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DIN 4024 Part 1 ' Page 3

or, when allowing for stiffness: 2.6.4 Balanced quality

The balanced quallty of a system IS^ measure,Q,of the rotor
unbalanca,expressed as Q = e -Q,wheree is the eccentrlc-
ity of the rotor (cf.VDI 2060).
b) . viscous damping,where the damping force Is given by:
2.6.5 Driving moment
FD.pdV-i! (5) The driving moment is the torque at the input of a driven
or, when allowing for stiffness: machine (e-g. a turbine).

235.6 .Output moment

The output moment is the torque at the output of a driving
The quantities used to characterize the damping are:
machine (e-g. a generator).
a) damping factor (Lehr damping factor),'D 7)
2.6.7 Vacuum force
Vacuum forces are statlc laads that result when vacuum in
the condensor of a steam turbine is produced.

28.8 Terminal short circuit and loss of syncfironisatlon

Terminal short drcuit and loss of s~nchronisatlonare
dv transient malfunctions that occur as a result of a rapid
2fi - change in the magnetic forces in the air gap of an electrlc

"-5.E 2

2.7 Types of foundation

2.7,1 Mathine support
b) logarithmic decrement
A machlne'support is a flexlble structure in the form of -
a slab or a configuration of beams on which the machine
systems rests and is anchored.
where, in equations (3) to (11). 272 Table foundation
P , Is the excitation frequency. A table foundation consists of a slab placed on props that
dB,dvl),ke 1) and kv are dampmg characteristics tquan- are usually arranged In pairs. The props usually rest on a
, tities with different units), reinforced concrete base, the latter resting on the ground.
c is.the elastic (spring) constant (of a 2.7.3 SpTlrtg foundation
single-degree-of-freedom system),
A sprfng foundation is made up of spring elements, usually
rn is the mass (of a single-degree-of- consisting of eeveral prefabricated springs having defined
freedom system). sprlng constants, and the supporting structure. which is
is the.vbration velocity. defined as the structure beneath the spring elements.
including the ground.
2A Action-effects
For the purposes of thls standard, actlon-effects are forces. 27.4 Slab foundatien
moments and quantlties of displacement that occur as a A slab foundatlon is made from reinforced concrete'and
. resuk of static or dynamic loading. rests directly on the ground.

) 25 Model 2.7.5 Platform foundation

For the purposes of thls standard, a model is a represen- A platform foundation Is a constiuction that Is made of
tation of the actual mechanical system, used forthe calcu- slabs or bearns,on which thd machine system directly rests,
latlon of essential system characteristics. Each possible and that is integral with a multi-storey structure.
independent displacement of a material point or a model
element. within a spatial configuration, Is defined ,as a
degree of freedom. Where vibration in any one coordinate
3 Materials and ground
influences vibration in other coordinates. the system may 3.1 Reinforced concrete
be represented by several, mutually independent models Concrete of at least strength class 825 as specified in
('decoupling'). DIN 1045 shall be used.
For the dynamic analysis, the staticmoduli of elasticity as
2.6 Machinery given in DIN 1045 may be assumed-Where precise Informa- '

2.6.1 Service frequency (rotational speed) tion about the damping charactcrlstics is not known. the
The service frequencyis the rotatlondl speed under service damping factor, D, of the entire system (machine plus
conditions, expressed in s-' (or in mln-'). foundation) may be assunied to be 0,02.Where stiffness-
related viscous damping Is a factor, k v should be selected
26.2 Servlce frequency range . so that D is less than or equal to 0,02at the highest calcu-
The setvice frequency range is the range of rotational lated natural frequency, f, (see subclause 5.3). For load .
speeds under service conditions. cases that Involve significantly higher loading than Lhat
during normal service, a higher damping factor may be ..
2.6.3 Excltatlon frequency assumed.
Excltation frequency is the frequency at which dynamic
loads act on the systern.It is often the same dr the service I) In the relevant literature, the syrnbo10 is used forD,korb
frequency. for dv, and v for he. . . .. .
Page 4 DIN 4024 Part 1

Reinforcing steel, suitable for loads that are not predomi- 1) loads due to the mass of the aneilhry equipment end
nantly 6tati~.Shai!be used for members subject to dynamic the effective forces and moments (that act both VeRI- -
loads:. the reinforcement of such members shall not be cally and horizontally). e.g. thermal expansion, flow
made from smooth reinforcing steel. forces and vapour pressure;
g) thermal effects from the machine and Its ancillary
3.2 Steel equipment.
Steel of at least grade St 37-2 aspectfiedin DIN 17100shall In the case of turbines. a difference in temperature of
be used. 20K across the foundalion cross section may be
assumed, unless otherwise specified by the .machine
For the dynamle analysls, the statlc moduli of elasticity as manufacturer.
given in DIN 18 800 Part 1may be assumed. Where precise
information about the damping characteristics is not avail- Erection laads are generally transient mass loads that do
able, stiffness-related material damping may be essumed. not occur during normal servive, and include the loads
as well as a damplng characteristic, kB, equal to 0.02 resuttlng from erection equipment and llfting gear.
For load cases that involve loading significantlyhigherthan 4.1.3 Dynamic loads
that during normal 5ervice.a higher damping tzctor may be
assumed. The following are dynamic loads during normal service:
a) bearing forces (both vertlcal and horizontal), resulting
from rotor unbalance, depending on the rotational ,
' 3.3 Ground speed;
For ths dynamlc analysis, the resiliencyof the ground need b) periodic operating loads, resulting from the particular
onty be considered ,in speciaf cases (cf, subclause 5 5 ) . machine performance, that act on the foundation via
except for slab foundations. where the resiliency must be the casing o r the bearings,e.g. forces at twice or several
considered. It may. however, be advantageous to consider times the rotational frequency'of single-phase a-C.
the damping of the ground. machines or blowers,forces from the casing at twice the
The dynamic characteristics of the ground (e.g. shear mains frequency of a three-phase machine, or slip-
modulus and Poisson's ratio) can only be determined by frequency magnetic forces from an induction machine;
'field or laboratory measurements. Slnce measured values c) forces and moments that result from turning the
tend t o be wldely dispersed, calculation ot the dynamic machine on or off. or other translent situatlons (e.g.
loading.should be based on limit values forthese quantities. those associated with the operation of shock convert-
whlch can be found in the relevant'llterature,[l] to 131. ers or occurring during synchronization)..
The major dynamic loads that result fmm malfunction are:
4 bads a) an increase in the periodic bearing loads In the case of
exceptionally hlgh rotorunbalance caused,forexarnple,
4.7 Machinery by blade breakage or rotor distortion;
4.1.1 General b) terminal short circuit or loss of synchrontration in the
The machine manufacturer shall provide the following infor- geneiator or motor:
mztion: c) shock to pipes or fittings upon emergency shut-down.
a) erectlon loads; .
b) loads during normal service; ' 4.2 Foundation
c) loads during malfunction; 41.1 Permanent loads
'd) service frequency and service frequency range; The designvalues of the self-weight ofthe structureshall be
e) 'any thermal effects of the machine or the ancillary determined in accordance with DIN 1055 Part 1.
equipment on the foundation.
The static and dynarntc loads in each of the above cases - 4.2.2 Imposed loads _-
shall be glven separately. Imposed loads need not be considered fqrthestructure as
a whole, but the indvidual members shall be designed l o
If the machine manufacturer requires the foundation to be carry particular imposed loads, these being the subject
of a partlcularstitfness, the above load information shafl be of agreement among the machine manufacturer, the foun-
stated In the form of displacement values which are not to dation designer and the client. Unless otherwise specified..
be exceeded. an imposed load of 5 k ~ l r shall
n ~ be assumed.
If vibration is to be restricted (to prevent damage to the
machine and its ancillary equipment), even in the case of 4.23 Creep and shrinkage of reinforced concrete
malfunction, the manufacturer shall provide relevant limit Shrinkage of reinforced concrete shall be considered, as
values. . set out in DIN 1045,and no allowance shall be made for
crsep (ct. subclause 7.1). v,
4-12 Statlc ioads
The following are static loads during normal service: 45.4 ~ e c of h .temperature,wind and earthquakes
a) the mass of the rotors and the machine casing; Where the effects of temperature, wind and earthquakes
need to be considered, refer to the relevant standads (e.g.
b) the mass ofthe condensers,depending on how t i e y are DIN 1045. DIN 1055 Part 4 and DIN 4149 Part I).
erected and the amount of water they contain;
c) the vacuum force in a turbine whose .condensers are
Connected to the turbine casing via compensators 5 Design ..
(both vertical and horizontal); 5.1 General
d) the machine's driving and output moments that act on 5.1.1 objectives
the foundation via the caslng (vertlcal pairs of forces): Machine foundations arei intended to accommodate the
e) friction'loads on the bearing faces (predominantly hori- statlc and dynamic loads from the rnachine.They should be
zontal), caused by the thermal expansion of the casing: designed on the basis otrnachine mov'ementduring norm&
DIN 4024 Part 1 Page 5

