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euron Eduction Limit ‘dinbarahG Matiow Ties CM20 258 mn Attodated Companis throughout the wood (© Peatvon Education Limited 2004 and 2008 ‘The ight of Drew Hyde and Ramon Wy tobe ented as authors of ths Work hasbeen sere by them in accordance withthe Copyright, Designs and Paes Act 198, All sighs reserved; no part ofthis plication maybe ‘reproduced, sol ina etal sem, or treme inany form or by any means ecto, mechanic, ‘hotocopyng, cording. o otherwise without the pie ‘wtes permison ofthe Publishers Fis publihed 2005 ‘Second ein pubised 208, ISBN 978-4056-488-1 Sein 1/12pt Times New Roman Printed in Malayia(CTP-VVP) Mlstrated by Chris Paely Designed by Jenifer Cote ‘Second edition layout by 20 Design Lad Edited and project managed by Catriona Witsoe: Brown New elton edited by Alice Kasasian toowldgements “Weare gtefl to the allowing for permission to reproduce copyright mate ‘Bloomsbury Publishing Pe for an exact sped from ‘They Fou ap: How fo Sri Fam Life by Ole James pubhe by Bloomsbury, Cane FM Maguane foran exact adapted from Henry mects veh ‘Glen’ by Henry Kelly published in Clase FM ‘Magazine Api 2003 © seas com: Pas Date at English National Opera and Jane ich for the tea of am interview aboot Operant, Amanda Holloway at BBC Wore fra extrac add from ‘Opeatuiy” publi in BBC Mae Magarin: “The Independent or an extract adapted fom "The at ‘menagerie’ by Michael McCarthy published in The Indpendos 3 November 201 © The Independent Solo Sydation Limited fo extract adapted from ‘Giving some cretion to some artic erm path’ by ‘ian Beason publhed in The Evening Standard 25° "November 200 and site Jak ely onthe oad to fe ferme?” by David Cen pubis in The ‘ening Stondond 11 December 2002 © The Evening Standard; Telegraph Group Lid for exacts adpted fiom A ale of to Everest’ by Charate Cry ublhed in The Sunday Telegraph 13* May 2001 © “ekg Group Limited 201; Nowy thy ask for my autograp'by lzabeth Gre pubihed in The Daly Telegraph 10" October 2002 and Turing the pags by Saly Wiis pubs in The Telegraph Magesne 12 (Ocober 20026 Telegraph Group Limited 200% end "Be ucky isan eay alt lesen’ by Richard ‘Wiseman published in The Day Telegraph 8° 2103 © Teeraph Group Limited 20% Times [Newspapers Limited for exacts rom the ates ‘We love Ebi! by Sheryl Garrat published in The Times 22" June 2002 © The Tins 2002; The Cash Lady Sings’ by Ricard Morison published in The Ties 26" February 2003 apdLifline across the se by Rowling Renshaw published in The Tes 10" ly 2003 © The Times 2003; Meagan Todgs, Ethically Me Lid and ‘Natio Magazine Company fran extract adapted from "What count jb sntisfacton ot sary” by Ely Partridge pbled in Prona Magazine May 2003,A P ‘Wat Lid on behalf of Sade Puan for an extract fom How the mobile changed the wor by Sa Plat, BBC Wife Magarin for extract adaped foe ‘Dil Noah by Pam Beddard pubised in BBC Wide Magazine May 200; an Richard Wiseman, Prjehoogist, University of Hertfordshire for extracts adapted from The 209 UK Sopersttion Survey Published on a lukfactoren ak Sample answer seas are reproduced by kind ‘ermision of Cambilge ESOL very effort has been made to trace he copyright holders ad we apologse in advance or ary ‘intentional omtsions We would be pens to insert. {the appropiate acknowledgement in ay submequet ‘tion of ths pubeton aay Contents Introduction Teacher's notes and keys for coursebook modules Module 1 New directions ‘Answers to Module 1 Review Module 2 Seeing is believing ‘Answers to Module 2 Review and TRE Exam practice 1 Module 3 Values ‘Answers to Module 3 Review Module 4 Life's rich tapestry ‘Answers to Module 4 Review and TRB Exam practice 2 Module 5 Giobal issues ‘Answers to Module 5 Review Module 6 Looking forward, looking back ‘Answers to Module 6 Review and TB Exam practice 3 Module 7 Breaking the mould ‘Answers to Module 7 Review Module 8 Making life better? ‘Answers to Module 8 Rlevew and TRB Exam practice 4 Module 9 Communication ‘Answers to Module 9 Review Module 10 The world of entertainment ‘Answers to Module 10 Review and TRB Exam practice 5 Photocopiable material OMR answer sheets for use with Exam practice Photocopiable activities: teacher's notes Photocopiable activities, Exam practice 1 Exam practice 2 Exam practice 3 Exam practice 4 Exam practice § ‘Audio scripts 18 19 27 29 38 39 48 49 60 70 n 81 91 101 102 110 113 116 137 178 184 191 197 203 210 Components Advanced Esper CAE consis of ' Counchook for castoom use with CD ROM «Students Resource Book fr homework, pate sly or lssoom use (with oF without Anower ke) with audio CD Teachers audio CD pack, containing the Listening material or the Coursebook, the tides Resource Book andthe Teachers Resource Book this Teacher's Resource Book. Interactive cxam practic at wr allows stats totes themselves nono thr prise and improve exam performance Six key features 4 Advanced Espert CAE is eile. tis designed in & ‘modular ways hat teachers cn ihr follow the ‘ter ofthe materi isthe book or chose town ‘owe through the course to meet the ness of speci clases Each page or doube-page spread is frestanding, and alos ahays flows the same ‘teri ath module, making i exy to aces and ‘slate separate elemeats ofthe course ad