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Fast Fourier Transform

Pradosh K Roy
Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd., Calcutta 700088

The ubiquitous Transform , named after Baron Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier[1768-1830][An
Egyptologist , Mathematician , Professor École Polytechnique, Administrator of Greenoble,
Scientific Adviser to Napoleon's army in its invasion of Egypt ..etc.] , providing an analytical
expression for an arbitrary function is the mathematical foundation to the study of Linear
Systems and Information Theory , apart from its application in Electrical Engineering and
Electrical Communications. ‘Despite its strong bonds with Electrical Engineering , Fourier
Analysis has nevertheless become indispensable’ in Quantum Physics, Biomedicine ,
Oceanography , Civil Engineering , Mechanical Vibrations , Signal Processing , Computational
Chemistry , Error Correcting Codes , Image Compression .. etc.

Joseph Fourier[1768-1830] [Fourier Analysis the Saw Tooth Signal] [Sample Fourier Transform ]

From the algorithmic point of view Fourier decomposition of a digital signal was a major
challenge before 1965 , when one of the most famous scientific paper authored by Cooley and
Tukey [1] was published on Fast Fourier Transforms [FFT]. However , a paper by the Göttingen
mathematician Karl Friedrich Gauss in 1805 , on interpolation , contained essentially the same
idea[2]! A less general , but still important version of Fourier Transform , used for efficient
computation of Hadamard-Walsh Transform was published in 1932 by the statistician Yates.
Another important predecessor is the work of Danielson and Lanczos in the context of X-Ray
crystallography in 1942 [3]. In spite of these early discoveries , the algorithm gained any notice
until Cooley-Tukey’s work. The FFT algorithm is basically a strategy to reduce ‘an ostensibly
O(n2) chore to an O(nlg2n) frolic ‘ and is enlisted amongst the Top10 algorithms which had
greatest influence in the development of science and engineering in the 20th century [4].

The impact and future of FFT, brilliantly summarized by Rockmore [5] , is mainly because it
made working in the frequency domain computationally feasible as working in the temporal or
spatial domain, though its prominence might also have contributed to the deceleration of other
areas of research. FFTs of several giga-points , which do not fit in the main memory of most
machines is required in projects like MAP(Microwave Anisotropy Project) and LIGO. These so
called out-of-core FFTs are an active area of research in the 21st century. Similarly approximate
FFTs and non-uniform FFTs required e.g. in MRI and Quantum FFTs [ FFTs for Quantum
Computers ] are also being pursued in leading laboratories [viz. Oxford University, LBNL,
CalTech , IBM TJ Watson ] around the globe.

A comparison of n and nlg2n for various values of n emphasizing the gain in speed of an FFT
algorithm [7] is graphically shown in the followings.

2 2
Comparison n**2 & nlgn
n n nlgn n
2 4 2 2.0
4 16 8 2.0
8 64 24 2.7 140000
16 256 64 4.0 120000 n

n2, nlgn
32 1024 160 6.4 100000 n**2
64 4096 384 10.7 nlgn
128 16384 896 18.3
256 65536 1024 32.0 60000
512 162144 4608 56.9 40000
1024 1048576 10240 102.4 20000
2048 4194303 22528 186.2
0 n

The Discrete Fourier Transform [DFT] of a sequence x(n) that is periodic with period N , so that
x(n) = x(n+kN) for any integer value k , is defined as [6] :
X(k) = ∑x(n) [WN ] kn , k =0,1,…..,N-1 : WN = e –j(2π/N) ,
and the Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform (IDFT) is
x(n) = (1/N) ∑X(k) [WN ] -kn , n =0,1,…..,N-1 : WN = e –j(2π/N) is the Nth root of unity
DFT can be conveniently expressed as the Matrix Vector Multiplication [X(k)] = [KN][x(n)] The
Matrix [KN] is the kernel of the Transformation.

