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Nama :Muhammad Nurhidayat

NPM :1606853780
Program pasca sarjana Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia

Critical Review Redefining Comparative Politics

Legitimacy as one of parts to Requisite Democratic systems

Democracy is one of the most highly valued concepts throughout the world, even
though it seems to mean very different ideas to different people. Seymour Lipsets in
his essay about Some social Requisites of democracy posted a number of factors that
support stable democracy. One of these factors is about legitimacy which is explained
by him as a cultural requisite of democracy.

In this case he explained about political stability in democratic system cannot rely on
force. The alternative to force is legitimacy as an accepted systemic. For example
developed democratic institution while retaining what is known as traditional
legitimacy derived from continuing monarchy. Without these institution and tradition
already present, democracy might not have developed as it did. Weber (1946)
summarized three ways authority that gain legitimacy. These are:
1.Traditional through always having possessed the authority, the best example being
the title held in monarchical societies
2. Rational legal when authority is obeyed because of popular acceptance
3. Charismatic when authority rests upon faith in a leader who is believed to
be endowed with great personal worth, either from God as in the case of a religious
prophet or simply from the display of extraordinary talents.

Legitimacy is best gained by prolonged effectiveness which make population feeling

satisfied. The importance of traditional part is the citizen must obey the laws and rule
even while disliking those who enforce the. This happened in post franco-spain where
the monarchy was successfully and usefully restored.

Rational legal legitimacy is weak in new democratic systems since the law had
previously operated in the interests of a foreign exploiter or domestic dictator because
it draw up a liberal constitution. To solve this problems it needs a long time. One of
ways is providing a basis of legitimacy for limitation state of power and for political
and economic rights.

The last part is charismatic legitimacy which is considered inherently unstable

because if the ruler and his or her policies are seen as oppressive or exploitive the
regimes and it rules will also be rejected.

Sumber referensi :
Lawrence C.Mayer,Redefining Comparative Politics,Promises vs Performance,Sage
Publications:London and New delhi

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