servlce (i.e. the minimum performance requirements to be 5.2 Model study

satisfied), and l o prevent unacceptable vibration from 5.2.1 Principles
being transmitted to t'he environment.This can be assessed
on the basis of thevibration amplitudes of rolors,especially A model is intended t o facilitate analysis of the vibration
at the bearings.and the associated vibration and forces. behaviour of the entire system (machine plus foundatlon).
?Ystgl?& !e,q.@$$.n:${ RyE%jie,i??:$!$$t:iLm ode!.having
Any effect that malfunction has on Ihe foundatlon shall not d,~J$.t!-ute-qp.!:cpnceotm-;dt~~mas~eson si?r.jngsuppprjs.~~e.-,,
impair subsequent machine performance under service excitation source,as well as system characteristics such as
conditions. mass, stiffness and danrpicgl are Po, b e included so as t o
To Verlry compliance with these general requirements, a $errnit a sufficiently zccurate assessmeni':
static and dynamic analysis shell be made,instead of calcu-
lations. 5.22 Requirements
The model usually consists of beam elements In which
>%-.%9J33. shear and torsion deformation have been accounted for.
=-1.2 sB@p5~$.y~:i Rotation inertla may be neg1ected.h the case of reinforced
The static analysis of machine foundations. i.e. analysls of concrete, the 2nd moments of area of the cross-sectional
the action-effects of the system under static loading, shall areas may be determined for the cross section exhibiting
be based on specified load cases (cf.subdause 6.1) forthe no cracks (state I). The distribution of mass may either
machinery (cf.subclause 4.21) and for the foundation be represented reallstlcaliy, or the mass assumed to b e
(cf. subclause 42). Since such an analysis Is the same as distributed at different points. It should he noted, however,
that made for similar structures. it is not dealt with here. that if calculation is based on distributed masses. the
Compliance with any limit displacement values specified by required accuracy can be achieved with substantially fewer .
the machine manufacture? under defined load conditions degrees of freedom than with concentrated masses. In
(cf. subclause 4.1.1) shall be verified. the case of reinforced concrete foundations, the machine .
In the case of machine foundations made fmm reinforced shaft and casing may usually be seen as. slatic; for steel . .
concrete, deformatlon due to creep may be limlted by and steeltconcrete composite foundations.a more precise
means of a suitable structural design (cf. subdeuse 11). -analysis should be made. -
Where thermal effects are to be considered in thianalysis Each model polnt (node) has up to six degrees of freedom.
of reinforced concrete foundations, the 2nd moment of i.e. three translational and three rotational.The number of
effective cross-sectional area may be assumed to be equal degrees of.freedom that need to be considered in a parlic-
t o 0.3 1. ular case cannot be specified here.
The static analysis of steel machine foundatlons may Thenumberofnodes required and the num berof degrees of
generally be limited to a determination o f the support freedom to be assigned to them depends on several
reaction. as the vibration load on such foundatlons is low. tactors. including:
a) t h e geometry of the entire system;
5.1.3 ~B~$it9~~$ b) the type of vibration to be investigated (vertical, hori-
zontal or torsional):
Dynamic analysis of machine foundations serves to assess
vibration behavtour and to determine the action-effects C) the relevant frequency range;
of the system under dynamic IoadLng, It is to be based on d) the calcutalion method selected.
a model of the entire system that has largely linear charac- if the system is symmetrlcal with respect to the vertical
teristics'and several degrees of freedom. The method centre plane in the longitudinal direction, it will have sym-
of assessment of the vibration behaviour (displacement) metric and antimetric natural modes of vibration that can
andof determining dynamic forces will depend on whether be calculated using models that represent each half of
dynamic excitation forces are to be considered or not. the systern.The relevant frequency range, i.e. the range of
Where excitation forces are not considered, predicting the natural frequencies that approaches the service frequency,
vibration behavlour may be based on a comparison of will affect the minimum number of translational degrees of
the calculated natural frequencies of the machine with its freedom that need not be considered.This number should
excitation frequencies, and then assessing the excitation be greater than twice the'order of the highest nalural fre-
l these natural modes. The action-effects can
~ o t e n t i aof quency in the relevant frequency range. I

then be determined by assumlng analogous maximum dis- Damping may be neglected when calculating natural vibra-
placement values based on the natural modes established. tion, but should be considered when calculating forced
Where excitation forces declared by the machine rnanufac- vibration.
turer are used in the calculation. or where such are where it is necessary to consider the resiliency of the
assumed, predicting the vibration behaviour and determin- ground (cf. subclause 3.3). the continuous resiliency may
ing the actlon-effects may be based on an analysis of be represent.ed by a number of springs.
forced vibration, in which case naturaIvibration is also to be
55.3 Simplified representation
Dynamic analysis and consideration of the dynamic com- .The foundatlon usually does not need to be represented in a
ponent i n subsequent calculations may generally be spatial configuration. Rather, it may be represenled by
dispensed wlth ifthe mass of the rotating elements Is less models of the individual components. one each for trans-
than one one-hundredth of the mass of the entire system lation and rotation in the two vertical planes and in the hori-
(machine plus foundation). (Note that for platform founda- zontal plane. The rotational component may often be
tions, the foundatlon is understood to comprise only those dispensed with.
members which are dlrectly loaded.) the case
of systems whose elements run at different rotational For consideration of horizontal vibralion, the foundation ..
speeds. their excitation unbalance at any one speed may be may generally be assumed to be decoupled from the sup-.
neglected i f the sum of the masses of the individual ele- port and to be laterally retained by springs.
ments is less than one one-hundredth of (he mass of the For table foundations, the natural flexural yibratlon of the
entire system, props may becalculaled separately from the entire systenl.
Page 6 DIN 4024 Part l