inerate ‘hem in diferent way Sa teacher might follow inca out though «ch module and though the Book. Alera, you might deie to alow dere tured res through cach mad for example starting wil, Speaking or Listening rather than Reading. And you might choose to do the modules niles Sequence depending on your stadent interests 2 While cach ston can te taught independently, there are usually inks betuen the ecbons to Provide coherent progrenon when the near rote ‘schosen. Fr example, the Language develope in the units contertualned inthe previous, Reading, as wll a hg Use of English ext Wein 1 ‘sally provides use ils elated vo Wing 2s the unit. The Speaking usally ha ope which ‘elites othe Lnening inthe same uit The ‘Language development inthe Bits eft provides language which willbe wef for students fhe folowing Writing ston, 3 Mos ofthe Use of EnglshLanguage development puss follow a tet-each approach, wach the language frst tested by meas of Use of Engl ‘as, then focused on in the Language developmen section, sing the examples rm the Us of Eapioh "es olay form and meaning. todens ate Introduction to the course ‘fered othe Grammar reference fora detailed ‘summary of the grasimar andthe Stent Resour Book fr extra practice 4 The subi nde for the diferent parts of Paper 4 Listening and Paper 2 Weng are ytemataty ‘rtd in Listening | and Writing I sections a the {unite These ince: Listening: understanding text structure entifVng tds abd opinions ete; Wiig: wing appropiate eit, planning your ting coheeace ad cohesion, te {5 The Weking and Speaking strands inthe Buia Drovide practice foreach prt of Paper? Writing and Paper Speaking. Howeve the ots more res tha end product In other word stdens Be traloe to buildup good habits, develop the kil of sanonitoring ad o become mor independent teamere 6 Mos sections contin a Help fexture, with ches hich lp stadens complete the task a hand. Tse ‘fen oes attention on how the ask is comarted, ‘nd thus help students op themselves the Coursebook ‘The Courseook consists of en mods ach divided into tw units (A and B), Each module pacts al the ‘per of the exam, and includes grameae and ‘vocabulary conslidation and development ach modules designe around a theme There i lead pags with an Overview Biting what the module contin wich fcitates planning Photos and ‘goestions prompt discussion simed at peting dents Ivers in the theme. ‘Then cch ofthe two units ia the module is based on ‘opi linked tothe veal heme ofthe module A the nd ofeach module there a Module review ith rein and fre practic ofthe language Covered nthe module After Modhles 2, 68 and 10, thers an Exam, rats seton nthe Teachers Resource Rook, each ‘onaininga election of task fom Paper 1 Reading, Paper 2 Writing Paper 3 Us of Engh an Paper atening Other clement of the Courebook ae ‘+ Exam overview atthe font ofthe book, ving an a ‘lane outline of what iclded in ath per ‘ind what kil ae teste in each action + Exam reference section at he end of the book, giving ‘more detail information abou wat to expect in ‘ch part of the paper pus a isto recommended Strategie fo ach task type Grammar reference ection, ging more dtd information about the main grammar points practised incach edule ‘Writing reference, which provides: ~ mark scheme showing what the examiners are looking for when determining the hee pass ‘rads (Bands 3,4 and 3). 2 checklist obelp students monitor nd dit tir ‘oan writing ~ sample question for each pe of wring tsk in the exam, with model nore, opeci gusdanes, and another question fr further sadent practice ~ tions to give wef ropport onthe flowing areas practised inthe Wrting sections inking eves punctuation pling: ite clauses and phrases: enence structare + Speaking mateiKey seton with xtra materi (Ge. photographs and aud script extrac) needed forthe modules (Module and unit structure Each module contin the following sections For ease ‘of we and lel, the spread at nthe same oder leach unt. Te teaching nots indicate Whe the photocopiale activites athe ack ofthis ‘Teachers Resource Book may be use to expand ot supplement the sons when there is adionlfoion-up materia inthe Suadeats Rewure Book Overview and Lead-in questions: Use the Overview to introduce the module contents You could discuss with the cla in what order they woul ke to cover the module Use the photos and Lean question o generate Interest in the overal theme of the medle '® units. Reading ‘The texts have bea chose fo hi interest vale as las ther potential to provide a "window on the worl and pnerate discussion. Theres heestage roach Suge 1A Before you read execs establish topic tnd pines purpose fo eaing the tex through ast time: For example in Module 1A (Apu he od). ines discuss questions about the headline ad ‘ubicadng of a aewopaer arte They then sim the ‘te to compare how the writer anewes the auctions ‘nd discuss wheter they ace with hin ‘Stage 2 Students do an exm-tyle reading tsk. They Soul be rferred tothe relevant Tsk strategy pois ‘fore atempting the ak or the ia tie. These can tbe found atthe bck ofthe book inthe Exam referees Each asks followed by & Tsk anaes reese, which students are encouraged o dacs and compare how they performed and which states thy found ‘ef Stage’ A dicusion