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A COMPACT SWEDISH GRAMMAR Eva Bergner Elizabeth Nylund fran gsandamal ©IES, Stockholm University, and the authors Almavist & Wiksell Forlag AB PREFACE In more recent years of teaching Swedish as a foreign language at the Irstitute for English-speaking Students (IES), Stockholm University, we have sensed an increasing need for a description of the basic elements of Swedish grammatical structure, the form of which we understood should be bul concise aud lucid, Our efforts to comply wits the need for brevity have rendered this grammar its form, Surveys in outline have been used to describe essential features. Many details had to be excluded, and ‘we are fully aware of the fact that numerous alternatives which can be found in more extensive works are not accounted for here. The description is based on the traditional grammatical categories, but no division in accidence and syntax has been made. Emphasis is placed on the schematic surveys of the formal system, and the most important syntactic rules have been inserted with comments. Also the examples should be of help. We 1ave tried to make these as idiomatic as possible in order to facilitate comparative study of the stuctures. We hope that the detailed table of contents will prove adequate as a surce of reference. A subject index would have been included, had space permitted. We have had the benefit of constant consultation with a native speaker of English, Elizabeth Kant, whose contributions have been invaluable. Istvan Kozma has asissted us patiently with the layout, Both are members of the administrative staff at IES. We would also like to thank the following persons for their most valuable comments and constructive criticism: Siv Higelin, Menton, Frarce - former instructor in Swedish at IES, stockholm University, and author of many textbooks for Swedish as a foreign language, Gunilla Rising Hintz, Marburg, Germany - Lecturer in Swedish at Philipps -Universitiit Marburg, ‘Gunnil Sjoberg, Philadelphia, USA - Senior Lecturer, Department o' Germanic Languages and Literature, Universi:y of Pennsylvania, and our colleagues at IES, Stockholm University. Stockholm in January 1993 Eva Bergner Elizabeth Nylun ISBN 91-21-139172 KOPIERINGSFORBUD Prirte in Sweden hy © 1093, Eva Bergner, Elizabeth _Detta verk ar skyddat av upphovs- Graphic Systems AB, Nylund, TES Stockholms univer- _rattslagen. Kopiering ar forbjuden Goteborg 1993 sitet och Almavist & Wiksell utGver vad som anges i avtalet om Torley AB uplering f skotorna (UPB 4). Gratisk form: Istvan Kozma Den som bryter mot lagen om Omslag: Ingmar Rudman ‘upphovstitt kan &talas av allmin Forsta upplagan Aklagare och dOmas tll boter eller 1 fangelse i upp sll tva ar samt bli Denna bok ir trycktpa miljavinligt skyldig erligga ersittning till upp- papper hovsman/rattsinnehavare. TABLE OF CONTENTS NOUNS 1:1 Gender..... Non-neutei Neuters : Articles. Articles of the Noun, Adjectival Article .. Exception ‘The Plural Case The Choice between Definite and Indefinite Noun Phrase Differences between Swedish and English Abstract Nouns, Holidays, eté Predicatives Signifying Profession, Confession, Nationality. 1:823 Verb + Noun Phrase Constructions. ADJECTIVES AND PARTICIPLES 2:1 Use of the Adjectival Form: Regular Forms . Deviating Forms Iregular Forms ... 2:2 Comparison... 2:21 The Three Forms of Comparison. 2.3 Comparison Using Endings. 2:31 Regular Comparison : 32 Comparison with -re and -s plus : 33. Irregular Comparison .... ven . 4 Comparison Using mer(a) and mest ..... fecceeee 5 Inflection 5 The Form of the Comparative. 2:52 The Formsof the Superlative. 2:6 Indeclinable adjectives ...... THE NOUN PHRASE... 3:1 Indefinite Noun Phrase. 3:2 Definite Noun Phrase 3:21 Definite Form of the Adjective and Noun .. 3:22 Definite Form of the Adjective and Noun with no end article 3:221 Possessives as Definite Markers........ 3:22 Determinatves as Definite Markers .... 3:223 Some Special Definite Markers... NUMERALS... 4:1 Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers 4:2 Comments on the Use of Numerals. 4:2 Cardinal Numbers. Ordinal Numbers 4:23 Fractions......... PRONOUNS .. 5:1 Personal and Reflexive Pronouns .. 5:11 Subject ané Object Forms of the Personal Pronouns .. 5:12 Use of the Reflexive Pronouns ........... S313 ‘Comments on the Use of den and det. 5:131 The Choice between den and det with Reference to a 5:132 det + vara ~ Noun Phrase 133 det in Impersonal Constructions 5:134 det Referring to a Phrase or a Whole Clause... 5:2 Possessives and Reflexive Possessives... : 5:3 Demonstrative Pronouns and Adjectives 5:31 The Use of the Demonstratives 5:4 Relative Pronouns 5:41 5:42 43 5 Determinative Pronouns ant 51 Determinative Pronouns . 52 Determinative Adjectives 26 Interrogative Pronouns and Adjec 61 Inan Independent Clanse. :62 Ina Subordinate Clause ceceeeeeeseeeee 27 Indefinite Pronouns and Adjectives ndgon (ndgot, ndgra), ndgonting . ingen (inget, inga), ingenting NOTE ingenstans, ndgonstans. vem (etc.) som helst NOTE var som helst . all (allt, alla), alling NOTE. alla - alla. var, varje, varenda, var och en, etc man. VERBS 6:1 Active Forms ..... . 6:2 Strong Verbs: the most common vowel changes 6:3. Auxiliary Verbs . 6:31 Temporal Auxiliaries 6:32 Modal Auxiliaries 6:33 Other Auxiliary Verbs with Modal Function . 6:34 Comments on the Use of Tenses . 6:38 Ways to Express the Future 2351 Present Tense. 352 kommer att+ infinitive. :383 tinker + infinitive. 2354 ska(ll) + infinitive ...... 36 Future Perfect and Conditional Tens :4 The Infinitive. :41 The Infinitive Used in a Two-Verb Construction. 41 Infinitive without a . : 412. Infinitive with att... 6:413 Infinitive with optional ar . 6:42 The Infinitive Used as an Attribute... 6:43 The Infinitive Used as a Subject............ 6:44 Notes......... , 6:441 The Placement of Clausal Adverbials 6:442 for att. 6:5. S-Forms........ 6:51 Passive Voice... 6:511 Passive Voice of Transitive Verbs. 6:5111 S-Passive....... 6:5112 The bli-Corstruction . 6:5113 | The Use of the bli-Construction $114 Construction with vara. 2512 Passive Voice of Intransitive Verbs... 252 Deponent Verbs...... 2:53 S-Forms with Reciprocal Meaning. 26 The Present Participle .. :61 The Endings of the Present Participle 62 ‘The Use of the Present Partciple. 621 As an Indeclinable Adjective 622 AsaNoun.. 623 Asan Adverb.. 624 Asa Complement to Verbs of Motion .. :7 Transitive and Intransitive Verbs 28 Reflexive Verbs 9 Particle Verbs DVERBS 21 Definitio 1:2 Adverbs Derived from Adjectives . 221 ‘The Newer Form Used as an Adverb. :22 Adjectives Ending in -lig 1:3. Adverbs Not Derived from Adje :31 Simple Adverbs 2311 Negations... 2312 Adverbs of Time. 2313 Adverbs of Place . 32 Compound Adverbs. 233. Adverbs Formed with the Suffixes -ledes, -lunda, anc -stans :34 Present Participles Used as Adverbs i +4 Comparison :41 Adverbs Derived from Adjectives 242 Adverbs Not Derived from Adjectives. 8. PREPOSITIONS. 8:1 - 21 An Alphabetical Li 8:2 Expressions of Time 8:21 Expressions of Periodicity .. 8:22 Eapiessiuus of Duration. 8:221 Exceptions. 8:23 Expressions of Momentary Action. : 9, COORDINATORS AND SUBORDINATORS 9:1 Coordinators ves 211 och (samt). 12 eller. 13 men, ulan... s14 for (ty) essen . s__bide...och, antingen...eller, varken...eller . 2 Subordinators. 9:21 ait... 9:22 Other Subordinating Conjunction .. 9:23 Relative Pronouns and Adverbs. 9:24 Interrogative Pronouns and Adverbs. 10. WORD ORDER 10:1 Independent Clauses 10:2 Subordinate Clauses ... 1. BAP ABIABMAsAssssspersanaggcrgggay of the Most Common Prepositions... References.......... 