[X(k)] = [KN][x(n)]

X(0) 1 1 1 1 1 … 1 1 x(0)
X(1) 1 WN WN2 WN3 .. … WNN-2 WNN-1 x(1)
X(2) 1 WN2 WN4 WN6 … … WN2(N-2) WN2(N-1) x(2)
X(3) 1 WN3 … … … … x(3)
X(4) 1 WN4 … … … … x(4)
X(5) 1 WN5 … … … … x(5)
… .. … … … … … …
X(n-2) .. WNN-2 … … … … x(n-2)
X(n-1) 1 WNN-1 … … … … x(n-1)

It is obvious that the DFT requires N2 multiplications and N(N-1) additions . Thus the amount of
complexity is approximately O(N2). Hence , any computational procedure that reduce the number
of multiplications and additions are of considerable interest[6].

The fundamental principle that FFT algorithms are based upon , is that of decomposing the
computation of DFT of a sequence of length N into successively smaller DFTs , [In the present
example it is decomposition of a sequence of length N into successively smaller DFTs of length
N/2 , the so called Radix 2 algorithm] , exploiting the symmetry and periodicity of WN viz.
WN 2=WN/2 and WNN =1 . Let’s start with the 8 point DFT of a sequence x(n),n=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 defined
as :
[X(k),k=0,1,2,3,…7] = [K8][x(n),n=0,1,2,3…7]

X(0) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 x(0)
X(1) 1 W8 W82 W83 W84 W85 W86 W87 x(1)
X(2) 1 W82 W84 W6 W8 W10 W12 W14 x(2)
X(3) = 1 W83 W6 W9 W12 W15 W18 W21 x(3)
X(4) 1 W84 W8 W12 W16 W18 W24 W28 x(4)
X(5) 1 W85 W10 W15 W20 W25 W30 W35 x(5)
X(6) 1 W86 W12 W18 W24 W30 W36 W42 x(6)
X(7) 1 W87 W14 W21 W28 W35 W42 W49 x(7)

W 8 is the 8th root of unity. The roots are :

[1 W8 W82 W83 W84 W85 W86 W87 ]

We can decompose the input sequence x(n) into successively smaller by rearranging the even/odd
indexes of the input sequence. This is called the Decimation –in-Time[DIT] algorithm and
involves rearranging the columns of the kernel K8 and rows the vector x(n),n=0,1,2,3…7 in the
following manner , without affecting the output :

X(0) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 x(0)
X(1) 1 W82 W84 W86 W8 W83 W85 W87 x(2)
1 W84 W88 W812 W82 W86 W810 W814 x(4)
X(2) 1 W86 W812 W818 W83 W89 W815 W821
X(3) x(6)
= [A] [B]
X(4) 1 W88 W816 W824 W84 W812 W820 W832
X(5) 1 W810 W820 W830 W85 W815 W825 W835
1 W812 W824 W836 W86 W818 W830 W842 x(3)
X(6) 1 W814 W828 W842 W87 W821 W835 W849 x(5)
X(7) [C] [D] x(7)

This Matrix-Vector Multiplication, hence, could be reformulated as :

[X(k)]k=0,1,2,3 = [A][x(even)] + [B][x(odd)]

[X(k)]k=4,5,6,7 = [C][x(even)] + [D][x(odd)]

x(0) x(1)
Where x(even) = and x(odd) =
x(2) x(3)
x(4) x(5)
x(6) x(7)

Using Symmetry and Periodicity of W8 viz. W82 = W4 and W88 =1 , matrices A and C could
readily be equated with a 4 Point DFT kernel :

1 1 1 1
K4 = 1 W4 W42 W43
1 W42 W44 W46
1 W43 W46 W49

Moreover , if the rows of B and D are divided by W8n , n = 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 respectively , we get the 4
Point DFT kernel K4. Thus , if G(k)k=0,1,2,3 and H(k) k=0,1,2,3 are the 4 Point DFTs of the even and
odd indexed input sequences i.e. ,

G(0) 1 1 1 1 x(0)
G(1) 1 W4 W42 W43 x(2)
G(2) = 1 W42 W44 W46 x(4)
G(3) 1 W43 W46 W49 x(6)

1 1 1 1 x(1)
1 W4 W42 W43 x(3)
and , H(2) 1 W42 W44 W46 x(5)
H(3) = 1 W43 W46 W49 x(7)

X(0) = G(0) + W80 H(0)

X(1) = G(1) + W81 H(1)
X(2) = G(2) + W82 H(2)
X(3) = G(3) + W83 H(3)
X(4) = G(0) + W84 H(0)
Then , X(5) = G(1) + W84 H(1)
X(6) = G(2) + W86 H(2)
X(7) = G(3) + W87 H(3)

Thus two 4 Point DFTs of the even indexed points viz. G(k) )k=0,1,2,3 and odd indexed points
Viz. H(k) )k=0,1,2,3 produces an eight-point DFT of the input sequence.

