Anda di halaman 1dari 7


Isu ini telah lama diketengahkan oleh banyak pihak. Ada yang menangis mengenangkan nasib
ciptaan Allah ini yang tidak dipandang dan dicampak merata-rata seolah-olah ianya sesuatu yang Allah
ciptakan tanpa nyawa. Padahal ianya adalah ciptaan Allah yang suci dari sebarang dosa tetapi dilahirkan
daripada dosa insan yang bernafsukan syaitan.
Inilah yang telah berlaku pada masyarakat kita pada masakini. Maksiat dan aktiviti seksual yang bebas
berlaku dimana-mana. Anak-anak remaja kini terutamanya remaja Melayu yang beragama Islam tidak
mengenal dosa atau pahala. Malah ada diantara mereka yang mempunyai pendidikan yang tinggi dan
belajar di IPT-IPT yang memberikan pendidikan yang baik. Semua yang dilakukan hanya untuk
memuaskan diri sendiri tetapi tidak memikirkan apa yang dilakukan hanya mendatangkan dosa. Dari
perbuatan dosa inilah yang melahirkan satu janin yang lahir bukan dari kehendak mereka tetapi dari
nafsu serakah mereka yang mementingkan diri sendiri.

Hampir setiap minggu kita mendengar dari televisyen, akhbar dan majalah tentang kes pembuangan
bayi dan kebanyakannya yang ditemui mati dalam keadaan yang menyedihkan dan ada yang bernasib
baik ditemui dalam keadaan masih hidup. Tong sampah, tempat pembuangan sampah, lubang tandas,
tempat awam seperti masjid dan tandas awam dan sebagainya menjadi tempat dimana bayi-bayi malang
ini ditemui.

Apakah kita ini ingin digelar masyarakat yang tidak bertamadun dan tidak berperikemanusiaan
sepertimana yang terjadi di zaman jahiliyah sebelum kedatangan Islam. Kanak-kanak terutamanya
perempuan dibunuh dan ditanam hidup-hidup untuk menutup malu dan hanya untuk mempertahankan
maruah keluarga. Tetapi lihatlah apa yang telah terjadi pada zaman sekarang. Kanak-kanak juga dilayan
sebegitu tanpa rasa belas kasihan dan dibuang merata-rata demi untuk menutup malu dan menjaga
maruah orang yang melakukannya.
Kes pembuangan bayi semakin meningkat dari hari ke hari. Telah banyak usaha kerajaan untuk
membasmi gejala ini. Kempen, pertunjukan, denda seperti penjara 20 tahun kepada sesiapa yang
didapati bersalah melakukan jenayah ini juga telah dijalankan, namun usaha ini tidak menampakkan hasil
malah ianya semakin menjadi-jadi sehingga tidak dapat di bendung lagi

Islam dan agama utama di Malaysia yang lain sangat mengharamkan dan menegah pengguguran dan
pembuangan bayi di kalangan masyarakat. Ianya boleh dianggap satu dosa yang besar kerana
membunuh dengan niat. Sebagaimana yang telah disebut dalam Al-Quran surah An-Nisa' ayat 93:
"Dan sesiapa yang membunuh mukmin dengan sengaja maka balasannya neraka jahanam, kekal dia
didalamnya dan Allah murka kepadanya dan melaknat akannya serta menyediakan baginya azab seksa
yang besar".

Namun apakah faktor yang menyebabkan berlakunya gejala seperti ini? Ada yang berpendapat ianya
bermula dari rumah lagi. Mungkinkah didikan agama dari ibu bapa yang kurang terhadap anak-anak
mereka atau terlebih didikan? Tetapi ibu bapa tidak boleh dipersalahkan seratus peratus dalam hal ini. Ini
kerana ada diantara ibu bapa yang memberi didikan agama yang sempurna kepada anak mereka tetapi
apabila meningkat dewasa dan anak-anak membawa haluan mereka sendiri, segala ajaran ibu bapa akan
dilupakan sedikit demi sedikit. Maka anak-anak mula bertindak liar tanpa pengawasan ibu bapa.

Mungkin juga ianya berpunca dari kemajuan teknologi dan media cetak dan elektronik pada zaman
sekarang yang banyak memberi pendedahan seks dan bahan yang tidak berfaedah kepada remaja.
Penayangan filem berunsur seks oleh media elektronik, penyebaran VCD dan gambar lucah didalam
internet juga menjadi punca yang turut mendorong seseorang terjebak ke lembah kezinaan yang
membawa kepada lahirnya anak luar nikah disamping berleluasanya program-program hiburan yang
melampau dalam masyarakat. Namun semuanya datang dari diri remaja itu sendiri samada mereka ingin
memilih jalan yang betul atau tidak. Ini kerana diri sendiri sahaja yang mampu megubah segalanya.