The following simplHlcatlons are permitted tor the calcula-

tlonaf vertlcal vfbraticn.
a) Where the flexural strength of the spring-supported
system Is high relative to the stiffness of the spring sup- Model
ports, Le. where mu

is less than or equal to 50 (see flgure 41, then

- i t maybe assumed that the flexuralsystem Is rlgld for
calculation of the naturglfrequenciesgenerated by
the sprlng supports. or
the spring supports may be neglectedforcaleulatlon
of higher natural frequencies.
b) In the case of spring foundations,where the,
of the supporting slabs, beams or other supports Is at
least ten tlmes the stiffness,+, of the sprlng elements,
1.e. where is not less than 10, then the foundetion
may be assumed to be separate from the support and to
consist of a confiiuration of beams resting on gpring
For calculation purposes,this means thai the resiliency,
m.of the foundatlon, as well as the effect of Its mas,
can be neglected.
c) The effect of the ground and that of the mass of the
foundatlon may usually be neglected, provided one of
fe -
the three tollowing condltlons is met (see figure 5).
cl: The lowest nature1 frequency.fl, of the foundatlon 6 . 3 Natural vibration
plus machine (mass .ma)on the spring supporl. 53.1 Natural frequencies and modes &f vibration
where the foundation (mass m,J is assumed to be The natural frequencies f, to f,, and the modes associated
rigid.'$ at least 20% lower than the lowest service with them shdl be calculated in ascending order.
frequency, fm. The number of ndturai frequencies and modes to be
cp:The lowest natural frequency. fl, of the entire sys- kestabiished shall be selected so that the highest natural
tem.assurned to be a rtgld body vibrating on flexible frequency calculated is at least 10% higherthan the service at least 20%lowerthanthe lowestservlce frequency.Thls requirement may be dispensed with in the
frequency, f,,,. case of foundations for machineswith high service frequen-
CJ: The lowest natural frequmcy,f1. ofthe foundation as cies (ie. where f, 2 75Hz); however, depending on the
such. assumed to be riaidis at least 25 1lower than analysls model. the number of natural frequencies to be
the ~bwestnatural fr&uency. f B , of the foundatlon calculated. n. shall comply with the following:
a as such, assumed to be rigid and on flexible ground. e ) n = 10 fortwo-dimensional models in which onlyvertical
displacements are considered which symmetric
and antimetrfc vibration are not decoupled:
b) n = ifortwo-dimensionel,symmetricalmodels Inwhich
F. I I Model onlyvertlcal displacementsare coisrdered and in which
Symmetric and antlmetric vibration are decoupled.

5-32 Assessment af vibratlon behaviour

on the basis of natural vibmflon
An assessment of the vibration behaviour of a machine
--------------- fl
When calculating fr and
foundatlon. in respect of the objecttves glven in sub-
. clause 5.1.1, may, as a simplification, be based on the rela-
tionship of the naturd frequencies. f,, to the, service
-. E . I shall be assumed
- --- .59.
to approach infinity.
frequencles. f,.

-- --4--. 4
If both condltionsl and2 below are met for each decoupled
model, subsequent analysis may be dispensed with.
1. Rrst order natural frequency

fl 2 (13)
z ' or
"" +---A
,/. f3
' When calculating f,, with fr s O.a-f, . (1 41
larger than 2, c, shall be 2 Higher order nat;ral frequencies
assumed to be zero. a) Higher order natural frequencies that approa& the
service frequency:

flgure 4. Simplification a)
- jn 5 4 9 . f m
j" + 1 2 1.1 .f", . . ...
DIN 4024 Part 1 Page 7
b) If condition 2a Is not met,it shallsuffice thatf,, is less the two adjacent natural frequencies;provlded that they li

O --C-
than f,,, where n Is equal to 10 or 6 (cf. sub-
clause 5.3.7). . .
Where conditions 7 and 2 are not met. a more Drecise
within the specified range and that the magnitude of th
excitation force Is kept constant.
5.4.3 Natural modes of vibration
!f -

aisessment of vibration behavlour can' "ooetheiesi be

If calculating tho dlsplacernent can be dispensed wlth,the
attained by analyzing the excitation potentialof the natural
modes of vibration. For this purpose, the highest natural farces may be determined on the basis of the natural
modes of vibration adjacent to the service frequency, thls
modes, assuming they lie wlthin the frequency range
defined by conditions 1 and 2 above, may be analyzed for being Intended to sirnplffy the analysis that would be re-
quired for forced vibration. On the basis of the n i h r a l
the magnitude of the relative displacement, z ,i at the
modes end the associated action-effects,foreach member
bearings.i.of the machine shaft Each natural mode ofvlbra-
that incorporates a bearing, maximum amplitudes and
tron shall be checked separately for each bearing. i, for ful-
forces for the operative and malfunctioning states shall be
filment of the following condftlon:
assumed, and the forces obtalned by conversion. For
members that do not incorporate bearings, the action-
effects shall be determined by superimposing load dk-
placement curves.
If this condition is not met. then forced vibration shall be The following amplitudes, effective at the bearings,may be
analyzed In accordance with subclause 5.4. assumed for the particular machine accordance
Note that analysls as specified h subclause 5.4 Is recom- with VDI 2056.
mended for steellwncrete composite foundations for a ) Operatlve state
machines whose service frequency,f,,,,is less than 75 Hz or The value associated with the operating frequency for ,
where f , is greater than f,(where n is equal to 10 or 6 as the assessment criterion given in VDI 2056which Is one
given In subclause 5.3.1). 1 grade higher than that guaranteed bythe manufacturer
/ shall be taken as the amplitude under service condi-
tions at the particular bearing.
5.4.1 General
b) Malfunctioning state -
The amplitude in the case of maHunctloning shall be
If the vibration behaviour cannot be adequately assessed assumed to be s k tlmes that values used forthe opera-
uslng the methods given in subclause 5.3, an analysis tive state.
of forced displacement as set out in subclause 5.42 is
required on the basb of the excbation forces declared by 6.4.4 Equivalent-bad method
the machine manufacturer. In the absence of such informa- in the case of slab- or beam-type foundations of simple
tion. the forces as determined in accordance with sub- geometry. the dynamic analysis may be simplified by
clause 5.4.2 may be Introduced In the calculation.The dis- wsuming equivalent static loads. based on the unbalance
placement values thus obtained may then be compared during the,m,alfunction!ng.,$ate,,so thal results err on the
with the data given by the manufacturer, If any, or with the safe side for the operative state.
values obtained in accordance with subclause 5,4.3, taking staking with a balanced quality,e. O,equal to 2,5 mmls for
the operative state and, if necessary, the malfunctioning the relevant machine group (seeVDl2060) in the operative
state, into account. state, a balanced quality equaf to 38mmfs Is assumed.
The forces due t o both the operative and mat- which is six times that of the next highest grade.The un-
functlonlng stales, may be determined in accordance with balance force. K,is then a function of the rotorweight force,
subclause 5.4.2, 5.4.3 or 5.4.4. L.and the operating frequency, f,s' o that

