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Greymouth Registry

CASE NO. CIV-2016-418-020

UNDER SS.27(1,3),5 Bill of Rights Act 1990;

R.5.25 High Court Rules

IN THE MATTER OF S.24 Local Electoral Act 2001

BETWEEN Friedrich Joachim Fehling,

P.O.Box 95, Harihari 7863, NZ,
engineer against royal corruption for the
GENERAL PUBLIC’s interest,
Plaintiff, in person

AND R (also called Regina (Rex), Queen

(King), the Crown, Elizabeth Windsor),
Buckingham Palace, London, England,
Representative: Governor-General,
Government House, Wellington, NZ,

DATED 5th December 2016





TO The Registrar, High Court, P.O.Box 29, Greymouth

AND TO R via the Governor-General, Government House, Wellington

AND TO The General Public

ALSO TO The German Embassy and German Media

[1] Judge Dunningham has now followed the unlawful change of

respondent by the Supreme Court, and has unlawfully altered this claim’s
defendant from R, queen, etc. to “attorney-general”, so that the plaintiff is
not a party to this judge’s case/claim; For this judge’s info the Affidavit/
Notice of Disclaimer to the Supreme Court is enclosed (Appendix N).

[2] This judge, which also invalidated in a criminally corrupt way

Parliament’s public-safety-protecting Resource Management Act earlier (see
“Chronological Summary of the 1080 Case”, Appendix A), obviously
received the unlawful Supreme-Court dismissal of the appeal far before the
appellant/plaintiff; This proves beyond any doubt that the defendant
monarch’s court judges are colluding in a criminal fascistic corrupt way,
being prostituting serfs to their criminal monarch that is the proper lawful
defendant to this claim.

[3] The criminally corrupt Supreme-Court judges O’Regan, Arnold and

Ellen France have invalidated Democracy, Human Rights and legal Natural
Justice, and it is already obvious that this High-Court judge will also
prostitutingly assist by striking-out Democracy, Human Rights and legal
Natural Justice via unlawfully striking-out this claim and by imposing
payment of costs to the extreme rich defendant in addition to the Supreme
Court’s $2,500 -- the crown solicitor had not even filed for any specific
detailed sum! They try to punish the plaintiff for the defendant’s unlawful
active prevention of Democracy, Human Rights and legal Natural
Justice in traditional medievil royal-fascistic style!
The plaintiff is therefore totally refusing to submit to this precedence-setting
criminal perversion of justice by refusing to pay any such costs, etc. He has
therefore filed a Debtors Petition for Bankruptcy.

[4] The Supreme Court again invalidated the Supreme Court Act as last
resort, and has now correctly defined the truth of criminal royal fascistic
corruption with unlawful active prevention of Democracy, Human
Rights and legal Natural Justice as “scandalous” in order to justify the
prevention of this court case and consequently of publicity -- Hence this
very public info together with the plaintiff ’s relevant court documents in
.pdf format for easy distribution over the internet;
Appendix O should be read first, followed by “Supreme Court Local
Election Challenge.pdf ”, with the other Appendices as clarifying add-ons.

As this is a court proceeding in a publicly “open” court, all these truth-

revealing documents can be distributed/published and reported about…
There cannot exist any suppression order, as such would be overruled by the
plaintiff in the democratic public interest and under freedom of speech!

[5] The monarch’s judiciary has now openly and provenly invalidated all of
Parliament’s statutory laws, so that its threat of refusing to accept the filing
of the anyone’s truth-revealing future court cases is pointless, as is any
further use of the monarch’s courts; The judiciary has thus provided full
justification for the public’s direct application of Natural Justice via a
revolution, including maximum targeted ultimate violence against the
judiciary and its monarch/royals, as there logically remains no other civilised
option to achieve Democracy, Human Rights and legal Natural Justice within
a reasonable timeframe that should have corrected these criminals. This
would be self-defence by the General Public, also to prevent extreme
environmental damage by international (incl. royal) fascism that would make
life on this planet unfeasible!

Judicial decisions can be studied through

Harihari, this 5th December 2016 ……………………………

(Fritz Fehling, Plaintiff)

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