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Lady of Lourdes Colleges

College of Nursing
Comprehensive Midterm Examination
By: Prof. Erwin M. Escober BSN, RN, MAN(u.e)
NAME:__________________________ DATE: ______________
BSN: __________________________ SCORE:______________

General Directions:
This is a one hour and forty minutes (1h and 40 mins) 100 items test.
All Super impositions and Erasures are considered wrong.
Use only Blank Ball Pen in answering.
Please Refrain from Cheating.

I. BOARD SENSITIVE QUESTION: Read the following question and choose the best
answer. Write your answer before the number.
1) A child of which of the following signs and symptoms is diagnosed to have
a) Bitots spot and scaly skin
b) Edema growth failure psychological changes ,hair changes
c) Normal growth happy disposition
d) Old mans look
2) Kwashiorkor occurs most often among the toddlers and pre schoolers due to ?
a) Infection
b) Late weaning
c) Inadequate bottle feeding
d) Diet low in protein
3) A pt in the ward is a Hindu. You offer a certain food for his meal you not that he will
not eat:
a) Fruits
b) Rice
c) Meat
d) Vegetables
4) A preoperative client is instructed on a clear liquid diet which of the following groups
adheres to the dietary plan:
a) Broth soup tea and coffee
b) Skimmed milk gelatin and sherbet
c) Melted chocolate and decaffeinated coffee
d) Strained vegetable juice and pulpy oranges
5) A mechanically soft diet is indicated for the following clients except
a) A 60 y/o pt with ill-fitting dentures
b) A 6 months old infant weaned from breast milk
c) A 45 y/o cancer pt with mouth sore
d) A 20 y/o pt with lacking teeth
6) Which of the following diet can be given to a pt who verbalized that she is a
a) Egg fish spinach
b) Milk egg spinach
c) Egg and milk
d) Milk and spinach
7) An abused elderly client was suspected to have prolonged protein malnutrition which
of the following laboratory data would be the most sensitive indicator?
a) Prealbumin
b) Transferrin
c) Albumin
d) Hemoglobin

8) Stored in liver and muscles for quick energy to be used at a later time?
a) Glycogen
b) Glucose
c) Galactose
d) Bile
9) These are the functions of body protein?
a) Immune function where antibodies attached bacteria and viruses
b) Fluid balance where blood proteins attract fluid
c) Acid base balance where proteins acts as a buffer
d) All of the above
10) You need increased protein needs when you have
a) Physical stress
b) Injury
c) Intense weight training
d) All of the above
11) A 34 y/o primigravida is in her 8th month of gestation she is feeling increasingly tired
and weak. Laboratory findings include a CBC which shows Hgb 9.7g/dl, hct 28.8%
MVC71fL platelet count 289,000/microliter and WBC 5600/microliter. On the
peripheral blood smear, the RBC shows increase variation in size and shape with
many that are hypochromic and microcytic. Which of the following dietary deficiency
she is most likely to have?
a) Folic acid
b) Vitamin b 12
c) Iron deficiency
d) Calcium
12) A clinical study is performed to compare the risk factors for health problems in obese
persons with BMI greater than 30 compared with a control group of person with BMI
between 20 to 25 persons in these two groups are followed for 20 years which of the
following conditions is most likely to appear equally both in this groups?
a) Osteoarthritis
b) Cholelithiasis
c) Alzheimers disease
d) Diabetes mellitus
13) A study is performed involving the relationship of diet and cancer. It is observed that
inclusion of certain foods in the diet is associated with a decrease risk for subsequent
Development of cancer. Which of the following foods is most likely to have this risk
reducing effect?
a) Rum
b) Chocolate bon bons
c) Apples
d) Smoked meats
14) A dietary study is performed that assess the risk for hypertension it is observed that
increased consumption of sodium in the diet is correlated with elevated blood
pressure. Of the following food items which one has the greatest amount of sodium?
a) Bundle of carrot
b) Loaf of bread
c) Can of soup
d) Glass of skimmed milk
15) A 42 y/o man with a 19 year history of chronic alcohol abuse has noted during the
past years that he has bruising with minimal trauma. On physical examination he has
abdominal enlargement with fluid wave. He has fitting edema to the knees. He has
palmar erythema. Laboratory studies shows he has a prothrombin time of 30
seconds. His hemoglobin is 13.8g/dl hematocrit of 44.4% MVC 94fL platelet count
229,000/microliter. Which of the following nutrients is most likely to be of benefits in
treating this man ?

