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The moon has always been an integral part of our lives.

Whether it is celebratin
g a festival or starting an auspicious task, or meditating, we consider the move
ments of the moon.
For example, festivals such as Ramzan, Guru Purnima and Holi are celebrated acco
rding to the movements of the moon.
It is very good to meditate on a full moon day.
The moon has an effect on water and our body contains a lot of water. Hence on t
he day of Purnima or Full Moon it is beneficial to do meditation.
Let us see how the moon effects our body: Indian ancient scriptures such as Vish
nu Purana talk about the origin of the moon. According to this purana, the moon
has emerged from the Milky ocean with his soft and snowy beams.
Food that we consume is converted into 2 parts mind energy and prana. The mind ene
rgy is centered in the pineal gland area from which vital hormones get secreted.
The moon enters this gland to take control of all our activities from night till
the time we wake up. The rays of the moon affect human beings, animals, plants,
water and so on. Our body consists of 60% water. So, the full moon meditation h
elps the seekers in going inward, transcend the mind, and feel the divinity with
The 'Full Moon Meditation' guided by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ji rejuvenates our bod
y and mind. This meditation is done sitting in the direction of east or west. It
is a wonderful experience to do this meditation sitting in the cool rays of the

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar founded The Art of Living as an international, non-profit,
educational and humanitarian organization in 1982. Its educational and self-deve
lopment programs offer powerful tools to eliminate stress and foster a sense of
well-being through powerful breathing techniques such as Sudarshan Kriya and Yog
a. Appealing not only to a specific population, these practices have proven effe
ctive globally at all levels of society.

What is Meditation?
Settling the surface mind is meditation. Living in the present is meditation. Re
laxing deeply is meditation. When you are really happy, reposing in love, you ar
e meditating. Meditation is that space when the thoughts have subsided, and the
mind is in complete rest.
What is Sudarshan Kriya?
Sudarshan Kriya incorporates specific natural rhythms of the breath which harmon
ize the body, mind and emotions. This unique breathing technique eliminates stre
ss, fatigue and negative emotions such as anger, frustration and depression, lea
ving you calm yet energized, focused & yet relaxed. It increases energy, improve
s intuition and makes you innovative. Millions around the world have done this u
nique practice and have reported better quality of life.

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