activity, based onthe ext, whieh may incorporate some vocabulary. Questions fr dincssion relate to the todnt wn Ives a ‘encourage them og ther opinions Vecabulary ‘This scton practises and sometimes extends inguage from the reading ext in the peevions ection. Arcs fecased on incase collocation, iomatcexpresions, ‘phrasal verb prepositions and ealy conse or similar words Students are gen opportunities to we ‘he vocabulary in a diferent conten and persovai This sections always followed up in the Students Resoure Book bya Paper 3 Us of Engsh-tle imultplechoice cle or word formation tas, topieally Tine othe Reading text, Listening + In Modules 1-6, thi ston develop the listening sis ‘seeded for deren pars of Listening Paper The last foe modes (7-10 provide rhe exam ase practise tasks Stage 1 The Before ou lsten exercise encourages students o think about the tpi ad introduces ot ts the tadents 0 peert, vocab ‘Stage 2 Exercises that foes om nd develop the sb- skills ede foe Paper 4 Listing, For example Module 1A (Learning experiences) pacts distinguishing main pine from deals Grportant kits for Parts 2 and 3) and identiyng ates ad opinions (inportnt for Pat) ‘Stage 3A dicusion activity based on the et Use of English 4 ‘This section practises Oe ofthe tasks found in Paper 3 ‘Use of English, wing a tet which reef the topic of the unt. Ther frter pace of ll pat of Paper 3 inthe Sident’s Resoure Book and in he Teacher ‘Resource Book (Exam practic) In terms of language development, the ait ito follow a testaeach procedure, ax some ofthe langage ted inthe Use of Englnh task foctsed on and prc in Language development | hin seem ‘Stage 1 The Ladin exe sims to build wp ‘motvation i elation tothe tpi ofthe ext and ‘erate some of the vocabulary needed. Thies ually done through a short dcweion, Stage 2 Students are refered othe Task strategy at he tack ofthe book and aed to complete the task Graded guidances suppid students are usualy shed to read the text quickly nt for general omprebension. They ae further sported by Help ‘hue which gv speieeidance for individual !nowers Ti support seduced throughout the book: Stents ar then asked to analyse the lnguage ested inthe ask. The questions often relat to langage focused on inthe following Languags evelopment ‘Stage 3A discusion based onthe content ofthe tx. Language development + ‘This section generally foots onan aspect of the language ested inthe Ue of Enis section in he same module For example in Module 4A (LJ ich ‘apes, he focus on word formation which ted fn Use of Engin ‘These etions contain a range of controlled and ss ontrolled practice activites liked othe topic ofthe unit There are opprtunities for personalisation, ‘There isa cross reference tothe Grammar refercoce ‘esto tthe end the book, which provi dtd summary ofthe language point beng practised Student shoud be encouraged to ue tis sours to sek her anowers Farther communicative pace ofthe language acs ‘fen provided in the photocopibl activites athe tuck of the Teachers Resoure Book ‘This ection is aay followed up in the Student's Resource Book by frter language prac plus voter exametye Use of English ek that provides a forter et of students understanding of the language aswell as exam practice Writing + Each Wrtng I section practns a sub-kil required for ‘he Wang task tht students ray beret to don {he exam, For examip Module SA Ine soe lane) focises on seleting and ordering information an imporant hil for Paper 2 Pat Ite compulsory ask Modul 9A (Something to 0) aces on eting sour werk for accuracy. Stage 1A Writing strategy note explaining to students how practice ofthe sub helps prepare ther for Paper 2, plus an activity aimed a rising svareness of thera Stage 2A contol practic tak. The task might cont of Sequesing note in the mos appropiate det rewriting a paragraph, choosing the mont appropriate languigeMenying the ky information in ‘ext or matching tlormation i stdent answer wih language athe put ‘Stage 3. freer race activity. Tis ould sonst of fil review eter ora aewspaer article Tn many cats dents re ennuaged Yo change he wk Thi section is somtimes followed up in the Stdent’s Resoure Book, with practice of evant vary for the tsk or furtersub-skl prctioe units Listening 2 ‘This introduces the tpi ofthe ‘Bunt It may be covered before orate the Speaking ston, which ‘ually has aad top ‘Stage 1A Before you lise sett. This ins to ‘abl the content, to get tent pet the tent ad to generate the vocabulary ede forthe tae ‘Stage 2 An exam task, with relevant stages provided in the Bram reference sexton. Stents are aly Provided with Hep cles, wich sve them guidance {o how to answer some ofthe questions A Task analysis exercise encourages stents to eet on the task they have completed and shire the sate they he se, Stage 3 Discusion bse on the ope of the text This section is sometimes lone up in the Stadt Resource Book, eg. with ratio of evant ‘ocabulary forthe tak Speaking ach eton provides relevant vosabulry forthe exam sil ak tadnts ve odo, coves the satepn, needed forthe ask and provides veal funcional ‘exponents In Modules 1-8, there are recorded sample answers fr students to evaluate from the point of ew ‘of appropiate language and effeive seeps Stage Vocabulary tat