a) Thiamine
b) Vitamin c
c) Niacin
d) Vit k
16) A study is performed to determine dietary source of vitamin A it is observed that
some commonly available foods have more vitamin A than others. Which of the
following is most likely to provide the best source for vitamin A in the diet?
a) Milk
b) Bread
c) Meat
d) Carrots
17) A 15 y/o girl has been under a physicians care for the past years after diagnosis of
anorexia nervosa. Her BMI is now 18. On physical examination she has cheilosis.
Laboratory studies shows hemoglobin 13.7g/dl hematocrit 41.0% MCV 88fL platelet
count 191,055/microliter and WBC 4930/microliter. Her serum glucose is 66mg/dl
which of the following nutrient deficiency is most likely to cause her findings?
a) Riboflavin
b) Ascorbic acid
c) Folic acid
d) Iron
18) A 36 year old woman goes to the health food store to buy dietary supplements that
she was convinced will help her to be more healthy and live longer. Instead, a year
later she has increasing headaches joint pain nausea vomiting and weight loss. On
the physical examination she is noted to have dryness of oral mucosa and mild
degree of papilledema is noted on funduscopic examination. A radiograph of her
hands shows bony hyperostosis. An excessive intake of which of the following
a) Calcium
b) Fluoride
c) Vitamin A
d) Alpha Tocopherol
19) A 39 y/o woman has been on and off diets for the past 10 years trying to lose weight.
She has had no major illness during this time. Her BMI ranges from 25 to 31 over that
time. Which of the following problems is her pattern of dieting most likely to cause?
a) Vitamin deficiency
b) Increase risk of osteoporosis
c) Decreased risk of atherosclerosis
d) Greater weight gain
20) A 5 y/o child develop gradual loss of vision over the past 2 years resulting to
blindness. On the physical examination there is a bilateral keratomalacia and corneal
scarring this child blindness is most likely prevented by adequate dietary intake of
which of the following vitamins?
a) A
b) B1
c) B6
d) B12
21) The only food that generally provide ample amount of vitamin c are?
a) Meats
b) Milk and cheeses
c) Vegetables and fruits
d) Bread and cereal
22) To determine more detailed record of a clients food intake within a day or a week
which of the foolowing should be accomplished?
a) 24 hour food recall
b) Food frequency record
c) Food diary
d) Diet history
23) Iron absorption from plants sources can be increased by ____ in the meal?
a) Vit e
b) Vit c
c) Fiber
d) Vit d
24) Which of the following does not have antioxidant property?
a) Zinc
b) Vit c
c) Vit e
d) Selenium
25) Skim milk is not recommended for children under ____ of age?
a) 6 mons
b) 1 year
c) 2 years
d) 5 years
26) Low residue diet is being prescribed to a client with dysentery which of the following
food items would you offer?
a) Meat and poultry
b) Cereals and vegetables
c) Fruits and dairy products
d) Grains and cereal
27) Which of the following does not describe a physiologic change of aging?
a) Decrease digestion and absorption capacity
b) Reduction of lean body mass
c) Lower basal metabolism
d) Increase taste sensitivity
28) All of these are the following risk factor for developing osteoporosis except?
a) Cigar smoking
b) Sedentary lifestyle
c) African American ancestry
d) Early menopausal
29) Frewelyn is a 55 y/o woman who is complaining of intermittent flushing itching and
hear burn for several month. Megadosing of which of the following vitamins may
result in these symptoms?
a) Niacin
b) Riboflavin
c) Vit b12
d) Vit E
30) To provide protection against neural tube defect folate intake should be increase
a) At the time of conception
b) After the pregnancy has been confirmed
c) During the second trimester
d) During the third trimester
31) The evaluation of a clients nutritional status based on physical examination
anthropometric measurements laboratory data and food intake information?
a) Nutritional guidelines
b) Nutritional status
c) Nursing diagnosis
d) Nutritional assessment

