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314 Madras Czty Polic4. .

11888 T N. Act III
1. Short title.
Local extent.
2. Repealed.
3. Interpretation-clause.
4. [Omitted].
5. Administration vested in the Commissioner of
Administration of police employed a t railway
stations, etc., may be vested in the Inspector-General
of Polioe.
6. Appointment of Deputies or Assistants to the
7. Comlnissioner's power as a Magistrate.
8. Commissioner and his Deputies and Assistants
to be Justices of the Peeoe.
9. Constitution of Police-force.
10. Commissioner to make rules for the government
rdr t b e foroe.
11. Commissioner may dismiss, etc., members of
the subordinate ranks of the forde.
12. Members of the force to receive oertificates of
enrolment. Form of enrolment.
13. Members of the subordinate ranks not to resign
without leave or notice.
14. Members to deliver up certificate, clothing, eto.'
on resignation.
15. Penalty for neglecb or violation of duty.
16. Power of Police enrolled under Central Act XXlV
of 1869.
17. Appointment of special police officer.
1888 : T.N. Act 1111 Madras City Police
18. Powers of special police officer.
19. Penalty for speoial polioe oflcer negleotiag
or rofi~aing;to serve.
20. Power to quartor additional Police in disturbotl
21. Power to appoint additional polioe officers.
22. Recovery of moneys due.
23. Duties of polioe officers.
24. Powers of police officer and agent of the Society
for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals to arrest
without warrant on view of offence.
25. Apprehension of offenders by private individual.
26. Power t o search for stolen property without
27. Power to seize property regarding which an
offenoe is suspected.
28. Pawn-brokers, etc., to report stolen property
tendered to them.
29. Power to fix period within which stray dogs
may be killed.
30. Power to take ohorge of property of intestate
under 200 rupees and deliver to party entitled.
31. Certain provisions of Criminal Procedure Code
fo apply.
32. Commissioner to keep standard weights and
33. Power of Police to enter shops to inspect weights
and measures.
34. Places of public resort to be licensed.
36. Eating-houses, eto., to be licensed.
36. Conditions for issue of licences.
37. Penalty for omission to procure lioences.
316 Madras City Police [I888 : T.N. Act 111

88. Power to enter and inspeot licensed and un-

lioemed places.
39. Power to make rules for regulation of plaoes of
public entertainment or resort.
40. Service of oopy of order made on owner.
40-A.Prohibition of smoking in certain . plaoes
where entertainments are held.
41. Power to regulate cssemblies, meetings and
prooessions in publio plaoes, eto.
42. Power to grant warrant to enter common
43. Evidence as to oommon gaming-house.
44. Proof of playing for stakes. unneoessary.
45. Penalty for opening, etc., common gaming-house.
46. Penalty for gaming in common gaming-house.
47. Instruments of gaming may be destroyed on
48. Indemnification of witnesses.
49. Saving of games of skill.
49-A.Penalty for opening etc., any enclosure, eto.,
for oertain forms of gaming.
80. Payment of portion of fine to informants aiid
61. Penalty for cheating at games.
51-A. Power to &red removal of persom from
City in speoial mee.
52. Brothels.
53. Penalty for cruelty to animals.
64. Appointment of infirmary for animals.
58. Magistrate may order animal to be destroyed
or aent to idktmry.
I888 : T.N. Act 1111 Madras City Police

66. Animals sent to infirmary may be detained and

shall be removed after notioe.
67. Power to sell such animals in default of payment
of oharges, etc.
68. Power of Magistrate fo order delivery of animal.
69. Costs of inquiries.
60. Stray animals to be impounded.
61. Powers of Police and the Tamil Nadu Fire
Serviaes on the oocasion of fire.
62. Cost of establishments, etc., for extinguishing
62-A. Penalty for false alarm of fire.
63. Penalty for wilful trespass.
64. Penalty for being found armed between sunset
and sunrise intending to oommit an offenoe, eto.
66. Penalty for possession of property believed to
have been stolen.
66. Penalty for buying or taking pledge from a
67. Penalty for introdueing spirits, etc., into barraoka
or on board vessels of war.
68. Penalty for introduoing spirits, eto., into
69. Penalty for oarrying weapon without authority.
70. Penalty for harbouring deserters from vessels.

71. Penalty for oertain offences in publio plaoe-

(i) Rash or negligeut driving ;
(ii) Causing obatruotion by negligence in driving
osttle ;
(iii) Driving, eto., elephant or camel without
Commiesioner's permiasion ;
$18 Nabrccs City Police 11888 : !I'.N.Act IU

(iv) [Omitted] ;
(v) Driving, etc., otherwise than in accordance
with the rules of the road ;
(vi) Driving, etc., vehicles without springs
otherwise than on side of road ;
(vii) ' ~ r i v i netc.,
~ , animal or vehicle on foot-way;
(viii) Permitting cattle or vehicle to be under
conmrol of ohild ;
(ix) Leaving vehicle or oattle without due control ;
(x) Exposing for show animals or vehicles,making
or repairing vehicle, etc. ;
(xi) Obstructing thoroughfare ;
(xii) Letting loose horses or ferocious doga ;
(xiii) Conveying artiole which proje~tsmore than
five feet;
(xiv) Flying a kite, wantonly frightening horses,
eto. ;
(m)Playing music, beating tom-tom, eto.;
(xvi) U x i n g bills or defacing walls ;
(mii) Bathing in public street or aqueduot ;
(miii) Intruding on or fouling bathing-place;
(xix) Using indecent or threatening language ;
(EX) Repealed ;
(xzci) [Omitted].
71-A. to 71.L Repealed.
71-M. [Omitted.]
72. Penalty for gambling or cook-fighting in public
5'3. Penalty for committing nuisance in public
74. Penalty for lighting bonfire, burning strew,
discharging fire-arm, eto., in or near any publio plaoe.

76;. Penalty for drunkenness or riotous or indecent

behaviour in public plaoe, eto.
1!388: T.N.Act 1111 Madras City Police

76. Power to cancel or suspend any licenoe and
penalty for breach of conditions of licences.
77. Fee for lioenoe.
78. Power to make by-laws.
79. By-laws to be published in English and verna-
! 80. Penalty for breach of by-law.
81. Limitation of aotions.
82. Saving of penalty provided by other law.
Sohedule [Repealed].
320 Madras City Police [IS88 : T.N. Act III

'(TAMIL NADU) ACT NO. I11 OF 18888.

ACT, 1888.1
(Received the msent of the Governor on the 12th
April 1888, a;nd t h t of the Governor-General
on the 26th June 1888.)
An Act to regulate the Police of the City of
preamble. WHEREAS it is expedient to amend and consolidate
the provisions of the laws for regulating the Police
of the City of Madras ; It is enacted as follows :-
~h~~b2idle. I.(1) This A& may be cited as the Madras City
Police Act, 1888.
Looel extent. (2) I t extends to the whole of the city of Madras
as dehed in section 3.
3[(3) * * * * * * *I
2. [ E w t m n t s repealed.] Rep. by the Repealing
and Amending Act, 1901 (Central Act X I of 1901).
Interprete- 3. In this Act, unless there be something repug-
tion-olaues. nant in the subject or contet;,-
w City of City of Madras " inoludes all places
Madras." within the local limits of the ordinary original
jurisdiction of the High Court of Judicature of
Madras :
1 These words were substituted for the word " M a s " by the
Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws Order, 1969, ee mended by the
Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws (Second Amendment) Order,
1969, whioh came into foroe on the 14th January 1969.
BFor Statem~ntof Objects end Reasons, eeu Fort St. George
QozsUe Supplement, dated the 8th November 1887, p. 17 ;for Report .
of the Select Committee, see *id, dated the 31st January 1888,
p. 1; for Proceedings in Counoil, see ibid,dated the 29th Novem.
ber 1887, p. 2 and *id, dated the 27th March 1888, p. 8,
The Madras City Polioe and Gaming (Amendment) Aot, 1949
(Tamil Nadu Act VII of 1949) was extended to the merged State
of Pudukkottai by section 12 of the l'dNadu Merged S t a h
(Laws) A o ~ , 1949 ( T d N e d ~Act XXXV of 1949).
Certainre~triationsrespecting right to form association and
freedom of speeoh and expression have been impoaed on every
member of the polioe-force appointed or enrolled under the
Madras City Police Act, 1888 (Tamil Nadu Act ILI of 1888) or
the Tamil Nadu District Police Aot, 1869 (Central Act m-
of 1869) by seotion 3 of thePolice-Forces (Re3triotion of Rights)
Act, 1966 (Central Act 33 of 1966),whioh Centrel Act has not,
however, been brought into force in this Btete so far.
8 The worda 6 6 I t shall come into foroe a t once" were repealed
by the Repealing and Amending Aot, I901 (Central Aot XI of
1901)-Third Bohedule, Part III.
-1888i' T.N. Aet 1111 Hdras City Police 321

"Commissioner " means the Commissioner of ''Cpmi;;

Polioe for Madras l[referred to in] section 6 :
" oonviction " means the conviction of the " Convic-
tion. "
aooueed person before a Presidency Magistrate*
E b t d " imprisonment " means imprisonment of "impris0n' meat."
& either description as defined in the Indian Penal Code:
XLV of a~rcommon gaming-house " means any house, c0, '

1860' room, tent, enclosure, vehicle, vessel or any place gaming- "
whatsoever in which cards, dice, tables or other
instnments- of gaming are kept or used for the
profit or gain of the person owning, occupying,
using, ..or keeping such house, room, tent,
enolosure, vehicle, vessel or plaae, whether by
way of charge for the use of instruments of gaming
or of the house, room, tent, enclosure, vehicle,
vessel or place, or otherwise howsoever; and includes
any house, room, tent, enclosure, vehicle, vessel or*$i+.
place opened, kept or used or permitted to be opened,
kept or used for the purpose of gaming;]
3 Gaming ' does not include a lottery but includes "Gaming."
wagering or betting, except wagering or betting on a
horse-race when such wagering or betting takes place-
1 Thesewords were substituted for the words " appointed
under" by motion 3 (1) of, and the Bemnd Schedule to, the
Tamil Nadu Repeeling snd Amending Act, 1951 (Tamil Nadu
Act XIV of 1961).
This deflmtion wes substituted for the original defhition by
seotien 2 (i) ofthe Madras City Police and Gaming (Amend-
ment) Act, 1966 (Tamil Nadu Act XVI of 1956).
8This definition was substituted for the original definition by
seation 2 (i) of the Madrm City Police (Seoond Amendment) Act,
1941 (Madraa Aot XXII of 1941), re-enacted permanently by
section 2 of, and the First Schedule to, the Tam11Nadu Re-enaoting
(No. 11)Act, 1948 (TamilNadu Act VIII of 1948). This definition
hea since been further substituted as follows by section 2 of the
Madraa City Police and Gasling (Amendment) Act, 1949 (Tamil
Nada Aot VII of 1949);_
"Garmng" doee not Include s lottery but includes wagering
or betting.
Eqtamt&m.-For the purposes of this definition, wagering or
betting shall be deemed to comprise .the coUection or .soliciting
of bets, the receipt or dietributian of wmmngs or prues, in money
or otherwise, in respect of any wager or bet, or any act which is
intended to eid or faoilitatate
?-ring or betting or such colleotion,
aohit' , m i p t or d18tnbutlon".
City Police and Gaming (Amendment) Act, 1949
(Tamil Nadu Act M af lQ49) has further been amended by the
T a i l Nedu B o w Races (Abolition of Wagering or Betting) Act,
1974 (Tamil Nadu Act 44 of 1974) providing for the abolition of
wagering or betting on horse rnaes in the State of Tamil Nadn
with effecf on and from the 31st b c h 1976.
* Now the Metropolitan a@=*.
, llladraa City Police [I888 : T.N. Aet I*

(i) on the date on whioh such race ie to be run,

(ii) in a placte or pkces within the race enclo-
sure which the authority controlling suoh race hss
with the sanction of the l[State] Government set I

apart for the purpose.

For the purposes of this definition, wagering or
betiting shall be deemed to comprise the collection
or soliciting of bets, the receipt or distribution of
winnings or prizes, in money or otherwise, in respeot
of any wager or bet, or any act which is intended fo
aid or facilitate wagering or betting or suoh oolleo-
tion, soliciting, receipt or distribution].

2[tc Instruments of gaming " include any artiole

ofgamingW. used or intended to be used as a subject or means
of gaming, any document used or intended to be used
as a register or record or evidence of any gaming,
the proceeds of any gaming, and any winnings or
prizes in money or otherwise distributed or intended
to be distributed in respect of any gaming.]
" Public 3[16 Public place " means a place (inoluding a
phe." road, street or way, whether a thoroughfare or noti
and a landing pboe) to which the publio are granted
access or have a right to resort, or over which they
have a right to pass.]
a# Cattle. w " cattle " includes horned cattle, horsee, asses,
mules, sheep, goats, swine, camels and elephants.
1 The word ' State ' was substituted for the word ' Provinoial '
by the Adaptation Order of 1960.
aThis definition of "Instruments of gaming " was substituted
for the original definition by section 2 (ii) of the Madrm City Polioe
(Seoond Amendment) Act, 1041 (Madras Act XXII of 1941).
This Aot waa permanently re-enacted by seotion 2 of, and the Firat
Schedule to, the Tamil Nadu Re-enaoting (No. 11)Aot, 1048 (Tamil
Nadu Act V I I I of 1948).
aThis definition was inserted by ,seotion 2 (i) of the Madrse
City Police and Towns Nuisances (Amendment) Act, 1941 (Msdrcu
Aot XXIII of 1941), permanently r e - w t e d by section 2 (1) of,
end the Birat Schedule to, the Tamil Nadu Re-~naotingAot, 1948
(Tamil Nadu Act X of 1949).
\ .
: T.B.Act
a ivack.~City P o l k 323


subordinate DnLs " means the ranlre inferior "

to that of Assidant Commissioner].

5. The dmhistration of the Polioe of the City of Administration

Madras shall be vested in an offioer to be styled the Commissioner
vested in the
Commissioner of Polioe for Msdras * *I: of Police.
'movided that the s(stSte Government) may, ~amin$hation
by notificution in the [Offioial Gazette] which '(they) of Polioe at
may canoe1or vary, a t any time direct that the aclminin- railway etatione
fration of suoh of the Polioe within the City of Madras eta., mas be
as are or may be employed a t any railway stations or vested in the
on any railway premises or within the limits of any &nerel of
railway or part of any railway situated within the P o ~ ~ w *
limits of the Citv of Madras, shall be vested in the
Inapeotor-&nerd of Police, A d from and after the
issue of suoh notifioation the powers under this Act
of the Commissioner and of his deputies or assistants
in respeot of suoh Police shalloease, and the Inspehr-
General of Polioe and under his control such officers
as shall be appointed by the &(StateGovernment)
to be Superintendent or AssistanC Superintendent
of Railway Polioe, shall as regards suoh Polioe exeroise
all the powers of the Commissioner of Polioe under
this Aot, save that the power oonferred on the
Commissioner by section 10 shsll, in respect of suoh
Polioe, be exercised by the Inspector-General of Police
1 Thie deftnition waa ineerted by the Adaptation Order of 1937.
a Thie eeofion wee repealed by section 3 of, and the Second Sche-
dule to, the Tamil Nadu Repealing and Amending Act, 1957
( T ~ i Nadu
l Act XXV of 1967).
8 The worda " who ahall from time to time be appointed by the
@-or in Counoil of Fort st. W r g e and may be removed by
the same authority" were omitted by the Adeptation Order of 1937
4 Thie provim wae added by eeotion 1 of Madres Act 111 of 1898.
An to the oontrol by the Inepeotor-@nerd of Police of the City
Polioe, see W a e Aot III of 1907.
6The worda "Provhcid Govefpment" were substituted for
the worde "Governor in Co,ycil by the Adaptation Order of
1937 and the word "State wee substituted for "Provinoid "
by the Adaptation Order of 1910.
6 These words were mbatituted for the wor& b 6 For6 St. George
'* by the Adaptation Order of 1937.
7 Thi.word wm uaIwtihted for the word ''he " by ibid.

324 bfadrm City Police . [1888:T.N. Act I*
Appointment 6. The Government may, from time to time, appoint
of Deputies
Asehtanfe one or more Deputies or Assistants to the Commis-
to the sioner, who shall be competent to perform any of
C~-i~ioner. the duties or exercise any of the powers assigned to
that officer as Commissioner under his orders. [**]
Commiseioser'e 7. The Commissioner shall by. virtue of his offi&
owem a be a Presidency Magistrate,* but shall exercise his
hae;i*h. powers as Magistrate subject to suoh orders as may
from time to time be issued by the 2[Stste Govern-
ment] : Provided that he shall not exercise any p o w m
under Chapters XVIII, XX or XXI of the Code of
Criminal Procedure, 1882.