The 4 Point DFTs could further be decomposed into Two 2 Point DFTs in the same manner.

The kernel of 2 Point DFT is

1 1

. K2 = 1 W2

which is equal to 1 1

1 -1

Using the data flow notation of Oppenheim & Schafer [6] , the 2 Point DFT of x(0) and x(4) is
graphically represented by :

x(0) + x(4)

x(0) – x(4)

This topology is referred to as the Basic Butterfly [6].

Thus :
G(0) = [x(0)+x(4)]+W40[x(2)+ x(6)]
G(1) = [x(0)-x(4)] +W41 [x(2) - x(6)]
G(2) = [x(0)+x(4)]+W42[x(2)+ x(6)]
G(3) = [x(0)-x(4)]+W43 [x(2) - x(6)]
H(0) = [x(1)+x(5)]+W40[x(3)+ x(7)]
H(1) = [x(1)-x(5)]+W41 [x(3) - x(7)]
H(2) = [x(1)+x(5)]+W42[x(3)+ x(7)]
H(3) = [x(1)-x(5)]+W43 [x(3) - x(7)]

Finally , we get the 8 point DFT in terms of 2 point DFTs of the input sequence x(n) , rearranged
as [x(0),x(4)],[x(2),x(6)],[x(1),x(5)],[x(3),x(5)] :

X(0) = [x(0)+x(4)]+W40[x(2)+ x(6)] + W80 {[x(1)+x(5)]+W40[x(3)+ x(7)]}

X(1) = [x(0)- x(4)]+W41[x(2) - x(6)] + W81 {[x(1)-x(5)]+W41[x(3)- x(7)]}
X(2) = [x(0)+ x(4)]+W42[x(2) + x(6)] + W82 {[x(1)+x(5)]+W42[x(3)+ x(7)]}
X(3) = [x(0) - x(4)]+W43 [x(2) - x(6)] + W83 {[x(1)-x(5)]+W43[x(3)- x(7)]}
X(4) = [x(0)+ x(4)]+W40[x(2) + x(6)] + W84 {[x(1)+x(5)]+W40[x(3)+ x(7)]}
X(5) = [x(0) - x(4)]+W41[x(2) - x(6)] + W85 {[x(1)-x(5)]+W41[x(3)- x(7)]}
X(6) = [x(0)+ x(4)]+W42[x(2) + x(6)] + W86 {[x(1)+x(5)]+W42[x(3)+ x(7)]}
X(7) = [x(0) - x(4)]+W43[x(2) - x(6)] + W87 {[x(1)-x(5)]+W43[x(3)- x(7)]}

Which may also be rewritten , because of the identities W82 = W4 , W80 = 1 , as :

X(0) = [x(0)+x(4)]+ W80[x(2)+ x(6)] + W80 {[x(1)+x(5)]+W80[x(3)+ x(7)]}

X(1) = [x(0)- x(4)]+ W82[x(2) - x(6)] + W81 {[x(1)-x(5)]+W82[x(3)- x(7)]}
X(2) = [x(0)+ x(4)]+ W84[x(2) + x(6)] + W82 {[x(1)+x(5)]+W84[x(3)+ x(7)]}
X(3) = [x(0) - x(4)]+ W86[x(2) - x(6)] + W83 {[x(1)-x(5)]+W86[x(3)- x(7)]}
X(4) = [x(0)+ x(4)]+ W80[x(2) + x(6)] + W84 {[x(1)+x(5)]+W80[x(3)+ x(7)]}
X(5) = [x(0) - x(4)]+ W82[x(2) - x(6)] + W85 {[x(1)-x(5)]+W82[x(3)- x(7)]}
X(6) = [x(0)+ x(4)]+ W84[x(2) + x(6)] + W86 {[x(1)+x(5)]+W84[x(3)+ x(7)]}
X(7) = [x(0) - x(4)]+ W86[x(2) - x(6)] + W87 {[x(1)-x(5)]+W86[x(3)- x(7)]}