students might find wefl to the Speaking task sitoduced snd practised. For ‘rample in Module I, students practise nleciver ‘which describe personal quien The exam ak isto sc the qualities needed for certain ob usta inthe photographs ‘Stage 2Sumple answer, Students are refered 19 appropriate Task trates atthe back ofthe book ‘Thay then ste tothe examine’ neractons and an example of «stent or stents doing the tsk They ‘alate the performance of the speak reper ‘Then they iste again ofcis on fl language Be es eee ee eee sre ec eae co Ip Module 9B (Mating statment theres complete Speaking ore. Use of English 2 ‘Te kn hen eno ater a of Paper 3. The txts are elated othe topic ofthe section, and the exerci follow 3 slr structure to Use of Bagh | Gee 75), Language development 2 ‘Asin Language developmen I, this ton usally Dracite an sapect ofthe langage tse nthe Prsding Use of Engh ection “his secon i away followed up i the Sten Resource Book by further language practi, plus ftoher exams Use of Engh tak tat ponies a farther tet of sdent? understanding ofthe language, ss sll as eum practice Witting 2 ‘The Weng sections overall the ype of writing that students ay be requied to do nthe exam. Thee ie particular epson the compolpry Part I, whch requis analy of input meri sucha eters and ert. ‘The principle behing the section ito exaish ‘good Prac’ through acer set of procedure conatelly plod, which canbe wed when anowering any exam. Wong task “The apposchfocse om process more thn end product Each spread i graded and the am so give etl guided preparation, 0 tht stents bul up {a complete he main ask a the end ofthe econ In tach section, there considerable language sapportin artical, «range of fuctonal exponents is gen and Finke to the ask Im the Waiting reference, there isa model answer for ach ye of siting in the eam, plas ate for fukance ands second tak for farther pace esi ‘The procedure in the Weng sections i flows 1 Lean 2 Understanding the ask 3 Planning the tsk 4 Thinking abou the language and content 5 Wane { Checking and improving the weting output “This ection i aay ole up in the Stade Resoure Book wit further practice of the sushi regu by the task, Module reviows ‘These revs the grammar and vocabulary of the previous mode in non-cxam formats Te exercise {am be od a rictce in the claroom, given a est forse at homework ‘Student's Resource Book The Students Resource Book san integral part ofthe Advanced Esper CAE course Wt contains en moves that mmr the themes and contents ofthe Couracbook its can Be wed + by teaches to supplement and extend the Courebook eens + by students on ther own o consolidate and enrich theilanguage and practise exam sls + asamintensve course for example inthe last erm ‘efor the exam provides extensive grammar practi. following up the Language development sections of the Cousebook; ‘vocabulary consoldation and extension; an adn ‘opierelated exam proce for Papers 1-4 There isa compete Practice Exam atthe end ofthe book. ‘The Students Resource Book comes with an audio CD The Listing material is aso avalon the Teacher’ CD pack, Each module contains the following sections. “® units Use of Enlish ‘There are to pugs slated 10 this part of the exam, ‘The fist contain a Paper 3 Us of Engaile ‘iutplechoice loge or word formation task, topically linked to the Reading text in the Courscbook It's {intended aa follow-up to the Vocabulary sation nthe CCourebook, providing an opportunity to practise ‘elated language in an exam format. “The vecond contains another exam ask which roves Further exam practice and also tess the Tanguag are inthe Language development eton. In carly modules the ak type the same sn the Courook, bu i tr modus, there are dillerent Language development “Thi ecton provides erensive practic ofthe language sea fcised on nthe Language development section of the Courebook Listening ‘This provides further practice of Pape 4 exam task ‘ape already practised in the Courcbook. The content ' lvay linked othe ope of the X unit in the Counebock. : Modules 24, 34, 64 and 7A alo contin aston folowing vp Weng inthe Coursebook. For exam + Module 24: Vocabulary of film reviews + Module 34: Coberence ‘B’ units, Language development Further pace of the language ares cued on inthe Language development scion of the Cousebook Use of Enotish Another cxamesye task which provide further exam ‘racic and also tests the langue are inthe Language development section. In ety mous, the {ask type the same as inthe Coursbook, bt i tet ‘modules there ar diferent tsk types ‘Reading Further protic ofa Paper 1 exam task pe already acted in the Courscbok The content aways, Hinks to the tpi ofthe unt inthe Coursebok writing Further pace of the sub il required ty the exam ‘ask type covered inthe Coarsbook module Modules 28,48, SB, 78, $8, 98 and 10B alo contin 2 ‘ection follwing up Listening or Speaking nthe Courebook Complete practice exam [complete exam provides he opportunity fo ined exam practi can be wed at fe end ofthe course, ovat any sage ofthe course Teacher's Resource Book ‘As wel as this intducion, the Teachers Resource Book contains Unit-by-unit teacher notes Guidance on how o use the Coursebook materi; "books closed! activites wo get thing going atthe ‘epinning