8. The Commissioner, his Deputies and Assistants,
and hia ghall by virtue of their office be Justices of the Peaoe ;
Deputi- and but shall act as such only so far as may be n e v
Juatioes of for the preservation of the peace, for the prevention
the Pewe. of offences, for the detection, apprehension and deten-
tion of offenders, and for the performance of %he
duties assigned to the Commissioner by this Aot.
9. For the City of Madras, there shall be a Polioe-
of Poke- force which shall consist of such number of offioera
fo m . and men and shall be otherwise constituted in suoh
manner as shall from time to time be ordered by the
2 [St~bte
'[Subject to the provisions of this Act, the pay
and all other conditions of service of members of the
subordinate ranks of the Police-force shall be suoh
as may be determined by the 6(State)Government.]
1 The sentenoe "Any Deputy or h i s t a n t Commissioner may
be removed by order of the Governor in Council" wm omitted
by the Adaptation Order of 1937.
The words " Provincial Government " were substituted for #e
words '' hvernor in Council " by the Adaptation Order of 1937
and the word "State " waa substituted for " Provincid " by the
Adaptation Order of 1960.
SrSee now Central Act 2 of 1974.
c This~magraphwas inserted by the Adaptation Order of 1~37.
5 Thisword wes substituted for the word " Pmvinciel " by tho
Adaptation Order of 1960.
* Now the Metropolitan Magbtrate.

l-,:T.N. Aot 1111 Madras City Police 325

10. The Commissioner may, from time to bime,~d~,f,the

mbjeot to the control of the l[State Government] amwnmmt
fnune orders and regulations for the general government
of the force.
sub'eot to the
oonirol of the
State Glovern-
11. aphe Commissioner] may, at any time, S[subjeob ment.
to the provisions of Article 311 of the Constitution Cm-aioner
a d to the 00ntl'ol of the '[State GO~e~nIllent],msy dismiss,
4 [dismiss, suspend or reduce to a lower post or time- sapend*
s d e or to a lower stage in a time-scale], any member reduce, eto-,
members of the
s(of the subordinate ranks of the Police-force) and subordinate
may order the recovery from the pay of any auoh
member, of the whole or part of any pecuniary
of the ;gz
lose oaused to Government by his negligenoe or
breaoh of orders.]

12. Every member of the force shall reoeive on Member6 of the

enrolment a certificate in the following form under ~ ~ d ~ t g
the signature of the Commissioner :--. enrolment-

" A.B. has been appointed a member of the

Madras City Police-force and is invested with the
powers, funotions and privileges of a, Police-officer. "

1The words " Provinoial Government " were substituted for

the words aoverndr in Council " by the Adaptation Order ot
1937 end the word " State " was substituted for " Provinoial',
&he Adeptation Order of 1960.
a These words were substituted for the words " The appointmen)
of the members of the foroe shall rest with the Commieaione~
end he" by the Adaptation Order of 1937.
8 These words and figures were substit:ted for the words " eubjeot
to the oontrol of the State Government by the Adaptation (Third
Amendment) Order of 1951.
4Them words were substituted for the words " 5 0 , auepend,
m&oe or diaslisp any member thereof; provided that no 5ne &all
e m one month's pay " by section 3 of the M&w City P o b
(Amendment) Aot, 1936 (Medr88 Aot XX of 1936).
6 Theee worda were substituted for the word '%hereof" by the
Adaptation Order of 1937. .
Mactrao City Pol& - [1888: T.N.'Act IIII
By virtue of snoh oertifioate he ahall be vested
with the powers, funotions and privileges of a Police.
officer, and such oertifimte shall cease to have effeot
whenever the person named in it is suspended or
dismissed, or otherwise oeases to be employed in the
Members 13. No member '[of the subordinate ranks] of the
of the
subordinate force shall be a t liberty to resign his offim,or to with-
ranks of the draw himself from the duties thereof, without the
foroe not to written permission of the Commissioner or until after
without leave the eqiry of two months from the date of his giving to
or notice. the Commissioner a notice in writing of his intention
to do so ; and every member 2 [of the subordinate
ranks] of the force, who shall so resign or withdraw
himself, shall be liable, at the discretion of the Commis-
sioner, to forfeit the whole or part of any mears of
pay then due to him ; and shall in addition be liable
on conviction to fine not exoeeding Hty rupees, or to
imprisonment not exowding two months, or to both.
Member 14. Every member of the form shall, on oeasing b
ceasing to
belong to belong thereto, forthwith deliver up to the Commis-
the foroe to sioner, or to suoh person and at suoh time and plsoe
deliver up as shall be directed by the Commissioner, his oertifi-
clothingi oate and all clothing, aoooutrements and other articles
soooutre- supplied to him for the exeoution of his duty, and
mente, eto. in default thereof shall be liable on oonviotion to
fine not exoeeding two hundred rupees, or to imprison-
ment not exoeeding six months, or to both. And
it shall be lawful for the &missioner, or for any
&gistrate, to issue his warrant to searoh for and
seize all the olothing, aoooutreme~ts and other
articles which shall not be delivered up, wherevm
the same may be found.
Pen* for 15. For neglect or violation of duty in his offioq
neglect or
violation of and for any breach of the orders and regulations framed
duty. as aforesaid, every member of the foroe, besides being
suspended or dismissed from his employment as herein-
before provided, shaIl be liable on aonviotion to fine
not exoeeding one hundred rupees, or to imprison-
ment not exmeding three months, or to both.

1888 : T.N. Aat 1111 Mdrm City Police 337

16. Every Police-offioer appointed under the provi- Polioe

dona of Aot XXIV of 1859 * may at any time be
employed in the City of Madras, and whilst so employed h n t r d A C ~
shall have the same duties, powers and privileges, ~ 9 ~ t o ~ ~
and be subjeot to the same authority, as Police-offioers of
appointed under this Aot. Polioe in the ,
City of

17. The Commissioner may, of his own authority, of s p i e l

appoint any able-bodied male person between the ages pohm.
of eighteen and Hty-five to be a l[special police-offioer]officer.
to assist the Polioe-force on any temporary emergenoy.
spvery speoial police-officer so appointed s h l l reoeive
a mrtifioate in suoh form as the a(State Government)
may determine under the signature of the Commis-

18. Every '[speoial polioe-officer] so appointed Powerm of

shall have the same powers, privileges and proteotion, %
; $!
,andshall be liable to perform the same duties, amen- oacer.
-able to the same penalties, and subordinate to the
eame authoriQies,as the ordinary offioers of polioe.
offioer] as aforesaid shall, without suffioient exouse. !z'086.
19. If any peraon being appointed a l[special polioe- Penalty for
negleat or refuse to serve as suoh or to obey suoh lawful negleotine;
order or direation as may be given to him for the or refwins
performanoe of his duties, he shall be liable on wnvio-
tion to h e not exoeeding fifty rupees.
1 Theee words were mbatituted for the worda "speoid oomtable "
by motion 4 of the Madras City Police (Amendment) Act, 1936
(Marha Act XX of 1936).
This sentenoe was added by ibid.
The words "Pmvinoial Government" were substituted for
fhe words " Looel Go~tmment" by the Adaptation Ordef, of 1937
end the word S t a b was substituted for " Provincial by the
Abptetion Order of 1960.

Tamil Nndu Diefrict Police Act, 1869
. -
Madras City Police 11888 : T.N. Act Ill
Powers to 20. It shall be lawful for the Commissioner, with
quarter the sanction of the l[State Government] to be notified
Police in in the a[Official Gazette] and in such other manner
disturbed as S[the State Gavernment] may direct, to employ any
parts of the
City. Police-force in exmss of the ordinary fixed complement
to be quartored in any street or in any part of the
City of Madras which shall be found to be in a disturbed
or dangerous state, or in any part of the wid
city in which, from the conduct, of the inhabitants,
he may deem it expedient to increase the number
of Police. The inhabitants of the street or part
of the city desoribed in the notification shall be charged
with the cost of such additional Police-force, OE with
such part thereof as arthe State Government] may
direct, and the Commissioner shsoll assess the propor-
tion in which the amount is to be paid by the inhabi-
tants, according to his judgment of their respeotive

Power to [(I) On the application of any person and at

appoint his ~harge,the &(State Government) may, for the
police- purpose of keeping the peace or preserving
offioors. order a t any place or of enforcing the provisions of
this or of any other Act in respeot of any

1 The words "Provinoial Government" were substituted for

the words "Governor in Council" by the Adaptation Order of
1937 and the word " State " was substituted for '* Provinoiel "
by the Adaptation Order of 1960.

a These words were substituted for the words "Fort St. George
Qazette" by the Adaptation Order of 1937.

3 The words " the Provincial Government " were substituted

for the words "the Uovernment" by the Adaptation Order of
1937 and the word "8tate " was substituted for " Provincial "
by the Adaptation Order of 1960.

4This section was substituted for the original seotion 21 by

section 6 of the Msdrss City Police (Amendment)Act, 1936 (Medree
Aot XX of 1936).

5 The words " Provinoid Government " wem aubstitnted for

the word "Commiesioner " by the Adaptation Order of 1937 and
the word " 8tate" wee eubtiiruted for Provinoislw by the
Adsptation Order of 1960,
. - ,
i888f T.N. Act IIlJ Mhdrar City ldotics

apwified class of offences, appoint additional police-

offioers of such rank or grade, on such pay, if any,
t and for such time, as l(they) may think fit :
Provided that on the expiry of one month from
the receipt of notice in writing from the applicant
or his representative or on the expiry of such shorter
period as the %(StateGovernment) may h,the
s(State Government) shall discontinue police-officers
ao appointed.
(2) Every additional police-officer so appointed-
(a) shall receive a certificate in such form as
the =(StateGovernment) may determine, under the
signature of the Commissioner; and
(b) shall have such of the powers and duties of an
ordinary police-officer of like rank as are specially
mentioned in the certificate referred to in clause (a)
and shall, in the exercise or performance thereof,
have the same protection and privileges, be amenable
to the same penalties, and be subordinate to the same
authorities as suoh officer.]
22. All sums of money payable under the last two Reaovery of
preceding sections shall be recoverable by suit in any monep due.
oompetent Court or by distress and sale of the goods of
the defaulter under the warrant of a Magistrate.
23. Every Police-officer shall, for the purposes of Duties of
this Act, be considered to be always on duty. He Po'ce'ofioers.
shall not engage, without the written permission of
the Commissioner, in any duty other than his duties
under this Act. It shall be his duty to use his best
endeavours and ability to prevent offences and public
nuisances; to preserve the peace; apprehend disorderly
1 This word wes substituted for the word " he " by the Abpte-
tion Order of 1937.
s The worde "Provincid Government" were substituted for the
word "Commissioner" by the AdaptationOrder of 1937 and the
word"8tata " was substituted.for '4Provincial" by the Adaptation
Order of 1960.
m e words "Provimial Government" were substituted for the
@ "Loom1 (fovernment" by the Adaptation Order of 1937 and
the wordUState" waa substituted for "Provincial" by the Adapta-
tion Order of 1960.

330 Madrao City Pdice ' [1888: T.N. Aot UI

and suspioious oharaoters; to deteot and bring offenders
to justioe; to take oharge of all unolaimed property;
to seize and impound stray oattle; to oollect and oom-
municate intelligenoe affecting the public peace, and
promptly to obey and exwute all orders and warrants
lawfully issued to him; and it shall be lawful for every
Polioe-offioer, for any of the purposes mentioned in
this section, without a warrant to enter and iaspeot
any drinking shop, gaming-house or other place of
resort of loose or disorderly ohmaoters.

Polioesflioer 1[24. (1) Any Police-officer may arrest without a

end agent of warrant any person oommitting in his view any
the Sooiety
for the offence made punishable by this Aot.
Prevention of
Cruelty to
Animnls may
wrest without
w ~ ~ gonn t
view of 8[(2) Any agent of the Sooiety for the Prevention of
cruelty to Animals who is speoially empowered by the
'(State) Government in that behalf may arrest without
a warrant any person committing in his view any
offenoe punishable under seotion 53 6( * * * *
* * * * * )I.
1 Original seotion 24 was renumberedas motion 24 (1)by seotion 2 of
the Madraa City Polioe, Towns Nuisancas and Prevention of Cruelty
to Anirnala(Amendment)Aot, 1942 (TemilNadu Aot M of 1942),
re-emoted permanently with speoified modif3oatione by motion 2
(2) of, and the Seoond Sohedule to, the T m i l Nadu Re-ennoting
Aot, 1949 (Tamil Nadu Aot X of 1949).
* The proviso to sub-motion ( I ) of eeation 24, whioh was added by
seotion 2 (i) of the Madres City Police (Amendment) Aot, 1949
(MadrasAot XLII of 1949). was omtted by section 20 of the Tamil
Nadu Haokney Cmrbge (Amendment) Aot, 1964 (Tamil Nadu Aot
21 of 1964).
Tbis sub-motion wee added by motion 2 of the Madree City Polioe
Towna Nukanoes and Prevention of Cruelty to Animrrls (Amend-
ment) Aot,1942 (Tamil Nadu Aot XX of 1942),re-emoted perme-
nently with apeoified moditloationa by motion 2 (2) of, and the
Seoond Sohedule to, the Tamil Nadu Re-emoting Aot, 1949 (Tamil
Nadu Aot X of 1949).
' The word '(State" wee substituted for the word "Provincial" by
the Adeptation Order of 1910.
6 The words and figures "end the proviaiona of the Code of
Criminal Prooedure, 1898, shell 8p ly to an arrest ma& by auoh
agent u if it M been made by e ~o'iica-o~osr,, were 0 ~ t t . dby
motion 2 (2) of, eod the. Beoond Sohedub to, the Tamil Nedu R..
emoting Aot, 1949 (Tamil Nedu Act X of 1949).
1808: T.N. Act III] M&m (JibP&ee
1[(3) The agent shall have power to reletwe any
person so arrested on his exeouting a bond, with or
without sureties for his appearance before a Magistrate
if and when required.
Central (4) The provisions of the Code of Criminal Proce-
of 1898. dure, 18988, shall apply to any arrest made or bond
taken under this seotion as if the arrest had been
made, or the bond had been taken, under the said Code.]
25. Whoever commits an offence affeoting the
person or property of another may, if his name and of offenders
address be unknown, be apprehended by the person
injured or in oharge of the property oonoerned, or by
any person aoting in aid of suoh person, and may be
detained until he gives his name and address and
mtisfy suoh person that the name and address so given
are oorreot, or until he oan be delivered into the custody
of a Polioe-officer.
26. Any Police-offioer above the rank of oonstable powers to
having reasonable ground to suspect that o &
property ia concealed or lodged in any dwelling-house ty i, ,dn
or other place, and is likely to be removed before a oeees withoub
searoh-warrant can be obtained, may searoh such Wm8nt.
house or plaoe subjeot to the general provisions in the
Code of Criminal Prooedure, 18828, relating to searohes.
27. Any Polioe-offioer may seize any property or EbJeinrre of
thing whioh may be found in the possession of anyBz
person, where the possession by suoh person of such ,ai,a
property or thing creates a reasonable suspicion of the offence i.
oommittal of an offenoe; and such seizure shall be forth- Wded
with reported to the Commissioner, who shall there-
upon make suoh order respecting the custody or
produotion of the property as he shall think proper.
1 Sub-motions(3) end (4) were inserted by seotion 2 (2) of, m d
fhe Becond 8ohe3ule to, the T a i l Nadu Re-enacting Aot, 1949
(Terdil Nadu Act X of 1949).
8 866 now Qntrel Aot 2 of 1974.

