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Bromism- dullness and

weakness due to excessive intake of
1. FLUORIDE (F-) bromide sedatives
- Anticariogenic action Sx: Insomnia, Restlessness,
- Uses: preventing tooth decay Dizziness, Weakness, Headache, skin rash
- Sources- water supply containing fluoride Txt: administration of sodium
- many reports indicated that fluoride chloride (5gm daily in divided doses) or
reduces the prevalence of ammonium chloride may also be used.
- Visible aortic calcification were 3. LITHIUM (Li)
actually higher in low fluoride
- Depressant in CNS
area(0.15-0.3 ppm) than High fluoride
- Diuretic action
area(4-5.8 ppm) because fluoride
- -Lithium is toxic ( 0.5-1.5 mEq is satisfactory
facilitate calcium deposition in hard
tissues rather than soft tissues
- is readily absorbed from
Toxicity: intestine, accumulates in the body.
a. Sodium Fluoride The extent of its accumulation
-safe in 2.2 mg a day for prevention of depends on sodium intake (decrease
caries sodium intake accelerate lithium
-acute lethal dose of 4 g accumulation) and potentiate toxicity.
-in toxic dose may cause general - Lithium intoxication is treated with adequate
protoplasmic poison that inhibit Sodium intake
enzyme activity
Lithium Carbonate
b. Fluorosis - DOC for mania
-destruction of tooth enamel caused - contraindicated with renally impaired
by ingestion of excessive fluoride patients
- medication is stopped if there are no
* Wine fluorosis satisfactory response within 14 days
- caused by wine containing Fluoride - toxicity may affect thyroid function and
in 15-75 ppm concentration cause Myxedema
- can cause fluoride-induced arthritic
changes 4. GOLD (Au)
Sx: Calcification of Periarticular (near joint) Beginning of modern gold therapy
ligament- restrict movement in hands,
-Koch's discovery that gold cyanide was
shoulders and hip joints
effective(in-vitro) against the tubercle
2. BROMIDES (Br-) bacillus
- First introduced for their Antiepileptic effect Therapeutic gold compounds-administered
- In small doses(0.5-2g) cause intramuscularly
depression of CNS, large doses(4-8g)
Orally administered gold-poorly and
depress all reflexes and cause narcotic
erratically absorbed
type of effect
- Bromides usefulness in epilepsy Toxicity involves the skin, and mucuous
depend on their ability to depress the membranes, joints, blood, kidney, liver, and
motor areas of the brain, an effect nervous tissue
brought about by large doses. Treatment: DIMERCAPROL
- Are rapidly absorbed and are excreted Uses:
mainly in urine -treatment of RA(a chronic inflammatory
- Administer NaCl to hasten elimination disorder that mainly attacks joints and their
of Bromide surrounding structures eg. muscles, tendons,
- Bromo Seltzer -relieve nervous and other connective tissues)
tension due to phenacitin, caffeine &
-used also in nondisseminated lupus
erythematosus but is contraindicated in
Toxicity: disseminate lupus
Gold SHOULD NOT be given to people with Toxicity:
renal disease, history of infectious hepatitis, Symptoms begin with gastric pain
skin or blood disorders, diabetes, developing to severe vomiting and diarrhea
hypertension or CHF and there may be skeletal muscle cramps
Chronic poisoning is difficult to detect
OFFICIAL GOLD COMPOUNDS: Treatment: Gastric lavage, saline cathartics,
a. AUTROTHIOGLUCOSE (C6H11AuO5S) use of dimercaprol
-MW: 392.18
-odorless or nearly odorless yellow powder Patients ingesting Arsenic chronically for 2-5
-stable in air years may develop HYPERPIGMENTATION
-unstable in long standing If ingestion continues for 3-10 years,
-freely soluble in water PERMANENT KERATOSIS can develop
-insoluble in acetone, alcohol, chloroform,
6. ANTIMONY (Sb-Stibium)
and ether
(Gk. word: anti, monos -- "a metal not found
-Administered as SUSPENSION IN OIL
*Aurothioglucose Injection (Solganol)
Antimony is a naturally occurring metal
it uses sesame oil with 2% aluminum
typically found in ore deposits
-silvery, lustrous gray metal
Meats, tobacco, flame retardants in textiles,
mordant in dyeing processes, metal work
-MW: 408.09
factories, rubber processing, mining,
-white to yellowish white, odorless, fine
hazardous waste sites.