of module and sesons: background infomation onthe texts eas or additonal activites nd answers to al exercises wih xpnations where fell (OMR answer sheets (photocopiable) Replicas ofthe never het stent ive ows in the «am for the Reading, Lining and ise of Engish papers They canbe photocopied and pe to students when they do the Exam practic sto: (ce elon) ot ‘he Practice examin the Students Resure Book Photocopiable activities ‘A pe-coura exam quit ee how mah students know bout the CAE eam: thee photocopiabe activi to ‘opplement each Coursebook modu, providing ‘communicative classroom practise for gramme ‘ecabularyand skilful eacher notes and anser Keys foreach activity. [Exam practice (photocopiable) "Fhe eu practice sections for ate afer Modules 24, 6 Sand 10. Each section provides practic tasks or Paper 1 Reading, Paper 2 Writing. Paper’ Use of English and Paper 4 Listening. The reordngs forthe ‘Paper 4 Listening tess can be found on the Cousebook audio CDs after the appropiate module, and answer ys are at the appropriate point inthe uni-by-amit teachers notes ‘Audio seriots These are alla the ick ofthe book for ese of reference and photocopying. ‘Teacher's CD pack ‘The Teacher CD poc conan al the istenng ‘material rom the Cousebook, Tescher* Resource Book and Stulen's Resource Book, There ar ce (CDs forthe Coursebook, wich cade the fsenng tests inthe Teachers Resource Book, and one CD fer the Student's Resource Book, which ncuds the complet Practice exam, ‘Abbrovatione und in the Teacher's Resource Book (CB™ Courshook ‘SRB = Stadents Resource Book ‘TRB = Tracer’ Rewoure Book (OM = Optic! Mack Reader Ps roe nn pts mc ing [open cg ey caso thy tg r= geting and changing jos). Photocopies actiy “he recourse photoopal acy on page 137 preteen mires ttn CAE ae Stosnsanmer uestions aout he cus § reering othe Exam oerew on pag othe sam rereenceon page 16 ofthe Counc wher secon. ‘Aler the ui, show stadets othe eta ofthe book. This could be done sa quick ui with Questions sch s Where cam you ind the Grammar Iafernc? How storied? By modulo by tpi? ‘What can ou find on page 188 (he Wong fee) Use the contents pags oak question sacha What ype of writings practised Made 3 rice) Lead-in p.7 ‘The purpose af the leans to introduc the geese theme ofthe modal. Ty to ao giving too much vaya ths stage by heping the dno it nd by not focusing specially on points that are covered leer Get students to discus the quentions together. The ia themes af the photos are travel, marine and Work. Encourage students to dentiy and disse Shows aspects such 8 growing up feedom and independence taking on responsi, ete. ‘The photos show a couple on ther wedding ay (top Fight), a woman i 0 teri (bottom ight) and thre Soune people backpacking in Mach Pecks, Perv 1A Learning experience: ‘One way to hepa would be with book close, to st students to discus what they understand by the {xpeson Lifelong learng and brsintorm the peuple an places they ar kel to earn from nthe then Reading 41 Extend tential dscsion asking who they hae Jean most om already snd who thy thnk they ‘llontine oar most from athe fue Module 1 New directions 1 srdent are not fiir with he concep of skimming, expla thatthe purpose sto qucly eet & geeral understanding ofthe text aswel as 10 ‘Stablh the ype ad se of the ext ands {sera onpanisation ad layout One wa o skims {O read sted sentences such a the fir andthe lustin each paragraph. Another way ito move the ‘je quickly oer the page icking out elected ‘rds to get an de of the opie of each paragraph Suggest suitable ine Kat wo skim Ech et (ep 30 second) to dcoer the text pe tnd topic Pont out that Paper | Pat | const of thre texts of diferent type bt aed ‘hema Most stants wl be familias with muiple-coice gestion, but, having read the vbr, stat by Tooking tthe task strategy on page 168. Use the ‘strategy to do the first tex together, before ting ‘the das do the oer wo texts on ter ov, the Task Analysis ask the students how long they think they would hve to do the tack inthe exam (about 2-15 mits and wht he ack est (Get, tone, opision, purpose, main idea, tse nd tet orantation). "Emed the aicusson by geting dent to sare Some of their earingexperienoe. Key 2 1p 2A (tis fom Australian writer Cie James’ autobiograpty, Umelabe Momo) 3c 13 1C- tra tho revealed had Dropped Behind the Cast 2D~ why Leen up fing needed 0 case lagher was perpen ear of eng is sninentinal ret 3B all the sectnd pcagrph 4A fl tthe other my ound The tng jet mre detached non emrnment a fous realm SD they ugh ho guher formation From ide range of dips 6A. fl making now a second caer har canvorges and ube wha he ely lover dig er. 1S Tet pia) school, dealing wih author, wing humour a defence ‘eat 2 secondary schoo rlaonship ewer teacers ad pole ‘eat univer, rel and exploration, orgnisation Vocabulary p.10 The vocabulary Seton hat flow the eaing txts Pickup on and extend the vocabulary i the et They ‘ous on topical ares aswell ax concepts such as ‘allocation, connotation, phat yerb and eber exial form You ould we this opportunity to give sade some avs onkeepigfearing edly ough ‘Students search th ext for phrases containing on. necessary pont out students hat such pss are an important aspect of advanced vocabulary ‘nd are often tested at CAE. A aflow up ask ‘Stents to search the teats for expressions wth (ext An those days, he wind Tet Bein Imoslation best (a period of ine si. ‘mem; Text C:n good stead, flowin someone's Foose) 22 ‘Highlight o pot the fotowing sentence frm Tet A ‘on the whiteboud i eveything to get out of facing up to Mis Tunbul’ Use it to each or ‘emind students what phrasal verb are Ask stents oiealy the pra er nd to think how it could be rewrite thou ising them (eg. 7 dd everthing oad confonting Mis Tn). Draw stents’ attention tothe ft tha on get ‘aut of sa preposition and tht the ssond phrase ‘verb therfore a gerund. Exercise? could be followed bya quik review ofthe gran of phrasal vere. Bounce bok i ntantiv start Something off dwn are separa go ono ‘mis onto ate inseparable. Ask stant o find ‘ther phrasal verbs in the ext snd to enti what ‘ype they are (eg Text A: en up come wp both intransie) ‘Students could te asked to mak other sentences ith the vert but point ou hat plck wp almost sways usd with couae. This would bes teat ink {othe next scion on collocation ‘3 necessary, explain th concep of cllcation (the way in which some words ae often ed opt and others are not) Avarenes of eallocation wll ‘ep stdents in various parts ofthe ex, a ell 5 improving their writing and speaking Follow up the question by peting students to tink of words ‘hat colloate wth he odd ope ot (win a pr ‘her's danger ha). 44 Point out that eofoaton so exits between adjctnes and noun as well a othet word forms (eg ven + adverts). Check tat students know what a porter is (Stadets wil probably know the famous seme from tefl Gost where Demi Moore works on Potter whe! withthe ghost of ber byfind (tik Saye) behind ber) © Other questions students could diane: Did mis ut on anything ho ou sere younger? Do ‘ound easy ta ounce ck otra sere? > Stents Resoure Book, pag 6 Key 1/1 heap prs on 2 pting om (i) ‘reflect on 4 se (his) hear on Sona whitn ‘doing research on 7 (ome years. on 2a I sactof 2 goon to Stared down ‘bounce back S make up for 6 pluck up “Tiss on on 9 Laprze 2a danger 3 realise nish Stachache 6 note 4 ideal way 2 future senerations 5 postive cudook 4 eal world personal goal Surv sils 7 sheltered upbrgiog Bopen mind [Note the al srd (eal and unig) ‘omar with an ideal world pth) 8 I gone on to 2 mised out on on whim 4 guheringleobcing 5 tured down Stet my heart on 7 picked up ‘make saeifices 9 on 10t00k the plunge Listening 1 p.11 ‘The purpose ofthe Listening 1 etions in Moles 1-6 Isto dew varius subi that ar needed to. complete the exam tks For Prts2 sod those ince distinguishing main pons fom deals (st) tnd for Part understanding atitudelopinion ‘1 Thiscould be done in groups o sa bainstorm with the whole ass Point ou that thi sort of Preltion exer helps fcuton posible content Sod therefore understanding a the introductions necessary Students could novers ening aspects that helped cide. They need tobe avare hat they are for summary, not a ete pint. to stents that his exerci ele them how a good talks panne. nding the tucure of talk wl belp them and vaderstand the content more cay, Give A ecesary, pla it again so that they an complete the examples od ps ‘Stadeos sen for weft language These dicourse Iarkrshlp to signal aspects of ber alk. Get Hisess to ently which expression are ed for | fling examples and which ae asd fo pe Hee students are isteing enti the speaker” tudes this ested ia Pat 3 of the Listening pare. Here they ae listening fr lnguaas, 0 play it 190 Students could discus the points in ups, followed by whokelaseecback Note: Tere is further listening pacts in the Students Resource Book on a tops raed to the ist par of the ‘module. You can us this for entra listening incisor ‘dens can ste at home to eve themselves extra practice Key 2a A 2b Rita is going to alk about dierent ways of approaching university sues and offer adi ‘arb 3 Set your own learning objectives and. “eso "dee how many hous 2 week spend indy Ti ul i a sfety margin | Make sure you know what ou have to Jo montero asgumens and deadline for ‘em “Tip wae a wal planer or dary 2 Check what andard of work expected. {how your work shoal presented ‘86. Examples: Yow know and al hat, fr Instance things he Tips One way of doe tig I good 1 ales find weal 4a Ann B Nk D {3b Aan: [hin she hada point when Nick: forme, hemo elvan prt mas when ‘hata really what Rite helped thom fray Use of English 1 p.t2 11 Students could cuss the questions ia groups, ‘Then get them to expand thir answer with cramps Janie Olver was bon in 1975. Having worked in the family etaues, be wea io eteing college tnd then aied ina nutter of top London restaurants His lcky break ame when his ott ad peony na tel nen he ppeared ina TV documentary about the famous rernurant the River Café where he was working ‘This ed to hs own TV shows and books called The [Noted Oe bent of i sterpt to ip cooking ‘downto its basics He especialy ken on beads ‘nd salads Loratie advertising dels and regular ‘ewapape slum keep Bim sy 2a esi by geting the students to read the itl then jist he et sentence before ooking at he photo 2 anmverng theft question. The gt thor to ‘im the pst and ane! the oter two quetions, 2b Wien students have rea the structions, gt