4:1 aL 1:12 1:2 41:21 NOUNS GENDER ‘There are two genders in Swedish, the non-neuter and the neuter. The distinction is important as it de:ermines the form of the definite and indefinite article and the inflection of the adjective as a modifier of the noun (See § 3). The majority of nouns are non-neuter. There are no given rules, but a few guidelines may be of some help: Non-neuters Most nouns ending in -a, -are, -dom, -else, -het, -(n)ing, -ior, -ism, -nad. Nouns ending in-ande, -ende designating persons. Words designating animate objects and ‘vegetation, the days of the week, the times of day, the months, the names of holidays, and of the year. Neuters Abstract nouns ending in -ande, -ende, Nouns ending in -eur, -ium, -eri, -ari, and names of b i ARTICLES “The indefinite article is en for non-neuter nouns and et for neuter nouns. ‘The definite article is an end artisle, placed at the end of the basic form of he noun. In the singular, itis -en for non-nevter nouns and -er for neuter nouns. If thenoun ends in a vowel, the eis dropped. In the plural, the definite article is -na, -a, or-en, and it is added to the plural form (See § 1:3). Singular Plural Non- | en dag day) dagen (the day) agar (days) | dagarna the days) neuter | en flagga(a flag) | flaggan (the flag) flaggor (flags) | flaggorna (the flags) Neuter | eirhus(ahous) | huser (ihe house) hus (houses) | husen (lhe houses) 1:22 1:23 ett pple (an apple) | applet (the apple) pplen (apples! | pplena (the apples) Adjectival article When an adjective ‘participle, numeral) serves as an attribute,i, e. when it precedes a noun, an additional definize article (den, det, de) called adjestival article is used in the definite form. Examples: Den nya flaggan The new flag. Det nybyzgda huset ‘The newly built ous. De ve barnen, The three children Exception: ‘When the noun phrase denotes a specific, well known object or concepr, the adjectival article is dropped, especially when the adjective in the phrase denotes colour, ality, ranking, location, (whole) or halv (half) is used Examples: , and always when one of the adjectives hel EB 1. _ Kungliga stowtet ‘The Royal Palace 2. _ Vita huset ‘The White House 3. _Franska revolutionen, ‘The French Revoution 4. Hela familjen ler utomlands i sommar. ‘The whole family is going abroad this summer. 1:3 NOUNS - THE PLURAL Indef. —_Singutar Plural Plural art. final syllable or sound ending def. art. Examples Deslension a” (words of 2.0: more syllables) flick, bokhylla -e? pojke consonant? dag, oil (ning, -dom tidning, ungdom stressed final syllable stud’ent, pol'is consonant?” film, sak, hiindelse -het, -nad, nyhe;, byggnad i professor, vikaric arbetire, stockholmare care, -er tekniver, ordfiirande -ande/-ende” glende stressed vowel kafé, tryckeri um? (Latin suffix) museum unstressed yowel” Apple, frimarke -ande/-ende” hjairte, meddelande pastiende consonant barn, golv, problem bagaze, universitet 1) The unstressed final vowel is dropped before the plural ending. 2) Monosyllabic non-neuter nouns, which end in a consonant, have either -ar_ or -er in the plural ‘The most common ending is -ar. There are no rules. 3) Nouns ending in unstressed -e1, -en, -er drop the e before the plural ending -ar, e.g. en cykel, plur. eyklar, en Oken, plur. 6knar, en vinter, plur, vintrar. 4) a) The stem vowel of some nouns changes in the plural form, e.g. en man, plur. mam, en gas, plur. gass, en hand, plur, hander, en fot, plur. fétter, en sen, plur. séner. v) Nouns ending in -else, ot ~ie/-je have ie plural ending -r, e.g. en takelse, plur. bakelser, en linje, plur. linjer. A few non-neuter nouns ending in the vowels 0, u, &, @ have the plural ending -r, e.g. en sko, plur. skor, en ko, plur. kor, en hustru, plur. hustrur, en tf, plur. tir, en fists, plur. ffstm: 5) Nouns ending in -ande/-ende can be of either gender. Nouns denoting peisons are non-neuter, and abstract nouns are neute. ‘The suffix -um is dropped before the plural ending, eg. ett museum, plur.museer. NOTE exceptions: ett bi, ett knd, ett frd.end ina stressed vowel but have the plural ending -n, 32 RE 1:42 init 1:52 1:521 CASE In addition to the basic form (nominative), the noun has only one form in Swedish, the possessive (genitive), which is formed by adding -s to the noun, both in the indefinite and definite form, singular and plural. Exception: Proper names ending ins, x, z, €.g. Anders, Max, Schweiz have no genitive -s NOTE: _ In Swedish, no apostrophe (') is used before the genitive -s. Examples: en pojkes leksaker boy's toys pojkens Ieksaker the boy's toys pojkars leksaker boys’ toys pojkamas leksaker the boys' toys et fimarkes val6e the value ofa sump frimirkets valor the value of the stamp frimarkens valor the value of stanps frimickenas val6e the value of the stamps NOTE: Anend article is never added to a noun followinga possessive form ‘The genitive can also be expressed by a prepositional phrase. Various prepositions are used, depending on the context, e.g. av, frén, for, pd, till (See § 8:1, 5, 6, 16, 17). USE OF ARTICLES The rule for choosing between an indefinite and a definite noun phrase in Swedish is generally the same as in English (See § 3): an indefinite noun phrase is used when new information is introduced, a definite noun phrase is used if the information in the noun phrase is not new, for instance because a) it has already been presented (Example 3), ») itis common in the social or cultural context (Example 4), ©) itis unique, one of a kind (Examples 1 and 5). Examples: 1. Det kom en gammal dam in ifruktaffiren ‘An old lady entered the frit shop pa Stortorgot. ‘at Stortorget 2, Hon kopte en banan och ndgra applen. ‘She bought a banana and some apples. 3. Bananen kostade 3 kronor och fpplena 10 kronor. 4, Vackarkdockan ringer Klockan 6 varje morgon. DA stiger jag upp, tar p& mig morgonrocken ‘och tofflotna och gar ut i Koket och satter kaffepannan pa spisen. 5. Kungen och drottningen ar i Stockholm denna vecka. ‘The banana cost3 SEK and the apples 10 SEI ‘The alarm clockrings every moming at 6 O'clock, Then I get up, put on my dressing ‘gown and (my) slippers, and go into the kitchen and put he coffee pot on the stove. ‘The king and queen are in Stockholm this week There are, however, some differences. The most important ores are: In Swedish, the above rule applies also to abstract nouns andto nouns designating loci Liver ar kort, konsien ar ling. Han gir redan i skolan Jukdagen tir alltid den 25 december. ‘Viren kommer sent i Lappland, iS, Seasons.of the year, holidays, etc. Life is short, aris long. He already goesto school Christmas Day is always on December 25th. Spring comes lae in Lappland. 1:522 Nouns in predicative position that signify profession, confession, nationality have ‘no indefinite article in Swedish. Examples: 1. Hon ar tarare, 2. Han ar spanjor. 3. Hon blev __ katolik. She is a teacher. He is a Spaniard She became a Catholic. 1:523 In Swedish, there are a number of verb + noun combinations which function as lexical units. The noun communicates most of the information (and is emphasized when the phrasi is spoken) and the. verb has a linking function. Let us call it a Verb + Noun Phrase (=VNP). The noun in a VNP has no indefinite article in Swedish. ‘Some categories av VNPs are: a) ha utrustning fa fie: skaffa | godelar Examples: T. Bilen har __automatvixel 2. De har skaffat___hund __. 