382 211adias City PoZi2e 11888: EN: ;Act IIL

eto., to
'. 28. Any officer of Police may deliver to any l[ 1,
report stolen dealer in secondhand property or worker in metals a
property if list of any property believed to have been stolen, and
tendered for thereupon it shall be the duty of such [ 1, dealer or
pawn worker as aforesaid, upon any article answering the
description of any of the property set forth in any s q

such list being offered him I, for

sale, or otherwise, to inquire the name and address of
the party offering such article, to seize and detain the
article, and forthwith to communicate to the nearest
' police-station the fact of suoh article having been
offered and such name and address as may be given by
the party offering it. Any l[ 1,
dealer or worker as aforesaid failing to oomply with
the requirements of this section without reasonable
excuse shall be liable on conviction to fine not
exceeding fifty rupees for every such offence. Such
'1 1, dealer or worker as aforesaid may
also detain any person offering such article as afore-
said pending the arrival of the Police.
Powere to fix 29. The Commissioner may, by order in writing, to
periode within be affixed at the principal polioe-stations and also to be
whioh stray
dogs may be published in soma public newspaper, appoint, from time
kiued. to time, certain periods within which any dogs found
straying and unmuzzled may be destroyed.
Power to take 30. Whenever any person dies intestate leaving
ohmse Of* and movable property within the City of Madras under two
deliver to
entitled hundred rupees in value, such property may be
to, movable taken charge of by the Police, and it dull be lawful
prOp*J under for the Commissioner to order the said property to be
two hundred
delivered, without requiring the produotion of any
value, of probate, letters of administration, certificate or other
pmon8 dyiqauch conclusive evidenoe of title md upon such terms
as he may think fit, t6 any person who may appear to
him to be entitled thereto; Sandeuoh delivery shall be
a f i i discharge to the Cbmmissioner, and to the
1 The word 61pawnbroker" %ourring in the four pleoes in
seotion 28 were deemed to have been omitted oonsequent on the
ooming intoforoe with effeot on end from the 1st November 3944
in the Cit of Madras of the Tamil Sadu Pawnbrokere Aot, 1943
( ~ a m i l ~ a~% ol XXIII
t of i941)-Pba~@see seo. 24 (1) of .aid Act.
a The words "in pawn" were deemed to have been omitted, 8 i d .
SAe to saving of thia provieion kom the operation of the &nerd
SuooeesionLaw, re6 the Adminietrator-&nerdse Act, 1813 (Central
A O ~ of ioi3), 8.55.
il$t@A .KT 86BI ,, I % ybSz .
188 : P.N. Act 1111 Atcsd~cxe Oii$ Police
i f 8 I:. ., i .
11 -
I s , 1 1: 7

I~X&yxpmen$]from all liability in respect of &oh st $.

Tf .i
; :,, ,: I ' . ,
4 8 4 3:i It,
, $1, kprpyisi&s ofof~chions623,624 atld 626 of thb
t pro- ,
A& f&de;tof Crhdnal Procedure, 1882a, shall, as nearly as visions
Code ofof
Of ""' s)g2. be prsctioeble, apply to all property seized criminal Pro-
k %ken charge of by the Police. cedure, 1882,
to apply.
't,, 1

88. The Commissioner shall keep in his office standard COmmi8Bionera

'ights and mea8ures8 as may be from time to time keep stmdard
prescribed or declared to be correct by the &[Stateweightsend
Government] ; and weights and measures shall be held
tolbafabe when they do not agree with such standards;
and on conviction being had under Chapter XI11 of
Centrd the Indian Penal Code, the weights and measures which
~ o tsv formed the subject-matterof the charge shall be forfeited
of 1860. and destroyed.
88. Any Police-officter above the rank of constable Power ofpolice
may enter any shop or premises for the purpose of ;E;,",""P~
ihspecting the weights and measures and instruments weights, eta.
for weighing or measuring kept or used therein,.and
may seize any weight, measure or instrument for
weighing or measuring which he may have reason
to believe is false.
No enolosed place or building having an area of Places of publio
five hundred square feet or upwards shall be used for resort
to be
publio entertainment or reso~twithout a licence from
the Commissioner.
1 The word "Crown" wae substituted for the words "Secretary of
S t a b for India" by the Adaptation Order of 1937 and the word
"Uovernment" was substituted for "Crown" by the Adaptation
Order of 1960.
a See now Central Aot 2 of 1974.
%s to standard measures, see the Measures of Length Act, 1889
(Central Act 11of 1889), e. 7 and the Standards of Weights and
Meeeures Act, 1966 (Centrd Act 89 of 1966), s. 13.
., 'The words "Provincial Government" were substituted for the
words "Governor in Council" by the Adaptation F d e r of 1937 and
the word "State" wae substituted for slProvinoial by the Adapta-
tion Order of 1960.
6 Under section 6-A, sub-section (1). of the Tamil Nadu Cinemas
(Regulation)Aot, 1966 (Tamil Nadu Aot I X of 1966), the proviaions
of this Aot &hallnot apply to any applioation made under the said
anb-seotion ,by any pereon who intend6 to use any place, for the
xhibltion of hemawgraph fl-.
BBsctrag City Police [iw.T.N. Aot III
Estiwhowr 85;. No enolosed p l a or ~ building shall be used as an
shops, fenoing
eating-house, ooffee-house, boarding-house, lodging-
sohoole, eta., house, hotel, tavern, wine, beer or spiritshop, maok ar
to be lioeneed. toddy shop, gymnwium or fenoing-sohoo1,or for the eale
or oonsumption of any intoxicating drug or liquor',
without a lioenoe f?om the Commiseioner: Provided
that nothing in this seation ahall apply to the sale in
reasonable quantities of any drug or substance for
medicinal purposes only, or to any gymnasium or
fenoing-oehool of any eductationalinstitution (fontrolled
or rewgnized by the a[Stste Government].
Conditionsfor 36. Licences under the hst two preoeding seotiona
ieeue of may be granted by the Commissioner upon suoh oondi-
~ ~ ~ tions
~ as ~ he, subjeot
~ dto thee mntrol
r and direotion of the
and 86. s[State Government], may prescribe, and for suoh
period not esoeeding one year as may be stated in the
lioence: Provided that, in regard to any liquor or drag
for the sale of which a licenoe is required under ang
law for the time being in foroe for the regulation of the
excise-revenue, a licence ahall be granted by the Com-
missioner only to persons holding licenoe under moh
law and shall have foroe only while suoh lioenoe subeiete.
Penalty for 8[37.]4[. .] WBoever keepr or uses or permits to be
om-n to kept or used any enclosed plaoe or building requiring a
wnw an
required by
lioenoe under seotion 34 or 36, without having obtained
8 licence as therein mpired, shall be liable on oonvio-
motion tion to fine not exmeding Gfty rupees for every day
34 or 36.
on whioh suoh a place or building is so wed.
1 ~s to sele of intoxioatin druge or liquore, se4 the T d Nedu
Exoils Aot, 1971 ( T dN& ~ o34t of 19711, Ch.N.
1 The words " Provincial Government '' were m&&t~ted
for the worde. uG)ovemor in Coulldil" by the Adaptetion &&Q
of 1937 and the word " State " wee substituted for " hovin& *'
by the Adaptation Order of 1910.
8 Beotion 37 wae renumbered ee sub-&ion (1) of eeotion 37 and
rub-motions (2) end (3) were added by eeotion 3 of the Madraq City
Polioe (Amendment)Aot, 1929 (Msdree Aot X I l I of 1929) end for
sub-seotiona (2) and (3) a8 80 d d e d , sub.eeotione (2) to (4) were
substituted by seotion 3 of the ~~City Poliw (Seoond b n d .
merit) Aot, 1941(Bfadr- Aot XXII of 1941), whioh wee re-e-
permanently by eeotion 2 of, tmd the First Sohedule to, the T &
Nadu Re-eneating (No. 11) Aot, 1948 (Tamil Nadu Aot of
4 The brsokep and .QUO "(1)" 000urrhg a t the b e p m g of
lab+otion (1)m w t l o n 37 snd sub-sections(2) to (4) o eeotia 87
omittad by motion 2 (ii)of the Msdrerr City Polioe a d QemiDg
(&ondrnmb) AoC, 1906 ( T dNedu dot XVI of 1956).
1888: T.N.' Aet III] .&.dmCity Police
88. The Commissioner may, by order in writing, Power to enter
Authorize any Polioe-offioer above the rank of constable, zd&;;LB
with suoh assistance as may be required, to enter and ,a d,,d
inspeot any olosed plaoe or building lioensed under p h s believed
seotion 36 at any time when it is open for the reception ~~~~o
oi' persons resorting thereto, and may after recording the A O ~ .
his reasons in writing, likewise authorize any suoh
offioer to enter and inspeot any plaoe not licensed whioh
the Commissioner has reason to believe to be used
oontrary to the provision6 of seotion 34 or 36.

39. The Commissioner may make rulea for ensuring Power to

order and demnoy and for the publio safety a t allrn*ede8*
places of publio entertainment or resort, and for regul-
titing the times during whioh the plaoes referred to in
sections 34 and 36 shall be allowed to be open or used,
and from time to time may rescind or alter such rules;
and in case of breach of any suoh rules or of the condi-
tions of the lioence g~anted under seotion 36, may
order suoh phms to be olosed, and while such order is
in force suoh plaoes so ordered to be olosed shall be
deemed to be unlioensed places.
40. A oopy of any order passed under the last Semioe of
premding seotion shall be served on the owner,
oooupier or keeper of any suoh plaoe as aforesaid, and if
thereafter he does or permits any aot in disobedience
to suoh order, he shall be liable on conviction to
imprisonment not exceeding three months, or to fine,
or to both.

*[4O-A. (1) If any entertainment (including a Prohibition of

oinematograph exhibition, danoe or drama) to whioh ~,"l$gi&~
members of the publio are admitted, whether on pay- ,he, e,br.
ment or not, is held in an enclosed plaoe or building, tainmenta are
then, no person shall, during the prohibited period
as defined in sub-seotion (2), smoke either-
(a) on the stage exoept in so far as smoking
may be part of the entertainment, or
1 Thin motion was inserted by section 2 of the Madras City
Po+ and Plwm of Public Resort (Amendment) Aot, 1951
Madru Aot X I I I of 1961).

@)'in the auditorium, that is to say, in that hortjon

of the enolosed place or building in which aooommods-,
tion is provided for members of the publio :
Provided that the State Government may, by notifi-
oation in the Fort St. George Gazette, exempt any olase
of entertainments from the provisions of this sub-
(2) For the purposes of sub-section (1), 'prohibited
period' means so much of the period commenoing
thirty minutes before the beginning of the entertain-
ment and ending with the termination thereof, as may
fall within the hours which the State Government may,
by notifioation in the Port St. George ffoxette, s p e w
in this behalf for entertainments generally or any olase -
of entertainments.
(3) Any person who contravenes the provisions of
this seotion shall be liable to be ejeoted summarily
from the enolosed place or building by any Polioe-
officer and shall also be punishable with fine whioh
may extend to fifty rupees.
(4) A person ejected under sub-seotion (3) shall
not be eptitled to the refund of any payment made by
him for admission to the entertainment or to any other
1[41. (1) The Commissioner or, subjeot to his orders,
;e asmmblies, any Police-officer above the rank of head constable,
.ooesdo~in may, from time to time,as occasion may require, direot
lblio pleoes, the oonduot of all assemblies, meetings and processions
0. in publio pltioes; prescribe the routes by whioh end
the times at which such processions may pass; keep
order in publio plaoes and prevent obstruotions on the
ooossion of suoh assemblies, meetings and prooessions,
and in the neighbourhood of plaoes of worship during
the time of publio worship and in any oase when
publio plaoes may be thronged or liable to be obstruo-
ted; and may lioense and replate or prohibit the use
of musio or of sound amplifiers in publio plaoes.
1 This seotion was substituted for the original section 41 b
reotion 2 of the Madras City Polioe (Amendment)Aot, 1961 (T&
Nadu Aot 37 ef 1061).
1888: T.N. ~ c 1111
t Madras City Police 337

(2) Subject to the provisions of sub-sections (3)

and-($), the Commissioner may, by order in writing,
prohibit any assembly, meeting or prooeeion if he
oonsidera such prohibition to be necessary for the
preservation of the public peace or publio safety:
Provided that no order under this sub-section shall,
without the sanction of the State Government, remain
in-force for more than fifteen days from the date on
whioh such order takes effect.
, (3) (a) When the order referred to in sub-section
(2) is in force, any person who intend6 to cbn'irene or
oollect any assembly or meeting in any public place or
tq -direct or. promote ,any prooession, shall make an '
application ta the Gmnjssioner for permissioh,.' The,
applicatidn shall b e , in such form &d hontaln such
particulars as may be specified by the Commissioner in
this behalf and shall be .made not less thpn five days
prior to the d&tg:'pn ,*hioh the wsembly or midtbg ia
to be convened or collected or the procession is'to be
f \ : . .' : . ' . .., , , , . . ,I
, ,, >
\ I
:!')!,: ?
:! !-,;19 2,;\,/ !,,>!:>v.:-.. ?>.rr; :;,:!J,C. ,,, k;;.7+:,.9

t@ov.i'dijd qa&tc)r;w&~niirii~,vi&d n$l9ir* Gi

be reoorded in writingp~Wh&~I!ibh'' dpplia&ibnrPi8hhf:
fiv da s pr'or to the date aforesaid.
8 1 5 (4) owv:le i ~ io-t I I ~ T T ! ) ? ~-!+T~)
~ !),lrr
(b) On receipt of the aj?#imthn&fldf% qSapl$e\,[~Al)sp
th Com ' sioner may, by order in writing served in
tdl~b~&z1~&&%7&~~e~&ioti(i~j& @mission
to oonvene or collect the essemblp L ) ~ e a t ; hm&oq
g tE
338 Mahccs City Police [1888: T.N. Act 111
(6) The Commissioner may, by order in writing,
depute one or more Police-officersor other persons, to be
. present in any such assembly, meeting or procession,
for the purpose of causing a report to be taken of the
(6) Any person who-
(a) opposes or fails to obey any order under sub-
section (I), or
(b) contravenes the conditions of any licepmd
mder sub-section (I), or
(c) when the order referred to in
is in force, convenes or collects any
or direots or promotes any prooession-
(i) without the permission of the
sioner under clause (b) of sub-motion (3), or
(ii) in contravention of any of the
subject to which the permission was grant$
that clause, shall be liable, on conviction, to $r
not exceeding one hundred rupees.
(7) The order referred to in clause (b) of sub- \
section (3) shall be served-
(a) by giving or tendering the order to the
person concerned; or
(b) if such person is not found, by leaving suoh
order at his last known place of abode or business or by
giving or tendering the same to some adult member or
aervant of his family; or
(c) if such person does not reside in the City of
Madras and his address elsewhere is known to the Com-
missioner, by sendingthe same to him by post registered;
(d) if none of the means aforesaid be available,
by a e i n g the same in some conspicuous part of fb,
plaoo of abode or business of suoh person.

- *1
1888: T.N. Act III] Madras City Police
(8) Nothing in this eeotion shall apply to any
assembly or meeting of a purelyreligious oharaoter held
in a reoognized plaoe of worship, any assembly or meet-
ing gathered together purely for the purpose of taking
part in eporte, any prooession on the ocoasion of any
wedding, funeral or similar domestio ooourrenoe, or of
any religious oeremony, any publio meeting held
under any statutory or othel; express legal authority, or
to publio meetings oonvened by the sheriff, or to any
publio meetings or olass of publio meetings exempted
for that purpose by the State Government by general
or special order.
(9) For the purposes of this section-
(a) the words uassembly", "meeting" and
"prooession" inolude any assembly, meeting or prooes-
sion whioh is open to the publio or to any olass or por-
tion of the publio;
(b) a plaoe in which an assembly or meeting is
held may be a publio place notwithstanding that it; is
held in a private plaoe and notwithstanding that
admission thereto may have been restricted by ticket
or otherwise.] ,
1[42. (I)] If the Commissioner has reason to Commissioner
believe that any aEplace] is used as a common gaming-
house, he may by his warrant give authority to any ,,her
a r
Police-offioer above the rank of a constable to enter, common
with suoh assistance as may be found necessary, by g-
night or by day and by force if necessary, any such
SCplaoe] and to arrest all persons found therein, and to
seize all inatrumenfa of gaming and all moneys and
seourities for money and artioles of value reasonably
suspected to have been used or intended to be used for
the purpose of gaming whioh are found therein, and to
searoh all partamofsuoh %[Place] and also the persona
found therein.
1[(2) The Commissioner may, instead of issuing a
warrant under sub-section (I), himself exercise all or
any of the powers exeroisable under sueh warrant.]
1 Seotion 42 wae renumbered as sub-section (1) of section 42 and
sub-motion (2) waa added by section 2 of the Madras City Polioe
(Amendment) Aot, 1933 (Nadre Aot VI of 1933).
1 The word "plaoe" waa mbetituted for the words "enoloeed pleae
or building " by eeation 4 of the Madraf~City Police (Amendmenb)
Aot, 1929 (Madma Aot X I I I of 1929).
126-19-22~ .

dladras City Police (1888: T.N. Ad'

Carde, dice, etc., -43. Any cards, dice, gaming table or-cloth, board or
found in other instruments of gaming found in any l[place] "
searoh under
lest section entered or searched under the provisions of the last
to be evidence preceding section, or on any person, found therein,
that piece is
oommon shall be evidence that such l[place] is used as a common
gaming-house. gaming-house, and that the persons found therein were
there present for the purpose of gaming, although no
play was actually seen by the police-ofher or any of
his assistants.

