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General Media Exposure

Risk free and informative
>50% (TV) and 60% (magazines) taught them about birth control,
contraception, pregnancy prevention
67% of movies are R Rated
only 10% mention contraceptives, protection, and consequences
Girls use media for relationships and tips how to be sexually
Patterns differ dramatically by age, sex, race, socioeconomic level

Strategic Advertising

Sex Appeal Functions

1. Attract Attention
2. Increase Recall
-help audience better remember ad
3. Trigger Associative Networks
-linking feelings about sex with an idea or product
4. Influence
-persuasive power

Sex Appeal Types

1. Suggestive Ex: Country Crock Spread

2. Blatant Ex: Axe, A/F
3. Symbolic Ex: Erotic Vegetables
4. Combo (mix of all of them and more common)

-mixing humor and sex appeals decreases dilemmas and mitigates

level of offense caused


Sexually Explicit Media no genitals

Sexually Explicit Content everything

Starts early (11 for males, 12 for females)

98% have seen by start of college
Males report usage = (53%)
Females report usage = (28%)
Males = mostly use computer/internet
Females = most use X rated movies
Increased likelihood of exposure = older, black, low income, less
educated parents
Only 2% report as paying for porn

Most are directed/designed for men, POV, and sex focused
Women prefer storylines, relationships, balanced viewing
Women authors write fan fiction male bromances, write letters in
their menstrual blood

Physiological Responses
Women turned on by everything
Bisexual men 75% gay, 25% straight


1. Anonymity
- Study showed that 90% touched, 50% hugged, 33% made out
- Allows us to pursue taboo issues without threat of social sanctions
- Like a dark room
2. Variety
- 2,500,000 porn sites
- Males thirsty for novelty
- Rule #34 = if you can imagine it, it exists

3. Access
- Internet is everywhere (personal cpu, work cpu, smart phones)
- King, fetish, paraphilia (illegal) eliminates barriers and connections
- Squicks kinks and fetishes that gross you out

Ex: Pterodactyl Porn

o Mediated sexual encounters offline and online

Human Desire
o 13% of searches were for erotic content
o #1 search is Youth (MILF on PornHub)
o most peoples desires are clustered together into small set of
common interests
o men (37%) into erotica (images)
o women (21%) into staying in contact with partners (stories)
o they seek out different modes of stimulation
o AGE is the most frequently used adjective in sexual searches
o Ex: MILFS = more sexual fantasies, greater willingness to
have casual sex, greater willingness for one night stands
o Sexual Association more than 25% of men report their
first sexual fantasy and knowledge triggered by older person

Mediated Sexual Health Interventions

Extended Parallel Process = Fear Appeals

-how people interpret components of a fear appeal and how this
affects their subsequent attitudes and behaviors

1. Threat Appraisal
severity (how harmful?) vs. susceptibility (how likely?)

2. Efficacy Appraisal
both high severity and susceptibility
response efficacy = how likely
self efficacy = do you have access to
o Danger Control = high threat and high efficacy leading to
attempt to control threat and accept message
o Fear Control = high threat and low efficacy leading to feeling
helpless and blocking out the fear

*People of 15-24 years old acquire nearly 50% of all new cases of

Response Costs
Anticipated problems associated with engaging in specific protective
Ex: Condom use = diminished sensation, mood disruption, costs

Entertainment Education
-entertaining message that can increase knowledge, change attitudes,
and lead to healthy behaviors

1. Parasocial Interaction
relating and agreeing to actions by TV characters
less likely to counterargue against the narrative

2. Two Step Flow

communication is mediated by opinion leaders
friends sharing info about the show with you

Issues = could seem to promote bad behavior rather than prevent it

Ex: Alberta Campaign Syphilis Site

Resulted in 20% increase for testing STIs

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