5.4.2 Forced vibration

I f information on forces due to unbalance (in the operative *-

and malfunctioning slates) has been provided by the

machine manufacturer, they may be used to establish
displacements and forces uslng themodel formed to deter-
ratio, --
The static equivalent load.F, is a iunction 07 the frequency
.- - -.

mine natural frequencies, following the principles set out

In the ~ b s e n c eof such information, the forces may be cal- where!,, is the nearest natural frequency in the plane being
culated in accordance with VDI 2060, on the basis of considered, so that
balanced quallty, as follows.
a) Operatlve state
The balanced quality shall be assumed to be one grade ;.I .
with F a maximum of 15 K. !, ,1
lower than that for the relevant machine group as speci- ,
fied in VDI 2060. F shall then be assumed to act at the bearings according t o 1
b) Malfunctloning state the rotary mass component To determine the action-effects,i ,
The tqrces due to unbalance shall be assumed to be SIX an equivalent system should be used that has fixed bearings/ \
times the value established for the operative state. at the nodes of the natural modes of vibration belng investi-j '
gated.The signs (+or-) of the equivalent-load component
The excitation forces shall be analyzed for each bearing. of the bearings should be selected to produce the maxi-
taking into account the baianced quality selected, the mum posslble amount of deformation within the system.
service frequency as the excitation frequency. and the
rotary mass component.As a simplificatlon,since Ihe phase
5.5 Analysis of transient vibration
pattern of the excitation forces is unknown, the forces at
the bearlngs may first be assumed to be unidirectional,
. .
..*' -
and then to act in opposlte directions. H the natural
frequencies lie within the range of 0.95 to 1,05f.,, the exci- 9
tation frequency may be assumed to be shifted to either of

I -
Transient vibration that can affect the balanced quality of
the system may occurwhen the machine is turned on or off,
or during certain other transient operative states. It may be
Page 6 DIN 4024 Part 1

assumed that the action-effects determined for the mal- I: Static loads durlng erection.
functioning state In accordance with subclause 5.4 also 2: Static loads durlng normal operation.
account for the loads that occur durlng transient vibratlon.
3: Dynamic loads during normal operation.
i.e. these need not be analyzed separately.
4: Loads resulting from malfunction or short-clrcuit.
In the Case of electric machines, however,there are certaln
rare ma(function states (e.0, terminal short-circuit. mains Load cases M. 9 end S below shall be establlshed, from
short-circuit followed by shut-down. or loss of synchronlsa- which the loads relevant to design can be derived:
tion) that can result in very large antimetric loads on the M: load condltlon 1;
system which are transmitted to the foundation vla the 8: load condltions 2 and 3:
machine casing. A two-pole termlnal short-circuit In an
S: load condltions 2 and 4.
electrfc machine running at a high speed of rotation is to be
.considered representative for such loads. Analysis of the Note that the action-effects from dynamlc loads in vertlcd
resulting action-effects is described in subclause 5.52. and horizontal directions need not be taken as acting
The resonance of those members forwhich, in the analysis.
The short-circuit moment affects the foundation via the no
. ..
dvnamic loads could be established because of an in-
generator or motor casing in the form of opposite pairs of adequate model, shall be accounted for by assuming an
vertical forces. the moment vector being parallel to the equivalent vertical load equal to 100% of the permanent
shaft axis. The resulting diplecements and loads can be load for load case S.
calculated as atunction of the excitationltime relationship
or by using theequivalent-load method.
'6.2 Reinforced concrete foundations
Where the machine manufacturer has not specified the
short-circuit moment, lWk, as a function of time, analysls The design of reinforced concrete foundations shall be in
I accordance wfth~ 3
may be based on the following equation for three-phase \J
machines: Load cases M end S
Mk(t) OM^ (e-11a.4 sin nN.t ---e+'OA. 5h 2QN.t~ Loads shall be assumed to be predominantly static,a yield
- Mo (1 - e'uO.'S)
(20) -'
strength of up to 4 2 0 ~ ~ l of
being used in the calculation.
r nthe~ reinforced concrete
Load case B
M o is the resulting nominal torque fmm the actual power The specifications relating to loads that are not pre-
dominantly static shall be talten into account. R shall be
ON is the mains frequency (not always the same as the verified that the amplitude of concrete cornpresslve
operating mains frequency); stresses due to coexistent flexure and longitudinal forces
1 i s time, in s. does not exceed 0,33OR and that the shear stresses do not
For determining forced vibration, the natural frequencies lie In shear range 3.
shall be taken to be at least 12 times the mains frequency. If. however. the dynamic loads during normal operatlon
Where the natural frequencies of antimetric natural modes (loading condition 3) are multiplied by a weffldent allow-
of vibration lie wlthin the range of 0.95 to 1.05 QN. the exci- ing for fatigue of 3 or rnore,analysis may be based on loads
tation frequency (1.e. mains frequency) shall be shifted to whlch are predomlnantiy statlc. in whlch case the restric-
these natural frequencies for calculation purposes. tions stated above foramplitude and shearstresses may be
Loads from short-circuit may also be determined In a slmpli- ignored.
.lied manner by the equivalent-loadmethod,forwhlch a value Load case S
that is 1.7 times the maximum short-cimll moment is
Where the loads due to unbalance as a result of malfunc-
assumed. If the machine manufacturer has not specified the

' ti0.n are multiplied by a factor of at least six times those
latter, the maximum value of J Umay
~ be assumed to be 72 Mo. during normal operation. analysis of load case 8 may be
5.6 Loads o n the foundation and ground dispensed with. b m c f i BI.~~L.$
~ q , , T ~ .-
The effects of dynamic loads during normal operation and i-AB c&i s + '6
due to malfunction shall be considered when designing the 6.3 Steel foundatlons
foundation and for the analysis of earth pressure. Verifying the strength of steel foundations may usually be
If the equivalent-load method is used foranalyring the sup- dispensed with.
port reaction, i t may be assumed that counteracting mass In exceptlonal cases, a general stress analysis as specified
forces contribute to rnaintalning equilibrium. In DIN 18 800 Part 1 as well as a stability analysis as speci- .
If the foundation has been assumed to be decoupled from fied in DIN4114 Parts 1and 2 shall be made for load cases M,
the ground in one ormore planes for the purpose of dynam- B and S.Such is required in any case forprops.ln this regard,
ic analysis' (cf. subclause 5.2). then the maximum design the permissible loads specified for load case H shall be
d u e s otthe dynamicsupport reaction in the relevant plane takemfor cases M and B.and those specified fori'od case
may be taken as the equivalent loads.For analysis of earth HZ. for case S. Furthermore, analysis of load case 0 shall
pressure, the loads due to malfunction may be neglected. include a service strength analysis using load group 86 as
In the case of,spring foundations. the isolating function of specifled in subclause 4.4 of DiN 4132, February 1987
the epring elements, is usually so great that the dynamic edition.
loads on the foundation during both normal operatlon and Where the loads due to unbalance as a result of malfunc-
malfunction can be neglected. tion are multiplied by a factor of at least six times those
. . during normal operation, analysis of load case B '