3, Hardu__ kérkon__? b) a fa sjukdomar Tida av ©) spela instrument Exampk Per spelar__ saxofon _. have cquipment getyreceive p chthes acquire pioperty/belongings ‘The car has an automate gear shift. ‘They have gota dog. Do you have a driver's icence? hi me > illnesses suffer from ‘He has the measles. She has got a fever today. ‘They suffer from a chrenic bronchitis. play instruments Per plays the saxofon, d) Many VNPS are not easily categorized and must be memoiized e.g. kéra_ bil __/__buss___ sktiva hhyra_— rum /__bil__ halla — tal gapa__bio_/__restaurang __ fylla_—ar__ betala—_skatt___ oka ___pipa__ Jigga pa___sjukhus _ dansa___vals__/__ tango drive a car /a bus write a leuer renta room /a car ‘give a speech {go to the cinema / a resaurant havea birthday bbe hospitalized dance a waltz /a tango 2 ADJECTIVES AND PARTICIPLES 2:1 Adjectives and participles are used either as attributives or prsdicatives. Example: Han hyr ett stort ram (atr.) i det gamma huset (att), 20m ir myreparerat (pre). He rents a big room in the old house which io newly repaired. As a predicatiye, the adjective always has the indefinite form. As an attributiye, the adjective has either the indefinite or the definite form, NOTE the use of adjectival article, (See § 1:22) Indefinite singular, ‘non-neuter nouns Indefinite singular, indefinite plural, neuter nouns Definite AWLES 2:11 RE or ‘stort bili biligt 2:12 DEVIATING FORMS Iny nyt nya ‘agjectives ending in along bia itt bida vowel or in a long vowel +dor ,have it in the god got neuter form rid ott vit vit hard hat acjectives and past participles ” stingd stingt crding in a consonant + d, have bebodd bebott cecnsonant + ¢ in the neuter fom NOTE dd— tt svart svart svarta acjectives and past” intressant intessant intressanta ptticiples ending in a vile rekt kta censonant + ¢, have no kopt kot kopta cara (in the neuter form List List Lista mogen meget mogna acjectives and past participles” skriven skrivet skrivna crding in unstressed -en, drop n valkommen villkommet vatkomna ‘before ¢ in the neuter form, and e in the ale -form vacker vackert vackra adjectives ending in unstressed enkel enkelt enkla -e! oF er, drop ¢ before (andr NOTE! gammal _gammalt gamla inthe -ale -form berivad bertvat begivade adjectives and past participles ” intresserad intresserat intresserade ceding in unstressed -ad, drop a nytvattad nytvatat nytvattade before ¢ in the neuter, and the rm invariably ends ine B15 TRREGULAR FOR inden form Titen Titet smd definite form Milla lina smd Conceming the present participle, see §§ 2:6, 6:621 2:2 COMPARISON 2:21 Adjectives/Participles have three forms of comparison, the positive, the comparative and the superlative, In Swedish. as in English, there are two ways to form the comparison: 1. by the additon of endings (this form is used with most acjectives) 2. by using the words mer(a) and mest 2:3. Comparison using endings 2:31 Regular comparison: endings -are and -ast positive comparative superlative varm varmare varmast intressant intressantare intressantast NOTE spelling: adjectives ending in unstressed -er, -el, -en crop the e before -are, and -ast. mager fidel nyfiken Examples: 1, De hiir handskarna ir varmare an de di. 2. Den hitr boken tr intressantast, 3. Den hir osten ar magrae tin den, men den dir ir magrast magrare magrast aidlare ‘idlast nyfiknare nyfiknast ‘These gloves are warmer than those. This book is the most interesting one. ‘This cheese hasless fat than that one, but this one hasleast ft 2:32 Comparison: endings -re and -st plus yowel. change. NOTE: There are only about ten adjectives which are compared in this manner. positive compar suporiative ung yngre yngst tung yngre tyngst stor siérre Stérst grov grovre grovst lag igre ligst wang langre Kaingst tring mrangre tringst fi fiare dg (no vowel change) hdgre hdgst Example: ~ Evadir yngre fin Maria, men John tr yngst. 2. Det intrifiade fire trafikolyckor forraaret ‘in i. Eva is younger tan Maria, but John 1s the youngest. ‘There were fewe: traffic accidents last year than this year. 2:33 25 2:51 Irregular comparison NOTE: There are only six adjectives which have irregular forns. positive comparative superiative dalig sare sdimst vdrre varst god biiure bast sgodare godast bra ire baist gammal dildre dst liten mindre minst manga fler(a) flest Example 1. Maria edd tn Fa och Tohn, ‘Maria is older than Eva and John, 2. Hon dr lds, She is the oldest 3. [dag mar jag sdinve, fr hostan har bivit re, Today Tam feeling worse “less good") as my cough has becone worse ("more bad’). Comparison using mer(a) and mest Present and past participles and adjectives ending in -isk, unswessed -ad, or a consonant + d form the comparative with mer(a) and the supetlative with mest. positive comparative ouperiative kind mer(a) kind ‘mest kind aligjande mer(a) glidjande mest glidjande praitisk ‘mer(a) praktisk mest praktisk intresserad ‘mer(a) intresserad mest intresserad berimd mer(a) berimd mest berémd Examples: 1. Mozart och Beethoven dr tv av de Mozart and Beethoven are two of the mest kinda KompostGrema i vaslden. ‘best known composers in the world 2. MiMUKOK Bi det mes¢ praktiska mass han My kitchen isthe most practical one inka sig you can imagine. 3. Hlan ir mer(a) intresserad av musik in He is more intersted in music than aw literate. in Iiterature INFLECTION ‘The form of the comparative is always the sume. Example: De ir koppamna tr dive tin de dir, men dekoren ‘These cups are more expensive than those, ir vaclrare but the decoration is prettier. Basic form Predicative form of ‘Non-neuter, neuter, singular and plural snallast aidlast ingst minst Examples: 1. Eva ir ldngst i klessen, 2. Evairden ldngsta flickan i Klassen, INDECLINABLE ADJECTIVES 2:52 Superlatives formed by adding endings have two forms: ‘The a/e form Attributive form of Definite singalar and plural (den, det, de’ sniillaste (den, det, de} adlaste (den, det, de’ Kingsta (den, det, de! minsta Evais tallest inthe class, ‘The form of certain adjectives, especially those ending in -a cr -e, does not change, no matter what wo-d the adjective modifies. Included in this zroup are present participles and adjectives such as: bra stilla charmerande _enastiende gammaldags gratis dkta rasande de urrikes ‘These adjectives are all compared with mer and mest, with the exception of bra. (See § 2:33) Examples: En bra bok Bt ba forsiag. Boken ic bra. Brabocker. Gammaldags peprarkakor. Hon air den mest cearmerande kvinnan pA festen, ‘A good bok, ‘A good suggestion, “The book is go Good books. (Otd-tashioned singersnaps. She is the mostcharming woman at the party. 3. THE NOUN PHRASE Singular Plural Non-neuter Neuter 3:1 INDEFINITE NOUN PHRASE INDEFINITE MARKERS Indefinite form of adjective and noun (See §§ 1:21, 2:1) en ett - lngon ingot nga rndgon} stor lagenhst nagot b stort hus nigra}. stora ligenheter / hus vilken viket vitka varle varje - 3:2. DEFINITE NOUN PHRASE DEFINITE MARKERS 3:21 Definite form of adjective and noun (See §§ 1:21, 2:1) dion soraligorhoton dot storahuset do sealigenhsterrahusen con iar sent | sonar storaligeteton storatuet | cra tigentstrnahusen son cir cwtcar | cou J 3:22. Definite form of adjective. The noun has no end article. 3:221 Possessives (See § 5:2) Kalles Kalles Kalles | familjens familjens familjens stora ligonhet_ sora hus, stor lagenhotor_fhus_ rin mitt mina | hans hans hans 3:22 Determninatives (See § 5:52) don stora lagenhel_som.. det storahus_som.... de staa lagenheter_/ hus_ som... 3:223 Some special definite markers samma gamlabil_ samma gamlaradioprogram__ sammagamlabilar_/ radioprogram_ asta mojiga kandidat_ asta mojiga alernativ_ {féljande klokaasikt_ fojande Kiokauttalande__—_‘f6ljand» kloka Asikter_/uttalanden_ feregdende métka natt_ feregdende mérka &t_ féregdende mérka nétter_/ &r_ denna soligadag_ detta soligaleende_ dessa woligadagar_/ leenden_ 4:1 NUMERALS Cardinal numbers 0 noll 1 en,ett 2 wh 3 tre 4 fyra 5 fem 6 sex 7 su 8 Atta 9 nio 10 tio ll elva 12 tolv 13. tretton 14 fjorton 15 femton 16 sexton 17 sjutton 18 arton 19 nitton 20 tjugo 21 tjugoen, -ett 22 tjugorva etc. 30 wrettio fyttio. 50 femtio sextio 70 sjuttio 80 attio 90 nittio 100 (ett)hundra 101 (ett)hundraen, -ett 1000 (ettjtusen 1001 (ett)tusenen, -ett 2000 tv tusen 1.000 000 en miljon 1.000 000 000 en miljard 2.000 000 000 tv miljarder 1.000 000 000 000 en biljon 10 Ordinal numbers forsta andra tredje ffirde femte sjiitte sjunde Attonde nionde tionde elfte tolfte trettonde fjortonde femtonde sextonde sjuttonde artonde nittonde tjugonde tingoforsta tjugoandra trettionde fyrtionde femtionde sextionde sjuttionde attionde nittionde hundrade (et hundrafrsta tusende (et)tusenfersta watusende miljonte 4:2 4:21 Cardinal numbers Comments on the use of numerals Nouns can be formed from most cardinal numbers by adding suffixes: lL -a Example: en fermma 2 five (the nmber 5 a five room apartment ‘school grade acoin (5 SEK) ‘The definite form is often used to designate objects or Iccations, which are numbered, for example a bus or train line, a hospital werd, a street address. Exampk LLarssons bor i femman och Erikssons i sjuan p& Storgatan. 