Proof of playing ' 44. It shall not be necessary, in order to convict any
for stakes person of keeping a common gaming-house or ,of beirig
concerned in the management of &nycommon gaming-
house, t o prove that any person found playing a t any
game was playing for any money, wager, a[bet J or stake.
Penalty for
opening,eta,, 45. Whoever opens, keeps or uses or permits to be
a common used any common gaming-house, or condupts or assists
gaming-h0use* in oonduoting the business .of any con)mon.,'g~ming~
house, or advance^ or furnishes money for game
th&ein,, %hall.becliablem coaviq$ion,to fine not
ing five hundred rupees, or to imprisonmexptj&*p&*&
I*:,: 'i! ivr. - , r, :,:r,j'1 I ' 1 ( 1 , ,c,a,r
ing t 4 r ~ ~ ~ o n tor&tro<b~tktrt;~
1888: T.N. Act IU] Madras City Police
4$. Any person who shall have been concerned in Indeplnifioation
gaming contrary to this Act, and who shall be examined Of *ltnessee*
as a witness before a Magistrate on the trial of any
person for a brwoh of any of the provisions of this Aot
relating to gaming, and who upon such examination
shall make true and faithful discovery to the best of
his knowledge of a11 things as to which he shall be so
,examined, and who shall thereupon receive from the
said Magistrate a certificate in writing to that effect,
shall be freed from all prosecutions under this Act for
anything done before that time in respect of such

1 49. Nothing in sections 42 to 48 of this Act shall be ~ ~ ~ f ~ ~ k i f l

held to apply to games of mere skill wherever played.

l[@-A, (1) Whoever- Penalty for

opening, eto.,
I any enclosure,
I etc., for oortain
(a) being the owner or occupier or having the use forms o f
of any house, room, bent, enclosure, vehicle, vessel or gaming.
plaoe, opens, keeps or uses the same for the purpose of

(i) on a horse-race, or
(ii) on the market price of cotton, bullion, or
other commodity or on the digits of the number used in
stating suoh price, or
(iii) on the amount or variation in the market
price of any such commodity or on the digits of the
number used in staling the amount of such variation, or
(iv) on the market price of any stock or share
or on the digits of the numbor used in stating such price,

(v) on the number of registration or on the
digits of the number of registration of any motor
i vehicle using a public place, or
1 The original section 49-A was inserted by section 3 of the Madrss
City Polioe end Gaming (Amendment) Act, 1949 (Tamil Nedu Act
VII of 1949) and the present sootion was substituted for the original
eeotion by seotion 2 (iii) of the Madras City Police and Geming
(Amendment)Aot, 1966 (Tamil Nadu Aot XVI of 1966).
84s Madras City Police [1888: T.N. Aet III
(Ti) on any tiranaction or scheme of wagering
or betting in which the receipb or distribution of
winnings or prizes in money or otherwise is made to
depend on chance; or
(b) being the owner or occupier of any such
house, room, tent, enclosure, vehicle, vessel or plaoe
knowingly or wilfully permits the same Go the opened,
occupied, kept or used by any other person for the
purpose of gaming on any of the objects aforesaid, or
(G) has the care or management of, or in any
manner assists in, conducting the business of, any such
house, room, tent, enclosure, vehicle, vessel or place
opened, occupied, kept or used for the purpose of
gaming on any of the objects aforesaid, or
( d )advances or fwnishes money for the purpose
of gaming on any of the objects aforesaid with persons
frequenting any such house, room, tent, enclosure,
vehicle, vessel or place,
shall be punishable with imprisonment which may ex-
tend to one year, or with fine which may extend to
one thousand rupees, or with both :
Provided that, in the absence of special reasons
to be recorded in writing, the punishment to be
imposed on an offender on conviction for an offence
under this sub-section shall be imprisonment for not
less than one month or fine of not less than five hundred
rupees or both.
(2) Whoever is found in any house, room, tent,
enclosure, vehicle, vessel, or place referred to in sub-
section(l), gamingon any of the objects specified in that
sub-section or present for the purpose of gaming on any
auch object shall be punishable with imprisonment
which may extend to one month or with fine which
may extend to five hundred rupees or with both.
Any person found in any such house, room, tent,
enolosure, vehicle, vessel or place during any gaming
therein on any of the objects specified in sub-seotion
(1) shall be presumed, until the contrary is proved, to * -

have been there for the purpose of g d n g on iauah

% '
888: T.N. Act In] Madras City Police 343

(3) Whoever is found gaming on any of the objects

apecified in sub-section (1) in any public street or
thoroughfare, or in any place to which the public
have or are permitted to have access shall be punishable
with imprisonment which may extend to three months
or with fine which may extend to three hundred rupees,
or with both.]
l[50. (1) The Magistrate may direct any portion, Paymentofof
not exceeding one-half, of any fine which shall be fine to
levied under a[section 46, section 46 or section 49-A] informmtr
and Polies-
and of the moneys or proceeds of articles &zed and OH,.
ordered to be forfeited under section 47, to be paid
to such informanbs and PoIice-officers as may have
assisted in the detection of the offender.
A direction under this sub-section may also be made
by any'c~urtof appeal, reference or revision.
(2) Where a direction is made under sub-section
(I), the Magistrate concerned shall send the amoun4
to be paid under that sub-section, to the Commissioner
who shall distribute it among such of the informants
and Police-officers aforesaid as may be chosen by him
and in such proportions as he thinks fit.
(3) The amount aforesaid shall not be sent to the
Commissioner until the expiry of three months from
the date of the direction under sub-syction (1) or if
an appeal is presented within that p e ~ o d , until the
appeal has been disposed of.]
51. Whoever by any fraud or unlawful device or :{t:z' I

malpractioe in playing a t or with cards, dice or okher a t g m r r r

game, or in bearing a part in the stakes, wagers,
8[bets] or adventures, or in betting on the sides or
hands of the players, or in wagering [or betting] on
1Thia Seotion was eubstituted for the original saction 60 by
eeotion 2 of the Madras City Police and Gaming (Amendment)Aot,
1960 (Madree Aot XXXV of 1960).
1 This expre88ion was substituted for the sxpmsion '<sub-
aeotiona (2), (3) or (4) of section 37, seotion 46 or necrtion 46 " by
seotion 2 (iv) of the Madraa City Police and Gaming [Ammdment)
Aot, 1966 (TamilNadu Aot XVI of t966).
a The woda "beta " and " or betting " were inserted by section
6 af the Madras City Police Amendment) Act, 1929 (Mrtdras
Art XIIIc&1% OPt
Madras City Police C1888: T.N. Act 111

the event of any game, sport, pastime or exercise,

wins from any other persons for himself or for any
other or others any sum of money or valuable thing
l[sl~allbe liable on conviction to fine not exceeding
five hundred rupees or to imprisonment not exceeding
six months or t o both.]
Power to z[5l-A. (1) Whenever the commissioner is satisfied
direot from information received or otherwise-
of persona (a) that the movements or acts of any person
from City
in s p i e l in the City of Madras who has not boen born in the said
om*. City or in a[the district of Chingleput or North Arcot]
4[as it oxisted irnmcdiately before the 1st April
19601,are causing, or are calculated to cause, alarm,
danger or harm to person or property, or that there
are remonable grounds for believing that suoh person
is engaged or is about to be engaged in the commission
of any offence involving force or violence or punishable
under Chapter XII, XVI or XVII of the Indian Penal
Central Code or in the abetment of any suoh offence ; and
af 1860.
(b) that witnesses are not willing fo oome
forward to give evidence in publio against such person
by reason of apprehension on their part regarding the
safety of their person or property,
the Commissioner may, by an order in writing eigned
by him, directi such person so to aonduot himself
as shall &ern necewry to the Commissioner to
prevent such alarm, danger or harm or the oomission
of suoh offoncs, or require such person to romove
himself outside the said City, within such time as may
be specified in the order.
1 These words were substituted for the words end '' shell
be deemed guilty of cheating punishable under aeotion 417 of the
Indian Penal Code " by section 7 of the Madrae City Polioe (Amend.
ment) Aot, 1936 (Madras Aot XX of 1938).
* This section wae inrerted by motion 2 (iii) of the Madras City
Polioe and Towns Nuisances (Amendment) Act, 1941 (%&M
Act XXIII of 1941). whioh.Act wee permanently re-onaoted by
section 2 (i) of. andthe First Sohedde to, tho T d Nadu Re-
enacting Act, 1949 ( T q i l Nmdu Got X of 1949).
8 These worda wer:, substituted for the words " Chingleput,
North Aroot or Nellore by the Madrae Adapfstion of L a m Order*
4This expression was inserted b y paragraph 3 of the Madru
Adep@tj.on of Lawe Order, 1961read wi*the Sohedule@ee$o .
1888:T.N. Aet m) Madras Oily Police 346

. Izp2anatim.-For the parpoem of thh sub-motion, .

the decision of the Commbsioni3r ee to whether a
person has or has not been born in the City of Madras
or '[in the district of Chingleput or North Arcot]
alas it exisbed immediately before %helet April 19601
h U be final.
(2) Before an order is passed against any p e m n
under sub-section (I), the Commiesioner or any
Deputy Commissioner authorized by him shall inform
euch pereon in writing of the general nature of the
material allegation8 against him and give him a
reasonable opportunity of explaining bhose allegations.
The Commissioner or Deputy Commissioner may alao
examine any witneesee produced by euoh peraon. Any
written statement made by such person ehall be filed
with the record.
Such person ehall be entitled to appear before the
Commissioner or Deputy Commissioner by an advocate
or attorney for th'e purpom of explaining the allegetiom
againat him and examining the witnesses produced
by him.
(3) The Commieaioner or the Deputy Commiaaio-
ner authorized under sub-section (2) may, for the
purpose of securing the attendance of any peraon
against whom an order is proposed to be made under
eub-section (I), exercise all or any of the powere of a G n t d
Court under sections 76 to 77 of the Cads of Criminal
Procedure, 1898*.
s8r,. I

(4) 'Any pereon aggrieved by an order of the

Commissioner under sub-section (1) may, within
thirty days from the date of euch order, appeal to the
a[State] Government who may, after consideringall the
oiroumstancee of the ceae, confirm, very or rcaoind
the order. Where an appeal is preferred to the
r[Stete] Government under this sub-section, they may
Them worde were eubstituted for the words "Chinglspu~.
North Amot or Nbllors" by the Madras Adaptation of Lanr
order, 1964.
8 This exprwai\n wwrvr inserted by paragraph 3 of U, Madrru
Adeptation of Laws Order, 1961 read with tb &bdole
8 This word wan substituted for the word Provincial " by the
Adaptation Order of 1950.
Mcldras City Police [1888: T.N. Act I11

at their discretion, subject to such conditions, if any,

as they may think fit to impose, stay the operation of
the Commissioner's order, pending the passing of final
orders on the appetp.
(5) No order passed by the Commissioner under
sub-section (1) or by the '[State] Government under
sub-section (4) shall be called in question in any ourt
except on one or more of the following grounds,
namely :-
(a) that the procedure laid downin sub-section
(2) was not followed; or
(b) that there was no material upon which
the order could have been based ; or
(c) that there was no sufficient grounds for
believing that witnesses were not willing to come
forward to give evidence in public against the person
in respect of whom the order was made.
(6) (a) Any person who is guilty of the breach
of any direction given to him under sub-section (1) or
sub-section (4) shall be punishable with imprisonment
which may extend t o two years or with fine or with
(b) If any person directed under sub-section (1)
or sub-section (4) to remove himself outside the City of
Madras fails or refuses to do so or re-enters the said
City while such direction is in force, the Commissioner
may, in lieu of or in addition to prosecuting suoh
person under clause (a),cause him to be wrested and
removed in police custody to such place outside the
said City as he may direct.
(7) Nothing in this section shall be deemed to
require any Police-officer to disclose t o the person
against whom an order is made under sub-section (1)or
to any Court the sources of his information or any fact
the communication of which might, in the opinion of
the Commissioner, lead t o the disclosure of the identity
or name of any informant.]
. .---
1 This wordwas substituted for the word '6Provinoial" by
the Adaptation Order of 1950.
1888 : T.N. Act III] Madras City P o l k 347

52. If bhe Commissioner has reason to believe that Brothels.

a house is used as a common brothel, or lodging-house
for prostitutes, or disorderly persons of any descrip-
tion, he may summon the owner or tenant of the house,
and on being satisfied that the house is so used and is a
source of annoyance and offence t o the neighbours, may
order the omer or tenant to discontinue such use of it.
58. Whoever cruelly beats, ill-treats or tortures zg$FtF
any animal, or causes any animal to be cruelly beaten, ,h&.
ill-treated or tortured, shall be liable on conviction to
fine not exceeding one hundred rupees, or to imprison-
ment not exceedag three months, or to both.

- . 54. The l[State Government] may from time to Appoint-

time appoint places to be infimaries for the care and
treatment of animals in respect of which an offencehas for ,h,h,
been committed under the last preceding section, and
may nominate fit persons to give certificates of dis-
charge from such inikmary.

55. Upon conviction of an offence under section 53 2~9'':

of this Act, a Magistrate may after due inquiry order ,dmal to be
that the animal in respect of which the offence has been destroyed
committed shall either be destroyed or be sent for care
and treatment to an infirmary ; and the Magistrate
may by his order direct that the reasonable expenses
of such care and treatment, or m y portion thereof,
shall be paid by the owner of such animal.

56. Every animal so sent for treatment miy be pitgz4

detained at the infirmary until its discharge is authori- be
zed by a person nominated under section 64 ; and detained and
thereupon the person in charge of the infirmary shall shall
give notice to the owner of the animal, requiring him after notioe.
to pay m y sum due under the order of the Magistrate
on account of the cme and treatment of the animal,
and to remove it from the infirmary within forty eight
houra from the service of such notice.

1 The words " Provinoial Government " were substituted for'

the words " a o v ~ n o rin Council" by the Adaptation Order ot
1937 end the word " State " was substituted for " Provincial " by
the Adaptation Order of 1960.
348 Madras City Police 11888 :T.N.Act nI
I n default of 57. If the owner shall ref& or neglect to pay the
payment by sum due and to remove the animal within the time
owner of
ohesges, eta., specified in section 56, any Magistrate may direct that^
animal may the animal be sold, and that the proceeds, deducting
be sold.
costs of sale, be applied to the payment of the sum due.
Any surplus shall, on application within two months
from date of sale, be paid to the owner of the animal,
and in default of such application shall be forfeitad
to Government, but the owner shall not be liable to
make any payment is excess of the net proceeds of such
Magistrate 58. b y Magistrate may, at any time and upon
may order such terms as he thinks fit, direct that any animal
delivery of
mimfbj to detained under the provisions of section 66 of this Acb
owner. shall be delivered to the owner thereof.
69. All costs of inquiries under section 66 of this
Act shall be recoverable in the manner provided for fhe
levying of fines from such persons connected with the
inquiry as the Magistrate may direct.

Iltrcly 60. It shall bo lawful for dl persons to seize any

animals f o be cattle found straying upon any l[public place], or
trespassing on any 2[private grounds], and to conhe
such cattle in any pound appointed by the Commis-
sioner and if such cattle shall not be redeemed by the
owners within ten days after being so impounded by
paying to the person having charge of such pound
the fee of [fifty naye paise] for every goat, sheep or
pig,, and one rupee for every other animal, together
with the expenses of feeding the same while impounded,
according to such daily rate as may from time to time
. . 1 These words were substituted for the words road, e t m t or
thtrroughfare " by seotion 2 (iv) of the Madras City Polioe and
Towns Nuisances (Amendment)Act, 1941 (Madras Act XXIII of
1941). re-enacted permanently by s e ~ t i o n2 (i) of, and the First
Schedule to, the Tamil Nadu Re-enactingAct, 1949 (Tamil Nadu
Act X of 1949).
a These words were substituted for the worde " Publio or
private grounds " by ibid.
a These words wore substituted for the words " eight annasm
by motion 2 of tho Tnmil Nadu Coinage (Alteration of Referencos
Act, 1960 (Tamil Nadu Act 9 of 1960) read vith the Schedule
id88 :T.14:Act 1111 Madras City Police

be' fixed by the Commissioner, such cattle shall-be

publicly sold and the prooeeds of such sale, dim-
paying the said fee and the expenses of feedirig, sbll
6e pa$d to the owners- thereof, or in default of tbeuir
claiming such proceeds for the space of fifteen days
&I; such sale, shall be creditRid to any fund applicable
to Polioe purposes.