6 Further design criteria dispensed

. .
6.1 Design actlon-effects
By superimposing the peakvafuss obtained from static and 6.4 Ground
dynamic analysis, the following loadlng conditions shall be ~ e t e ~ i n a t i oofn the permissible loading of the ground
considered. shall be in accordance with' DIN 1054.
Page 10 DIN 4024 Part 1

The points at which forces amlntroduced,particularlythose Base

at the Prop connections and the bearing faces, shall be Subclause apply for the base of steel founds-
carefully designed. When prestreraad bolts are used for ' tionsm
machine attachment. it shall be ensured that they can
accommodate the loads resulting from prestressinp.
In general. the cross sections used need only be resonance- 7 ~ 2 .SfJr'ng
~ fOUndatlons
free at the machine bearings or plpewark conneetions.It Is, , ~ubclause.L2.1.1 shall apply for the machine support of
however.recornmended that the cross section of upperbox spring foundations, subciauses and ?-1.2.3 applying
girders be hlghly tuned, this being a requirement for for the spring elements and the supporting structure.
machines having an operating frequency of less than 75 H z Props 7.2.3 Platform foundatfons
Props shall not be joined to the rest of the building In which Subclause 7.1.4 shall apply for steel platform foundatjons,
the foundation is to be erected.except for lightweight ele-
ments, which may be fastened directly to the props by
means Of flexible intermediate layers to prevent vibratory 7.2.4 Cormsion protection
effects. Heavy Intermediate platforms shall be erected on For steel foundations installed in closed.well-heated bulld-
the base With their own props. ings. it Is generally not required to provide internal corro-
Since the vibmtlon behaviour of props varies according to sion protection (ea. for hollow cross sections).
the type of connection orjoint used,this shallbe allowed for Where corrosion protection is necessary,the speclfi~ications
in the design given In the DIN 55928 series shall apply.

I Standards and other documents referred'to

. DIN.'7045 Structural use df concrete; design and construction
DIN 1054 Permissible loading of subsoil
DIN 1055 Part 1 Design loads for structures; materials to be stocked, constructlon materials and structural member<
self-weight and angle of friction ,

DIN 1055 Part 4 , Design loads tor structures; imposed loads; wind loads on structures not susceptible to vibration
DIN 41 14 Pan 1 Structural steelwaA; safety against buckling. overturning and bulging: design principles
DIN 41 14 Part 2 Structural steelwork; safety against buckling, overturning and bulging; constructlon .
DIN 4132 Structural steelwork; design and constmction of craneways
DIN 4149 Part 1 Buildings In German earthquake zones;design loads: design and construction of conventional buildings
DIN 17100 Steels for general stntctural purposes: quality standard
DIN 18800 Part 1 Steel htructures; design and c0~StrW~tion
DIN 55928 series Corrosion protection of steal structures by organic and metallic Coatings
VD-6 Evaluatinq the mechanical vibration of machines*)
VDI 2080 Evaluating the balanced condition of rotating Figld bodies2)
(11 Grundbautaschenbucb(Foundation Engineering Handbook).3rd ed,Part 1,sectIon 1.14:LorenzlKlain: Bodendynamlk und
Erdbeben (Soil dynamics and earthquakes).Berlin: Emsl & Sohn. 1980.
[2] f4aupt.W. Bodsndynamllc (Soil dynamics), Eraunschweig, Wiesbaden: Vieweg. 1986.
[a Studer. J.: Zlegler, A. Bodendynamik (Sail dynamics), Berlin: Springer, 1986. -
Previous edition
DIN 4024: 01.55.

In comparison with the January 1955 edition of DIN 4024, the following amendments have been made. .
a) Title and DIN nurnbe:have been changed.
' b) The standard has. been completely revised to bring it Into line with the state of the a r t

International Patent Classification .

E 02.0 27/44
E02 D 31/08
F ISM If00
16 M 5/00
Fl6MQlOQ .
F 16 M 13/00
F 1 6 f 15/66

2, Issued by the Venin Deutscher Ingenieore (Society of German Engineers), 0-4000 Dusseldorf 1;
obtainable from Beuth Ver/a,g GmbH, Burggrafenstraee 6.0-1000 Berlin 30. . . ..
UPC 62-218.2 :62-13 :OM.4 DEUTSCHE NORM
- - Apm 1991
Machine foundations . - .:-

3 Rigid foundations f o r machinery subject to periodic vibration 4024 .

Part 2

Maschinenfundamente: stejfe (starre) Stiitzkonstruktionen fijr Maschlnen mit periodlscher Erregung

Inkeeplng with cumntprectlce In standards publishedby the lnternatlonaf Organiz~tlonforStandard/.zatlon(ISO),a comma

has been used throughout asthe decimal marker.


ha. Page
.................. 1 . 5 Design and analysts ........................... 2
1 Scope and fidd of application
5.1 Objectives ................................... 2
2 Cancepts ............................. . ...... 1 5 2 Design requirements ......................... 3
21 Foundation block ............................. 1 5.3 Static analysis ..................... . ........ 3
2 2 Foundation box .............................. 1 5.4 Dynamic analysis ............................. 3
2 3 Supporting ground ............................ 1 5.4.1 General .................................... 3
5.43 Preliminary analysis ......................... 3
3 Foundation matetlalsand ground ............... 2 6.4.3 Natural frequencies and modes of vibration
3.1 Reinforced concrete ........................... 2 (model study) .......................... .... 3
3 2 Steel ................................. .;..... 2 54.4 Assessment of vibration behaviour ........... 4
3.3 Ground ...................................... 2 L4.5 Calculation of action-effects ................. 4
3.4 Spring elements .............................. 2 5.4.6 Analysis of transient vibration ................ 4
6 Further deslgn crlterla .......................... 4
4 . Dwign loads ........
4.1 Machinery ......... 7 Detailing ..................... ............ 4
4.1.1 General .......... 7.1 General ...................................... 4
4.1 2 Static loads ...... 7.2 Reinforced concrete foundafions .............. 4
! 4.1.3 . Dynamlc loads .., . 7.3 Steel foundations ............................. 4
i 4.2 Foundation. ........ Standards and otkr documents referred to .........5