2. al Examples: Vi lever pl nitionhundratatet, Det lig ett iota’ bicker i skyltfOnstret, Tusentals bilar passerar gransstationen, varje dag, 4:22 Ordinal numbers ‘The Larssons live « No, 5 and the rikssons at No. on Storgatan. We live in the 20th Century. (the 1900's) ‘There were about ten books in the store window. ‘Thousands of cars pass the frontier station every day. ‘A possessive word or an adjectival article can precede an ordinal number. Examples: Herman ar Lisas zedje man, Carl XVI Gusta Den 6 juni ar Sveriges nationaldag. 4:23. Fractions Examples: En haly liter Ett halvt ilo Tre och en halv manad Fyra och ett halvt dt En tedjedtel ‘Ta sjundedelar 23% 1" Herman is Lisa's thrd husband, (read: Carl den sextonde Gustaf) ‘The sixth of June is Sweden's national holiday. (ead: den sje ji) Half alitre Half a kilogram ‘Three and a half menths Four and a half yeas wa an (read: 11d komma wre procent) 5:1 5:11 5:12 5:13 PRONOUNS PERSONAL AND REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS Personal pronouns have two forms: a subject form when used as the subject and an object form, used as the object or after a preposition (Exampes 1-4). In the case of den and der’ the wo forms ure identical Reflexive pronouns in singular and plural are used: a) when the object and the subject refer to the same person (Examples 5 and 6), and b) with reflexive verbs per se, e.g. fUrlova sig (get engaged) sitta sig (sit down) (Example 7). PERSONAL PRONOUNS REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS Subject Object 1. jag mig mig 2. du dig dig ni? er Singular er 3. han honom sig hon henne sig den den sig det det sig levi oss oss 2. ni er Plural er 3. de dem sig D ‘The forms mi and er (2nd person sing.) are preferable when addessirg a person you do not know well Examples: 1. Kan jag hapa er? Can 1 nelp you? 2. Vi tinker hilsa pa dem i morgon, We plan to visit tem tomorrows 3. Igiruaffade de hcnom, och Yesterday they met him and today i dag sha ce wl henne they will meet he 4, Rektorn har bett at ft tala med oss. The principal hasasked to speak with us. 5. Du maste g& och Bega aig nu. ‘You must go to ted now. 6. Jag kommer. Jag ska bara vata mig frst. Tm coming, I jest wash myself frst. 7. De ger sig i morgon. ‘They will get maried tomorrow. Comments on the use of den and det §:131 Den is used to replace non-neuter nouns while det is used to replace neuter nouns. Examples: 1. Hon kipte en banan, men den var inte mogen. She bought a barana, but it was not ripe, 2. Hon kopte ocksA ett pple, och det var mycket She also bought an apple and it was very got 00d 12 5:132 Det + vara (+an 3 5133 Der in impersonal constructions Example: 1. Vad ac det di? = Detar en (liten) bala, 2, Jan Berg, vem var det? - Det var min fora granne. Det var en mycket sympatisk person. Examples: Det regnade igi. Det snder nu. Det ic svit ait vara arbetsiis, Det ringer pa dtrren, Det finns inte mycket pengar kvar. Det ligger en hund under bordet. Det bérs att han kommer frin Gotland. say ee pr 5:134 Det referring to a phrase or a whole. clause. A. In short answers to questions. 1. Ar han teu = Ja, det han, 2, orstir du det hir? = Nej, der abr jag inte. B. Referring to a whole preceding cl Example: Ministern IjOg om brevet, men der skulle han aldrig ha gjort 13 ‘What is that? tis a (litle) lizanl. Jan Berg, who was that? ‘He was my forme: neighbour. ‘He was a very pletsant person, It was raining yesterday, Itis snowing now. It is hard to be ou: of work. ‘The door bell is ringing. ‘There is not muct money left. ‘There isa dog uncer the table, ‘You can hear thathe comes from Gotland. Isheat home? Yes, he Do you understand this? No, I dont. ‘The secretary of sate lied about the letter, but he should never have done that 5:2 POSSESSIVES AND REFLEXIVE POSSESSIVES PERSONAL POSSESSIVES AND REFLEXIVE POSSESSIVES ” PRONOUNS the possessor what is possessed » Singular Plural non-neuter neuter 1. jag min nitt mina 2. du din ditt ina ni er et era 3. han (the possessor hans hans hans hon ‘is novidentical hennes hennes hennes den with the subject, dess dess dess det of the clause) dess dess dess han (the possessor sin sit sina hon is identical with sin sit sina den the subject of sin sit sina det the cause) sin sit sina levi var virt vara 2. ni er et era deras deras deras sin sit sina ‘The reflexive possessives are only used in the 3rd person, singular and plural. ‘The forms of the posses Examples 1. Dir side min bi 2. Den dir bilen ts min. 3. Han nade hennes bil ighe, fr hans var ph verkstan, 4, a) Maria och Peter reser til sina sliktingar i Malmo i dag. 'b) Deras barn féljer ockst med, ‘3-a) Den nya maljokommitten tlisattes 1 tredags, ess medlemmar kommer fran hela landet. b) Kommittén l&mar sina rapposter discht till miljministern, ve adjectives and pronouns are identical in Swedish. (Examples 1, 2, 3) There is my ex. ‘That car is mix. He borrowed her car yesterday as his (own) was at the garage. Maria and Peter are going to their relatives in Malm6 today. ‘Their childrenare going, too. “The new Envvonment Committee was appointed last Friday. Its members ‘come from allover the country. ‘The vommitice prescats its reports directly to the Ministe: for the Environment. NOTE: The forms of the indefinite pronoun man also make the distinction between the possessives and reflexive po: 14 ves. (See § 5:76) DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS AND ADJECTIVES A demonstrative adjective is used to modify a noun, and a demonstrative pronoun is used independently. Non-neuter Neuter Plural den har thie (one) det hiir de hiir those (ones) den dar that (one) det dir de diir those (ones) den that (one) det de those (ones) dem (object form of pronoun) denna (masc. denne) this (one) detta dessa these (ones) 5:31 A noun following denna / denne, (detta | dessa) has no end article (Example 1b), a noun following any of the other demonstratives has the de‘inite form, e.g. an end article (Example 1a). An adjective following a demonstrative always has the definite form (Example 2). (See also § 3) When used in an cctual situation, e.g. when pointing to something visible. there is no difference in meaning” between den har and denna on one tand, den dar and den on the other hand (Examples 1 - 4). To refer back in a more abstract sense, ¢.g. to something jus: said or written den and denna are preferable (Examples 5 and 6). Examples: 1a, Jag kanner den har mannen / den har kvinnan. 1b, Jag Kanner denne man / denna kvinna. 2. Jag vill ine ha don hr storakakan, go mig dendr lila i sale. 3, Arde dar de svamparna atliga? = Nj, dem Kanner jag inte tll, men de har, hhir borta ar riktigt goda. 4, Vad betyder det har detta? SS. Farfarsfar var fede pt 1800-talet. PA den tiden (© pa 1800-talet) fanns det inga bilar 6. Det var inte tillatt at roka dir, men det detta (© att rokning ins var tilaten) visste han inte. 1 know this man / this woman, T know this man / this woman, don't want the big eake, give me that Tittle one instead, ‘Are those mustrooms edible? - Well, I don'tknow about those, but these, over here, at quite good. ‘What does thismean? Great grandfather was born in the 1800's In those days there were no cars. ‘Smoking was not permitted there, but he did not know that. ” The forms denna / denne / detta / dessa have a more formal connotation and are seldom used colloquially excep! in southern Sweden, 15 5:4 RELATIVE PRONOUNS Subject/Object form Possessive form som vars vilken (oor-neuter) vars/vilkens vilket (nevter) vars/vilkets vilka (plural) vars/vilkas 5:41 a) Somis the mos: common relative pronoun and is only used independently. Som can refer to animate and inanimate objects, in both singular and plural, as the subject or the object in a relative clause. 