them to ook atthe task state on page 169. Empsie that they can ue oaly ne wot 2e Look athe example together and do question 1 together asa whol as before hing them en ‘3. These question provides good introduction wo the folowing Language development ston ad could tele nt then 4 Discs this in groups 2a 1 amie Over 2 When he was eight (nhs parents’ pub) ‘He set upa chant restaurant to in dlsadvantaged young people a bea 2 Write one word in each space to complete 2e Luni 2for 3the 4 before Shad 6if The such 9 where 10int9 I round 2 for {Bout Id has 1S deste 3 1.Questone 5,7 14 2 perfect er forms: have dover he ‘had worked, Olter has dns more Fics fave opened ‘ominous verb forms: heft are coking Simple veb forme Olver wen on art, he ated he tains sive ve form: Be gen Language development 1 p.13 “hiss designed o be arp review ofthe major tens Stadents that hav particular difisalies should ‘been sla remedial exerces, 1 Chr that student ar familiar wth perfect tenses ‘ying the form (ove + past parts), we CGinking two tne rane) and examples of resco paste perfect ors, One wa to ‘pproach the exercise woul be to get students to nae the questions inviualy before refering to the grammar reference to check their anoners Finish wth wholes fdas. ‘2m Repeat the proces above for contnaou forms, ‘Bb Do this as pirwork, ‘9 There includes simple continuous and perfect. forms of the same ver (ep to foes tention on ‘he use of eack particu form. The exerese could ‘be exendd by pivng students some ofthe same or sina stems o complete thems: wih other verbs (ep This tne lat week fel ‘ere tday beans) 440 The assumption is that tant wil be fair with Basie ftare forms, and thi exerci is designed to ineeaeawarenes ofthe many fhe olen Jel, ways peas user refer to fate events ‘When students hae matched the expressions to thee fncion, ak dem to spot theo one ut to highlight form all re followed by itive except ‘onthe pon of ig. Eitexape with ‘Bhrase such a hon happened. ‘40 Tel students hat there may be more thn one way to anor these quetons ‘de Most student arity to dpe, so encourage ‘hem think of both side ofthe argent. {Se This section uses many of the same structures sia Ener bt the pst orm, Ue concept gestions 1 esas hat they sfer to events that tere planned oe predicted but then dia’ happen, For etampl in sentence | Where di we mee (at my house) a expecting Jou (a0) What had 1 ‘Plame do? (Qo ut) What would have happened ‘ou had arined muck ler (ou woul hae med. me) {5 If sents are having diicaty coming up with Seas of changes of plan se them mone spec ome Note: Theres further practice of tense forms in the Students Resource Book, llowed by anther chance {0 test themscves vough Put 3 Uc of Engl ask > Studem’s Resource Book, pages 7-8 Key 1) 1s (aow): hae eer een aninised te) ha led (enfnised action king past rd resent; moved nthe ston in specied Point in past) ‘has Bon (uf tie then to now) ‘changed (ished past ction) 4 gor (pst action} had lef (previous pst event) Shove proctved(nfnised action) id (Gssthed ation) ‘ml ave broken (tion completed bya point. in he utr as ended afiisd vent). 2a 1./(The meaning of lng ets to ‘joy and canbe wed in the conto there ‘eather menting ha cannot) 2ALthe moment shes saying temporary ‘ction at hese at et ee id place ot er on. 23 Vanessa enjoys (genera entertaining, she's bays inviting Bai with sony) people round “Last woe I sted sal complete cto) her for diner Shade see previous past ato) Vanesa for overa month and Twas looking forward 6 Vanessa was ooking (acto in progress) when Tare (short complet ein) tte fat so Fofered to hp 7 {Tonight Pm cooking personal arrangement) foc ecm making wl be making (arrangement 9 speci If (habivoutne) 2 (acon in propre) (ction in progress ta pont a pas) {ceen repeated past ith present eee) (action previous to past state) {ingle pus acon specified whes) 7 past Previous to oer pas actin) 8 tine) Yr ty ta expect sh to isto 2arelikey t/a expected to Bare boundsure to expat fever people to ‘appl Sis unity to 6 bon the poner of Announcing vas Gs) about to 2 were going E Swould hae 4 was dacto $ would be Sere wo ave would ne 1 sections ae designed to deel wring sub- that wll help stadents to produce beter wing in tam format Writing? ectons The lide ning. organising and king asin ogi Aeguencs scectng snd ordering information (important for Par | tasks) and sentence skill This secon fctses (8 sing an appropiate le forthe type writing a One way in would te to ask students what ty ‘ink taining with lame Over would be lie Then faestudens to ved the comments und Wet ‘hich ofthe eption ar le formal before choosing “he most ely expresions used. Read the Writing siategy not. ‘1b As wells checking the ansners to Exerc Ia, Students ste fo the threes inthe tung. hich they need to complete Eerie 1d ‘fe Students dey the ete of formal writing ad informal speech with examples 414 Look at he example (0) and demonsate how Stade nse o both combioe information from Evercses la, hand leund aio change ito. more formal ssl Some variation are posible here ee 1 Teowok come cone whch lasted 14 wel) ‘Get stent to compare snewers a groupe before ‘holeclam feedbock 22 Dosentence | togeter, pointing ou that for moet sentencrs they regu wo wor