1 Scope and field of application d This standard establishes criteria for determiningvibration
behaviour. deals with design action-effects, ancl covers
This standard speclffes rigid machine .foundation blocks. principles of constmctbn basedon experlence to date with
and boxes made from steel or reinforced concrete that are machine foundations. .,
intended to support end to provide anchorage for machin-
ery subject to periodic vlbration Owing to thelr flexural and
torsional stlffnees,such foundations may be assumed to be 2 Concepts
rigid Such machinery includes: . See subclauses 2.1 to 2.6 of DIN 4024 Part 1 for concepts.
a) that with rotating masses(e.g.generators,compressors.
fans, transformers, pumps, rotary printing machines, 21 Foundation block
centrifuges, machine tools and their drlves, electric A foundation block Is a ma&ine fuundation in?he form of a
motors, and gas and steam turbines); solld block, with high degrees of flexural and torsional stiff-
b) that with oscillating masses ( e . ~piston
. displacement ness.
compressors, diesel engines): Note. The mass of the foundation is usually greater than
c) crushers and mills. that of the machine It'supparts. 6 .
Note. In the case of crushers and mills.transient vibrations -.
a 2-2 ,

may predominate over perlodic vibration, which
z requires,speclal cohsideratlon. A foundation box Is a machine foundallon in the form of a
hi^ standard to foundationsfotmechlnerythat hotlow boqwith high degrees of flexural and torsional stiff-
issensitiveto vibration from externalsources (e.g.grlnders.
lathes, other rnachlne tools).
2.3 Supporting ground .
It does not apply to flexible structures as covered in
DIN 4024 Part 1,foundationsfor drop hammer8or machines The supporting gmund is the material or structure beneath
subjecEtosuddenlyapplled loads,ortoframestructuresfor b e rm*lne foundation. I t may consist of:.-

Continued on pages 2 to 5

I 1
Beufh Vsrlap GmbH, Barlln, hw lhb r x e l u s k ~r(gh1 d s a l e far Qarrnan Bfondsrds(ON-Normen). D M 4024 Part 2 Engf, Price QmUp5
04.83 . Sues Na MOS
Page 2 DIN 4024 Part 2

The elasticity (or stiffness) of the supporting ground shall 4 Deslgn loads
be faken into consid.eratlon for deslgn purposes.
SC: 4.1 Machinery
3 Foundation materials and ground 4.1,1 General
Static end dynamlc loads shall be glven separately by the
3.1 Reinforced concrete machine manufacturer in terms of rnagnitude,dlrectlon and
Concrete of at least strength class 625 as specifled in position Where relevant, limit values for deformation or
DIN 1045,and reinforcing steal designed to accommodate displacement of the foundation shall be stated. c '-
loading that Is not predominantly statlc,shall be usedPlaln Where vibratlon at the bearings Is to be limlted durlng nor-
reinforcing steel bats shall not be uaed as loadbearlng mal operation. the limit values spiclfled in VDI 2056 or
reloforcement. Use of plain concrete is normally not per- VDI 2063 should be complied with, unless the machine
misslble. operator or manufacturer has specified otherwise. 9'
InJhe dynamicanalysis,the modulus of In the case of finishing machines, the manufacturer shall PI' +--i''-
also state the limit values of external forces likely to affect j .-*,
machine performance.
3 2 Steel
4.1.2 Statlc toads .( :-.. !?.k.
Steel as specifled In DIN 18 806 Part 1 shall be used. In the
dynamic analysis. the modulus of elasticity as given in that The followlng ara statlc loads during normal service: - 4<
standard may be used. '
a) the mass of machine component~lncfudlngthe base T,T-~,'-'
frame and its sealing material (often a functlon of the
load case):
3.3 Gmund
b) the machine's driving and output moments that act on
An investigation of the ground and groundwater beneath the foundation via the casing (vertical pairs of forces);
the foundation shall be made in accordance with DIN 1054.
The surrounding environment should also be investigated. c) friction forces actlng on the bearing faces (predom-
so that an estimate can be made of anv ~ossibletransmls- Inantly horizontal). caused by the thermal expansion of
the casing;
sion of vibration to ItSoil.espectally loose and moderately
dense sand,tends to compact when exposed to dynamlc Q thermal effects from the machine and its ancfllary'
loading. It should be noted that groundwater in mnes sub- equipment.
ject to seismlc action is highly conducive to the transmis- Erection loads are generally transient. loads that do not
sion of vibration. . occur during normal service, and include the loads from
The elasticlty and damping ofthe ground can only be deter- erection equlpment and lifting gear.
mined by field or laboratory tests, Since the results 41.3 Dynarnlc loads
obtained tend to be subject to a large scatter,calculation of
dynamic loading shwid be based on Iimit values for the ,Dynamic loads shall be glven in terms of magnitude and
above quantities, which can be found in the relevant litera- ' direction. and 8s a function of freq~ency~duration, and the
ture (cf. It] to [31). . point or area at which they act
The damping of the ground may be estlrnated using the The following are dynamic loads durlng normal service:
damping characterlstlc, dv, as follows: a) Gearing forces (both vertical and horizontal), resulting
from rotor unbalande:
b) in the case of reciprocating engines. mass forces and
moments of the flrst order or higher:
1 .
C) in the case of reciprocating engines, repetltlve explo-
where sive forces of higher order;
A ia the area of the'foundatjon; d) forces and moments that result from turning the
E ~dun
. is the modulus of dynarnlc stlffness; machlns on or off. or ather transient-situatlons.
Q is the denslty of the ground. '
The malor dynamic loads that result frorn.malfunction are:
The quantity oflen used to characterize damping is the a) an increase In the periodic bearlng loads in the case of
damplng factor; D,which shall not exceed 25%: v' exoeptianally high rotor unbalance caused.for example.
by blade breakage: .
b) loads imm short-circuit torque or faulty-synchronizing
where c) pressure surges in pipes or flttings upon emergency
dv has been calculated using equation (1);
d) in the case of plston engines'. cylinder failure.
c. Is the elastic (spring) constant:
The fomes'and moments that act on thetoundatlon shall be
m Is the mass. given without dynamic load factors.
In the case of transient vibratlon, the expected duration or
3.4 'Spring dements frequency should dso be given.
Where spring elements or other elastic elements are used
as the machine foundation. the manufacturer shall state the 4.2 Foundation
following particrrlars: The specifications of subclause 4.2 of the April 1988editlon
a) bearing capacity, wlth upper and lower Ilmlts; ot DIN 4024 Part 1 shall be complied with,
b) spring constants lor vertical and horkontal directions or
spring characteristlcs (both statlc and dynamic); 5 Design and analysis
c) damplng characteristics; '
d) any relevant factors of influence (e.g. time, tempera- Machine foundations'are Intended to accommodate the
ture). statlc and dynamic loads from the machii8,They should be
deslgned on the basis of machineinwernent durlng normal
servlce (i.athe mlnlmurn performance requirements to be
satisfied), and to prevent unacceptable vibration being
transmitted to the environmentVlbratlon originating In the
envlronment shall also be accounted tor. This can be
assessed on the basis of the amplitude of vibration at the
most significant areas of the foundation. 'Relevant' in this case means the. hlghest excltatlon
Any effect that malfunction has on the foundation shall not />%&
frequencies of the dynamic forces during machlne opera-
impair subsequent machine performance under S ~ M C ~ tion that are to be taken l n t account
~ wlthln the sca~ieof
oonditlons. subclause 5.4.1, and that can cause the machine to vibrate
To verify compliance with these general requlrementa a at the lowest natural frequency for both modes of vibration,
statlc and dynamic analysis shall be made. The-natural. frequencies of translational and r~tationd
5.2' Design raqulrements vibration. f s and fT,may be calculated using equatlons (3)
and (4), respectively, disregarding foundatlon elasticity.
When selecting the material, ske, shape and elasticity of
rotatlonal inertia,and deformation ot the foundatimdueh
machine foundations, due consideration shail be given to
factors such as their loeatlon and vlbration behaviour. the
properties ofthe ground, the type and size ofthe machfnery,
and the magnitude of vibration to which the environment
will be exposed.
Where cod~ictingconditions exist, the objectives outlined
In subclause 5.1 shall be referredto for the purposeof prior-
itlzing certain mquirements. where
5.3 Static analysis E is the modulus of elastlcfty:
me static analysis of machlne foundations, i.e. analysts of G Is the shear modulus;
the action-effects of the system under static loading. shall I is the second order moment of area:
be based on specifiedload cases fortbe machinery and for IT is the torsion constant;
the foundation. Where required. the maximum values of M IS the mass of the machinelfoundaUon system;
certaln dynamic loading situations that do not affect the I is the length of the foundation; ,
whole machlne shall also be considered (e.g balanced sup- is the second order moment of the mass.
port reactfonforces of the rna&ine).Since such an analysis
is the same as that made forsimilarstructures,lt Is not dealt 5.4.3 ~ a t ~ i rfmquencles
al end modes of vibratbn-
with here. (madeiludy) . I .