'b) Som cannot be preceded by a preposition. If a prepositior is required, it is placed at the end of the clause. c) Som as the object in a clause is often omitted. ‘Min dotter, som tir fom &r, ger mig ibland My daughter, who is five years old, frdgor (som) jag inte kan svara pd. sometimes asks me questions (wich) eannot answer. 2. Under helgen ske jag ta hand om nigra bam, This weekendI will be taking care of vars foraldrar ar p& Mallorca. ‘some children whose parents are on Mallorca. 5:42 The forms of vilken are normally used as interrogative pronouns. (See § 5:6). As relative pronouns the forms of vilken are only used in oficial documents, reports, etc. Example: 3. Olyckan, vilken hade dodlig usging, ‘The accident, fe outcome of which was faa, AAgde rum den 14 maj. took place on May 14 5:43 The neuter form vilker must be used when the relative pronoun refers to a whole clause. Exampk 4, Hon talade kinesiska, vilker var en stor She spoke Chinese, which was a great ‘verraskning, surprise. 16 5:5 5:51 5:52 DETERMINATIVE PRONOUNS AND ADJECTIVES A determinative adiective is used to modify a noun, and a determinative pronown is used independently. pronouns den (noneuter, singular) det (neuter, singular) de (plural, subject form) dem (plural, object form) adjectives den + non-neuter noun det + neuter noun de + plural noun Determinatives are only used with a relative clause, which points out and specifies the person(s), object(s) or item(s) referred to. ‘The noun that follows a determinative adjective has no end atticle. (See also § 3) NOTE that the relative pronoun/adverb in the subordinate clase is often omitted. Examples: Determinative pronouns 1. Den som lever fat se. 2, Det som stod i tidningen igdr var inte sant, 3. De som vill na kasel-1 V betaar en extra avgift. 4. "Nu hoppar jag!” ropade mannen pa ‘balkongen ill deri som stod wedanf1. 5. Han hdl tyst mec det (som) han hade- ‘at reda pa Determinative adjectives 1, Den dag (48) han kommer tllbaka ska vi ha fest. 2. Derlillaréda hus dr han foddes rn ett ‘museum. 3. De hyresgister som inte betalar hyran i tid blir vrlita, 4. Han skickade blommor till de vainner (som) han hade fat hjalp av. 7 “He who lives will see, ‘What was inthe newspaper yesterday ‘was not true, {nose who Wart cable-TV pay an auditonal fe. “TIL jump now!" the man on the balcony shouted to those standing below. He kept what had found out 0 himselt ‘The day (wher) he comes back well have a party. ‘The litle red house where he was bom is now a museum, “Those tenants vho do not pay their reat in time will be evicted, He sent flowers to those friends from ‘whom he had received help. 5:6 5:61 5:62 INTERROGATIVE PRONOUNS AND ADJECTIVES An interrogative adjective is used to modify a noun, and interogative pronoun is used independently vem (about aperson) Pronouns vad (neu vad .. adjectives vilken (non-neuter) vilket (neuter) adjective or vilka pronoun Interrogative pronouns or adjectives in an independent clause. Exampl 1. Vem'ir han? 2. Vad gjorde du i gtr? 3. Vad ar det dir? 4. Vad tr han for (slags) manniska? 5. Vilken bil ar bast? 6. Vilker apple vill du ha? 7. Vilka singer ir aoputirast? 8, Vilka kommer pa festen? 9. Vilka wiffade nid? 10. Vem har tagit mina bilnycklar? 1. Vad bar f4tt henae att sluta roka? Who is he? ‘What did you dp yesterday? What is that? ‘What kind of person is he? ‘Which car is best? ‘Which apple de you want? ‘Which songs are most popular? ‘Which ones are coming to the party? ‘Which ones dic you meet there? ‘Who has taken my car keys? ‘What has made her quit smoking? When an interrogative pronoun or adjective is the subject of a subordinate clause the pronoun som must be inserted. Examples: AS subject 12. Jag vet inte, vilken bil som dr bist. 1 don't know which car is best, 13, Han vet inte vilia som kommer He doesn't know which ones are pa festen coming tothe saty 14. Verdu vem som har tagit mina Do you know vho has taken my bilnyckiar? car keys? 15. Har du h6rt vad som har hant? Have you hearc what has happened? As non subject 16. Jag undrar vem han egentligen di. I wonder who he really is. 17. Tala bara om viiket pple du vill ha, Just say which apple you want, 18. Tag kan inte se wad dt dra. cant see wha that is. 18 5:7 5:71 5:72 INDEFINITE PRONOUNS AND ADJECTIVES An indefinite adjective is used to modify a noun, and an indefinite pronoun is used independently. (See also § 3) ndgon etc. adjectives ndgon (non-nevter) or ndgot (neuter) ‘pronouns nfgra (plural) pronoun nAgonting (nevter) Exar 1. Nagon maste hatagit min regnkappa. Someone musthave taken my raincoat. 2. Jag har glémt min penna i dag. Har 1 forgot to bring my pen today. Do you «du ndgon jag ka £4 Wana? have one Ican borrow? 3. Hardu hort ndgct/ndgonting frin din Have you hear anything from your familj pa sistone? family lately? 4, Jag beh&ver ettradergummi, Har du need an erase. Do you have one Ican indgot jag kan f& ina? bortow? 5. Nagra maste ta bussen, Alla fir inte Some must take the bus. There is not plats i bilen. room for everyone in the car. 6. Har du ndgon bror? Do you have a brother? 7. Jag vill inte ha rdgor katte nu 1 don't want any coffee now. 8. Har du ndgra becker av Strindberg? Do you have ary books by Strindberg? 9. Nagonting mAste du da ‘You must eat something. 10. Jag ska bjuda parndgor gott i kvall. Tm going to se-ve something tastey tonight. 11. Ardet ndgotindgonting spinnande pa Is there anythirg exciting on TV tonight? TV i kvall? ingen etc. adjectives ingen (non-neuter) or inget (neuter) Pronouns Inga (pura) Pronoun ingenting (novte) As the subject im an independent or subordinate clause, inzen, inget, ingenting, Inga may be used in both independent and subordinate clauses (Examples 1, 2, 7 and 8, below). When ingen (etc) is not the subject, the negation is nearly always extracted and the forms become: inte ndgon, inte ndgotndzonting, inte ndgra (Examples 5, 9 and 10, below). As @ non-subject, ingen (te) can be used only in independent clauses, with a single verb. (Examples 3 and 4, below). If the verb is a so-called particle verb (See § 6:9) the negation is extra:ted. (Example 6, below). ‘Examples: Huvudsatser Independent clauses 1. Tagen 38g browne No wie sa hi 2. Ingettingenting har Nant Nothing has haypened. 3. Han sig ingen. He saw no one, 4. Hon har inga pengar. She has no money. 5. Han har ine sett ndgotindgonting. He has not sees anything. 6. Jag tycker inte om ndgon av hans bicker. 1 dont like a single one of his books 19 Bisatser Subordinate clauses 7. Hon sade, att ingen hade sett honom. She said that noone had seen him. 8, Hon vet att ingentinglinget har hint, She knows that nothing has happened. 9. Han sade att han inte hade sett ndgon. He said that he kad not seen anyone. 10. Hon kan inte resa utomlands om hon She cannot go aoroad if she does not have any inte har nigra pengar. money. NUIE ingenstans = nowhere ndgonstans = somewhere (See § 7:33) 5:73 vem som helst etc pronouns | vem som helst (persons) vad som helst (neuer) adjectives | vilken som helst _nonneuter) or vilket som helst (neuer) pronouns | vilka som helst — (piual) Examples: |. Vem som helst kan lisa det hir lita Anyone can do this easy crossword Korsodet, puzzle. 2. Han kunde gira vad som helst fr sin fru He could do anything for his wife. 3, Satt dig pa vilken plats som helst. ‘Take any seat (you like). 4, Huirren massa applen. Du kan ta Here ae lots of apples. You can take vilker som hels. whichever you Ike, NOTE var som helst = anywhere 5:74 all, allt, alla adjective all (non- neuter) adjectives | allt (neuter) or pronouns | alla (plural pronoun allting (neuter) Examples: 1. All mat och att bréd tog slut ‘We ran out of al food and bread under julen, during Christmas. 