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CITI PERSONAL LOAN APPLICATION FORM Mandatory Feiss [01] ciTl PERSONAL LOAN DETAILS kedtor | F Purpose. Pease choose ane TT [Tone payment |Home improveent Amount Sle nase [ised expense Bees sifenartreamenas: Ca ‘Ful name (First, Male, Lat) rit inal aps LT) Crpatanc/tumure soa cturaenmite | [owe Clone Cara Bt ene atc ny acpy ta) Country [IPhippines. others, ps specity Eos Employment emer Private [Pubic []Selremployed [-]oters No.of years wth present empayer ‘employer/business name Position title ‘Noture of butiness/ingustry ‘Total no of years working Pertanalsavinge Inwrient Sle ot Property ‘Home phone # | | | Mobile phone | | | emai oaaress Malling Address curtent Home aetess | Permanent adress Bubs atest For Bank ues ony: Pesos come Agent coge ore we sai ccnannet City or Municipaiity _ , af [1 ares aR FF = ‘Business phone # | | | | Vans Lome aan Loved rasan sexonacm || Ol “cotton see covmbaeseskingperentie wine Liver Cite ES estan * segenaes saree Ed one ‘LOU: ee sacs a et SEE ARTES credit mit Member since | | a cnt [ ard 2: Bank Name! cre int wore] I! I cara [confirm that own al te nfrmation | provided above and tat they are tue, correct and updeted v_Stasramuacemet errs, Wate case | Work Location Code Pos [Pensowarererence 7 Clyes ino tryes, indicate relationship: ne Pease lst down your personal references below. if self-employed, slease Ist detals bot your CPA and trae Feterences RELATIONSHIP NAME PHONE NO, ae ATTESTATION ON SELF-EMPLOYMENT ‘cert that Lam the owner ofa business, wherein its total assets less the value ofthe land on which my business lis plant and equipment are situated amount to (pease cheek one ‘not more than 3 millon ‘more than ?3 milion P15 millon more than P15 millon to P00 lion ‘asitonlly (lor such business whose total assets have value fling under mare than P3 ‘millon to 5 milion’ oe more thon PIS millon to P100 millon categories), thot my business hea been Guay registred ith eppropte goverment agencies. Farther, hereby cert that am amare fend willcomp wit the asiiondl documentary fequrements bu statedin SSP credlor 622,08 aoncedby BSP cule 855. undostand ‘that nonsmplianes withthe raulrements sutfcent ground for rection ot my ceeownts [Altatestations and certiieations above were mage by me voluntary EA eesti teeter Yate POO "hereby agree tothe following terms and conditions: ‘he terms "My" and "Me" reer tothe person who Ras applied for ait Personal Loan account with CllBank, WA. Pdppine Sranch (Bank), whose application may er ay ‘ot be approved. Te term “ct Personal Loan” means the Citi Personal Loan fclhy Granted by the bark understand tnt ance my apletion is approved for a iti Personal Loan, the Bank wil ‘set ops erei intro when may aro loans. The ret mt to be signed to me ‘il dopens on my credit standing andi subject to Cts creat uncerwrting poley "rurther understana thatthe Bank may, ate seretlon, request for my Income Tak Return Acted Finaeis statements (APS) and/or any ater documents io support ft my cred stancng, and that i my respons to provi the sme, Moreover, once my application's approved, | zgree asa Cit Personal Loan customer to ay fees, 2s applleabe to be determined by the Ban forthe use of the Cli Personal {oan or ener fcites and services anafor tne malntenance and administration ot eny ‘Below the tale af iti Personal Loan tees and charges a of Jy 2016. MAIN FEES AND CHARGES ame ‘amber ctr cys en he eo a Tyran ac a of eens 208 « 26.9%, trac scm wt Disbursement Fee | PA,75O tor cach dsturanert Decumentary Pe gers PZOO cro pout, subject te applabie fw ane Inazcotnce nih he pies ezortingStanarsdtrton eine cee ie hak aly dest eae re ck ttectve Interest | Eee 120,5200) fate ‘The which ines te monty intrest. te Obursement ee an DST, Simms aeRO Pease mare OTHER FEES 4% crn waite princis congener ot eon at «ra Fete ee P50 or 6% or ine ovree rin wnzrever nr. hare’ oo com ghana sete o Overcte Anes gerade * | Siena tyres tiatentnpSl peers Undertaking and Decaration [APPLICANT'S INFORMATION Teclre tna the above information inthis aplication form and the Intormation nthe submitted documents are my information and are tre, correct and update andthe Sald documents are genuine end duly executed authorize the Bank to vet andobtin copies of allintormation ad submited cuments from he Bureau a Internal Revenue (BIR) and sther appropriate sources including my {mplyers andor my aceountants nesme Sources) aso ovthorze eee ofthe iy income Information os realres