32) This include sufficient foods from each of the major food groups daily?
a) Nutrition
b) Nutrients
c) Balance diet
d) Perfect diet
33) A measurement unit of energy in body?
a) BMI
b) IBW
c) Cal.
d) Nutritional intake
34) During the ward class nurse danexsa states that dietary status is about
a) A description of what the person is being eaten
b) A process by which the food is broken down
c) A description of what the person has eaten for the previous 24 hours
d) A process by which food absorb by the body
35) This is situation by which kcal intake is equal to kilocal output?
a) Balance nutrition
b) Energy balance
c) Balance diet
d) Balance action movement potential
36) A complicated series of reactions that result in the release of energy from
carbohydrate fats and proteins?
a) Krebs cycle
b) Cellular cycle
c) Energy cycle
d) Balance energy expenditure cycle
37) This is the sum up of all physical and chemical changes that take place in the body?
a) Metastasis
b) Meta analysis
c) Metabolism
d) Metacatabolism
38) This refers to the intake that meets the needs of 97 to 98 % of the individual in a life
stage and gender group?
a) Balance nutrition
b) Energy balance diet
c) Balance diet
d) RDA
39) Womens body usually contain __________ and less than mens body.
a) Oil, protein
b) Fats, protein
c) Cholesterol, muscles
d) Water, fiber
40) The human body has adapted to feast of famine conditions be developing the
capacity to store?
a) Fluids
b) Carbohydrates
c) Fats
d) Proteins
41) An example of energy nutrients?
a) Water
b) Fats
c) Vitamins
d) Minerals
42) Malnutrition is always occurs as a result of or part of?
a) The aging process
b) A low income
c) Infirmity
d) Over nutrition
43) Which of the following is a disaccharide?
a) Glucose
b) Lactose
c) Fructose
d) Galactose
44) A healthy adult needs how much fiber each day?
a) 5 to 10grams
b) 11 to 19 grams
c) 20 to 35 grams
d) More than 50 grams
45) Twelve grams of simple carbohydrates is equal to _________ teaspoons of sugar?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 8
46) One slice of bread contains approximately how many grams of CHO?
a) 5
b) 10
c) 8
d) 15
47) Ms Cabello is concerned about the danger associated with the consumption of
artificial sweeteners and wants to know if they are safe. As a nurse it is appropriate
for you to:
a) Ignore Ms Cabello she is just over reacting
b) Assure that government will not allowed food and herbal products to be sold if
it is hazardous to health
c) Explain to her that no food is guaranteed to be 100% safe and it is best to
avoid artificial sweeteners if she is not comfortable with this products.
d) Refer to the local units
48) Mr John claims he is trying to lose weight and his urinalysis shows that there is
ketone in his urine(ketonuria) you should ask him?
a) When he last eat
b) How much fruits starch milk he usually eats
c) What else he usually eat
d) All of the above
49) Ms Basilad complains of constipation . as a nurse you tell her to eat insoluble fiber to
hel alleviate her discomfort. You encourage her to take?
a) Corn bran, wheat nuts fruits and dried beans
b) Eggs and cheese
c) Milk and yogurt
d) Oatmeal and barley
50) Nurse Irene learns that the good source of Vita is
a) Eggs
b) Liver
c) Fish
d) Peanuts
51) In the community, nurse erwan emphasized that the richest source of iron is?
a) Mongo
b) Ampalaya
c) Malungay leaves
d) pechay
52) The following are the best source of calcium except?
a) Cheese
b) Milk
c) Soy products
d) Carbonated drinks
53) The regulating centers for fluids and food intake are located in the
a) Thalamus
b) Hypothalamus
c) Medulla
d) Pons
54) The enzymes that initiates digestion of starch in the mouth ?
a) Amylase
b) Sucrose
c) Maltase
d) Lactase
55) Which of the following nutrients remains in the stomach for the longest period of
a) Fats
b) Proteins
c) Carbohydrates
d) Water
56) The following factors increase caloric requirements excepts
a) Coldclimate
b) Activity and exercise
c) Fever
d) Sleep
57) Vit k is necessary for?
a) Bone and teeth formation
b) Integrity of skin and mucous membrane
c) Blood coagulation
d) Formation of RBC
58) Vitamin that is important in the absorption of calcium?
a) D
b) C
c) A
d) B
59) The best indicator of nutritional status is?
a) Wt
b) Ht
c) Length
d) Adequate hair
60) The process of grinding foods in the mouth?
a) Mastication
b) Churning
c) Digesting
d) Metabolism
II. IDENTIFICATION : Identified the following statement. Write your answers on the
space provided.

61) Chemical substance found in foods that are necessary for good
62) They are organic substance that on digestion yield their constituents unit building
block of amino acids________
63) Unit to measure fuel value of foods______________
64) Outline for making foods selections based on dietary
65) The study of food and how the body make use of it______________________
66) A natural emulsifier that helps transport fats in the blood stream___________________
67) Organic compound only needed in minute quantitiesin the diet but essential to
specific metabolic reactions within the cell and necessary for normal growth and
maintenance of health____________________
68) Provide information regarding food products_______________________
69) A list of common foods grouped in terms of equivalent amount of carbohydrates
protein fats and calories____________
70) General but simple statement intended to provide the general public with
recommendations about proper diet and wholesome dietary practice to promote good
health for themselves and their family______________
71) Percentage of muscle tissue________________
72) Fat like substance that is constituent of body cells synthesized in the
73) A certain food can appropriately be substituted for another food in the same
74) Measure of energy needed by the body at rest for all its internal chemical
75) It is an agent that prevents fats from rising to the surface of any fat and water

III. ENUMERATION: Enumerate the following. Write your answer/s on the spaces after
the number.

Classification of carbohydrates


Types of Metabolism


Types of Diabetes Mellitus


3 common signs and symptoms of DM


Give for health teaching to prevent DM


Functions of protein in the body


Two types of protein energy malnutrition

3 Nursing Diagnosis from NANDA related to malnutrition


IV. DEFINITION OF TERMS: Define the following terms.

101) Nutrition
102) Nutrients
103) Diet
104) Metabolism
105) Mastication
106) Glucogenesis
107) Gluconeogenesis
108) Glycolysis
109) Fatty acids
110) Glucose

V. FILL IN THE BOX: Supply the missing words in the box

Vitamins Other Name

A 1)

D 2)

E 3)

K 4)


VI. LABEL THE PARTS: Label the following organ and write 3 function each.

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