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 What is Alchemy (27 pages)

 Alchemy Unveiled by Jonhannes Helmond (123 pages)For the first time, the Secret of the Philosopher's Stone
is being openly explained
 The Secret Book of Artephius(14 pages)The Secret Book of Artephius is a rare Alchemical treatise written in
the twelfth century.
 The Golden Chain of Homer(27 pages)
 An Open Entrance to the Closed Palace of the King(20 pages) Whoever wishes to possess this secret Golden
Fleece, which has virtue to transmute metals into gold, should know that our Stone is nothing but gold
digested to the highest degree of purity and subtle fixation to which it can be brought by Nature and the
highest effort of Art; and this gold thus perfected is called "our gold," no longer vulgar, and is the ultimate
goal of Nature.
 Six Keys of Eudoxos(9 pages)
 Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus (6 pages)
 The Philosopher's Stone: A modern comparative approach to alchemy from the psychological and magical
points of view by Israel Regardie (84 pages)
 A Treatise on the Great Art by Antoine-Joseph Pernety (115 pages)
 Alchemy Key by Stuart Nettleton(556 pages) A Treatis on The Great Art
 Mirror of Alchemy by Roger Bacon(6 pages) The Mirror of Alchemy is an alchemical classic written by Roger
Bacon, (Doctor Mirabilis: Latin for Wonderful Teacher), English Franciscan philosopher and educational
reformer was a major medieval proponent of experimental science and is thought of as one of the earliest
advocates of the modern scientific method. He studied mathematics, astronomy, optics, alchemy, and
languages. His Opus Majus contains treatments of mathematics and optics, alchemy and the manufacture of
gunpowder, the positions and sizes of the celestial bodies, and anticipates later inventions such as
microscopes, telescopes, spectacles, flying machines and steam ships.
 The Hermetic Arcanum (24 pages) The secret work of the hermetic philosophy Wherein the secrets of nature
and art concerning the matter of the philosophers' stone and the manner of working are explained in an
authentic and orderly manner. The work of an anonymous author.
 Twelve Keys by Basil Valentine (24 pages) All flesh that is derived from the earth, must be decomposed and
again reduced to earth; then the earthy salt produces a new generation by celestial resuscitation. For where
there was not first earth, there can be no resurrection in our Magistery. For in earth is the balm of Nature,
and the salt of the Sages.
 Rosa Alchema by W.B. Yeats(11 pages)
 David Cherubim - Alchemy: The Black Art (40 pages)
 The Treasure of Treasures for Alchemists by Paracelsus (5 pages)
 Coelum Philosophorum by Paracelsus (15 pages) You who are skilled in Alchemy, and as many others as
promise yourselves great riches or chiefly desire to make gold and silver, which Alchemy in different ways
promises and teaches; equally, too, you who willingly undergo toil and vexations, and wish not to be freed
from them, until you have attained your rewards, and the fulfilment of the promises made to you;
experience teaches this every day, that out of thousands of you not even one accomplishes his desire. Is this
a failure of Nature or of Art? I say, no; but it is rather the fault of fate, or of the unskilfulness of the
 Alchemical Catechism (15 pages) a short catechism of alchemy.
 An Alchemical Mass (1 pages)
 Liber Propatur Temporis (112 pages)
 The Arcane Formulas or Mental Alchemy (98 pages) Contents: Egohood; Establishing the Ego; Will-
Focalization; The Excluded Middle; Mastering the Opposites; Neutralizing Rhythm; Cyclicity and Balance;
Mentalism in a Nutshell.
 Stanley Redgrove: Alchemy: Ancient and Modern (108 pages) Being a brief account of the alchemistic