The complete flow graph for the computation of the 8 point DFT is shown in the following figure


This Radix-2 FFT Decimation-in-Time is a classic example of the Divide and Conquer
algorithms familiar to the computer scientists. If T(n) is the time taken for computing
the DFT , we get the following recurrence relation for T(n) in terms of T(n/2) , T(n/4) ,
T(n/8) [8] ,
T(n) ≤ 2T(n/2) + cn ,
≤ 2[2T(n/4) + cn/2] + cn = 4T(n/4) + 2cn
≤ 4{2T(n/8) + cn/4] + 2cn = 8T(n/8) + 3cn

The inequality could be written in the following generalized form :

T(n) ≤ 2kT(n/2k) + kcn

Setting k=lg2n , T(n) ≤ nT(1) + cnlg2n i.e.

T(n) = O(nlg2n) , because T(1) =1 .

The best known algorithm for FFT [ Split-Radix Algorithm] due to Johnson and Frigo [8] has
T(n) = 34/9 [nlgn] –2lgn –2/9(-1)lgn lgn + 16/27 (-1) lgn +8 for n>1 which supercedes Yavne’s
Split Radix FLOP count 4nlgn –6n + 8 for n>1.

The DIT algorithm requires that the input data must be stored in a non-sequential , bit reversed
order. If (n2n1n0) is the binary representation of the index of the sequence x(n) , then the
sequence value is stored in position X(n0n1n2). Formally separation of even and odd numbered
data can be carried out by examining the LSB in the index n. The necessity for a bit reversed
ordering of the sequence x(n) is seen to result from the manner in which the DFT computation is
decomposed into successively smaller DFT computations. For the eight point DFT the input and
bit reversed sequence is shown in the following Table :


0 000 000 0
1 001 100 4
2 010 010 2
3 011 110 6
4 100 001 1
5 101 101 3
6 110 011 5
7 111 111 7

The Radix-2 algorithm DIT algorithm is simple to implement and it is often advantageous to deal
with such sequences[6]. Alternatively , we can consider dividing the output sequence X(k) into
smaller and smaller , in the same manner. The class of algorithms based on this procedure is
known as Decimation-in-Frequency [DIF] algorithms. It can be shown mathematically that DIT
and DIF algorithms are equivalent[6].

Suggested Readings.

[1].Cooley,J.W.,Tukey,J.W.,1965,An Algorithm for Machine Calculation of Complex Fourier Series,

Math.Comp.,19,p.297-301, [2].Cooley,J.W.,1987,The Rediscovery of the Fast Fourier Transform
Algorithm, Mkcrochimica Acta III ,p.33-45. [3].Danielson,G.C.,Lanczos,C.,1942,Some Improvement in
the practical Fourier Analysis and their Application to X-Ray Scattering from Liquids, Jour. Franklin
Inst.,233, p.365-380 ,p.432-452, [ 4]. Cipra , Barry A., The Best of the 20th Century : Editors name Top10
se-fft.pdf,TheFFT:An Algorithm the Whole Family Can Use," Computing in Science and Engineering, vol.
2, no. 1, pp. 60-64, January/February [6].Oppenheim,A.V.,Schafer,R.W.,1975,Digital Signal Processing
,Prentice Hall Inc.,NJ,p.282-336,[7].Rabiner,L.R.,Gold,B.,1975,Theory and Application of Digital Signal
Processing, Prentice Hall Inc., NJ, p.356-43, [8]
rithms/all.pdf ,[9].Johnson, Steven G., Frigo ,M. ,2007, A modified Split Radix FFT with fewer Arithmetic
Operations , IEEE Trans. Signal Processing , vol.55,no.1,p.111-119,[10]., [11] Courant , R, Robbins, H,1996, What is Mathematics , Oxford
University Press ,pp98-100.

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