2, Han kan alitfaltting om Stockholm. He knows everything about Stockholm 3. Kungen hilsade pé alta, ‘The king greeted everyone, 4, Alla var nijda med semester. Everyone enjoyed the vacation. NOTE: Alla should not be confused with the adverb allra, which is used with the superlative form of an adjective/adverb. Example: Den his singen tr ala bast. This bed isthe very best. 20 5:75 5:76 var, varje, varenda, var och en ex non-neuter neuter ‘Var (adjective or pronoun) varje (adjective) var och on (perovn) varannan (adjective or pronotn) varenda (adjectivs) annan (adjective. o vart (adjective) -varje (adjective) vart och ett (pronoun) vartannat (adjective or pronoun) vartenda (adjective) annat (adjective or varandra (pronoun) andra (adjective o pronoun) pronoun) pronoun) Examples’ 1. Flickorna fick ett pple var / var site pple. ‘The girls got one apple each, 2. Hlan tvtttar haret verannan dag. Hee washes his hair every other day. 3. Sverige har val var ted Ar Sweden has clecions every third year. 4, Hon cyklar till arbetet varje dag éret om. She rides her bieycle to work every day, all year round. 5. Han eav var ach en en uppeitt “He gave each ofthem an assignment 6. eta kam vartenda barn, men kanske inte Every child can do this, but perhaps varenda vuxen, not every adult, 7. Den hir glddlampan fungerar inte. Vi behOver This ight bulb doesn't work. We need enannan. another one. 8, Kan man inte g6radet p& ndgot annat sit’? 9, Han har studerat i manga ana Linder. NOTE: varandra = cach other, one another Example: De hjilpte wanda. man (subject) en (object) Sig (‘olloxivo object) ens (possessive form) sin) (oflexive sitt } possessive sina J forms) Examples: 1. Man ff inte kéra mot r6ttIjus. ‘You arc not permited to drive through a red light. 2, Om en polis ser en, stoppar han en Ifa policeman sees you, he will stop you. 3. Man maste deklarerai februari, ‘You must file an income tax return in February. 4. Ens deklaration méste vara firdig ‘Yous inceme tax raurn must he completed by ‘den 15 februari. February 15th. 5. Man maste linnna cin deklaration senast ‘You must turn in your income tax retum by den 15 februari February 15th, atthe latest. 6. Man bor tvatta sig innan man gar och (One should wash (cneself) before going to bed. Rigger sig. (See also §§ 5:12, 5:2) 21 ‘Can't you do it in some other way? He has studied ix many other countries. ‘They helped each other. 6. VERBS 6:1 ACTIVE FORMS Infinitive Present Past, Supine Imperative Past Participle ( sem) (inflected forms see § 2) weak verbs" 1 posta_ [postar postade postat posta postad Sppna_ léppnar | éppnade | Sppnat__| dppra__| dppnad lla stinga stinger | stiingde stiingt — | sting sttingd trycka ftrycker | tryckte tryckt tryce tryckt Ib képa képer képte képt kop képt lisa ser iste list lis last mota moter motte mott mo (beymott lic hora hor horde hort hor hord tila tal tilde salt tal tld ME tro tror wodde trott tro todd bo_ bor bodde bott bo. (be)bodd ” irregular verbs” gora gor gjorde gjort gor gjord sitta sitter satte satt saitt satt SS strong verbs > skriva, skriver skrev skrivit skriv skriven flyga flyer flog flugit flyg (forflugen ® dticka fdricker | drack druckit | drick drucken 1) Weak verbs: The past tense is formed by adding the ending -de or -te (compare -ed in English) 2) Strong verbs: In the past tense no ending is added to the stem of the verb. In most cases, the stem vowel is changed. (See § 6:2) 3) Imegular verbs: The past tense is formed by adding an ending -de or -te and, in most cases, changing the stem vowel. 4) ‘The unprefixed verb has no past participle. Examples of the use of 1. Jag har stingt dérren. A supine 2, Han hade List boken. ( Donen dr stingd, B past 4. Bolen blev list. participle 5. Brevet air redan skrivet. 6. Vikan / maste képa boken. C infinitive 7. Detycker om att skriva brev. 22 Thave closed the door. He had read the book. ‘The dooris closed. ‘The Louk was wad. ‘The letter is already written. We can /must buy the book. ‘They like to write letters. 6:2 STRONG VERBS THE MOST COMMON VOWEL CHANGES |Group| Past Supine Past Participle skina sken stiga steg (upp)stigen ” 1 i vrida © vied i vridit vriden skriva skrev skrivit skriven 26+ uii(va) bley blivit bliven flyga flog 7 flugit (ut)flugen ()u_sjunga sjng sjungit sjungen 2 bryta 8 brit u_ bruit u_ bruten y bjuda bjdd bjudit djuden frysa frds frusit frusen 29" supa sip supit (fér)supen ? sitta, satt suttit (ner)sutten ? finna fann funnit funnen 3 fOrsvinna a. forsvann u frsvunnit | u_ fSrsvunnen springa “sprang “ sprungt | * sprungen 1s drog dragit dragen 4 a o gol a galit ao for farit faren a tog tagit tagen skar skurit skuren 5 a a svalt u_ svultit uw svulten bar burit buren a stal stulit stulen TT 6 8 komt 0 kom vo kommt ve komnen 2* sova sov sovit = 7 A gi i gick a git A gingen 2 fa fick fate fangen 8 4 gréta a grit A grt A (be)griten ae Ita kit leit (fér)laten * number of verbs in group 1) The unprefixed verb has no past participle. NOTE that the verbs in group 1 have long stem vowels, and the verbs in group 3 have short stem vowels. Some common verbs do not conform to this system: e.g. ge (gav, zivit) ligga (lag, legat) = to lie, se (sig, sett) = 10 see, std (stod, stitt) vara (ar, var, varit) =tobe, ata (at, to cat. to give, fo stand, 23 6:3 AUXILIARY VERBS 6:31 TEMPORAL ” 6:32 6:33 To form the present perfect and past perfect the supine form isused in combination with the forms har and hade. Har and hade are often dropped in subordinate clauses, both in written and spoken langnage (Example 3) (See also 6:1 A) Examples: 1 2, 3. Han har rest till Barcelona, Hon fade gett honam resan i fodelsedagspresent. Han frgade om hon (fade) sett Hamlet. MODAL " (See also § 6:411) He has gone to Barcelona. She had given him the trip as a birthday present. He asked if she tad seen Hamlet Ini e Present Past Supine béra (ought 1) bor borde bort £4 (00 alowed torhave to) fir (may/must) fick Fatt Kunna (60 able 10) kan (can) kunde kunnat Tata (lot liter Lit 1atit maste (must) maste mast (skola) ska(II) (shalbwill) skulle (skolat) vilja_ (want to) vill ville velat Examples: 1 2. 3. 4. Jag borde _ stuta tka. Har du tid? Far jag _ tala med dig ett 6gonblick. Han kunde inte _ komma pa brollopet. Jag skulle _vilja _se pct par svarta skor, tack. vaga Hitsas T ought to stop snoking ‘Are you busy? Nay I speak to you for a moment? He could not cone to the wedding. T would like to Icok ata pair of black shoes, please. ‘You must have heard it before, siigas tyckas ete. He usually rides tis bike to work. She did not have the strength to carry the heavy suitcase. 5. Dumdste _ ha hit det rut. OTHER AUXILIARY VERBS WITH MODAL FUNCTION (See also § 6:411) behéva orka bruka tanka Examples: 6. Han brukar_cykla ill arbetet 7. Hion arkade_ inte tira den tunga viskan. 8. De sdnker_resa till Gotland p& semester. 9, 10. ‘Han sigs_vara ftrmégen, De tyeks_vara lyckliga. ‘They plan to go t Gotland on their vacation, He is said to be vealthy. ‘They seem to be happy. Kule: An intintive which follows a modal auxiliary verb or ar auxiliary verb with modal function has no infinitive marker att (to). 1) For other types of auxiliary verbs see § 6:35 24 6:34 6:35 Comments on the use of tenses ‘The use of tenses in Swedish is generally the same as in English. NOTE the following differences: In Swedish, there is no verb form corresponding to the gemndive or -ing form in English, to express contin action. The s ple tense ferm is adequate, but by adding one of the verbs: sitta, st, ligga, halla pd + och emptasis can be placed on continuing action. (Examples'I and 2). ‘The present tense is often used in Swedish to express actin in the future. (Examples 3 and 4) Examples 1. Han (satt och) rttade pa TV di det knackade phdbrren, 2. Hon (hall pa och) distar just nu, 3, De reser tll Uppsala i morgon. Foljer dumed? 