61. On the occasion of a fire in the City o'f Madrm, Ppzg?;:

the Commissioner or any Police-officer above the rank the 1pernil
of constable %[orany member of the Tamil Nadu Fire Nadu Fire
Servims 'above the rank of ' h ~ i ~- a rmay- .--..
. . Se&ea]on-.' .
.i ]. . . . . , the oooasion ,; " ,

. . . .... 'ofe5.m. . , .. .
, (a) remove or:order the removal of m y peisona . ...:..
who b y their presence interfere with or 'impe&eithe >*..-.,
. i . . .

operations for extinguishing the ire or, fpr ' ,..: .

or property, and may close any street or p k g e ..iii. or. ' : .. .

, =$,

ntyr>.whiohany fire. is. b . e n. ,g ; . . . . ., .
, ... . I
. . 7 . : . y';s,r.'.:
, . , .
. ;


Illadras City Police [I888 :T.N. Act 111

Any damage done on the occasion of fies by

members of =[the Tamil Nadu Fire Services or of] an^
fire-brigade or by Police-officers or their wsistants in
the due execution of their duties shall be deemed to be
damage by fire within the meaning of any policy of
insurance against fire. But nothing in this section shall
exempt any officer of Police or any member of =[the
Tamil Nadu Fire Services or of] any fire-brigade from
liability to damages on account of any acts done by him
withouk reasonable cause.
Cost of
62. All charges on account of establishments and
monta, appliances for extinguishing fire maintained by the
e tc., for Police under the orders of the 2[State Government] for
oxting- general use, and all expenses incurred on the ommion
fire to be of any fire by the Police in the execution of their duty,
defrayed shall be paid by the Municipal Commissioners for the
by the
munioipalit~~ City of Madras upon the Commissioner certifying the
amount thereof.
Penalty for 8[62-A. Whoever gives or causes to be given 60 any
false elarm fie-brigade in the City of Madras or 4[to any member
of &a- thereof or to any member of the Tamil Nadu Fire
Services having jurisdiction over the City or any paxt
thereof] whether by means of a street fire-alarm,
statement, message or otherwise, any alarm of fire
which he knows to be false, shall be liable on conviction
to fine which may extend to fifty rupees].
The words " the Madras Fire Services or of " were inserted
by section 2 (ii) of the Madras City Police and District Police
(Amendment) Act, 1947 (Madras Act VIII of 1947) and for the
expresalon ',Wras Fire Services" the expression " Tamil Nadu
Fire Services was substituted by the Tamil Nadu Adaptation o f
Laws Order, 1970, which wae deemed to have come into force on
the 14th Januery 1969.
a The words '' Provincial C-ovornment " were substituted for
the words "Governor in Council " by the Adaptation Ordqf o
1937 and the word *'State " was substituted for " Provincial by
the Adaptation Order of 1960.
a Section 62-A was inserted by section 2 of the Madraa City
Police (Second Amendment) Act, 1933 (Madras Act XI11 of 1933).
The words " to any member thereof or to any member of the
Yadraa Fire Services having jurisdiction over the City or any p&
thereof" were substitutad for the words "to any ofIiccr or firoman
thoreof" by section 2 (iii) of the Madras City Police and District
Police (Amendment) Act, 1947 (Madras ,fit VIII of 1947) and for
the expression '' Madras Fire Services the expression T d
Nadu Fire Servioes" was substituted by the Tamil Nadu Adaptet-
ion of Laws Order, 1970, which was deemed to have oome into
force on the 14th January 1969.

, 1888:T.N.Act IIn Madras'City Police

1 m o e v e r is convicted under this section, after
having been previously convicted either under this
section or under section 43 of the '(Tamil Nadu)
of District Police Act, 1859, shall be liable to simple
lrs@. imprisonment for a period whioh may extend to six
months and shall also be liable to fi4e.I
63. Whoever kthout reasonable excuse wilfully p e d t Yio.
enters into or on any dwelling-house or other building, wilful
or on any land or ground attached thereto, or onCmPP"'*
any boat or vessel, or on any ground belonging to the
s[Government] or' appropriated to publio purposes,
ahall be liable on conviotion to fine not exceeding
twenty rupees,
64. Whoever is found between sunset and sunrise- Penat, for
being iound
(1) armed with any dangerous instrument with armed
iatenb to commit an offence, or between
sunset and
(2) having his face covered or otherwise disguised :TEAg,
with intent to commit an offence, or eornmit an
offenoe, eta.
(3) in any dwelling-house or other building, or
on board any vessel or boat, without being able
satisfactorily to account for his presence there, or
(4) lying or loitering in any 4[bazaar, yard or
public place], being a reputed thief and withouC
being able to give a satisfactory account of himself,
A This paragraph was added by section 2(iv) of the Madras City
Police and District Police (Amendment) Aot, 1947 (Madrar Aot
VIII of 1947).
' These wordr were substituted for the word "Madres" by
t h e Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws Order, 1989, M emended by
t h e Taxnil Nsdu Adaptation of Laws (Second Amendment) Ordor,
1969, whioh oame into force on the 14th January 1969.
8The word "Crown" was substituted for the word8
'6 Governor in Council " by Che Adaptation Order of 1 :9! and the
word " Government " was substituted for " Crown by the
Adaptation Order of 1950.
@ 'These words were substituted for the words " baeear, etreet,
road, yard, thoroughfm, or other place" by section 2 (v) of the
Yadres City Polioe and Towns Nuiaanoes (Amendnhent) Act,
1941 (Madraa Aot XXIII of 1941). This Act wes permanently
re-enaoted by eeotion 2 (1) of, and the Firat Sohodule to, the Tam11
Nadu Re-enaoting Aot, 194'9 (Tamil Nadu Act X of 1949).
Afadrm City Po1,ioe ?sS[: Tali$Act* \
.:t ,+ (6)h w b g in, his possession without lawful..exouse
implement .of hou~e~breaking, \ 69.'
the In

ment for any term not exoeeding three months.

Penalty for
of pmpsrty
belreved ta
have been

Penel6y for
buging.~..::: :

please ::.
a ohild. ,. . .

P e d ty for
spirits, eta.,
Into bsrraolm
or on board
r e w h of

i888: T.N. A C 1111

~ 2Cladras Uity Police

- 69. Whoever, not being a soldier or sailor Penafty for

tlie Indian Army or Navy] or a Polioe-officer or a :zEg
ember of a Volunteer corps, goes armed with any
sive weapon in any authority.
e of the Commissioner, shall

s redeemed by payment of such fine not exceeding

ees as the Commissioner may impose.

70. Whoever wilfully harbours or conceals any Penalty for

or apprentice belonging to any vessel knowing harbouring
reason to believe such seaman or apprentice from vearela.
eserter, shall be liable on conviction to fine
ing one hundred rupees.
ublic place] commits any Pendty for
all be liable on conviction certain off-
ding fifty rupees, or to imprisonment
d to one month :-
;:: pUb1lc

i. Whoever drives or rides uiiy ani~nal,or drives, ~ e ; ~ g ~ ~ t

drags or pushes any vehicle in a rash or negligent dri,,,,.

by negligence or ill-usage in driving Causing

mischief or obstruction by such
gence m
driving cattle.
iii. Whoever drives, rides or leads any elephant Driving,eto.,
permission from the Commissioner. elephmt or

substituted for tho words in the Army or permission.

by tho Adaptation (Amendment) Order of
Driving, etc.,
than in

Madras City Police [1888:T.N. Act 111

1 [v. Whoever, without reasonable cause, drives,
drags or pushes any vehicle otherwise than in accor-
accordance . dance with tho rules of the road notified from time to
with the time by the 2[Statc Govornment], or fails, to obey
rules of the
road. the directions of a police officer for the time being
in charge of the regulation of traffio.]
Driving, etc., vi. Whoever drives, drags or pushes any vehiole
without without springs on any road or street except on the /
side thereof.
illan on sfdo
of road.
Driving, etc., vii. Whoever leads or rides any animal, or drives,
&me1 or drags or pushes any vehicle, upon any foot-way, or
vehicle on s
foot-way. fastens any animal so that i t osn stand aoross or upon
any foot-way.
Permitting viii. Whoever permits any cattle or vehiole to
cattle or
vehicle to
be under
control of
years. 4
be under the control of a child un 3r the age of twelve

I doaving in. Whoever, being in charge of any vehicle or
vehicle or
oattle with- cattle, leaves i t or them a t such distance as not to
have the same under due control.
out due
oontrd. *
Expoeing for x. Whoever cleans or exposes for show, hire
ehow animal or sale any animal or vehicle, or makes or repairs
or vehicle,
making or any part of any vehicle except in cases of accident
repairing where repair on the spot is necessary, or trains or
vehicle, or
trs-king breaks any horse except in such places and a t suoE
horses except times as may be allowed by the Commissioner.
cre allowed
by Commis-
Obstructing ~ i Whoever
. oauses any vehicle to remain or
stand longer than may be neoessary for loading or
unloading, except at places appointed for the purpose
1 This clause was substituted for the original clause (v) by seotion
8(i) of the Mdraa City Police (Amendment) Act, 1936 (Madras
Act XX of 1936).
a The words " Provincial Government " were substituted for
the words "Local Qovenunent " by the Adaptation Order of
1937 and the word " State " wae substituted for " Provirroial " br
bho A%ktion 0- of 19M).
1888: T.N. Act 1111 Madras City Police
by the Commissioner, or fastens any horse or other
animal so as to cause obstruction ; or in any way
wilfully obstructs or causes obstruction to the free
passage of any thoroughfare.

mii. Whoever negligently lets loose any horse, or Letting loose

suflers any ferocious dog to be at large without a hones or
muzzle, or sets on or urges any dog or other animal to ferocious
attack, worry or put in fear any person or cattle.

xiii. Whoever conveys through the streets any conveying

article which projects more than five feet in front or d i o l e which
behind the vdlicle or vehicles on which it is placed: projeota th,
five feet.

xiv. Whoever flies a kite or wantonly frightens Flying a kite,

any horse, or in driving, dragging or pushing a n y g g a g
vehicle creates a noise reasonably calculated to cause horse,
danger to the persons using the thoroughfare.

,xv.Whoever.' beats a drum or tom-tom, or blows Pla@%

&horn or trumpet, or beats or sounds any brass or beating
other instrument or utensil, or plays any music =[or tom-tom,
uses any sound amplifier] 2[except a t such times and etc-
places and subject to such conditions as shall, from
time to time, be allowed] by the Commissioner.

8[xvi. Whoever, without the consent of the Affixing.bas

owner or ocoupier, in any manner affixes or causes ~ a ~ ~ . o m g
1 Theae words were inserted by section 2 (vi) (b) of the Madras
City Police and Towns Nuisances (Amendment) Act, 1941 (Madras
Aot XXIII of 1941), re-enacted permanently by section 2 (1) of,
and the Firat Schedule to, the Tamil Nadu Re-enacting Act,
1949 (Tamil Nadu Act X of 1949).
a These words were substituted for the words " excopt a t such
fimes and plscos a s shall bo, from time to time, allowed" by
8 This olause was substituted for tho original clause xvi by
seotion 8 (ii) of the Madras City Police (Amendment) Aot, 1936
Madras Aot XX of 1938).
Madras City Police
to be affixed any bill, notice, document, paper br
other thing '[upon any public place] or upon any

public rtreet.
building, monumentt, statue, effigy, post, wall, fence,
tree or other erection theroin, or in any manner defaces,
disfigures, writes upon or otherwise marks, or causes
to be defaced, disfigured, written upon, or otherwise
marked 2[any such 3(public place) or any such
building,] monument, statue, effigy, post, wall, fenoe,
tree or erection.]

xvii. Whoever bathes or washes himself or any

other person, or any animal or clothing, efoept in a
place set apart for such purpose.
Intruding xviii. Whoever obstructs or incommodes a person
on or fouling; botlli~iga t any place sct apart as a bathing-place by
bathing-plgce. wilful intrusion, or by washing cattlo or dogs a t or

near such place, or in any other way.

xix. Whoever uses any indecent; threatening,

indocent or abusive or insulting words or behaves in a threaten-
thFeat.-g ing or insulting manner, or posts up or affixes or
exhibits any indecent, threatening, abusive or insulting
paper or drawing with intent to provoke a breaoh
of the peace, or whereby a breach of the peace may
be occasioned.

1 The words " public place " were substituted for the words
'#street, road, thoroughfaro or place of publio resort" by section 2
(vi) (c) of the Madras City Police and Towns Nuisances (Amendment)
Act, 1941 (Madras Act XXIII of 1941). This Act wss permanently
re-enacted b y aection 2 (1) of, and t h e First Schedule to, t h e Tamil
Nadu Re-enaoting Act, 1949 (Tamil Nadu Act X of 1949)
and these words were substituted for the words " upon the public
place " by section 4 of, and the Third Schedule to, the Tamil Nadu
Repealing and Amending Act, 1967 (Tamil Nadu Act XXV of
2These words tvere 8u::tituted for thc words "the publio
place or any such building by section 4 of, and the Third Sohedulc
to, tho 'Carnil Nadu ltepeahng and Amending Act, 1967 (Tamil
Nadu Act XXV of 1957).
8These words were substituted for the words "stroet, road,
thoroughfare or d a c e of public resort" by section 2 (vi) (c) of the
Madras City Police and Towns Nuisances (Amendment) Act, 1941
(Madras Act XXIII of 1941). This Aot wee permanent1 re.
emoted b y ecction 2(1) of, and th r First Schedule to, the $4
Nadu Re-enacting Act, 1949 (Tamil Nadu Aat X of 1949).
1888 : T.N.Act 1111 Madras City Police

72. Whoever is found gaming with cards, dice Penalty foror

counters, money, or other instruments of gaming c o ~ k - f i g h t i n ~
in any '[public place], or publicly fighting cocks, ; g b l i c
or present as a spectator of such gaming or cock-
fighting, ahaU be liable on conviction to fine not
eitoeeding fifty rupees or to imprisonment not exceed-
ing one month ; and such instruments of gaming
and money shall be forfeited.
73. Whoever in or by the side of or near to any Penalty for
6[public place], wilfully and indecently exposes his gf Ez:;
person, or commits a nuisance by easing himself, public place
and whoever having the care or custody of any ohild
under seven years of age omits to prevent such ohild
from committing a nuisance as aforesaid, shall be
- liable on conviction to fine not exceeding fifty rupees.
- --
Clausc xx was repoaled by section 3 of tho Madras Suppression
of Immoral Traffic Act, 1930 (Madras Act V of 1930).
'Clause xxi was omitted by section 2 of the Madras City Yolice
(Amendmcnt) Act, 1941 (Madras Act XI11 of 1941), re-enacted
. . permanently by soction 2 of, and tho First Schedule to, the Tamil
Nedu Re-enacting end Repealing (No. I) Act, 1948 (Tamil Nedu
Act VII of 1848).
8pctions 71-A t o 71-L wore ~*cpoalctl
by soction 29 of tho Ta.tnil
Nadu Provontion of Begging (Al;londlnont) Art, 964 (Tamil Nadu
Act 40 of 1964,) which camo into on the 1st May 19LG.
'Section 71-M, whicli wns jnscrtrd byscction 2 of 1Ilc Madras
City Polico (Amontlmo~~t)Act, 1047 (3fc~clrasAct. X)II71I1 of 1947).
was omittod by soction 20 of' t,llcr Tamil Nntlu 1lt~alo1c.yC~uringe
(Amendmcnt) Art, 1964 ( T ~ m iNod11
l A c t 21 of 1904).
These words were,!ubstitutbd for the words " public street,
place or thoroughfare by ~cction2 (vii) of tho MRdrau City
Polico and Towns Nuinnnccs (Amondrnent) Act, 1041 (I\.Lodran .
Act X?ETJT of 1941). 'U~is Act. wns porninr~emi.lyn.-rntl.ntot1 h y
section 2 ( 1 ) of; cirtcl tllo Ifip~t,Scl1(?#1111o
1,0, tho 'I(LIIII~!
onmcting Act, 1949 (Tamil Natlu Act X of 1040).
'Those words were suhstitrltod for pp
worcls " public street,
or plncc of prlhlic r~rsort by scctinn 2 (viii) of tho
Madras City Polico and Towns Nuisnnccs (Atnr?nclmc~lt.)Act,
1941 (Madras Act XXIII of 1941), ro-enactcd pomancntly by
section 2 (1) of, and the First Schedule to, the Tamil Natiu Re.
onacting Act, 1940 (Temil Nadu,A.ct X of 1949).
Madras City Police
Penalty for
74. Whoever, exoept a t snoh times
boniire, as the Commissioner may
burninf a[publio pbce] lights any bo
straw, [dl'aw- any straw or other matter,
Ing, carrying,
dragging or or burns any effigy or] discharges any fire-arm or
burning any air-gun, sets off or discharges any firework, L - sends ,
awl, up any fire-balloon, or permits such act to be done
fire-arm, in premises over which he has control, shall be liabla
eta., in or on conviction to fine not exceeding fifty rupees.
. near any I n the event of any such aot being'done within any
public place.
private premises, the person having the immediate
oontrol of suoh premises shall be deemed to have.
permitted the act, unless he oan prove that the aot
was committed without his knowledge.
Penalty for 75, Whoever is found drunk and incapable of taking'
orriotous or oare of himself, is guilty of any riotous, disorderly
indecent or indecent behaviour 3[in any public place, in any
in public place of publio an~usernent],or on board any passen-
place, etc. ger boat or vessel, and whoever is guilty of any '

violent, disorderly or indecent behaviour in any

Police-court, office, or station, &all be liable on oon-
viotion to fine not exceeding fifty ' rupees, or to I.

imprisonment not exceeding one month, or to both.

