceiling height of 8 ft and 80 people. Approximately 40%, ofthe people smoke. Find: "The ventilation air quantity. Solution: “The population density i typical, 100 sq fe per person, but the nusnber of smokers is considerable ‘Recommended ventilation = 50 % 15 = 750 cfm (Table 45) Minimum ven 0% 10 = 500 elm (Table 45) 500 cfm will more than likely not maintain satisfactory conditions within the space because the number of smokers is considerable. Therelore, 750 elm should be used in this application NOTE: Many applications have exhaust fans, This means that the outdoor air quantity must at least equal the exhausted air; otherwise the infltrtion rate will increase. Tables 4 and 47 list the approximate capacities of typical exhaust fans. The data in these lables were obtained from published ratings of sev feral manufacturers of exhatst fans. TABLE 45—VENTILATION STANDARDS. ar ae FM FER PERSON ee an Recommended ‘oinon? [averooe Sone 70 Tas = eertneet OS ane Some bb 8 a nting Spote eaten 0 ™ = 8 10 = i 7% = ers Boord Rooms ° 0 = Cecil bors, 0 25 SI Corridors (Supply or Exhou] Ss = = | 25 Departmen Stores None ™% 3 os Drecors Rooms estrone 2 EY S Drag Sores Conerable 0 7% = Fodor 8 None 0 ™ 10 ve and Ten Cen! Stores Nene 7% 5 = Feral Prins fe 10 ™ = Gereae? = = S | Ae rong Rooms Nee = 5 28, Hospitals Pave Rooms Nee x as Ss Words Nowe 8 5 S Hotel Rooms Heowy 30 2s m toner fetvere 5 = = 28 Loberotoriesf sone 20 15 = Meeting Boome Very Heovy 2 Ey Vas fect Some 15 10 7 ‘otte| Pirate None 5 15 & Pivate oniderabe 30 8 25 enero an Coniderobie 2 10 S Bing Room Eenigerebe 15 a = ‘Stel Ramet Nove = = = Shop Rei Noe 0 7% = Theater None ™% 5 = Theater Some 15 10 7 Toles (Exhou S = = 20 {800 local codes whch may gover. hay be governed by exhaust FAI outer reson {Use those woes ules governed by other cuz af cataminton or by los odes 0 overcome expaion ho 1-98 TABLE 46—CENTRIFUGAL FAN PART 1, LOAD ESTIMATING TABLE 47—PROPELLER FAN CAPACITIES— ‘CAPACITIES FREE DELIVERY Toiet Sui Fan Dioner Diameter Velocity {ind (rom ‘ind ange (tom) = — 7 200-2000 2 140 ‘ 00.2500 ” was fe 450.2900 6 855 10 9504300 16 1 1a To00-2000, 5 350 zi a3 1000-2000, 1 10 aa 1000-2000, 20 30 art | asoosooo | vers | 10002000 2» no 20 i) 3300 Trew yptel ot capeton were cblcned from pblied ratings of — ee eee eseurocurcs of melonaby known enous fanysigle why Ste ner Range of soe pressure Veto Ye incon Fors wih net {Speter {0 ince ond emallr ve dived comeced {vw copucty ofthese fons hes been orbital token et 1990 fom Wie2ES%4 Sedo fm moni evil velosy. For These fons the Thost section probealy be approximtely 1500 fom cute veocy “Tue copocton of fans of various monufacuren may vary 10% Thom ie waluce given above

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