by OSP Clevlr 622,98 amended by ESP Cle S35 derstand tht oy aieaton elated my apizaton suit wan or the Bank nas no abigaton to furnish tne reson for suen rejection. | gree that if my appleation is dele, the Bank may re-process appleston within tree @) months Irom the date of dela andi Ieeue me ai Personal Lan tint time, TRANSFER AND PROCESSING OF INFORMATION ‘As reauired uncer Ruble Act 107 andthe appeabelaws and regulations, authorize {nd give content for he folowing bnatenra pres setectesby the Ganka ano is fees, ranenes,sbeisare ates gents orrepresenttivesSracertain companies (olectvly refered tas "Authorized ‘hirg'Parties") to offer specially selected progucts andlor services through Iralfe-mai/fox/SMS, by telephone, or by anyother maar’ ofcormunicaton icing octal mesa, and/or to provide proguct ond services to you + For tne Bank to lsclose ana snare my name and account information (-Aecount Information) tofwitn the Creat Inermaton Corporation, any creat bureau, ered Information service providers lending institution’, nancial nstttior/ barking and {eal incusryassocatlons, and service provers of such entitles (colectivly etrted fovas "creat Instutions), and in the event of clingueney, to further report anefar Inetude my name and Account Information Inthe credit relerence ists of such Credit + For the Bank its Authorizes Third Parties, and the Bank's/Authorized Thre Parties! fears, avecors, employees, agents, professional advisers and third party sevice Brovsers to clit ond verity any information about me fram any id party for any of fhe purgote speciig In tna section + For the Bank, ts Authorizes Third Parties, andthe Sank’s/Autherzed Tha Parties! cers, avectors, employees, agents professional adisers and third pay service browses, to colett, process, stove, record, organize, dete, modify, lock, erase and estoy Colectivelyreterreg to as process) my Personal and/or Account lnfarmation itn Me Bank and any information the Bank obtalns om tha partes cling my [ecount information with other financial or nontinancial institutions or any of the Purposes speciiedn this section, *For the Bankto transfer, sclse use and process my Personal and Account information {inetuing vermation hat the Bark obtains rom thr partes, suet as Cred stutons 8nd other ancial or norfnanell institutions) to, between and among ts Authorized ‘tia Partis now rterrest te“ Reesiving an Dlelosina Partie’) Creations ‘tne nanca or non-financial stitutions, or the outsourced service providers of such tntities, wherever situate, or @ Government Requreren, fr any lawful purpose such Ss business velopment, data processing, analysis and management, surveys, product Bnd service offers, account servicing, Including fewaras regemption and fuliment, Iarketing actives sk management pursose, calectons purposes and reporting, use Inempioyinent checking or natal Ines), ane comptonce with favs, equatons Bnd pales on antimaney laundering, sanctions and/or the Us Forlan Account Tax ompliance Act (FATCA, Including wihnosin for prposesof the FATCA, In addition tothe above, the Bank of any of the Recelving ad Dstosing Parties may dlclose any Information as may be reaufed by any Government Reguemen, and for complance with any Government Requirement, ras required by o forthe purposes of any aul of Investigation of any authority. "covernment Requirement means any applica wot Fegulation legal governmental or regulatory author, or agreement tered nt bythe Bank and sny governmental authority orbatween two or mare governmental authorities (Guehian regulation or authorty may be domestic foreign ‘ethos af any Cre neti ‘For the Bon to tranter ana eciose to any Credit Institution andthe Bank's/crest "Forth Credit inatton strate andaslse to follow sas, member or subscribers Whether inancia or no-tiancil institution, any of my Personal an Account formation ‘agave Information ander Rote Kt Na 9510, ater Information hat may be eques bythe Creat Information Corporation, Personal informaten semoarashi nfrmaton Informetion wnich refer to nformetion eating tome or my representatves received by the Bank, it Authorized Tira Parties an the Bank's/Authorizes Thirs Portes Includes my Person trensetianal information and oy ‘ther Information that nave ceslghated as consent at he time of iclsure or that Stordinary person would conser tobe canientel or proprietary 1 re-evaluate my nts lsreton, ‘he above consent apples forthe duration of end even ater the closure or cancelation tim Cli Personal Loan account. My consent