Power t o '[76. (1) The Commissioner may, at any time and
cancel o r .i
suspend a n y for reasons to be recorded in writing, cancel or suspend '

licenoe and any lioence granted under this Act :

mnaltv for
b r e a c of
oondi tions of
licences. 1 These words were inserted by section 3 of the Madras

Police (Amendment) Act, 1961 (Tamil Nadu Act 37 of 1961). ":

these words were substituted for the words " street, road or
thoroughfare " by seotion 2 (ix) of the Madras City Police and
Towns Nuisances (Amendment) Act, 1941 (Madras Act XXIII i
of 1941), re-enacted permanently by section 2(1) of, and the First
Schedule to, the Tamil Nadu Re.enaoting Act, 1949 (Tamil Nadu
Act X of 1949). 'i44
8 These words were substituted for tho words " in any street-or
thoroughftlro in any placo of puhlic nn~umcmcntor resort " by ,
section 2(x)of the Madras City Police and town^ Nuisances(Amend-
s XSIII of 1941), re-enacted permanen-
ment) Act, 1941 ( M a d r ~ Act *
tly b y section 2 (1) of, and the First Schedule to, the Tamil Nadu
Re-enacting Act, 1949 (Tamil Nadu Act X of 1949).
4This section was ~nhst~ituted for the original seotion 7
seotion 4 of the Madras City Police (Amendment) Aot, 1061
Nadu Act 37 of 1961).
l888 : T.N. Act 1111 ~W{ulrasCity Police 369

Provided that no suoh cancellation or suspen-

sion shdl be ordered unless the holder of the licence
has been given a reasonable opportunity of showing
oause against the order proposed to be made in
- regard to him.

(2) In the event of breaoh by the holder of a

+ licence granted under this Aot or by his servants
or by any ono acting or purporting to act with his
... express or implied permission on his behalf, of any
of the conditions of such licence, such holder shall,
.' .,, in addition to the cancellation or suspension of the
. lioence granted to him, be liable on conviction to
,C . . , a fine not exceeding one huriclred rupees.
' '
(3) Any person who commits any suah breaoh
, shall, whether he aots with or without the permission
. ' , of the holder of the licence, be liable to the same
punishment .]

77. For every licence or permission granted under Fee for

f this Act, the Commissioner may levy such fee not lice"c~
exceeding two rupees as may from time to time be
fixed by the '[State Government].

78. The '[State Government] may make by-laws power to

consistent with this Act for more effectually carrying
out the objects thereof and for the preservation of by-laws.
order, and may from time to time repeal, alter or
anlend any such by-law.

By-laws t o b
79. Every by-law sliclll I)o published in the published
e[Official Gazette] in English, Tamil, Telugu and in English and
Hjndustani ; and .no by-law shall have effect until
the expiration of one month from the date of its
first publication in the 2[0fficial Gazette].
1 The words "Provincial Gover~meut"were substitutod for
tho words "Governor in Council" by tho Atlaptntion Order of
1937 nnd tho wort1 "State" was substituted for "Provincictl"
by tho Adapt.ntion Ordor o f 1950.
I 2 These words wcro substituted for ths words " Fort St. George
Uaqelte " by the Adaptation Orcler of 19Z7
Ilfadras Ci& Police [ISSS: T.N. Act IQ
Penalty for 80. For any breach of any such by-law, the offender
bmmh of
by-law. shall be liable on col~victiollto fine not exceeding
ten rupees or to imprisonment not exceeding one

Limitation 81: On account of [anything done or intended to be

of aations. done under the provisions of this Act, or under the
provisions of any other law for the time being in force
conferring powers on the police], no action shall be
brought after the expiration of sin months, and no
prosecution shall be instituted after the expiration
of three months, from the date on which the act
complained of shall have been oommitted. And
no action shall lie in respect of any act on ilcoount of
which a oriminsl prosecution 2[has been instituted
and has failed].
Saving of 82. Notlling in this Act colltai~lodshall bo construed
provided to prevent any porsoiz from bcing liablc under any
by other other law to any other or higher punishment than is
law. provided by this Act : Provided that no person f
shall bo punished twice for tho samo offence. i

[Repealed bjy the Repealing ated Anteding Act, 1901

, IN.]
(Cen,tral Act ST of 1901), Third S c l ~ .Pt.

. .-.-- -
These worcls wcrc .;l~bstit~~tetl
for the .evortls " a11yt.hing dane
oit,her under tho provisions of this Act or untlnr the provisions @f
ally other law for t,ho time being in force, conferring powers on the
police " by snction 2 (v) of tho 3frtrlr.a~ City Police and
District Police (.lmonclmcnt,) Act,, 1947 (Msdrns Act VIIT of
T h c v 11.01.11,rcr.~(.-til)\titutc~rl for thc words " has been insti. d
tutetl nnrl railcrl " 11v ~ ~ l 3 i ( 1 )~ of,n nnrl tho Second Scl~odule
to, tho TnmZl Nnrlcl Rt jwnl~nl:nnd Arni~i~rlir~g Aot, 1951 (Ternil
Ned11 Act XTV of 1!)51).
632' City Police (Amendmefit) , [1907: T.N. Aot I

l[TAMIL NADUJ ACT No. I11 OF 19078.

(Received the assent of the Governor on the 2nd &lay 1907,

a d that of the Governor-General on the 20th May

An Act to provide for the control by the Inspector-General

of Police of the Administration of the Madras City

Preamble. WHEREASit is expedient to place the Commissioner

of Police, Madras, under the control and direction
of the Inspector-General; It is hereby enacted as
follows :-

Title and corn- 1. The Act may be called the Madras City Police
xz~en~ement* (Amendment) Act, 1907, and i t shall come into force
on suoh datsS as the 4[Sta;te Government] may,
by a notification in the 6[0fficial Gazette] direct.

1 These words were substituted for the word " Madr88 " by the
Tamil Nedu Adaptation of Laws Order, 1969, as amended by the
Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Law8 (Seoond Amendment) Order,
1969, whioh oeme lnto foroe on the 14th Jesuasy 1969.

8 For Statement of Objeots and Reasons, see Fort 8t. George

Gazette, 1907, Part W ,page 44; for Prooeedings in Counoil, see
aid,page 74.

SThis Act oame into form on the 1st September 1907, see
St. George Gazette, 1907, Part I , page 866.

4 The wo;'ds " Provinoial avernment " were substituted for

the words UovernIr in CoUD.oil " by the Adaptation Order of

1937 end the word State " w a ~ substituted for '* Pro-oial "
1 by the Adaptation Order of 1960.

6' f i words
~ were substituted for the word8 "Fort St. &or g
by the Adaptation Order of 1937.
1907 : T.N. Act III] City Police (Amendment) 633

2. Notwithatandin anything contained in the control of the

Madras City -xleotrr$t, 1888, the Commissioner of 2~2
Police for the City of Madras shall, in the exercise the co-is.
of his functions under the said Act =[except those eionerof Polioe.
under section 7 thereofJ be under the control and
direotion of the Inspeotor-General of Police for the
'[State of Tamil Nadu], subject to any rules that may
be made under section 3. '[ * * *].
Power Of state
3. It shall be competent to the TStato Govcm- (jovernment to
merit] to make rules to limit and regnlato the t~xorcisemak9 rulsm
of the powers of oontrol and direction conferred on
the Inspector-General of Police by section 2 in respect
of the Commissioner of Police for the City of Madras.

These words were substit,uted for the word "Madras" by

the Tamil Nadu Ada tation of Laws Order, 1969, as amen-
ded by the Tamil ~ a &Adaptation of Laws (Seoond Amend-
ment) Order, 1969.
These words and figure were inserted by section 10 of the
Madras City Polioe (Amendment) Act, 1936 (Madras Act XX of

S This expression was substituted for the expression "Presi-

dency of Madras" b the Tamil Nadu Adaptation of LLaws Order,
1970, which was dreemed to have come into force on the 14th
January 1970.
4 The following words were omitted by section 10 of the Medrcas
City Police (Amendment) Act, 1936 (Madrao Act XX of 1936):-
<*Providedthat suoh oontrol and direotion shall not extend to
any matter in rospeot of which the said Con~rrlissionerof P o l i ~
is, under the said Act, expressly lnnde subject to the control and
direction of the Lood Government."
5 The words "ProvinOial Government" \\-ere subst~tutedfor the
words "Looel aovernment" by the Adaptation Order of 1937 and
the word "State" was substituted for "Provincial" by the Adapta.
tion Order of 1960.
860 Ma&a.r City Police, Toms tl942: T.N. Act XX-
Nuisances and Preventian of
to Anhnnls Amendment)

'PAMIL N4DtJJ ACT No. X.X GF 1942'.

MENT) ACT, 1942.3

(Received the assent of the Governor.General on the

20th Atrgust 1942 ;$rst publislted in the Fort St.
George Gazette on the 1st Septrnlber 1942.)

An Acr further to amend the Madl as City Police

Act, 1888,theTowns Nuisances~.ct,18893,and
the Prevention of Cruelty ta Animals Act,
1890, in its application to the4[State of Tamil
WHERI.ASit is expedient ful t hw to antend the Madras ~ ~ ~ ; ; I I
Cit!! Police 4ct, 1S88, the To\\ns Ni:iss nces Act, 1889" ,.f1*88.
and the Prebention of Cruelty to Alli nals Act, 1890, ItTamil
i n its application to the 'I.St:ite of Tamil Nadu] : "It ~ ~ ~ ~ / 1
is Ixreby enacted as follows : --I d o r 18x9.
I . This Act may be c:tlled the M;tc'sns Cis9, Police, ~ c X It
Towns N~,isancc.sxnd Prevention ol'Cn c l l j r :o Animals
(Am?ntlrnctlt) A c t . 1942,
_ _ _ ._- - . . . A -__..-.__ . _.
1 'Cllsse we~l.cts\\.ere :;::!~.;titulcd L,r the wort " Madms" by (11,.
nilnil N:tdu At1:rpt:~tiono f Laws Ortlcr., 1969, nu amended bv ihe
Ta111ilNadu Ad;tpt.~tion~f Law:; (Second A111en.l.n~c.r~O Ordcr, 1060.
":or Statement o f Objects and Rcnsons, .cc I.;),./ St. George
Gtr:l,/!r,datctl the 14th A p r i l 1942, \'art IV-A,-pagt 31.
3 SOWthe Tii111ilN;~LIu Towns Nuisnncea A d , 188') (Tirmil N:tdu
Act I I I (if lS89).
* 'rllis cxprc,sinsn \\.;IS wbstitntcd For the c: press bit^ " Province
1,f hkutras" by tltc Ta~nilNadu i\~l;~pt;~tiun { b f Laws Ortier, 1970,
which wao clcci~~cd ht11.c comc i ~ l t ohrce on th,: 141h January 1969.
6 These wortls \\'et.c substituted fi)r the p::ragr;rph containing
tile cnacting fortnctla ;ir~dthe piir:~yr:ipli preccc ing that paragraph
by swtion 5 of the Tiitnil Nadu Kc-rrlacting ur:d Kcptnling (No. I )
Act, 1948 (Tamil N8du Act VIf o f 1948).
6 Swtions 2 and 3 were repea1c.l by Tamil N ~ d u Act XI of 1952.
Nuisances and Prevention of
Cruelty to Animals ( A m e d m e ~ t )

Central 4. (1) Se~ticn13 of the Prevention of CrUelty to Amendment '

Act XI Animals Act, 1F 90, shall be renumbered as subsection of s e d a n 13,
(1) of that sec.tion and in the sub-section as so re-
numbered, for rl~ewords and figure "under section
4 ", the words " under this Act " shall be substituted.
(2) After the subsection as so rerlumbered
l[the following sub-sections] shall be added, namely:-
" (2) Any agent of the Society for the Preven-
tion of Cruelty .o Animals who is specially empowered I

by the "State] Government in that behalf may arrest I

without a warrant any person committing in his view
any offence punishable under this Act ;"
3["(3) The agent shall have power to release
anypersonsoa~restedon his executing a bond, with ,
or without sure1ies, for his appearance before a magis-
trate if and whea required.
he Code of Criminal
to any arrest made or
s if the arrest had been
made, or tlae bond had been taken under the said

1 These,~ordswere substituted for the words "the following
subsection by sect~on2 (2) of, and the Second Schedule to, the I
Tamil Nadu Re-enac ting Act, 1949 (Tamil Nadu Act X of 1949).
a This word was substituted for the word " Provincial" by the
Adaptation Order of 1950.

cedure, 1973 (Centrat Act 2


.Act VII] Madras City Po/lce and

Gmhg (Amendment),
$[TAMIL NADU] ACT No. VII OB 1949.2 : .


Act, 1949. .' .,.i

cceived the assent bf

the Governor c n the 28th March ,
9 ; and published in the Fort St. Gcorge Gazette,
d the 5th April 1949.1
her to amend the Madras City Police Act,
thc '[Tamil Nadu] Gaming Act; 1930.
WHEREASit i s e xped ie nt furt her t o amend t hc
Madras City P ~ l i c eAct, 1888, and i he l [TamilNadu]
Gaming Act,' 1930, for the purposes hereinafta-
ing; It is hereby enacted a s follows :-
1. .(I) This Aci may be called i he l61.dr0.s Cit y Po lice corn],t title anc
aua Gaming (Amendmenl) Act, ;949.
(2) This section and sections 3 a d 5 shp.11come into
force zt once. 3[ * * * 3
"(3) Sections 2 and 4 shall come ini o force on the
31st March 1975, notwithstanding znything conlained in
any bw for the time being in force or in R ~ I Y noliFr?lioll
or order isrued by the Govel nment .]

