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What are the functions of Epithelial tissue?

Epithelial tissue has

mainly 4 functions;

protection, absorption,

filtration and secretion

What are the different types
of Epithelial tissue?
There are 8 types of Epithelial tissue; simple squamous,
simple cuboidal, simple columnar,pseudostratified columnar,
Stratified squamous, Stratified Cuboidal, Stratified
Columnar and transitional.
Where can Epithelial tissue
be found in human body?
Epithelial tissue can be

found in kidney, sperm,

liver, bone, lung, brain,

blood, heart, muscle,

pancreas and egg.

What would happen if Epithelial
tissue cannot function properly?
If epithelial tissue cannot function properly, it will
cause a lot of damages to the skin and may eventually lead to
the disease called Psoriasis. This disease will resulted in
skin coming off and started to bleed.

Another disease that may take place is ovarian tumor.

This type of disease will directly affected the ovary,causing
hyperplasia (when cells are overproduced).
Why is it necessary to have
Epithelial tissue in human body?
Without the epithelial tissue, our body would not
be able to function in the way they supposed to.
So, it is necessary to have this type of tissue to
help with protection, absorption, filtration and
secretion within the body.
What are the functions of connective tissue?
Connective tissue plays an important role within the human
body. It works as the supporter and connector of the tendon
and other types of tissue, keeping the structural framework
for the body. It also absorbs nutrients and provides
protection by defending pathogens from coming into the body.
What are the different types
of Connective tissue?
There are 6 types of connective tissue; Loose connective tissue,
Dense connective tissue, Bone, Cartilage, Blood and Lymph.
Where can connective tissue
be found in human body?
It can be found in many different places in human body; such as
cartilage, bone marrow, ligament, white blood cell, and skin.
What would happen if Connective
tissue cannot function properly?
The tissue will be inflamed. It will affect the joints,
muscle, skin, eyes, heart, lungs, kidneys, gastrointestinal
tract, and blood vessels.

Disease example :

SLE, Rheumatoid
Why is it necessary to have
connective tissue in the human body?

It helps wound healing. When the skin is injured, it wouldnt be

able to heal if there was no connective tissue. Also, the tissue
is important for maintaining the shapes of different types of
organs in the body.
What are the differences between
Epithelial and connective tissue?
Epithelial tissue has it cells packed tightly together while
connective tissue doesnt.
Its function; Epithelial tissue covers all parts of the body
including internal organs for protection as well as filters, absorbs
and secretes wastes out of the body. On the other hand, Connective
tissue connects and supports parts of the body.
Does every animal have connective tissue and
epithelial tissue?
Every animal has both connective tissue and epithelial tissue.
However, they are not only considered with theses two types, but
they also contain the other two types of tissue just like human.

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