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doctrines, and their relations, to mysticism on the one hand, and to recent discoveries in the physical science
on the other hand; together with some particulars regarding the lives and teachings of the most noted
alchemists. The meaning of alchemy; The theory of physical alchemy; The alchemists before and after
Paracelsus; The outcome of alchemy; The age of modern chemistry; Modern alchemy.
 Alchemy: Rediscovered and Restored (94 pages) According to practitioners and students of alchemy, the
body's Vital Energy, or Quintessence, is best obtained from minerals and metals. Using everyday language and
an accessible style, Cockren explores the different uses and manifestations of this ancient science, from the
physical to the medicinal and even the spiritual. Along the way, he provides engaging sketches of alchemy's
early pioneers, including St. Germain, Basil Valentine, and the legendary Paracelsus, providing a solid
foundation to his belief that within the world's metals "can be found elements to cure all discords in the
human body." Considered the greatest British alchemist of the 20th century, ARCHIBALD COCKREN (d. 1950)
was a practicing physician who also studied metallurgy, biochemistry, and bacteriology.
 Alchemy: The Ancient Science by Neil Powell (145 pages) For centuries a number of men of science and
learning spent their lives in the practice of alchemy, searching for a way to change ordinary metals into gold.
Why did they try? Did any of them succeed? We know that alchemists today continue the old tradition and the
age-old quest. Will they succeed?
 From Alchemy To Chemistry by John Read (239 pages) Broad, humanistic treatment concentrates on the
great figures of chemistry and the ideas that revolutionized the science, from earliest history to the modern
era. Much of the book is devoted to alchemy, but also the development of modern chemistry: atomic theory,
nature of the elements, beginning of organic chemistry, much more. Broad in scope, erudite yet very
readable, with few chemical equations or formulae.
 18th Century Chemical Terms List (50 pages)
 [ recommended ] Dictionary of Occult, Hermetic and Alchemical Sigils by Fred Gettings (405 pages) @500cr
 Mary the Prophetess (Alchemy) (3 pages)
 Alchemical Tradition (1 pages) a chart of tradition
 Vitriol in the History of Chemistry (9 pages)
 The Theory and Practice of Alchemy (28 pages)
 Liber Mutus (19 pages)
 Compendium of Alchemical Processes by Basil Valentine (167 pages)
 Archidoxia Magica by Paracelsus (Spanish) 78MB (63 pages)
 John Dee - Rosie Crucian Secrets: Their Excellent Method of Making Medicines of Mettals also Their Laws and
Mysteries (148 pages)
 Lessons in the Unfoldment of the Philosopher's Stone by Delmar DeForest Bryant, with Notes and Commentary
by Paul Foster Case (121 pages)
 Rubellus Petrinus - The Great Alchemic Work of Eirenaeus Philalethes Nicholas Flamel and Basil Valentine (72
 The Acetate Path: Resource Papers Vol.1 (57 pages)
 The Acetate Path: Resource Papers Vol.2 (90 pages)
 The Acetate Path: Resource Papers Vol.3 (99 pages)
 The Thermal Decomposition of Metal Acetates: Historical and Chemical Aspects by Robert Allen Bartlett (41
 @300cr Spagyrics Vol 1 (195 pages) , Spagyrics Vol 2 (206 pages) - Spagyrics: A Practical Course in Plant
Alchemy by Jean Dubuis (view ToC here) is a 2-volume, 48-lesson course which teaches the preparation and
uses of herbal elixirs, particularly the seven planetary elixirs used to rebalance the spiritual centers in the
human body, the processes followed to obtain the vegetable stone (Opus Minor), the method for extracting
the universal seed from rain water, and similar processes. Theoretical, practical and philosophical aspects of
spagyrics are developed in the course materials. Theory on philosophical mercury and the alkahests is also
given. The investment in laboratory equipment necessary for the plant work is minimal. The practice of
Spagyrics and Alchemy brings about an intimate knowledge of visible Nature, and its invisible energies - life
and consciousness. This knowledge allows one to transmute themselves, to regenerate themselves, to attain
Inner Initiation. Only then is the path of physical transmutation open to the initiate.
 Fundamentals of Esoteric Knowledge by Jean Dubuis (161 pages) @200 This 12 lesson course (view ToC
here) provides the background and overview needed to understand precisely the materials in the Alchemical
and Qabalistic courses. It is also an exceptional course on its own. The objective is to assist the student in
becoming aware of the Path of Return and its significance. Provided exercises assist in contact with the Inner
Master. Content: Fundamental Esoteric Principles; General Principles of Human and Social Conduct; Creation;
The Macrocosm: Nature; Online Creation: The Microcosm: Man; Passive Symbolism; Active Symbolism: The
Word; Numbers and Cycles; Ritual, Meditation and Prayer; The Powers; The Secret Sciences; Universal

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Justice; 7 Commandments of the Fama Fraternitatis; Service and the Invisible Order.
 @200cr Mineral Alchemy Vol 1 (210 pages) , Mineral Alchemy Vol 2 (218 pages) , Mineral Alchemy Vol 3
(162 pages) , Mineral Alchemy Vol 4 (148 pages) by Jean Dubuis
 The Complete Chymist; or A Treatise of Chymistry by Christopher Glaser (124 pages) Teaching by a Short
and Easy Method All of Its Mst Necessary Preparations
 Indian Bhasma Manfred Junius (3 pages)
 Tartarus Magistery Manfred Junius (10 pages) Alchemy Seminar in Germany
 Lecture on Alchemy by Rubaphilos (zipped 15 pdf files)
 Frater Albertus - Alchemist's Handbook (135 pages) @300cr The book acts as an introduction to the world
of Alchemy, describing its process as well as the symbols employed in Alchemical nomenclature. While it may
take a couple of readings to really and truly grasp it, the real learning takes place in the laboratory. Frater
Albertus is clear in his meaning and attemts not to confuse the reading by falling to far into the mystical
language of the alchemists. This book goes a long way to putting things back the way they were intended.
Frater Albertus (one Albert Reidel), who, along with John Reed, is widely regarded as one of the re-
discoverers of modern practical alchemy, believes that grimoires say what they mean, and that the
techniques within were designed to be practiced, not as metaphors for further practice and techniques. In
the extraordinary handbook for the beginner, Reidel illustrates in detail the basic principles of practical
(laboratory) alchemy, and describes for the beginner all the things that they will need, both to know and to
practice, in order to begin this most fascinating Art and Science.
 Robert Allen Bartlett - Real Alchemy: A Primer of Practical Alchemy (128 pages) @300cr Real Alchemy is an
easy to understand manual in Practical Alchemy. It explores the History of Alchemy to the present day, as
well as practical techniques for beginning the Alchemical Work in the Laboratory. Filled with many useful
examples and explanations, included here the history, theory, and simple practices that anyone can use to
prepare herbal and mineral extracts in the ancient tradition.
 Adam McLean's Study Course on the Ripley Scroll (53 pages) This course will be found especially interesting
to those are taking the Foundation course on alchemical symbolism, as this advanced course builds upon the
material and approach presented there, applying the ideas to investigating the Ripley Scroll. The course will
be entirely self contained with no need for any external materials. This is a short course of seven lessons
intended to be studied over a period of six months. It applies the methods undertaken in Foundation course
to a detailed examination of this remarkable work of alchemical symbolism, revealing all the structure
contained in the details of the symbolism.
 Alchemy and Alchemists - S. Martin (160 pages)
 Antoine Faivre - The Eternal Hermes: From Greek God to Alchemical Magus (204 pages) Hermes- the
fascinating mercurial messenger of the gods eloquent revealer of hidden wisdom and guardian of occult
knowledge-has played a central role in the development of esotericism in the West. The enigmatic Hermes
Trismegistus legendary author of ancient Gnostic writings was the father of the Hermetic tradition. Drawing
upon rare books and manuscripts, this highly illustrated work explores the question of where Hermes
Trismegistus came from how he came to be a patron of the esoteric traditions and how the figure of Hermes
has remained lively and inspiring to our own day.
 Fulcanelli - Master Alchemist: Esoteric Interpretation of the Hermetic Symbols of The Great Work (187 pages)