Oleh itu, sesungguhnya gejala seperti ini tidak akan ada penghujungnya sekiranya tiada kesedaran di
kalangan masyarakat untuk mengubah sikap mereka. Ini kerana gejala pembuangan bayi ini adalah satu
kesalahan yang amat kejam dan lebih kejam lagi dari perbuatan haiwan. Sedangkan haiwan juga
mempunyai perasaan kasih sayang terhadap anak-anaknya sehingga sanggup mati demi anak.
Sepertimana firman Allah dalam surah Al-A'araf ayat 179:
"Sesungguhnya kami jadikan untuk isi neraka jahanam kebanyakkannya daripada jin dan
manusia,mereka mempunyai hati (tetapi) tidak dipergunakannya untuk memahami (ayat-ayat allah),
mereka mempunyai mata (tetapi) tidak dipergunakan untuk melihat (bukti keesaan allah) dan mereka
mempunyai telinga(tetapi) tidak dipergunakannya untuk mendengar (ajaran dan nasihat). Mereka itu
seperti binatang ternakan,bahkan mereka lebih sesat lagi. Mereka itulah orang yang lalai".
Oleh itu, renung-renungkanlah..........................


Bottom of Form
lirik lagu Yang Terindah Dakmie ( OST I’m Not Single )
OST I’m Not Single


lirik Yang Terindah :

Semenjak kau hadir dalam hidupku

tiada lagi keresahan
Kau mengetuk pintu hatiku
tanpa sedar hingga ku izinkan

Kau yang bernama cinta

kau yang memberi rasa
Kau yang ilhamkan bahagia
hingga aku terasa indah

Maafkan jika ku tidak sempurna

tika bahagia mula menjelma
Bila keyakinan datang merasa
kasih disalut dengan kejujuran
Mencintai dirimu,
merindui dirimu,
memiliki dirimu
Hingga akhir hayat bersama kamu...uhhh...

Kau yang bernama cinta

kau yang memberi rasa
Kau yang ilhamkan bahagia
hingga aku rasa indah
Motivational Phrases, Motivational
Find the very best motivational phrases, distilled from thousands
considered. Here are the most motivational sayings, by truly inspirational
people, including Zig Ziglar, Stephen Covey, Thomas Edison, and Dwight
D. Eisenhower.

Motivational Phrase from an Unknown Author:

"The best way to predict your future is to create it."

~ Unknown

Earl Nightingale Motivational Saying:

"Don't let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The
time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use."
~ Earl Nightingale

Jonathan Winters Motivational Saying:

"If your ship doesn't come in, swim out to it."

~ Jonathan Winters

Zig Ziglar Motivational Words:

"People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it
~ Zig Ziglar
Stephen R. Covey Motivational Words:

"Motivation is a fire from within. If someone else tries to light that fire under you, chances are it will burn
very briefly. "
~ Stephen R. Covey

Yoda Motivational Phrase:

"Do, or do not. There is no 'try'. "

~ Yoda

Arlen Price Motivational Words:

"Where the heart is willing, it will find a thousand ways. Where it is unwilling, it will find a thousand
~ Arlen Price

Peter Davies Motivational Saying:

"Motivation is like food for the brain. You cannot get enough in one sitting. It needs continual and regular
top ups."
~ Peter Davies

George Bernard Shaw Motivating Words:

"People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The
people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and
if they can't find them, make them."
~ George Bernard Shaw

Dwight D. Eisenhower Motivational Saying:

"Motivation is the art of getting people to do what you want them to do because they want to do it."
~ Dwight D. Eisenhower

Martina Navratilova Motivating Words:

"Just go out there and do what you've got to do."

~ Martina Navratilova

Jim Ryun Motivational Phrase:

"Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going."
~ Jim Ryun
Charles Buxton Motivational Phrase:

"You will never find time for anything. If you want time you must make it. "
~ Charles Buxton

Thomas Edison Motivational Phrase:

"If we did all we were capable of doing, we would literally astonish ourselves."
~ Thomas Edison

Zig Ziglar Motivating Words:

"Will you look back on life and say, "I wish I had," or "I'm glad I did"?"
~ Zig Ziglar

Send "Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You" Ringtone to your Cell

If I had to live my life without you near me

The days would all be empty
The nights would seem so long
With you I see forever oh so clearly
I might have been in love before
But it never felt this strong
Our dreams are young and we both know
They'll take us where we want to go
Hold me now, touch me now
I don't want to live without you

Nothing's gonna change my love for you
You ought to know by now how much I love you
One thing you can be sure of
I'll never ask for more than your love
Nothing's gonna change my love for you
You ought to know by now how much I love you
The world may change my whole life through
But nothing's gonna change my love for you

If the road ahead is not so easy

Our love will lead a way for us
Like a guiding star
I'll be there for you if you should need me
You don't have to change a thing
I love you just the way you are
So come with me and share the view
I'll help you see forever too
Hold me now, touch me now
I don't want to live without you
Here’s my love, take it. Here’s my soul, use it. Here’s my heart, don’t break it. Here’s my hand, hold it and
together we will make it forever.

when i first saw yo i was afraid to meet you when i first met you i was afraid to kiss you when i first kissed you
i was afraid to love you but now that i love you im afraid to loose you

You may never know how important you are to me or how much I care for you, but you are and you will
always be. Bear in mind that I couldnt afford to lose someone I’ve learned to care about so much.