-very soluble in water
Antimony is widely used in industry and
-insoluble in alcohol, ether, most organic
present in all kinds of everyday items
-flame retardant in products as diverse as
*Gold Sodium Thiomalate Injetion
toys, car seat covers, engine covers for light
aircraft, clothing for kids, and uniforms for
fire fighters
-Antimony alloys--being used in batteries,
low friction metals, and cable sheathing
-Antimony compounds--are used to make
-MW: 526.22
flame-proofing materials, paints, ceramic
-use in petrolatum as a test preparation to
enamels, glass and pottery.
determine the presence of contact allergy to
**The ancient Egyptians used antimony, in
the form of stibnite, for black eye make-up.
Acute oral exposure of humans and animals
(C6H5NHCOCH2SAu; Lauron)
to high doses of antimony or antimony-
-treatment of rheumatoid arthritis
containing compounds (antimonials) may
5. ARSENIC (As) cause gastrointestinal disorders (vomiting,
Protoplasmic poisons-arsenic compounds diarrhea), respiratory difficulties, and death
that injure or destroy all cells at extremely high doses
-used in treatment of trypanosomiasis and
*Exposure to 9 milligrams per cubic meter of
air (mg/m3) of antimony as stibnite for a long
-used for psoriasis
time can irritate your eyes, skin, and lungs.
-Potassium Arsenite Solution--used for
*Antimony trioxide-carcinogenic
leukemia because it lowers leukocyte count
*Antimony poisoning has also been known to
-homicidal poison
lead to Adams-Stokes syndrome
7. ALUMINUM (Al) - caused by drinking river water
-soluble compounds: Astringent and contaminated by Cd
antiseptic Sx: Severe bone pain, waddling gait,
-soluble salts: used by cosmetic industry aminoaciduria, glycosuria, severe
as deodorants osteomalacia (bone softening), and multiple
-insoluble compounds: used as pathological fractures.
Cadmium Sulfide (CdS)
nonsystemic antacids, since Aluminun
- insoluble salt.
cation is not absorbed across intestinal
- Capsebon tx of dandruff
11. LEAD (Pb)
8. SILVER (Ag) - toxic metal;
-a protein precipitant - used industrially in food and beverage
-action on tissue: Antiseptic, astringent, processing, and in medicine (e.g.,
irritant to corrosive as the concentration indigestion);
of free silver ion increases - salts: used topically as astringent
-Ag products: Used topically -sufficient (absorbed systematically), and used to
concentration is corrosive to the mucosa sweeten wine.
of digestive tract -silver salts: Internal use - protein precipitant: by combining with
results in little/no systemic action the cysteine sulfhydryl groups of
-toxic dose of AgNO3 is 10g
- any ROA is possible.
Toxicity: "Argyria"
- If absorbed:
-discoloration of skin in prolonged use Pb => Erythrocytes & Soft Tissues
-color ranges from grayish to ( e.g., kidney, liver) bone, teeth,
bluish/purplish aka. "Cyanosis" hair
-part of pigment maybe Silver sulfide Source: paint and automobile fumes,
(Ag2S) and partly metallic sulfur earthenware utensils, cocktail glasses, and
-IRREVERSIBLE, although injection of 6% moonshine whiskey, pewter plates and
Sodium thiosulfate & Potassium vessels and inadequately glazed pottery.
Ferrocyanide subcutaneously will remove Toxicity: Plumbism
the color Sx: Developmental delay, learning
difficulties, irritability, sluggishness and
9. BARIUM (Ba) fatigue, abdominal pain, Lead
encephalopathy (children), ECG
-extremely toxic systemically due to its
abnormalities, cerebral palsy, seizures, optic
muscle stimulating action atrophy, renal damage leading to a
-used in complete heart block (heart beat hypophosphatemia, inhibition of heme
stops) synthesis (chronic).
Treatment of Barium poisoning: Tx:
*Precipitation of insoluble barium sulfate Chronic: chelating agents e.g., Dimercaprol
by oral administration of Na or Mg, and Calcium Disodium Edetate are used
followed by gastric lavage initially, followed by Penicillamine for follow-
*NaSo4 intravenously up treatment.