4, Jag ringer dig na jag (har) kommit fram, Ways to express the future He was watching TV when there was a knock at the door. ‘She is doing the dishes right now. They are going:o Uppsala tomorrow. Are you going dong? will call you when I get there. ‘Swedish has no specific tuture tense torm. ‘Ihe tollowing are the most common ways to express the future: 6:351 The present tense is uscd most frequently when something in the context indicates the future. (Examples 3 and 4 above, Example 5, below) 6:352 Kommer att + infinitive has a connotation of prediction ar rognosis. (Example 6) 6:353 Tanker + infinitive is used to express an intended or planned action. (Example 7) 6:354 Ska(Il) + infinitive often has a secondary meaning of modality, i.c. someone has decided, believes, has heard that something will happen. (Exemple 8-10) Examples: I niista vecka fur jag semester. Priset pa mjblk kommer att stiga igen. ‘De tanker stania ett eget foretag. Regeringen har bestime att han ska Sverige i Bryssel. 9. Vad ska du grap sondag? 10. Jag har hort at det ska bli regn ida. Inthe future perfect and in the cond is used. Examples: 11, Han skulle aldrig se sitt hemtand igen. 12. Ton skuile hjlpe cr om hon basa hude, Next week I wil be on vacation. ‘The price of milk will rise again, ‘They intend to start their own business. ‘The governmenthas decided that he should represent Sweden in Brussels, ‘What are you deing on Sunday? have heard that it will rain today. nal tense. skulle (past tense of skall) He was never tosee his native land again. She would lelp you if uuly slic Would. 6:4 THE INFINITIVE 6:41 The infinitive used in a two-verb construction 6:41 The infinitive has no infinitive marker aff (= to) after an auxiliary verb of modal type (See §§ 6:32, 6:33). 1. Jag maste__ gd mu L must leave new 2. De behiiver ress bort en tid, ‘They need to go away for some time. 6:412 The infinitive is, as a rule, preceded by att after other verbs Examples: 3. Viavskyr att jdikia. ‘We hate to be in a hurry. 4, Tag fick honom tila betala ikningen 1 finally got him to pay the bill. till slut. 5, Ton har bestimt sig fr a¢¢ bo kar i husct. She has made up her mind wo go on living in the house. 6. Exporten kommer nog att oka igen. “The export i licely to increase again 6:413 The infinitive marker aft is optional after a few verbs like bérja, sluza, forsdka, beslusa, glémma etc. 7. Bamen borjade gerast (att) kia juleranen, ‘The children began decorating the Christmas ‘tee at once, 8, Han har Linge forsokt (ate) hitta en store He has been trying to find a larger apartment lagenhet. for a long time 6:42 The infinitive used as an attribute ‘The infinitive is always preceded by att. Examples: 9. Jag har inte tid a ¢t «a semester nu, I don't have time to take a vacation now. 10, Just nu finns det ingen majlighct ate Bax Just now there is no possibility to borrow pongar till ett hus, money for a house. 6:43 The infinitive as a subject The infinitive is normally preceded by a¢t. If the infinitive isthe introductory element in the sentence, att may be omitted. LL. (At#) segia tr Sailing is fun! 12, Detar roligt att sega, 1s fun to sail 6:44 NOTES: 6:441 Clausal adverbials, e.g. inte, aldrig, allrid are placed between the infinitive marker att and the infinitive. 1. Hon lovade att inte resa bor. She promised roto go away. 2. Det &r typiskt for honom ate alltid Its typical of hm always to come late. omma fr sen. 6:442 The infinitive marker aft cannot alone express intention. In ‘hat case for att is used. Exauple: 3. Hon reste till Rom for att studera arkeologi, She went to Rome to study archeology. 26 6:5 S-FORMS Infinitive Present Past Supine weak verbs 1 ppnas Sppnas Sppnades Sppnats lla stingas stings stingdes stiingts tryckas rycks tryckts Ib + képas képs képts lisas lises Lasts: motas mits mitts lle horas hors hordes horts tdlas ls taldey walls WM wos tro troddey uotts TO irregular verbs bras gots giordes giorts sittas sits sattes satts: skrivas skrivs IV ¢ flygas flygs dfickas dicks jp ir CEO strong verbs skrevs flags dracks 6:51 6:511 Transi When the stem ends in ans, an e is inserted. Comments on the use of the s-form Passive voice ‘The passive voice is used: a) when there is no actual performer of the action, when the performer is unknown or ynimportant in the context, b) in order to place equal, focus on the performer of the actionand the object. e verbs (See § 6:7) 6:5111The most common way to form the passive is by adding the ending -s to the main verb in the clause. In the present tense, -sis added to the stem, in the other tenses it is added to the conjugated form of Examples: ‘Han vantas hit imorgon, Telefonsamtalet brdts plotsligt. Filmen har regisserats av Ingmar Bergman, Utstiliningen kan inte bestrivas. Den maste ses. the verb. He is expected tere tomorow. ‘The call was suddenly disconnected. ‘The film was directed by Ingmar Bergman, ‘The exhibition cannot be described. Temust be seen, 6:5112 A passive construction, less frequently used, is formed with the auxiliary bli + the past participle of the main verb. The action is usually directed toward a ‘person, and the outcome of the action is emphasized. Example: 1, Bamet blev réiddat. 2, 1500 arbetare har blvit uppsagda, ‘The child was saved. 1500 workers have been fired. 6:5113 In some instances, the bli-construction is preferable: a) Toexpress the future (inherent in the meaning of the verb bli is the concept of change = to hecome ) when nothing else in the context indicates the future. Example: Den hii boken blir last, det tir stkert! ‘This book will bread, that’s for sure! b) When the s-form of the verb can have an active meaning. (See § 6:52, 6:53) Example: De blev sedda pen beryktad nattkubb. Cf. De sags paen beryktad nattklubb. ‘They were seen ata notorious nightclub They saw one arother .. (= they met.) 6:5114 Constructions with forms of vara + past participle can only be used when the action is completed, Examples: 1, Museet a sidngt. ‘The museum is dosed. 2. Alle var faidigt fr festen, Maten var Everything was pady forthe party. lagad, bordet var diskat och flaskorna var ‘The food was prepared, the table was ppnade. set, and the bottles were opened, 6:512 Intransitive verbs (See § 6:7) An impersonal passive conctruction with det as the (dummy) subject of the clause is sometimes used with intransitive verbs denoting actions performed by humans. Examples 1, Detpraiasen hel del om hans kvinnohistorier. 2. Feston var undeshar = dot dames och spender ‘och sjdngs till Iingt in pa smatimmarnal ‘There is a lot of alk about his love affairs. Tt wae a lovely party - there was dancing. and music and song the whole night long. 6:52 Deponent verbs (active verbs ending in -s, about 30 in all) Examples: 1, Jag hoppas (aut) de kommer, 2. Finns det nigon softa i rummet? = Nej, men det finas fem stolar. 3. Hur arivdes dui Sverige? hope they will ome. Is there a sofa inthe room? -.No, but there ae five chairs. How did you like it in Sweden? 6:53 S-forms with reciprocal meanings (a construction thatcan be used with a few verbs, and only with plural subjects; the -s stand for "each other”.) Examples: 1. De mites i hemlighet. 2. De shildes ftrra fret 3. Pojkaa slogs allid, 28 ‘They met in secrecy. ‘They separated lst year. ‘The boys were aways fighting. THE PRESENT PARTICIPLE ‘The present participle is formed by adding -ande or -ende to tke stem of the verb. If the stem ends ina stressed vowel, the ending is -ende, e.g. bende, gende. Otherwise the ending -ande is used, e. ‘Sppnande, stingande, lisande, skrivande. NOTE: The unstressed vowel -a in'verb stems like éppna, posta, is dropped before the ending -ande. 6:62 The present participle is used: 6:621 as an indeclinable adjective (See § 2: Examples: 1. En fascinerande film 2. tt underhillande program. 3, Hennes nya bok var lysande, 6:622 asa noun (See §§ 1:11, 1:12, 1:3) Exampl 4. ett pdstdende 5. ett ferhiillande 6.en gdende 7. ondianade 6:623 as an adverb (See § 7:34) Examples: 8. Hom tr sldende lik sin syster. 9. Han lyssnade forstdeade pa hennes klagomal. 6:624 as a complement to verbs of motion Examples: 10, Hon kom springance nerf6r trappan. 