You are my passion, my life, my love. Without you I would have no reason to live. All the stars in the universe
could not replace what we have together. I thank you for the love we have and your gentleness. Never forget
me, as I will never forget you.

If I had to choose between breathing and loving you I would use my last breath to tell you I loveyou.
I love you, not because of what you have but because of what I feels.. I care for you, not because you need
care but because I want to.. I’m always here for you, not because i wan’t you to be with me but because i
want to be with you..
You are the sun in my day, the wind in my sky, the waves in my ocean and the beat in my heart… I Love You!

Never ask why I love you, just accept that I do, and that I will for the rest of my life.

I want to be in your arms, where you hold me tight and never let me go.

You are the sun in my day, the wind in my sky, the waves in my ocean, and the beat in my heart. All my
dreams came true the day that I met you. I Love You! You are the sunshine of my life! Thanks for brightening
my world with the warmth of your Love… You are the fire that burnsthe passion within my soul. I love You with
all my heart… I want to be your arms, I want to feel your touch, I want your lips on mine, I need you very
Every moment spent with you is like a beautiful dream come true… I Love You!

Can i keep you and never let you go? Can i hold your hand and hug you tight? Can i tell the world how lucky i
am eo have you in my life? or simply, can you be mine for the rest of my life?..:D

You have entered my heart… And You’ll be here forever… I Love You!

I loved you once, I love you still, I always have, I always will…

For once in my life, I don’t have to try to BE HAPPY, when I’m with you, it just happens…I LOVE YOU, BABY!!!

It’s not being in love that makes me happy. It’s being in love with you that makes me happy.

Having you in my life… Makes everything so special & beautiful…

when my phone rings.. i’m not sure if it was you.. when someone calls my name.. i’m not sure if it was you..
but one thing for sure.. my heart beats only for YOU..
we always have our ups & downs but we always breakthrough I no how much you love but do you no how
much i luv u? I love you more than anything else in this world I hope you know that when i see you m heart
beats faster every second i look into ur eyes i think about all the good times between us People think im crazy
but they dont know you i just wanted to tell you… I’M CRAZY FOR YOU!!!

I love you in the morning, in the middle of the day, in the hours we are together, and the hours we are away…

i love you with all my heart and you are the one that never let me sleep to my mind down to my soul you
touch my lips im all alone without you my days are dark without a glimpse of you but now that you came into
my life i feel complete the flowers bloom , the morning shines and i can see your love is like the sun that light
up my whole world
I may not be saying this everyday. But i want to Thank You for all that you do! I Love You!

When i think rain, I think about singing. When I think about singing, it’s a heavenly tune. When I think
about heaven then I think about angels. When I think about angels, I think about you.
Just when I think that it is impossible to love you any more, you prove me wrong.

It’s not my EAR you whispered into but my HEART!It’s not my LIPS that you kissed,but my SOUL!

If you want to know how much I love you, look into my eyes with your heart open.

I love you for being you and the way you make me feel when I’m with you!

When I looked into your eyes I didnt see just you, I saw my today, my tomorrow, and my future for the rest of
my life…I love you!!!

From the day you walked into my life, your all I think about. Your the reason i breathe. You are the stars in my
sky. I wouldn’t want this anyother way. Your the love of my life

Explaining to you how much and why I love you would be as simple as explaining and describing to you how
water taste, it seems impossiable.

I love you more than any word can say … I love you more than every action I take … I’ll be right here loving
you till the end.

a day without you is like a blunt with no weed be here with me every day let us cherrish these beutiful
moments and know one thing that i love you.♥♥♥

All my dreams came true the day that I met you. I Love You!

If a hug represented how much I loved you, I would hold you in my arms forever.

I am an angel sent from God above. So, when you’re sad and feeling down and don’t know what to do, just
remember that I care for you and love you too.

YOUR’E my drug and im addicted !!


You can count on the sun to rise, for the stars to come out at night, as long as there’s air to breathe, you’ll
alway’s be loved by me.”

Before you came to me my world was so dark, at first you were my candle to guide me, my bulb to see, and
now you have become my sunlight, you give me warmth and comfort and now I never have to be in the
darkness ever again!!! Thank you Trisha Lynn!!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!

My love to you is everlasting; it will never grow old and it will never fade away. I will forever love you.

I will love the sun for it warms my soul. I will love the rain for it cleanses my spirit. I will love the light, for it
shows me the way. But I love you most, for you are my dream come true.

I never thought that Love was true until the day I met you.And when I met you all my dreams came true,so
please love me like I love you!

I loved you then as I love you now. I love you now as I always will. I wanted you then as I want you now. I
want you now as I always will. I wanted you happy then as I do now. I want you happy now as I always will. I
had you then, as I don’t have you now. I don’t have you now, but hope says someday I will.

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