Since the founddons c m r e d here are assumed to be rigid

the support reactions may be w m e d to be equivalent to
Determination of the SIX natural frequencies shall take into ( ,
account the arrangement and mass ofthemachine compa-
those for a rigid body. Compliance with any limit values of nents as fiied to the foundation. Assuming the foundation
displacement and deformation specified by the manufac- to be symmetrical in pian,the different modes of vlbration
turer under given load conditions shall be verified, account (tranJatlonal and rotational about the vertlcal axis, rocking
also being taken.where requlrebof the foundation elasticity. about vertical and horizontal iles) shell be considered
Where th_ermaf.effectsare to be considered in the analysis separately.
of reinforced concrete foundatlons,'the 2nd moment of Since the vibration amplitudes of the foundatlonare usually
effective cross-sectional area may be assumedto be equal lowerthan the spn'ng deflectlon._aconstant sprin~rate may-
to aa I. J r - be used Ihth&calculation. c!
5.4 Dynamic analysis Models representing machinery supported on springsshan
5.4.1 General
. 6\ --be given particular consideration.
Where the oundatlon is supported on two Interconnected
It shall first be establishedwhetherthe machine found ~ &ofr spJng elements, and where mass mr is negligible
In question is considered to be wtthin the scope compared to mass rnl (ct.tlgure I), the following simplifica-
standard. If SO, the six natural frequencies of the lio?szshall
_ *_be-..permhteg;
- .
.<."A+> - . -
machinetfoundation system shall be determined.
C >-I1-"

a) ,,,here the stiffnessof the lowerspring is at

excftatlon forces have been specifled by the machlne least ten times the stiffness of the upper spring eie-
manufacturer, the vibration amplitudes may be determined
rnents, cl.then q may be disregarded;
and Compared wlth any limit values provlded.
Dynamic analysis is usue[ly not requtrerJ in the case of b) where q !8 at least ten times c2, then ci may be disre-
machines which garded.
a) i r e subject to vibration due to unbalance only, where
the mass of the rotatlng efementa ia leas than one-
hundredth of the mass of the entire machinelfounda-
tion system:
b) have a defined excitation force that& its highest-isless
than one-thousandth ot the mass of the machindfoun-
datlon system;
C) have a defined excltatlon moment and where the figura I-
highest support reaction force ts less than one-
thousandth of the mass of the machinelfoundation
Far machinerywith morethan one excltation frequency,lhe
values of rotating mass. excitatlon force and support
reaction may be disregarded, If the highest of these values
satisfy the condltlons given in items a) to c) above. Flgure 2
Page 4 D1N 4024 Part 2

If the foundation is embedded in the ground (cf. flgure 21, 5-4-8 Anaksla of transient vlbratfon

/ the,lateral support pmvided by earth pressure may also be

taken into accounf where such S ~ P PisOefflclent
~ and per-
manent This may be allowed for by lntroducln~a 3peciflc
Where transient vlbration is to be accounted for in the ana-
lysls of vibration beheviour, the vibrationltima behavlour or
performance spectrum shall be considered. Where such is
factor for the spring constants [4]. not avallabls, the maximum amplitude of typical occur-
rences of transient vibratlon (8.g. single shocks applied
5.4.4 Aaseasmsnt of vlbratlon behavlour suddenly) shall be estimated, and a simplified analysls of
To assess the vibratlon behavlour. the natural frsquencles. th, vib/mion behaviour of the foundation made.
f n , determined In accordance wlth subclause 5.4.3, shall be ' \ .
com~ared with the servlce (excitatlon) [requencies,f,.the
relevant service frequencles for thls purpose are those
which can cause the machine t o vibrate at its natural 6 $"-%her design criteria
frequencles and whlch must not be disregarded (cf. sub- Furtherdesign criteria are specified in clause 6of DIN4024
clause 5.4.1). Part 1.

ing equatlons:

and 7.1 General

mashhe foundatlon shall be separated from the
surmundlng structure by a Jolnt that Is wide enough to
Where the machlne orthe environmtnt is part!cularlysensi- accommodate the expected movement of the machine/
tie to bra ti oh It m y be necessary to 8pecffYfierent foundatlon system. To minimize interaction between the
1 relstionshlps. toundatlon and the environment, any pipework or other
! I I f the requirementsspecified by equation (5) or (6) are not connections shall be of the flexible type.
i satisfied, either the foundation design shall be suitably , In the case of spring foundations, the spring elements shall
j modifled, or it shall be verified that vlbration as a result of
be accessible at all tlmes (cf. subciause 7.12 of DIN 4024
excitation forces Is within agreed limits. In the latter case, it pad 1 for further specifications).
I is recommended that the damping 07 the ground be.taken m e centroids of allpermanent loads originating inthe

into account.
5.4.5 Calculatfon of actlaweffects '6
<6\$ machine and foundation shall coincide with that of the base
area or the spring elements.
For the purpose of ,fou,ngati?n.desig$..the,=$oI?:effects
resulting from .dydynqlc,,loading.,.phallbe analysed. Such 7.2 Reinforced concrete foundations
actlon-effects are the excltati~forces,sptlngforces.mass
forces and damping forces which act simultaneouslyon the In the case of concrete foundations. all surfaces and struc-
foundatlon, their relevant parameters being amplitude and tural membersshall be reinforced throughout even ifthis is
j distribution. not required by the design-The masa-of reinforcement per
,For s i m ~ l i f i ~ t i b ~g,flf*iLrit
~,kn static load acting- an Iha "nit yoturne should be at leasl-equalto30 kglm3,and part of 0
the reinforcement shall be arranged in a spatial configura-
j !o~datton.and .,eg~a.l, , ; ~ ~ ~ h e - ~ ~ p p ~ ~ ' ~ i e a $ i o ~ otion.