wil be effective despite any applcble ondsclsure agreement and acknowledge tat information relating to me ané my cit Personal Loan account, including Conligenta Information, may be transtered to Jursetons which donot have stret data protection or data privacy las. declare that nave provided any notices consents and waivers necessary to pernit the Bans Authorized Third Parties, ana the Bank s/Authorized Tira Parties tira party Sere provides and payment nrastructure providers carryout the actions described inthis provision agree ana consent forthe Bank o review and aglust my Cit Persona Loan creat nt Inthe bank's absclit dsretion in secordance wit heer poles. | agree to ld the Bark free and harmles fom any ably that may arse from the processing and use of my Personal and Account Ifermatlon, and other Iformatlon pertain to my accourts with athe nancial and nornanealinsttlons, ‘COMMUNICATIONS AND RECORDING. By sing the ckiPrane tine. by proving my phone numbersto the Bank andy caling of accepting alls frm the Bank or ts service provers In connection with my Ctl Personal Loan account, | authorize the Bank ands service providers to record, store Feplay and share with any thra party al conversatlons with me and/or on iy Bone humbers/ines, Including cals withthe Sank’ sevice provers and wth any person whe nay answer the phone on my behalf. 2qree that ese records may be used by tne Bank Ore service providers for any aul purse, garlcleri as eldencein any procecing [ular acmiistrative Lam resporsite for nfring any prsan who may answer the hone on my behal 35 my representative that the Bank ana its service providers shall Fecors replay and uae the calle wth him or ber and that tis fe beng done mith my Buthorizton agree thatthe Bank and ts service providers arena able for an loss farage or expense tat results trom the Bank's rts seruce provers” actions on any feteohove instructions or eonmurieatons mage after the Bank or any of ts service provers nas veri my ientty etter thvough my Telephone PIN (TPIN) oF thruah fhe Bank or ts servic provides eration process. hal indernty the Bank and [eserves provers agalnst any loss, damage, cost andfees that they may sue asing from them 30 acting CLIENT INFORMATION AND UPDATING Tonelp prevent money laundering and terrorist financing, Phlipln aws, 2 wel a5 Ct poly, require the Bank fo obtln, vey, and record information that Kentifis each person who opens an account with the Bonk. Ths means that when open an account titntne Bank, the Bank wilask for my name, adress gate of rth and other information {hat wilaion ito dentityme. The Bankmay als asktoseea photo oretherkentyng ‘documents understand that must not the Bank immediately of any change to my malin ross (esdence anor fie), email aceressana/or phone numbers (anaine and/or mod), tna othe: relevant information to avoid Seay or failure inthe delivery ot my SORE ‘ther notices. I may notity the Bank of such changes through eiibank Online \wrmctoank.comon) iPhone Hotline or By sending my contact information change, Fequestto:P0. Bor T55, Manto Cental Post Otic, 1000 Menile tention: asset Dperatons. ‘The Bank must be ale to verity my preferred mang adress. ifthe Bank is unable to verity my preferred mallng adress, the Sank may delver my CI Caréané SOAS to any tthe vere addresses on my epplicatlon fr ‘Tho Bank shal not be responsible for any consequences that may arse due tomy inabity {receive any SOA a fo pay my oustanding loan obligations a a result of my flue t9 ‘otiy the Bank ately manner of sy change in my mating address, conte or ther Information. | shal aso provide the Sank with such information and documents asthe Sank may require trom time tne ana shall upaate that novation as Fequred by tre Bank rom time t time, to enale the Bank or any atilate af the Bank o amply with any 1 oF Feguiaion of eny Goverment Requirement tis my responsibilty tonatiy the Bank of any change in my other information, suchas. {lu status cllzensh, employment deals anc Income gre to sur () my Income ‘ax Return (1) whether Lam a salaries employee of selt-emp\oyed I) adltionally ny Financ Statements (F) | am sel-enployed; i) Certiiate of Employment Sma salaried employee; and (v) other documents (collectively “Income Documents annual PREVENTION OF PERFORMANCE ‘The Bank wil ot be responsible fr any ale to perform any of ts ebligatons with Fespect to any product or series offered hereunder uch performance would osu {breach of any Government Requirement os performance Is prevented, Nndered