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Qualitative Research

What is :

Qualitative research : includes an array of interpretive techniques which seek to describe,

decode, translate and otherwise come to terms with the meaning, not the frequency, of certain
more or less naturally occurring phenomena in the social world.
Qualitative Techniques : used at both the data collection and data analysis stages of
aresearch project.
Data Collection Stage : the array of techniques includes focus groups, individual depth
interviews (IDIs), case studies, ethnography, grounded theory, action research, and
Qualitative research draws data from a variety of sources, including the following :
1. People (individuals or groups).
2. Organizations or institutions.
3. Texts (published, including virtual ones).
4. Settings and environments (visual/sensory and virtual material).
5. Objects, artifacts, media products (textual/visual /sensory and virtual material).
6. Events and happenings (textual/visual/sensory and virtual material).

Qualitative versus Quantitative Research :

Focus of Research Understanding and interpret Describe,explain, and predict
Researcher Involvement Highresearcher is Limited; controlled to prevent
participant or catalyst bias
Research Purpose In-depth understanding; Describe or predict; build and
theory building test theory
Sample Design Nonprobability; purposive Probability
Sample Size Small Large
Research Design May evolve or adjust during Determined before
the course of the project commencing the project
Often uses multiple methods Uses single method or mixed
simultaneously or methods
sequentially Consistency is critical
Consistency is not expected Involves either a cross-
Involves longitudinal sectional or a longitudinal
approach approach
Participant Preparation Pretasking is common No preparation desired to avoid
biasing the participant
Data Type and Preparation Verbal or pictorial Verbal descriptions
descriptions Reduced to numerical codes
Reduced to verbal codes for computerized analysis
(sometimes with computer
Data Analysis Human analysis following Computerized analysis
computer or human coding; statistical and mathematical
primarily nonquantitative methods dominate
Forces researcher to see the Analysis may be ongoing
contextual framework or during the project
the phenomenon being Maintains clear distinction
measureddistinction between facts and judgments
between facts and
jidgments less clear
Always ongoing during the
Insight and Meaning Deeper level of Limited by the opportunity to
understanding is the norm; probe respondents and the
determined by type and quality of the original data
quantity of freeresponse collection instrument
questions Insight follow data collection
Researcher participation in and data entry, with limited
data collection allows ability to reinterview
insights to form and be participants
tested during the process
Research Sponsor Involvement May participate by Rarely has either direct or
obeserving reserach in real indirect contact with
time or via taped interviews participants
Feedback Turnaround Smaller sample sizes make Larger sample sizes lenghten
data collection faster for data collection; internet
shorter possible turnaround methodologies are shortening
Insight are developed as the turnaround but inappropriate
research progesses, for many studies
shortening data analysis Insight development follows
data collection and entry,
lengthening reserach process;
interviewing software
permits some tallying of
responses as data collection
Data Security More absolute given use of Act of research in progressis
restricted access facilities and often known by competitors;
smaller sample sizes insight may be gleaned by
competitors for some visible,
field-based studies

Quantitative data often consist of participant responses that are coded, categorized, and
reduced to numbers so that these data may be manipulated for statistical analysis.
Computer software is increasingly used for the coding process in qualitative research, at the
heart of the qualitative process is the researcher framing and interpreting data. Qualitative
data may be especially useful to support a low-risk decision that must be made quickly.
The Process of Qualitative Research :

Three key distinctions suggested in the previous sections do affect the research process :
1. The level of question development in the management-research question hierarchy
prior to the commencing of qualitative research.
2. The preparation of the participant prior to the research experience.
3. The nature and level of data that come from the debriefing of interviewrs or
Much of qualitative research involves the deliberate preparation of the participant, called
preexercises or pretasking this step is important due to the desire to extract detail and
meaning from the participant.
The modifications to the research process : qualitative research and the research

Qualitative Research Methodologies :

The researcher chooses a qualitative methodology based on the projects purpose; its
schedulu, including the speed with which insights are needed; its budget; the issue(s) or
topic(s) being studied; the types of participants needed; and the researchers skill,
personality, and preferences.
Formulating the Qualitative Research Question :

The general sampling guideline for qualitative research : keep sampling as long as your
breadth and depth of knowledge of the issue under study are expanding; stop when you
gain no new knowledge or insight.
Qualitative research involves nonprobability sampling where little attempt is made to
generate a representative sample.
Several types of nonprobability sampling are common :
1. Purposive sampling : Researchers choose participants arbitrarily for their unique
characteristics or their experiences, attitudes, or perceptions; as conceptual or
theoretical categories of participants develop during the interviewing process,
researchers seek new participants to challenge emerging patterns. (pengambilan
sampel secara sengaja sesuai dengan persyaratan sampel yang diperlukan)
2. Snowball sampling : participants refer researchers to others who have charateristics,
experiences, or attitudes similiar to or different from their own. (metoda sampling di
mana sampel diperoleh melalui proses bergulir dari satu responden ke
responden yang lainnya)
3. Convenience sampling : researchers select any readily available individuals as
participants. (subyek dipilih karena aksesibilitas nyaman dan kedekatan mereka
kepada peneliti. Subyek dipilih hanya karena mereka paling mudah untuk
merekrut studi dan peneliti tidak mempertimbangkan memilih ketegori yang
mewakili seluruh populasi)

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