11. De gick siutgande genom staden p& ‘examencagen A fascinating filn, ‘An entertaining program. Her new book was brilliant, a statement relationship a pedestrian She is strikingly ike her sister. He listened in an understanding manner to her complains. She came running down the staircase. ‘They went singing through the city on their gradvation day TRANSITIVE AND INTRANSITIVE VERBS A transitive verb can take an object, an intransitive verb cannot. The following verbs are transitive: brdnna, kyla, képa, lagea, stélla, sdtta, vaicka, etc. (Examples 1-3). The following verbs are intransitive: brinna, kallna, ligga, sitta, samna, sova, std, vakna, etc. (Examples 4-5). Some verbs have both a transitive and an intransitive construction (Examples 6-7). Examples: 1. Han brukar kyla Ole: i vatnet, nr han ar ute och soglar. 2, Han lade breven pa bordet och stllde béckerna i bokhyllan 3. Hon hade sat vickarklockan p& ringning, Klockan 6, men katten véckie henne dessftrinnan, 4, Farmor sonar ofta nr hon sitter i gungstolen, 1 jusen brinner sh veckert Hon slutade sitt arbete klockan 5. Arbetsdagen sluade klockan 5, 29 He usually cools tis beer in the water when he is out sailing. He put the leterson the table and placed the books in the bootshelf. ‘She had set the alarm clock to ring at 6 o'clock, ‘but the cat awakened her before that. Grandma often fals asleep when she is sitting im her rocking chair. ‘The candles are turning so brightly. She finished wort at 5 o'clock. ‘The working day ended at 5 o'clock. 6:9 REFLEXIVE VERBS A verb is reflexive, when the subject and the object have identical reference. ‘The object is a reflexive pronoun. (See § 5:12) Examples: 1. Vi gifte oss i Pars We got marriedin Pais, 2 Bau hat aldig rye stg ume oss. ie fay never cated about US. 3. Hon kdnner sig ofta olycklig. She often feels snhappy. 4. De ddrde sig aldrig ndgot. ‘They never leaned anything. 5. Elden spred sig snabbt i det torra grist. ‘The fire spread quickly in the dry gras, NOTE the word order in Examples 3 and 4. (See also § 10:15) PARTICLE VERBS A so-called particle verb consists of a simple verb and a stresied particle which changes the meaning of the verb. The simple verb att halla, for example, means o hold, while att halla ay meats to like, att hélla om = to embrace, att alla med = to agree with, etc. The particle is usually an adyer® or a preposition ard is stressed, while the verb is unstressed. A particle verb is a unit and must be treated as such, since it differs in stress, meaning and often in word order (See $§ 10:1, 10:2) from a simple verb followed by an ordinary preposition or adverb. NOTE the difference in the following examples: (the stress ismarked: / ) ft 1, Jag hdlsade pa Anna. | greeted Anna. i 2, Jag halsade pa Anna, I visited Anna. f 3. Vad tycker du cm musiken? ‘What do you think of the music? / 4, ‘Tyckerduom musiken? Do you like the music? 5. Kanner du inte Adam? Don't you know Adam? / 6 ‘Kanner du inte igen Eva? Don't you recognize Eva? 1 7. Hon ser ofta ut ver havet, Sle often looks out over the sea. I 8. De ser alltid glada ut Tiey always look happy. The verbal nouns and the present and past participles derived rom a particle verb always have the particle as a prefix. Examples: 1. ettuascende looks 4. omayeke ikea 2. enpahdlsning a visit, a call 5. ihdgkomnen remembered, 3. ett medhdll an approval 6. igenkiinnende recognizing 30 7. ADVERBS 7:1 The literal meaning of the grammatical term adverb is "belonging to the verb". The adverb therefore qualifies the verb. An adverb can also qualify an adjective, a numeral, another adverb or a complete claus NOTE: Adverbs have no gender or plural endings. 1. Han kom sent till festen. (qualities a verb) He came lateto the party. 2, Han tir ciroligt bogtvad. (quaitics an adjective) ‘Ho is increditly gifted. 3. Det kom omkring (cirka) 40 000 Askdare There were about 40, 000 spectators pA forbollsmatchen igtr. (qualifies a qumera) at the football match yesterday. 4, Hon kom ovantig¢ tidigt tll arbetet. She came to vork unusually early. (qualifies another adverb) 5. Han dricker vanligen/vanligivis till middagen. He usually denks beer with his dinner. (qualities a complete clause) 7:2 Adverbs derived from adjectives / past participles 7:21 The neuter form of an adjectivelpast participle (See § 2) maybe used as an adverb (Examples 1, 2, 4, above) 7:22. Adjectives ending in -lig use the suffixes -en or -1vis to makeclausal adverbs. (Example 5, above) Adverbs not derived from adjectives 7:31 Simple adverbs 7:311 Negations inte I icke 1312 Adverbs of time aldrig (never) nu (now) snart (soon) alltid (always) ‘bland (sometimes) sillan (seldom) genast (at once) ofta (often) redan (already) 7:313 Adverbs of place, indicating location and motion i 4 location at a place motion toward a place bar bit dit in ut uuppe upp nere ner (ned) hemma hem borta bort framme fram var? vant? 31 7:32 7:33 7:34 Adverbs like var, hr, dar etc. are used with verbs designating location at a place, such as vara, bo, sitta, ligga. Examples: 1, Dara han ‘There he is. 2, Hon siter hema och arbeta. She is siting a home working. 3. Vi bor Air We live here. Adverbs like vart, hit, dit ete. are used with verbs designating motion toward a place, such as dka, g4, komma, ldngea 4. De Aker bort pa semester. ‘They are goingaway on vacation. 5. Hon lingtar hem She is homesic¢ (= she is longing for home). 6. Kom hit! Come here! Compound adverbs (a simple adverb + a preposition or an adverb) a) haifrdn varifrdn hemifran Example: Han gick hemifrdn. He left home (walked away from home). >) hitde bakdr inde ude Example: Han tittade bakdr, He looked back. ©) norrur séderut —visterur Ssterut Example: Han reste norrut, ‘He travelled north (to the north/northward). Adverbs formed with the suffixes -ledes, -lundaand -stans ‘The suffixes -ledes and -lunda denote how or by which means something is done. ‘The suttx -stans denotes the place. Examples: 1, Tan kunde inte ga det anor, He could not doit in any other way. 2, Meddelandet kom celefontedes, ‘The message came by telephone, 3. Kastan maste finns nidgonstans, “The map must be somewhere 4. Ingensians pa jorden finns det Nowhere on cath i there anyone like you. nngon som du. Present participles can be used as adverbs. 1, Biljeterna var dverraskande billiga. ‘The tickets were surprisingly cheap. 32 14 TAL 7:42 Comparison An adverb derived from an adjective has the same comparative and superlative forms as the adjective. positive comparative superlative sent senae senast lage ligre lagsr Exampl 1, Jag kan inte komma nu, kanske senare. cannot come row, maybe later. NOTE that the suffix r is dropped before the comparative and the superlative endings. ‘The following adverbs, not derived from adjectives, are compared: positive comparative superlative bra bittre bast fort fortare fortast giirna hellre helst illa ‘sdmre sdmst mycket mer(a) mest niira nirmare niirmast ofta oftare oftast Examples: 2. Hon vill bo nu sina inner, She wants to live close to her friends. 3. Kom ndrmare! Come closer! 4, Bara de som sattnivmast kunde ha vad Only those who were sitting closest could han sade. hear what he wes saying. 5. Hon reser gia bort pt semestern, ‘She likes to go away on her holidays. 6. Hom reser hellre med ta med fly. She would rather go by wain than by air 7. Helst skulle hon vilja resa till Nya Zeeland, Most of all, she would like to go to men hon har inte 18d [New Zealand, but she cannot afford to NOTE: géirna is nct easily translated into English. (Examples 5 - 7) 33 10. ii. 12. PREPOSITIONS An alphabetical list of the most common prepositions. Prepositions must be studied and learned in their context. The following are a few guidelines that may clarify general use. av 1, Hon omgavs ay manga beundrare. agent 2. Stolen ar ay ek, material 3. Han var grén av avund, sause 4, Du borde anviinda minadskort genitive Anviindningen av manadskort of vera .g6r resorna billigare. nouns, bakom 1. Visiter bakom tonom, place (@ framtée) efter 1, Ta tll hoger efter korsningen. lace 2, Han kom efter klockan te. sime (+ fre) framfor 1, Han stir framfor oss. place (#bakom) fran 1, Han kommer frdn Schweiz. ‘origin of place 2. Bondet ir frdin 1700-talet. origin of time 3. Ljudet frdn orkestern var genitive

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