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Aust. J. Rural Health (2016) 24, 287288

Patient-centred health care homes in Australia: Disruptive
In late 2015, the Primary Health Care Advisory Group manage their care. For many, the convenience of the
(PHCAG) endorsed a new model of care for chronic general practice is a better option and the Health Care
disease in Australia the Health Care Home.1 In Home with the promised enhancements might add to
media releases issued in March and August 2016,2,3 those attractions.
the Australian government promised to revolutionise What then are the enhancements? The patient
the care of patients with multiple chronic conditions. focus promises that the patient and their family will
The August media release announced a trial which be co-producers of care, that is tailored to their per-
would cover 10 regions, 200 GP clinics and Aboriginal sonal needs and values. They will have a named clini-
Medical Services and up to 65 000 patients, those cian, not necessarily a doctor, who is responsible for
who consume over 60% of Medicare costs.3 their care. Their care will be provided by a compre-
The Health Care Home has been introduced in a hensive, multidisciplinary team of allied, and perhaps,
number of countries and has different names to suit social care professionals. This team will coordinate
particular purposes, interests and contexts such as the care across the delivery system promising a seamless
Medical Home and the Patient-Centred Health Care experience for the patient. Finally, there will be a vari-
Home. It has a number of elements: patients are co- ety of channels for communication within the HCH.
producers in their own care; care is provided by a At a minimum this might include visiting the practice,
multidisciplinary team within a bio-psycho-social receiving a home visit, communication by telephone or
model; services to patients are coordinated across the email and the use of teleconferencing or web-based
system; and care is provided using the full range of services.
delivery channels including face-to-face, telephone and Such enhancements imply a shift in balance from
telecare. The system relies on evidence-based pro- provider-centred to patient-centred care but a number
grammes, data-informed quality improvement and of questions arise including: why is the HCH being tri-
requires the alignment of payment mechanisms with alled here and now; what changes to practice systems
outcomes. and patterns of care will be needed if the trial is to be
Readers of this journal will be aware that while this successful and how long will it take; and can learnings
approach might align reasonably with the best Aborig- from a successful trial be scaled up across Australia
inal Medical Services, it does not fit well with normal and transform care in rural communities?
fee-for-service general practice metropolitan or rural It would be hard to dismiss health system cost pres-
Australia. sures and the desire to avoid hospitalisation as a
The use of the word revolutionary in a press potent motive for trialling HCHs although most
release issued jointly by Prime Minister and Minister authorities see primary care as the prime location for
of Health implies some measure of disruption to nor- care of people with chronic diseases.5 The biggest
mal practice and it is worth considering the nature change within general practices might prove to be the
and likely extent of that disruption and the benefits development and empowerment of a multidisciplinary
that might be achieved. team in which each member collaborates and works to
There is an extensive literature on the subject of dis- the full extent of their skills and experience. This will
ruptive technologies4 and the impact of new technolo- be further complicated by the limitation of the pro-
gies or service models on existing businesses, some of gramme to patients with two or more chronic diseases.
which have lost market dominance, such as Kodak, or Practices might adopt a two-stream service in which
ceased to trade. Often the new technology, think digi- normal service is provided for patients without chronic
tal cameras, might seem technically inferior at first but diseases and enhance care for some.
might meet the needs of most consumers and as Determining the success of the trial will be a com-
demand increases is likely to match or exceed the tech- plex business. If the HCH is to become normal service
nology it replaces. for patients with, and perhaps without, chronic dis-
For some patients with chronic diseases, the purpose ease, the trials will have to meet a number of objec-
of general practice is to provide a referral to a special- tives including better clinical outcomes, patient and
ist, usually medical, who they think best able to provider acceptability, benefits to the system such as

2016 National Rural Health Alliance Inc. doi: 10.1111/ajr.12333


avoidance of hospitalisation, and increased efficiency 2 Prime Minister The Hon. Malcolm Turnbull MP and Min-
and convenience. ister for Health The Hon. Susan Ley, Joint Media Release,
All this needs to take place alongside other poten- A Healthier Medicare for chronically-ill patients. Aus-
tially disruptive technologies. Health information and tralian Government, Canberra, 31 March 2016.
3 Prime Minister The Hon. Malcolm Turnbull MP and Min-
advice is increasingly available through the Internet,
ister for Health The Hon. Susan Ley, Joint Media Release,
247 with no appointment, minimal direct costs and
Chronic care finds new home in Medicare. Australian
might be supplemented by online consultations of Government, Canberra, 24 August 2016.
varying quality. It might be expected that this and 4 Christensen CM, Bohmer R, Kenagy J. Will disruptive
similar markets will become increasing popular in the innovations cure health care?. Harvard Business Review
future. 2000; 78: 102112.
I have raised more questions than answers. As a dis- 5 Bodenheimer T, Wagner EH, Grumbach K. Improving pri-
ruptive technology, the HCH trial, if successful, might mary care for patients with chronic illness. Journal of the
act as a lever to transform Australian primary care. It American Medical Association 2002; 288: 17751779.
is also possible that Internet-based developments with
all their risks will gain significant market share and David Perkins
prove to be even more disruptive. We shall see! Editor-in-Chief

1 Primary Health Care Advisory Group. Better Outcomes
for People with Chronic and Complex Health Conditions.
Canberra: Australian Government, 2016.

2016 National Rural Health Alliance Inc.

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