fromthe Bok ‘98 Give aden a couple of minutes to die ona ‘stable course apd to think bouts good or bad points: sve more prompts if nced (eg Tita ‘Sours Sportumatc coaching) ‘3b Thiscan be done in clas ora home a contrat to the informal speaking exe of Execs a Key 121 Thee was no messing aout. 2g through demanding 3 He got unto; top sas “4Tound off cooked 5 We were satered halt the time 1 eolege course 2 work placements in top London restaurants 3 coking in Samick 4 In interview: phrasal vetbs (> throu ound fh colloquial expressions (sated), question {aps the ining as ely hada), contractions (Jamie) Ti formal writing: passive straures,lear sentence strctr inking words, 14. Saggeted aves 1 Fest the inces were required o attend & rigorous [4 medk bane rang cure st a London college 2Then they were given two-month work acenent in eptabe London reaurants. ‘Final, they completed thee ring by ‘working os chefs in Filtee’, Olver London 4 According to the triacs twas an ‘exhausting but evatding expense 2-1 Everyone thought the tuition was outstanding 2 twas Suitable for beginners 30m competion of the couse, eveyone was resented with certificate {The paca parts ofthe course were very isorpnised~they were vel prepared '5 The couse was not well pulsed, snot ‘many people atende (ita (bi) advange having sch an cxpeicnced teacher ‘nfortuately, he was sometimes it {TT ke to congratulate everyone vor Protocopate ectty Activity LB flows thi ston. Done inputs (r0ups students complete acrosome by thinking of allerative ways of expresing the ne en. 1B A job for life ‘The module theme continss with a foes on ‘work’ with the folowing topic changing cacers spel shout jobs and the quale esd for themiron {echoes and writen references ‘One way to hepin would be, with books closed, o put the following words onthe board oh work, capation. carer Inthond- ad gt stadt 0 Studew’s Resource Rook, pages 11-12 aid (pt) sKnowalunderstood Dow who by = oidingaibutng ame Tow who makes bo does it ik between publ and ends them unimportant — part of an it sess personal, more formal =tendly conversational syle th cteriowed them not portant appa dict o caver [True Fale 3 Fae True 5 Fase ence 2is more foreal, 2d 3i de sa6) 7h 81 9 We We organise excursions tthe alowiag on, Me hat you will ot be inant ined 3 have enclosed prices util the end ofthe ear nd rs tht atiactory ‘We antciate pe enpome tthe tsertiemert ' Customers are therfore advised to rere 3 lace now wl thee ae efit plac falable Segue avers TAlotof peopl ike these tours 2 We will you you seat aumters one week before we tae ‘Children es than Sve yar old can havea ‘icon “417 we hme o cane he ip, wel sve you our money back 10 Soggesedansners On some trips roo of age wil be required, 2 We apologise for the ack of guide 53 The cheap hotel rom we satisfactory {The tip was cancaled duet naicent Writing 2 p.20 “The Wing 2 section are diety raed to the exam tasks They flow a proces approach geting stents fist wo plan the organisation, language od content, ‘eore hey actualy temp the ask “This page foowes ona character referee, on of & ‘numberof pose options in Pat 2 of Paper 2 1 Usethe discussion questions oetabish the purpose, aurea content of eharacer ferences 2 Give tadents a moment to carflly rad the task before looking a the questions togter. tis worth spending some time going through them to pet ‘Students familar wth the proces of eating Sipe ester and content. Refer students othe Exam reference on page 169 and pont ou the factor tht examiners are looking for (ask achievement, corm ep, et). Encourage ‘Students to highlight or number each ofthe Key pins that have tobe covered cit the name ofthis typeof jb (au pit) and find out i anyone has any experience of being an aupae ‘The erm au par comes from Freach and means ‘oa ‘pat lal 10 this denotes the fac that the ‘erom considered no as staff Buta ving on a ual bass in caring relationship within fay ‘As puis can be mae or female and we lly Sours peopl rom another county tht come and lve with family for wp to year In echange for light Rousework and childcare ute they rete board and lodging some pocket mooey and chance olan the language 3 Students ook tthe notes and stato group then it topes ‘3 Apar from the fist and ast paragraph he order ofthe other tre otha pertant ‘3 The emphasis heres on being selective, only ‘ncn relevant information and being ale to complete the sk within the word coun ‘Aa When students have identi the tenes weet. why a range of tenses is important (or vant and {o impes the examiner). ‘4b Ther re clearly more expresions hee than could tbeused in one reference Go through thet withthe clas, checking wp, for instance a patclrtense [sued working ott what the next word(s) ikely to be o for alternatives ofa the gaps. Emphasie that the phases are generative and can betied in any reference {5 Asallhe preparation hasbeen done. the writing ‘rou best be done fr bomework, © Ashi she fist pee of writing onthe course, spend ve tine onthe oftng chock, When ‘aking the compostions lok or evence of ‘sting ad ern thowe that have clay no been ‘sted: One ies fr ery in the cours wold Be 0 fet tides to edit each other work blo andi iin to Be marked

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