2. [The amendment ma.d>eby section 2 has been

incor poratcd in the Principal Act (Tamil N~.d.duAct 111


'These words were substituted for the wwd "Madras" by the T a d

Nadu Adaptation of Laws Order, 1969, as amended by the mil
Nadu Adaptat ion of Laws (Second Amen.dment) Order, 1969.
' "or Statement of Objects and Rease~ns,sec Part IV-A of tho
Fort St. George Gnzcttc, da'ed t11c 9 t h Dcccrnbcr 1947, pages
581-582 ;bt Proceedings in Coul~cil, see Proceedings oft he Madras
Lcgislat ivc Council, 1949 \~olurne17, dafcd t11c 20t h January 1949.
. - 1 8 The exprssion "and sections 2 and 4 on such date as the Pro-
vincial Government may, by no~ification in 1he Fort St. George
Garette, appdnt ." was omi: t ed by sect ion 2 (i) of the Tamil Nadu
Horse Races (Abolition of Wagering or Belting) Act, 1974 ( ~ a m i l
Nadu Act 44 of 1974).
4This sub-section was inserted by section^ 2(2) of the Tamil Nadu
Horse Races (Abolition of Wagering or Be Ling) Act, 1974 (Tamil
Nadu Act 44 of 1974).
125-3- i~ 1 . j .
.. -
4 1R Madras City Police and ~ a h i l [1!?75: T.N. Act 4
Nadu Towns Nuisances (Amendment)


[Received the assent of the Governor on the 9th January
1975, first plrblished in the Tamil Nadu G3vernment
Gazette Extraordinary on the 17th January 1975
(Thai 4, Anatztha, (2006-Tiruvalluvar Andu)).]
An Act further to amend t%eMadras City Police Act,
1888 and the Tamil Nadu Towns Nuisances Act, 1889
BE it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Tamil
Nadu in the Twenty-fifth Year of the Republic of India as
follows :-
short title and 1. (1) This Act may be called the Madras City Police
commencement. and Tamil Nadu Towns Nuisances (Amendment) Act,
(2) It shall come into force on such date as the State
Government may, by notification, appoint.
Amendment a. In the Madras City Police Act, 1888 (Tamil Nadu
of Tamil Nada Act 111 of 18881,-
Act 111 of 1888. 1
(i) in sub-section (1) of sectlon 41, for the words
" sound amplifiers in public places ", the words " sound
amplifiers in any area " shall be substituted ;
(ii) in clause (xv) of section 71, the words "or
plays any music or uses any sound amplifier " shall be
omitted ;
(iii) after section 71, the following section shall be
inserted, namely :-
" 71-A. Unauthorised use o f S O U P ~amplifiers
~ irr
any area.-(1) Whoever plays any music or uses any
sound amplifier except at such times and in such area and
subject to such conditions as sha,ll, from time to time, be
allowed by the C~mrnissioneror subject to his orders, any
Police Officer abwe the rank of a Head Constable, shall
be liable on convicticn to fine net exceeding five hundred
rupees or to imprisonment which may extend to
three months.
* For Statement of Objects and Reasons, see Tamil Nadu Gover*
ment Gazette, dated the 6th November 1974, Part IY--Section 1,
pages 271-272,


~ 1975 :T.N. Act 41 Madras City Police and 419

Tarnil N ~ d nTowm Nuisance (Arnendmenr)

(2) Any Polioe Officer referred to in ~ub-

section (1) may, subject to such rules as may be made
in this behalf, seize any sound amplifizr usid in ccntra-
vention of the terms and conditions of a licence granted
under sub-section (1) and the Court trying an offence
under this section may also direct the forfeitwe cf any
sound amplifier so seized.".
3. In the Tamil Nadu Towns Nuisances Act, 1889 p -
F E U Of
(Tamil Nadu Act 111 of 1889),- ~ c 1t11 of
(i) clause (10) of section 3 shall be omitted; 1889.

(ii) after section 3, the following section shall be

inserted, namely:--
'' 3-A. Unauthorised use of sound umpliJiers in
any area.-(1) Whoever plays any music or uses any
sound amplifier except a t such times and in such area
and subject t o such conditions as shall, from time to
time, be allowed by an officer of tbe Police Department
not below the rank of an Inspector of Police shall be
liable on conviction to fi2e not exceeding five hundred
rupees or to imprisonment which may extend to three
(2) Any Police Offlcer referred to in sub-section
(1) may, subject to such rules as may be made in this
behalf, seize any sound amplifier used in contravention
of the !erms and conditions of a licencc granted under
sub-section (1) and the Court trying an offence under
this section may also cl irect the forfeit^ e of any sound
amplifier so seized. ".
428 Madras City Police
[I975: T. N. Act 17
ACT, 1975.
[Received the assent of the Governor on the 9th May 1975,
first published in the Tamil Nadu Government Gazette
Extraordinary on the 15th May 1975 (Vaikasi 1,
Iratchasa (2006-Tiruvalluvar Aandu)).]
An Act further to amend the Madras City Police
Act, 1888. I I

BEit enacted by the Legislature of the S'tate of Tamil &adu

in the Twenty-sixth Year of the Republic of India as
follows :-

Short title and 1. (1) This Act may be called the Madras City Police
commencement. (Amendment) Act, 1975.

(2) It shall come into force on such date as the State

Government may, by notification, appoint.
Amendment of 2. In section 24 of the Madras City Police Act, 1888
section 243 (Tamil Nadu Act 111 of 1888) (hereinafter referred to as

'' Nadu Act the principal Act), for sub-section (I), the following sub-
of 1888' section shall be substituted, namely :-
" (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act
or any other law for the time being in force,-
(a) any offence made punishable by section 45, 46,
49-A, 72 or 75 shall be cognizable,
(b) any police officer may arr st without warrant
any person committing in his view any offence made
pllnishable by this Act.".
Am?ndment Of 3. In section 34 of the principal Act,-
sectson 34,
Tamil Nadu Act
rn of 1888. (1) for the words " five hundred square feet ", the
words " forty-six and a half square metres " shall be
substituted ; .
* For Statement of Objects and Reasons, ree Tamil Nadw
Goverrtment Gazette Extraordinary, dated the 16th April 1975.
part Iv- Section 1, Pages 126-127.

1975 : T. N . Act 171 Madras City Potice 429


(2) the following proviso shall be added, namely:--

" Provided that nothing contained in this section

shall apply to any church, temple, mosque or other pIaca
of worship. ".

4. After section 34 of the principal Act, the follow- Insextionof new

ing section shall be inserted, namely :- section 34-A m
Tamil Nadu Act
111 of 1888.
" 34-A. Penalty for selling tickets for admission
to any place of entertainment in certain circumstances.-
(1) Whoever sells or attempts to sell except under the
authority of, and at the place provided for and at the
price fixed in this behalf by, the proprietor of any entertain-
ment, any ticket for admission to any place of such enter-
tainment, shall be liable on conviction to fine not exceeding
one hundred rupees, or to imprisonment not exceeding
three months, or to both.
(2) Any police officer, not below the rank of a head
constable, may arrest, without warrant, any person who,
in his view, commits any offence punishable under sub-
section (1) or seize any ticket in respect of which he is
satisfied that any such offence has been committed.
(3) A Judicial Magistrate trying an offence punishable
under sub-section (I), may, without prejudice to any other
punishment that may be imposed under sub-section (I),
direct the forfeiture of any ticket seized under sub-section
Explanation.-In this section, " proprietor " in relation
to an entertainment includes any person, responsible for the
conduct and management of such entertainment.".

5. In section 40-A of the principal Act,- Amendment of

section 4 0 4 ,
(1) in sub-section (I),in the proviso, for the words Tam1 Nadu Act
and letters "Fort St. George Gazette ", the words " Tamil 111 Of 1888.
Nadu Government Gazette " shall be substituted ;
(2) in sub-section (2), for the words and letters " Fort St.
George Gazette ", the words " Tamil Nadzl Government
Gazette " shall be substituted.

430 Madras CitY Police 11975 :T.N. Act 17


Amendment of 6. In section 41 of the principal Act,--

sectlon 41,
Tamil Nadu
111 of 1888. (1) after subsection (41, the following sub-se!tion
shall be inserted, namely :-
"(4-A) Without prejudice to the I provisions of sub-
sections (1) to (4), where any person intends to direct or
promote any procession, he shall give prior notice, in
writing, at least 24 hours i s advance of the commencement
of such procession indicating therein the routes by which
and the time at which the procession is proposed to be
taken. Such notice shall be given to any police officer
above the rank of a head constable of the police station
having jurisdiction over the area in which the procession
(2) in sub-sectlon (6), after clause (b), the following
clause shall be inserted, namely:-
"(bb) fails to give prior notice referred to in sub-
section (4-A), or ".
Amendment of 7,In section 49-A of the principal Act, in sub-section
49-Ay (I), for the words " shall be punishable with imprisonment
Tamil Nadu
1 1 ~of which may extend to one year, or with fine which
1888. may extend to one thousand rupees, or with both "
and the proviso thereunder, the following shall be
substituted, namely :-
" shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term
which may extend to two years and with fine which may
extend to five thousand rupees, but in the absence of
special and adequate reasons to the contrary to be men-
tioned in the judgement of the court-
(i) such imprisonment shall not be less than three
months and such fine shall not be less than five hundred
rupeesIfor the first offence ;
(ii) such imprisonment shall not b:: less than six
months and such fine shall not be less than sevenjhundred
and fifty rupees for the second offence ; and
(iii) such imprisonment shall not be less than one
year and such fine shall not be less than one thousand
rupees for the third or any subsequent offence.".

1975 8 T.N. Act 171 Marfras C i t y Police 431


8. After section 49-A of the principal Act, the following Insertion ofnew
section shall be inserted, namely :- section 49-B ia
Tamil Nadu
Act I11 of 1888.
" 49-B, Presumption of off'nce, e t c . 4 1 ) Where in
m y trial of an offence punishable under sub-section (1) of
section 49-A, it is proved that-
(i) slips containing digits showing . the market
price of cotton, bullion or other commodity, or
(ii) accounts which appear to relate to cash received
or disbursed for the purpose of wagering or betting on
the market price of cotton, bullion or other commodity, or
(iii) newspapers containing publication of such
are found in m y house, room, tent, enclosure,
vehicle, vessel or place, it shall be presumed, until the
contrary is proved, that such house, room, tent, enclosure,
vehicle, vessel or place is used for the purpose of gaming
within the meaning of sub+ection (1) of section 49-A.
(2) Where in any trial of an offence punishable under
sub-section (2) or sub-section (3) of section 49-A, it is
proved that the accused person is found in possession of
any of the materials specified in sub-section (I), it shall be
presumed, until the contrary is proved, that the accused
has committed the offence under sub-section (2) or sub-
section (3), as the case may be, of' section 494.".
9. I n section 60 of the principal Act, for the words Amendment of
11fifty naye paise " and " one rupee ", the words " three section 6%
rupees " and " five rupees " shall, respectively, be substi- Tamil
Act 111Nadu
of 1888.
10. In section 71 of the principal Act,- Amendment of
section 71,
(I) in the opening paragraph, for the words " fifty Tamil
Act Nadu
of 1888,
rupees " and " one month ", the words "two hundred
and fifty rupees " and " three months" shall, respectively,
be substituted :
(2) in clause (xiii), for the words "five feet "occurring
in two places, the words " one and a half metres " shall be
substituted I
432 Madras City Police :2
'. N. !4ct 1'7

(3) after clause (xix), the following clause shall be

added, namely :-
"(xx) Organising assembly without providing petromax
lights in addition to electric lights.-Whoever organises
any assembly, meeting or procession between sunset and
sunrise without providing sufficient pertromax lights in
addition to electric lights.".
Amendment of 11. In section 72 of the principal Act, for the words
Tamil Nadu Act "fifty rupees" and "one month ",the words " one hundred
111 of 1888. rupees " and "three months" shall, respectively, be substi-
substitution of 12. For section 75 of the principal Act, the fdllowing
section 75, section shall be substituted, namely :-
Tamil NaduAct
111of 1888.
" 75. Penalty for drunkenness or riotous or indecent
behaviour in public place.-(l)Whoever,in any public place,
office, station-house or court, or in any place of public
amusement or on board any passenger boat or vessel,
(a) found drunk and incapable of taking care of
himself ; or
(b) found drunk and under the influence oE liquor
or drug ; or
(c) found behaving in a violent or boisterous or
disorderly or riotous or indecent manner or using any
threatening, abusive or insulting words which causes or
is likely to cause a breach of public peace,
shall be liable on conviction to imprisonment not exceeding
six months or fine not exceeding one thousand rupes.
(2) Whoever is-
(a) found drunk and behaving in a violent OF riotous
or indecent manner in a private place, or causing nuisance
or annoyance to the publlc or to neighbours ; or
(b) found drunk and under the influence of liquor or
drug while driving or riding a vehicle,
be liable on conviction to imprisonment not excee-
ding six months or fine not exceeding one thousand
Amendment of 13. In section 77 of the principal Act, for the words
~ ~ & ~ ~ ; Atwo s t rupees :
' the words " twenty rupees " shall
w of 1888. be substituted.
i9Sdr heisdent's Act 395 - had& City Police b5j
ACT, 1976.
[Received the assent of the President on the 5th November
1976, $rst published in the Tamil Nadu Government
Gazette extra or dinar.^ on the 5th November 1976
(Aippasi 20, Nala (2007-Tiruvalluvar Andu)".]
Enacted by the President in the Twenty-seventh Year
of the Republic of India.
An Act further to amend the Madras City Police Act,
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 3 of the
Tamil Nadu State Legislature (Delegation of Powers) Act,
1976 (41 of 1976), the President is pleased to enact as
follows :-
1. (1) This Act may be called the Madras City Police Short title
(Amendment) Act, 1976. and commen-
(2) It shall come into force on such date as the
State Government may, by notification, appoint.
a. In sub-section (6) of section 41 of the Madras City Amendment of
Police Act, 1888 (Tamil Nadu. Act I11 of 1888), for the Sec'iOn 41.
words "to a fine not exceeding one hundred rupees", the
words " to a fine not exceeding one thousand rupees, or to
imprisonment not exceeding one month, or to both" shall
be substituted.

* For Reasons for the enactment, See Tamil Nadu Government

Gazette ?%traordlnary, dated the 5th November 1976, Part IV-
Section 2, Pages 332-333.

3979: T.N.Act 631 Madras City Police (~mendment)1053


ACT, 1979.
[Received the assent of the Governor on the 7th December
1979, first published in the Tamil Nsldu Government
Gazette Extraordinary on the 7th December 1979
(Karthigai 2 1, Chitharthi (2010-Tiruvalluvar Andu)).]
An Act further to amend the Madras City Police Act,
BEit enacted by the Legislature of the State of Tamil Nadu
in the Thirtieth Year ofihe Republic of India as follows :-

1. (1) This Act may be called the Madras City Police Short titlo
(Amendment) Act, 1979. and cotmom.
(2) It shall come into force on such date as the State
Government may, by notification, appoint.
11. In section 77 of the Madras City Police Act, 1888 Amendmerd
(Tamil Nadu Act I11 of 1888), for the words "twenty Tamil Nadu
section 78
rupees", the words "seventy-five rllpees" shall be substituted. A , ~ of

*For Statement of Objects and Reasons, see Tamil Nadu Govern-

ment Gazette Extraordinary, dated the 27thOctober 1979, Part 1V
-Section 1, Pages 362-363.
1054 Madras City Police (Second [I979 :T.N. Act 64


[Received the assent of the Governor on the 29th November
1979,jirst published in the Tamil Nadu Government
Gazette Extraordinary on the 7th December 1979
{Knrthigai 21, Chitharthi, (2010-Tiruvalluvar Andu)).]

An Act further to amend the Madras City Police Act, 1888.

BEit enacted by the Legislature of the State of Tamil Nadu
in the Thirtieth Year of the Republic of India as follows :-

short title and 1. (1) This Act may be called the Madras City Police
(Second Amendment) Act, 1979.
(2) It shall come into force on such date as the State
Government may, by notification, appoint .
Amendment 2. Section 34 of the Madras City Police Act, 1888
of sectien 34, (Tamil Nsrdu Act I11 of 1888) (hereinafter referred to as the
Tamil Nadu principal Act) shall be renumbered as sub-section (1) of
Act Of 1888' that section and-

(1) in sub-section (1) as so renumbered, in the kroviso,

for the words "in this section", thewords "in this sub-
sectionv shall be substituted ;
1 I
(2) after sub-section (1) as so renumbered, the
following sub-sections shall be added, namely :-,

"(2) The Commissioner may, at the time of grant

of a licence under sub-section (1) or at any time during the
currency of any such licence, requlre any person, other than
a local authority, applying for such licence or the holder
of such licence, as the case may be, to deposit with the
Commissioner in cash or in Government promissory notes
such sum, as may be prescribed, as securlty for the due
observance of the conditions of the licence.

*For Statement of Objects and Reasons, see Tamil Nadu Govern-

ment Gazette Extraordinary, dated the 30th October 1979, Part &
-section 1, Page 396.

1979 ;T.N. Act 641 Madras City Police (Second 1055

(3) Where there is breach or notl-observance of the
conditions of the licence granted under sub-section (I), the
Commissioner may forfeit the security so deposited t o the

(4) The forfeiture of the deposit shall not be a bar

for proceeding against the holder of the licence under the
provisions of section 76.".
3. In section 76 of the principal Act, after sub-section Amendment
(I), the following sub-section shall be inserted, namely :- of section 76,
Tamil Nadu
Act 111 of
"(1-A) Notwithstanding anything contained in the 1888,
proviso to sub-section (I), in so far as it relates to suspension
of any licence granted under this Act, where a prima facie
ease has been made out, the Commissioner may, at any time
and for reasons to be recorded in writing, suspend any
licence granted under this Act and in such a case, no show
cause notice is nectssary.".

