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Script Speech: Seminar Session by Master of Ceremony

Buat kalian yang ada tugas Public Speaking atau apapun itu yang berkaitan dengan pidato, ini
gue kasih sedikit inspirasi, kebetulan ada bekas skrip pidato yang -semoga- ga kepake lagi.
Semoga bisa menginspirasi, tapi jangan jadi plagiat yaa ;) Jangan lupa cantumin bibliography
atau Daftar Pustaka sebagai kredibilitas pidato kalian. Enjoy!

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

His Excellency the Rector of State University of Jakarta Prof. Dr. Bedjo Sujanto, M.Pd.
Honorable the Dean of Faculty of Languages and Arts Mrs. Banu Pratisi, Ph.D.
Respectable the Chair of English department Mr. Ifan Iskandar, M.Hum.
Honorable all lecturers of English Department
Respectable all participants of this Seminar

Firstly, lets thank to the almighty Allah SWT who has given us some mercies and blessings
so that we can attend this seminar without any troubles and obstacles.
Secondly, sholawat and salam may always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has
guided us from the darkness to the lightness, from stupidity to the cleverness namely Islamic
Im Ikhtian Nurfadila, your master of ceremony this morning.
Welcome to this routine Tuesday Lescture Seminar. We would like to thank everyone here for
taking time to attend our remarkable seminar.
To start our opening ceremony this morning, allow me to read todays agendas:
1. Opening by reciting Al Fatihah
2. Remarks/Speeches
3. Closing by praying
Those are the todays agenda which will be presented soon.

Dear audiences, ladies and gentlemen,

Lets open this agenda by reciting Al Fatihah together. Al Fatihah..
Thank you very much.

Dear audiences, ladies and Gentlemen

As we have finished our opening, to lead the next session, I would like to invite Miss Mutia
Resfi Kinasih to moderate the seminar today. Im Ikhtian Nurfadila would like to say thank
you very much.
Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

Seminar Session by Moderator and Main Speaker.

Thank you very much Dr. Randy Teguh, M.Psi. for giving such informative and interesting
presentation, and Miss Mutia Resfi Kinasih for moderating the excellent seminar and also to
the participants for very active participation. Hopefully, the seminar will be beneficial for
everybody. Amin.
Please give applause for the speaker, the moderator and for you all. Im Ikhtian Nurfadila as
the master of ceremony today and also as the committee of this program, beg your pardon of
the mistaken we have made. Thank you.

Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

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