 M.M. Pattison Muir - The Story of Alchemy and the Beginnings of Chemistry (104 pages) A solid overview
and valuable aid for anyone endeavoring to unravel the complex history of alchemy.
 Chung Yu Wang - Antimony (225 pages) It's history, chemistry, mineralogy, geology, metallurgy, uses,
preparations, analysis, production, nd valuaion, with complete bibliographies. For students, manufacturers
and users of antimony.
 Cabala Mineralis Manuscript (18 pages)
 Terence Mckenna - Food of the Gods: The Search for the Original Tree of Knowledge (139 pages)
 Mark Stavish - Death Dying and Immortality in Qabala and Alchemy (31 pages)
 Robert Ambelain - Spiritual Alchemy (103 pages) Translated by Piers A. Vaughan

Related Links:
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 The Tarot

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 Golden Dawn
 Egyptian Magick

* These documents are provided for information and research purposes only. Please be aware that Sacred-
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Buy from Amazon:

The Practical Handbook of Plant Alchemy: An Herbalist's Guide to Preparing

Medicinal Essences, Tinctures, and Elixirs
by Manfred M. Junius

 Paperback: 262 pages

 Publisher: Healing Art Press; Reprint edition (March 1, 1993)
 ISBN: 0892814853
 Product Dimensions: 8.9 x 5.9 x 0.7 inches

An herbalist shows how to release the complete healing properties of plants by using ancient spagyric (alchemical)

The Philosopher's Stone: A Quest for the Secrets of Alchemy
by Peter Marshall
Following such luminaries as Newton, Jung, St. Thomas Aquinas and Zosimus, who devoted most of their lives to
searching for the Philosopher's Stone, Peter Marshall set out to unearth the secrets of alchemy in the lands where it
was traditionally practiced. The result is a fascinating piece of historical, scientific and philosophical detection, as
well as an exciting physical and spiritual adventure. Exploring the beliefs and practices, the myths and the symbols
of the alchemists, Peter Marshall takes us on an enthralling journey into this arcane world.
Alchemists Handbook: (Manual for Practical Laboratory Alchemy)
by Frater Albertus
The Alchemist's Handbook by Frater Albertus is quite possibly the greatest and most concise piece of work on
practical laboratory Alchemy known to man. Within a mere 124 pages, the author explains in detail the processes by
which any would-be Alchemist may create herbal elixers. The process is simple and can be learned quickly and
inexpensively. Mastering the Great Art that is Alchemy, however, takes significantly longer (I myself have been
practicing for many years and still have not touched its surface). Frater Albertus does not, thankfully, fall into a
deep and penatrating discussion of each elixer and its properties(of which there would be thousands), but rather
explains how to create them and leaves the aspiring Alchemist to practice, study, ponder and create. In doing so, he
insures that those who would like to venture into the Great Art have the capacity to learn it for themselves.
The Emerald Tablet: Alchemy for Personal Transformation
by Dennis William Hauck
The Emerald Tablet--an ancient document that contains the essence of the alchemical teachings--has had an
important influence on many Western spiritual and religious traditions. Ostensibly concerned with turning base
metals into gold, alchemy was in fact dedicated to transforming the lead of self into the gold of spirit. This brilliant
history of alchemy traces its sources back to ancient Egypt, and presents alchemy as a useful, practical system of
self-transformation. Each of the seven steps of alchemical transformation is explained, with hands-on techniques
and exercises, treating alchemy as a living discipline for achieving a spiritual awakening.

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