1981: T.N. Act 351 D ~ t r i c Police

t and the Madras 517
City Police (Amendment)

TAMIL NADU ACI' NO. 35 OF l98lt,

ACT, 1982.
[ Received the assent of the Governor 3n the 29th May 1981,
fist plrblished in the Tamil Nadu O ov(rnment Gazette
Extraordinary on the 6th June 1981 (Vaikcrsi 24,
nunmathi- 20 12-Thiruvalluvar Aandu).l
An Act further lo amend the Tamil Nadu Dtvtrict Police Act,
1859 and the Madras City Police Act, 1888.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Tad
Madu in the Thirty. second Year of the Republic of India
as fall- :-
1. f I) This Act may be called thc Tamil ~ a Distfift
d ~ Short title and
Police a d the Madras City Police (Amendment>Act, 1981.
(3Clauses (1)
and (2) of section 2 and clause (3). of
&ion 3 s W l be deemed to have come into force on the
20th October 1971 ; and the rest of this Act shall come l n f o
force on such date as the State Government may, by
&fiation, appoint.
Z. In the Tamil Nadu DistrfCt P 0 l l ~ Ach I859 Amendment ,f
(Central Act X X V uf 18 5 9 ) r Cent ral Act
XkaV of '859,
(1) insecgicn 8, for the words "as may be
determined by the State Government", the following
be substituted, namely :-
"N may be determined by the State Gowr-d
by either prospectively or ntrogpectively :
Provided that the rules made udkr this section
WU not k v e retrospectiv~effect from a date earlier than
the 20th day of October 1971.";
(2) in section 10,-
(i) before the words 'hnder this Act", the wogds
weifher prospectively or retroSpectively" shall be ;
* Far staemenk oObjvcts and R e a m s see T m i l Nadu
wvmmm, Gazette Enraodinary, dated the 2nd Alpsit f -1,
part $~-~eCri.onf ,page 488.

. , . 6 ""

- ~ ddc.t 36 '

rlie ~ ~ d i c w
5 181. " ~ i s t r l c~oliiti'.;t~d
( [1981 :
Ci t j police Umeridmeni~

t.- ' " y 0 . . Ii..,

(ii) the Following Pr'oviiso 6hill be adba at the end,

namely :- .. ;-%*

! 6 L P.rovided that the rules made under this'sedion

shall :-t have retrospective effect from a date earlier than
the2Qthdqy of Dctober 1971." ;
. * * . z
. r ,

13)''in. section 50, for the words "a ~agistrate?,

the~words''an executive magistrate" shall be substituted.
I '
. \ , .I

Amendment of 3. I@I h~ Madras City Police Act, 1888 (Teq ypdq

Tamil Nadu Act 111 of 1888),-- ' . ,
A C rn
7 .

~ of 1888
(1) for section 7, the following sectibn shai be

spbstituted, namely.:;- r ?- . .. . , - 1 :. '.

... .
<. .. .
* - .*
- ,
, .

:: i,: , , L
1 I
a $ -

h I . , I.

"7. Cornmissibner's power as " ~ a ~ t r t r a t e . ~ ~ ,

L.T. r.....: ~ ,....
.- r Commissioner shall, *byvirtue of his office, be an ex&tFvd '
- J magistrate for the purposes of the . G d e . .qf,-Qj*
- -Procedure,'1973 (Central Act 2 of 1974), and shall exe&i&-
the powers as :a? executiye magistfgte, ~iibjeg~. '@ fl(lch
ordera'as-the State :Gaverwant :may, from 'time it$&^^
iqsue?'; .
-. . 1 .. * - .
r C . 1 *
:(. - -.
8% ,* i!b[ji+

~ ~ Qe -0tnittgd ;.. : . . - - . flc3 : ; : ~ * ~ ~ 2

(2) s e c t i ' 8.shtIll 6

(3) in section 9, in the second'.paragraph; 'for 146%

je ;G-;,LI,,F~::T+~~ words "as mi iy be detey$~drby the State Gove5anroltW, . . .*a
l &.
.?el?.. 1, it: c.3 t b following shall b6 suli~titbted,~;
- y ' , nami:ly:-
r+ g!<.*t %,%C v:, ... .. . :.I $ . ,


"as may be determibed by the ,State .Gov$r$ment

by . ,either p r o ~ , p ~ c ~or
.. rules' ~ e:-ret~p$pectiv,el$
lx :. ;J . : ~ : : , - ~ 5

... :!' I - "- #


,&ji;;* ,-j


Rovided that the rules made u'hder thii seition, shal.

pot 4.have@rosp6cti~ee&&. fiom,a Sdate earliec'than the
2Cth day of October ;lNL!'; L:. . :*. . . : ....+.-.,... ~ - .,
; q f ;.
<yd~ , a

* ; -.' -(i) 'in'th :&aigihii$ kheading, for the wqrd ':+$i~k

of offence", the words* "bffences .committed' in th&

presence" shall be substituted ; , .. * ,... ,%.-2 ,: .SF) -.4
b'T p *
'a-L \*" I

Oi), ,subqection$. (L). and (2), fory the words

. v i e %i t two plaas ,wber&.they o m >
:Gords "in his presence" . shall be substituted .
.. . - .-- .. ,* -
;, ..9fe.,s

- - .- .

* . '.(S)-insection 26, for the explessioq "at@ of

;h m i hJ-~rcjkedure, 1882", the expres~iod!'W&,,;$f

Criminal Procedure, 1973 (Central Act 2 of 1974)". $Hall c


T; N;. .Act
1981::... , . 351
. Di8trict Police and the Madras 5 19 *,

' City Polee (Amendment)

(6) in. . section 31,- t i )

(i) for the expressidii "523,524 i d 5 2 5 of the Code

of Criminal Procedure, 1882"; the expression "457, 458
and 459 of the &code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (Central
Act 2 of 1974)" shall be substituted ;
,i !
.(ii) for the expression "Cotie of Criminal Proce- .
duie, 1882" occurring in the margin, the expression "Code
of Criminal Proceclure, 1973" shall be substituted and the
marginal expressic.n "Central 'Act X of 1882" shall be
o a,.t e d. ;
, I . . \ I
, .
? \ - , .
(7) in section 71,-
, . i'

- -
(a)before clause (i), 'the folloiving proviso ahall
' '

be inserted, namely :-
:. "~tbvided t h t a a r s o n convicted for an offence
+' r . -. . .,. - ..,
under clause (xvi) shall. also be liable to pay by. way of: - :- *-- .A-
1 -

compensation to the owner or. occupier such amount not

g hundred rupees as the court may,, by order,
e x ~ d i n five
direct which may, in tKe opinion of the court -bereasonalily
incurred by suclrowner or ,occupierin erasing and colour-
wasMng the'portion of the public place or any building, +

monunpept, statue, ehigy,, post, wall, fence, tree or other

erection* therein which has been defaced, disfigured, . ., . -1.-

r .r
written upon or otherwise marked."; , . . -.
.- . ..., '. -
sr 'I

. . ' . J .
_ .

.I, I

(b) in clause (xvi), for the word "whoever", the

worgs:"whoever whether by himself or by any other per-
son on his Behalf" shall be substituted.
.I .
* .

TW m u 433 m. '3j 6~~igslk,
a .
. . i .


(AMENDh.IENT)*ACT, 1981,
_ ,, . L-
2 , , ,' 1

. d

[Received the as$& of the Governor on the 6th June 1981,

An Act further !o omend the Tumil Nadu Payment of W@#m

Act, 1951. i

Bait enacted by the Legislature of the ~ t a i of

e Tamil N~JU
is-the Thirty"~eeond-Year of the h p u W : d kqdia as , .
follows :- * ' <.

short tit Ic and 1. (1) ~ h i $ ; ~may

c t be ,calledthe Tamil N ~ d Wymegt
~ e r n u r n n r of
. Sdatles (Amendment) A@, t38L, . .-.. ,

(2) (i) Clause (1) of eection 2 shall deemed to L~(o

come into force on the 1st May 1981. ,

(ii) Clause (3) of section 2 shall be deems to have

come into force on the 1st July 1986
Amendment of
section 12,
2. In section 12 ofthe Tamil Nadu Paymi4t of s&&rjql'
Act, 1951 (Tamil Nadu Act XX' of 1951),-
Samil Nadu - . a .d

A ct XX of (:,\ in sub-section' (1-A), for the expression "threa

195:. t-*ndred and fifty rupees per mensema', the expression
"four hundred rup%s per menseal" shall be substitute4 $ I
(2) in sub-secticm (4-B), for the expression utelephm
allowance of one hndred and fifty rupees per mensem
irrespective of the fact xhether he has any telephone or
, following shall be substituted, namely :-
~ o t "the
"telephone allowauce of-
(a) (i) one hundred and fifty rupees per rnensem
with effect on and from the 1st July 1980 ;and
(ii) two hundred and fifty rupees per memm
with effect on and from the 1st May 1981,
if be has a telephone at his residence ;
(b) (i) two hundred rupees per mcrrsem, ,with
effect 09 and from tht: 1st July 1980 ;aod
C 4

For S~atementof Obj~cts and Reasons, see Tamil Nadu

Government Gazette Extraordinary, dated the 11th May 1981,
P a t IV-Section 1, pages 597 and 598.

- (ii) three bdtldied hpces per

effe~ton and from the 1st May 1981,
( 1

if he has ao telephone at his reddeiwe." ;

'(3) ~ T Z~suh&rion (4-C), foi' the mrd "&ae9,, ~: I
W@ "'md me-q w e r l y reht at;the :hte of ono W r e d
aab sevtmtyifivp rapeed par qwrtsr" sbaP be substitntsd.

*.-..-* .*
(Regfreed No. W I'
0 --

I ,,

t-: ,%
., ?. --.
r t, ' . ...
:<DII. f U 2 l ! 5 L I E 7 BY AUTHORITY II ::

i 39ij rl.IDFtAS, T H U R S D A Y , A U G U S T I , 1985


I I c. :ci:lo,.,trz Ilct 1)f tile I'arnil Nadu Legislature received I

rlA ; i .' v C;ovcriior 011 the 30th July 1985 and is hereby
:OI k
. i~l!:trrnallun .-
A C T K O . 33 OF [98S.

1 : TI 1, / : I I r ti, i~irr,~~cd ~ Police Act, 1888 and

~ I I P . I l ( l d r i ~City
1 1 1 ~7'(r.~rcL
-\.nrll~ l l i , s ~ r i ~Police
t A c t , 1859. !
ij c l l : l l ~ i t ~\,i
d ill( T,pqis!alurc of ilir State of Tarn'l Nadu
11, ] I - i \ l l ~ 'I.rii of /,lie Ilepublic of India as follows :-
1 , , , t , c,I,(~C ( I , , I ~ ~ P ? I C P ) W P ~ Z ~!.1
A. *-.
'11x1s A c t mav ue
, I , , , j Y1 , i d [he Tzrnil Wadu District
~J,,I, . !,lf;,,!,,ii,{,I,[ t . j ~ t ,1983.

, i, , , i , l . 1111,) /,)~-cc111, :,110 date a4 the State

F;,,~, :),,)c,f,[ ? , , , .~ i ,!OI i l : ( z : ~ ( i o rc~t. ] ) [ ) ~ i ~ l t .

c, ll;-i) \ '-: :a-5 (2$13)--1 F 19) 1 ,I


-A, Tamil N a d u Act 111 of 1888.-

ity Police Act, 4 8?8 (Tamil Nadu

e 1st April 1960 " .shall be omitted;

e8Explanation shall he omitted.
er &ub-scction,(1)'as so amended, the following sub-
be inserted, namely :-
4.-A) .Whenever the Cornnlisr loner I-13s reason to
t any person i n the. City of Madras who has been
of an offence. ander sedtion 135 of ::11e Customs . ~ i . t .
tra'l 'Act, 52 of 1960) ;,: ~il;~!v ~ q ~ i trol engage himself
ornrniss~on:,af the offence for which he was convicted.
missioner may, by an order in writing signed bv' him,
11 person to renlove himseIf outside the said. city and
t or dist;:icts 'or a n y part thereof contiguous t;hereto,
te q-ithin such time as rnay be specified in the

T h q order undd; sub-sectlion '(1)or sub-sect,ion !I-AI

sub-sections ( 3 ,(3), (4), ( 5 ) and (61, after the es1)rt.s-

Commissioner and Secretary ,to Governrnc,,i,
Law Department.
Ilb1.Y ' W5 TBE OO&%~NMI$;J: '7%- ~iib~ i

The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the
sent of the Govsrnor on ths 9th December 1995 ar,d is hereby published
r general information :-

ACT No. 41 OF 1995.

An Act furlher to nmend tlie Mcdrcrs City Police Act, lS8X.

-- - -. -
?. V 7 . 8

BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of' Tamil Nac! u in t h e Forty-sixth
Year of the Republic Of India as follows :-


(1)It shall come into force at once.


n 2. For section 35 of the Madras City Police Act, 1888 (hereinafter referred Substitution of
, to ;is the principal Act), the following section shall be substituted, namely :- section 35.

"35. ~ a ~ ~ n ~ hotels,
~ i t ofencing-~chools,
~ e ~ , etc., to be licen~.ed.-No e n c h e d
plaec or building shall be used as an eatinphouse, cotfee.~house,1)oading-house,
lodging-house, hotel, g y ~ ~ ~ n a s ior
u mf e n c i ~ ~ ~ - s c without
h o ~ l a licenu: obtit~nedfrom
the Commissioner :
[ ' ~ O ~ i l l e r l that nothing in this section shall apply to any 1 ,I-.asiumor fencing-
school of any educational institution controlleci or recogsised LY t h : Govern-

Amendment of
section 36.

(BY Orciej cf trio Gove:,nor)

Scc~.etnryto Government,
L alv Department.

Grosp) IV-2Ex.(607) -5

The following Aob of the T a d Nacln L,sgilslativeAssembly raosived the assent

of Bhe Governor on the 16th June 1998 and is hereby publiihed for general
laformation :-
ACTNo. 18 OF1998

Short title and


(2) It shall oonp into force on such date as the State Government may,
by ootification, appant.

(By order of the Governor)

SecretcvY tb Oovement, L4w Department

The following Act of the Tamii Nadu Legislative Assembly received the assent of the
Governor on the 12th March 1999 and is hereby published for general information ;-
#;--4' "" %. .
ACT No. 1 OF 1999.
An Act furthcr to arnrPl'dOth?Chennai City Policr Act, 188F.

I1 Be it, enacted by the Legisiative' Asseinbly of the State of Tamil Nnd~lin the
I '
.- Fiftieth Year of the Republic of India as follows :-

'hort title atzd 1. (i) This Act may be called the Cl~ennaiCity Police;(Ameitd-ne11t)Act, 1999.
(ii) It shall come illto fcrce on such date as the State Ccvernment may, by
.notification, appoint.
ca:,i; I
rct 2!
h n d m e n t of 2, 111 sectio!l 35 of t!lc: ~ilelllla~
Cit;. n!.'if.(. \ct, 1888, t h ~cxprcssion I 1 39.4
rectiun 35. "'coffee-house" shall be omitted. .4ct Ili (11 i s::x.

(By order of the Governor)

Secretary to Govrtnmerlr, t a r o D c p , ~ ,c r . .,

The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative A~semblyreceived the assent of
the Governor on the 16th November 2007 and is hereby published for general

ACT No. 43 OF 2007.

A n A c t further to amend the Chennai City Police Act, 1888.

BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly af the State of Tamil Nadu in the

Fifty-eighth Year of t t ~ eRepublic of India as follows:-

Short title and 1. (1) This Act may be called the Chennai City Police (Amendment) Act, 2007.
(2) It shall be deemed to have come into force on the 8th September 2007.
Substitution of
section 35.
gubstituted, namely:-

"35. Fencing-schools a n d gymnasium to be licensed.-(?) No enclosed

place or building shall be used as a fencing-school or gymnasi~lmwithout a licence
obtained from the Commissioner:

Provided that nothing in this section shall apply to any fencing-school

or gymnasium of any educational institution controlled or recognized by the
State Government.
(2) No enclosed place or building shall be used as an eating-house,
boarding-house, lodging-house or hotel without obtaining a no objection certificate from the
Commissioner 'in regard to traffic clearance by the Municipal Corporation for the grant of
a licence, for the first time, under the relevant City Municipal Corporation Act.
Explanation.-For the purpose of this sub-section, "relevant City Municipal
Corporation Act" means-

(1) The Chennai City Municipal Corporation Act, 1919:

(2) The Madurai City Municipal Corporation Act. 1971;

(3) The Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation Act, 1981;

(4) The Tiruchirappalli City Municipal Corporation Act, 1994;

(5) The Tirunctlveli City Municipal Corporation Act. 1994; and

(6) The Salem City Municipal Corporation Act, 1994.".

(By Order of the Governor)

Secretary to Government-in-charge,
Law Deportment.

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