Barium Sulfate USP XVIII Acute: Na or MgSO4, followed by gastric
-official barium salt lavage.
-insoluble salt used as a radiopaque in x- 12. MERCURY (Hg)
ray studies of GI tract - metallic Hg: nontoxic
- mercurous (Hg+) and mercuric
(Hg+2): toxic.
10. CADMIUM (Cd)
- at 16oz: intestinal obstruction.
- accumulates in the kidneys (1mcg) ---
- salts: topical use; water insoluble,
implicated for HTN
nontoxic for short-term use on intact
Source: cigarette smoke
Toxicity: Itai-itai
- vapor(finely divided): toxic, more
readily oxidized and is absorbed Brand Mercuhydri Thiomerin Neohydrin
through bronchi. Name n Sodium
Occurre Meralluride * Sodium Chlormerod
alkylated mercurials (organic mercurials): nce Injection Mercaptome rin Tablets
very toxic rin Injection
sulfhydryl groups: mercaptans, ability of * Sterile
sulfur atoms to bind or capture mercury. Sodium
- uses: diuretics, antiseptics, parasiticudes, Mercaptome
and fungicides, treatment of syphilis rin
- If absorbed: 13. NICKEL (Ni)
Mercuric cation concentrates in the - Internally, Nickel lowers blood
kidney (mostly) and in the liver, blood, pressure and causes nephritis
bone marrow, and other tissues. o Nickel Bromide for epilepsy
It is excreted by the kidney and colon. o Nickel carbonate and sulfate - for
Toxicity: tonics and hematinic
a. Acute: ingestion of a soluble mercuric o 1% or 2% of Nickel sulfate - for
salt. certain parasitic skin diseases
Sx: Vomiting, severe damage to the
intestinal mucosa leading to shock and 14. BERYLLIUM (Be)
death, Diuresis followed by renal damage. - Beryllium and its salts are very toxic.
Vomiting + diarrhea + diuresis - Beryllium salts are widely used in lamp
fluid and electrolyte imbalance. manufacturing. By 1949, the lamp
Tx: gastric lavage, reducing agent (e.g., manufacturing industry had eliminated
sodium formaldehyde sulfoxykate beryllium as a component in
(Na[HOCH2SO2]), chelating agents (e.g., fluorescent light tubes because of
dimercaprol or penicillamine) illnesses developing in their
b. Chronic: industrial exposure, eating foods employees.
contaminated with Hg, and long-term - No specific antidotes for either acute
exposure to topical mercurials. or chronic beryllium poisoning are
Sx: mimic other disorders known
- affects the CNS causing behavioral
and personality changes, 15. STRONTIUM (Sr)
decreased visual acuity, tremors, - can replace calcium in bone formation
insomnia and ataxia. and has been used to hasten bone
- more difficult to treat than acute remineralization in diseases such as
mercury osteoporosis
Tx: chelating agents (e.g. N-acetyl-D,L- - early work indicated that strontium
penicillamine) caused the formation of a rachitic
bone. Later work showed that if
Mercuric chloride (HgCl2; mercury,
Vitamin D, estrogens, and androgens
corrosive sublimate), cause bloody diarrhea
were also administered with strontium,
and death by kidney failure; tx of syphilis
(orally functional bone would be produced
Calomel (Hg2Cl2; mercurous chloride) o Strontium bromide sedative
- cathartic of choice. o Strontium lactate used in the
treatment of osteoporosis
Official Merallurid Sodium Chlormero o Strontium chloride used in
Mercury e, U.S.P. Mercaptom drin, N.F dentifrice (Sensodyne) as a tooth
Product VXIII erin, U.S.P., XIII temperature desensitizing agent
s XVIII o Strontium 90 mimics calcium
Molecul 610.98 MW: 606.0 367.20 biochemistry and can be found in
ar those plant and animal sources (milk)
Weight that are normally good sources of
Chemic C16H23HgN60 C16H25HgNNa C5H11ClHgN2
al Form 7 O2 O2
Calcium. Once ingested, it localizes in
the bone, just like calcium

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