1 farcesshall beassumed fo? each natural:frequency.derlved

'fmm the ercitatlon force. using P fait&.
1 J7
Anchorages and recesses shall be arranged so that the
reinforcement, in its mdn loading direction,ls not adversely
I Cp. affected.
p"- ' qo - <+ i p .p -
The anchorage type and design, particularlywith respect to
11 -p21
tJ wo9
@( \ L horizontkl forces, shall be the subject of agreement be-
fm g.pJ .! o d , (8)
tween machlne'manufacturer and foundation designer.
Where the fouidatlon is to be embedded In concrete,work-
fn prCf [ Ing joints In the foun,dation should be svbided. a horizontal
Note that in the above equationqp will be taken as 4t least Joint between foundatlon surface and any rlsing elements
equal to unity. I being permitted.
Where th* f,lf, ratio is within the limits defined
tions (5) and (6).the damping of the ground, ~ (stiall
4 equa-
p be
To minimlze the occurrence of shrinkage cracks, suitable
design measures shall be taken.
intraduced here as: If the base or other supporting structures are to be concret-
ed later,the specifications of subclzuse of DIN 4024
Part 1 shall be complied with.

where D is the degree of damping. 7.3 Steel foundations

The peak values obtained from static and dynamic ariafysis Requirements for steel foundations are specifled in sub-
shall-be superimposed. -
clause 7.2 of DIN 4024 Pad I.
DIN 4024 Part 2 Page 5

0 Standards and other documents referred to

DIN 1045 structural use of concrete; design and construction
DIN j054 Permlsslble loading of subsoil
DIN 4024 Part 1 Machine foundations; flexible structures whlch support machines with rotating elements
DIN 18 800 Part 1 Structural steelwork; deslgn and 'construction
M I 2056') Beur!eilungsmaBsrPbe tflr mechanlsche Schwlngungen van Maschhen (Evaluating the vibration of
. machinery)
VDI 20631) Messung und Beurteilung rnechanjscher Schwingungen von Hubkolbenmotoren und -kompmaren
(Measurement and evaluatian of the vlbratlon of reciprocating engines and compressors)
[I] Grundbau-Taschenbuch (Foundation Engineering Handbook), 3rd ed., Pan 1, section 1.14: Lorenz and Kleln Boden-
dynamlk uncl Erdbeben (Soil dynamics and earthquakes), Berlin: Emst 6 Sohn, 1980.
[2] Haupt, W. Bodendynarnik (Soil dynamics). ~raunschwelg.W%baden: Weweg, 1986.
[3] ~ t u d e rJ.,
, Ziegler, A. Bodendynarnik (Soil dynamics), Berlin: Spflnger, 1986.
[4] Gmndbau-Teschenbuch, 3rd ed, Part 2, chapters 216 and 2.1, Beriln: Ernst 6, Sohn.

1,nternational Patent Classlflcation

E 02 D 27144
F16M7100 ' . .
F 16 M BID0

1) Issued by the Verein Deutscher lngenieure (Society of German Engineers), D-4000Diisseldorf I:obtainable from Beuth -
Verfag GmbH, BurggrafenstraBe 6, D-1000 Berlln 30.
..... - I.

UDC 621218.2 :62-13 :001.4 BEUTSCHE

Machine fo'undations

~ l . ~ '

Flexible structures that suppart

machines with rotating elements" 4024
. . . . . --part 1

Mas&lnenfundarnente; elastische StGtzkonstruMionen for Maschhen mi! rotierenden MaSsen ~upersedesDIN 4024,
i January 1956 edition.

In keeping wirh currentpracii~in standardspubllshcd by the lnternatknd Orghlzatlon forStandardization (KO),a comma
baa been used tfrmughout as the declmal marker.

the DIN 4024 series of standards currently comprises the following Parts:
DIN 4024 Part 1 Machine foundations; flexible structures that support machines with rotating elements
DIN 4024 Part 2 (at present at the stage of draft) Machine.foundatlons;rigid structures that support machines,with
. periodic excitation

- In this standard, the term 'load'ls used for forces acting on a system from the 6utsIde; this applies equally to compound
terms that include the component 'load' [cf. DIN 1080 Part 1).
. 2
L 5 Contents
. . .
=a 720 Rgm ~ s ~ e
1 Scope and field of appleation ................... 2 ....................5 -
52.5 Simplified representation
2 .Conclpts ...................................... 2 53 Natural vibration .............. .;. ............ 6
- I

51 2.1 Vibration .......................................2 53.2 53.1 Natural frequencies and modes of vibration .. 6
82 2 2 Ty$3s of vibration ............................. 2 Assessment of vibration behaviour on the basis of
natural vibration ............................ 0
23 Damping ....................................... 2
2.4 Action-effects ................................. 3 5.4 Analysfs of vibration due to unbalance ,........ 7
2 6 Model ........................
. . . . .......... 3 5.425.4.1 General .................................... 7
Forced vibration. ............................ 7
; , 26 Machinery ..........................,. ........ 3 6.4.3 Natural modes of vibration .................. 7
2.7 Types of foundation .......................... 3
5.4.4 Equivalent-load method ..................... 7
3 Materials and ground: .................... . . .. 3 5.5 Analysis of transient vibration ...............,.. 7

0= 5 3,1 .~einforcedconcrete ...........................3 6.51 General .................................... 7
3.2 Steel ...............................

-f:2 3.3
...... 4 5.5.2 Short-circuit ...................... .. ...... 8 .
(3mond ........................-.........--... .6 toads on the foundation and ground .......... 8
4 .5
4 b a d 8 ......................................,... 4 ' 6 ~ ~ ~ f d ~ [ g n ~ f i.........................
t e r l a 8
. ' .

5 2- 4.1 MachinBry ....................
' ...... ....... 4 6.1 Design action-effects ............. ......... 8 i..
Zg 4.1.1 Genera! ....;. :. ............................ 4 6 2 Reinforced concrete foundations .............. 8
4.1;2 Static loads ...................... .... ..... 4 63 ,Steel foundations ............................ 8
gg . 4.1.3 Dynamic loads ...............................4 6.4 Ground ..................... -...., .
;....... 8
. L-
4 2 Foundation ................................... 4
4.2.1 . Permanent loads ............................ 4 ..... i.. ...... 99
7 bttaj~ing

$. f$ 4.22 lmpo~cdloads ................................4 7.1 Reinforced concrete foundatkm

4 9 3 creep and shrinkage &forced concrete ... 4 7.1.1 Table foundations. .......................... 9
5: 42.4 Effects of temperature, wind and earthquakes.. 4 7.12 Spring foundations ........................... 9
Slab foundations ... ........................ 9
5 Deslgn ............................ ........ 4 7.13
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7.1.4 Platform fbundatlons ........................ 9
- . 5.1 General .................... .................. 4 7.2 Steel foundations ..... !...................... 9
5.1.1 Objectives ......................... ;........ 4 72.1 Tablefoundations ........................... 9
5.1.2 Static analysis ................................5 722 foundations ..........................
5.1.3 O~namicanal~sis....... . - . . . . - . . . . . . - - - - - - - . 5 7-23 ~l&~rn,f?undafians........................ 10
5 2 Model study ................................... 5 7 2 4 Corrosion protection ........................10
62.1 Principles ................................... 5
52.2 Requirements .................;............. 5 Standards and other documents referred to ........10.

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Continued on pages 2 la 10

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BauthVerleg ~ m banrlln.
~ , hma tho exelusivs righl of aala lor tarman Stmidardr (DrN-Nofmm). DIN 4024 Part 1 Engf. PtfCegr~up8
12.00 Sela NO. a o a

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