fr delayed by aForce Majeure Event. n such case the Gants cgations wil be suspendes forse tong a he Force Maeure Event continues (and Inthe case ofthe Bank no other branch oratlate shal become lable. The Bank wil at be responsive for any action {aken to comply with economic sanetons or Government Requirement (and ne other branch ot aflate shall become fable) "Force Mleure Event” means any event due fo {ny cause beyondthe Sans control such as estriions on convert yo tansferabty, Feaustons iveluntary transfers, unavallabity of any communication, clearing payment system, sabotage, fre, food, explosion, acts of Goa, economic sanctions Government Requirements civi commotion stilkes or insti action of any kid ts, Incurecton war or acts of government or Similar Insts WITHHOLDING [tnderstan that am responsible fora axes on amounts pald or returned to me the Bank. treqlred by any spplable Government Requrement, 1 suthorize the Bank to ‘deduct or withhold ora on account of taxes on such amounts. CLOSURE OF THE ACCOUNT {ihe Bank may, wtnout ging any reason or prior otie, suspend or cancel my Ct Personal Loan account Incase of dtaut in my Cit Persona Loan account, he Bank may, without ratifying me, ‘areal and reveke my rant to use my Git Personal Loan account ony citi cara or ther edit faites we the Dane I the Bank determines that the Cit Personal Loan account has baen oI being used for Unacceptable Tranractions, the Bank may take any legal action In Connection withthe {Ch Personal Loan account and/or loan avliment, Ieuan the cancelation of my Ct In any ofthe foregoing instances, the Bank shall declare the total oustanding balan whieh incides ay unpestd transactions and unblleg Monthly Instalents Due, unde Sy of my Caras andor te ttaleustanding lance unde my Cit Personal Loan account, tobe immediately sve and derancabie. Isha beable fo py terest andLate Charges and othe feos, a6 apaable OTHER UNDERTAKINGS gree that my Cit Personal Loan may be used only forthe purpose inlcated inthis ‘hppcaton Form andlor inthe Sscosure Stterent understand that the Bank probit the us of proceeds from unsecuted cect facies fF loans for Investment into Cit! wesith management products. By signing on tis Sppleation form, here confirm that l approves the proceeds ftom my Cl Personal {an account wil ol be used fr subscription nt itratfered wealth management snd Insurance products. nthe event thatthe proceeds nave been used for these purposes, "he Bank sl be ented Yo aoa ects ana things necessary to comply wih tne Banks Poles, Icuaing but not Units toileting my holsings of investmentsinsurance at {hat tmet agree to bea ll costs and expenses thatthe Bark may incur 252 eau {agree that nthe case of default or breach in any contractor evidence of indebtedness tone ormore Card account/s, ti Personal Loan account or over cred faites lesued by the Bank, fren or loa Branches, ubsiares anc fflates, the Bank may cancel ny Card Ci Personal Loan, and other cad faclities, without giving me any notes "confirm that have read understood and agree tobe bound by the terms andcoations "ated above and those inseates im the Ci Personal Loan Terms ang Conditions and the terms end condtion that may be moceavaabe to me separately in connection with bilthe Cit product, programa, services, facies and Benes associates with my Cit Peesanal Laan account, suen But not lnited to the Citibank One, cit Eletronie Stotements and electron Adie, Ct Alerts Serie, Cit Modi, end caPnane Hating, ‘whieh mayor may nat be expy dened or referred ointhe Cit Personal Loan Terms na Gondtions ana to fature emenaments of any of the above, es evidenced By my Starter appa frm aor ct eran Loon Socamerts oat my In atin, | aiso agree to be bound by any an all exiting or future laws, requatlons ndoffclal issuances governing the use of my Ct Personal Loan andall the services and Facile assotated with the use of my Cl Personal Loan anal the services and Tales Seroclatd with it Personal Loan, [agree tat the Bank may make amendments to the above terms and conditions or the Cit Personal Loan Terms ana Conditions, Including the fees, charges, and terms at any time ane wi notify me ofthese changes aecoranai- Seance eet Wate ‘he lnformation contained inthis form s accurate ax of July 2016. The Bank reserves {he ight to change the provisions n tis epleation fm any change in this form since printing date, please call our CiiPhone Holine at 995-9599 or visit wuw.elibankcom.h.

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