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Vitreous humor is a colloidal watery fluid which is a modified

mucoid connective tissue.
Lipofuschin granules are found in nerve cells.
Corpora quadrigemina are the part of mid brain of
There are 12 pairs of cranial nerves in mammals.
Vagus nerve is the 10th cranial nerve.
Nissls granules of nerve cells are made up of ribosomes.
EEG (electroencephalograph) is used to detect brain
Acetylcholine, epinephrine and nor epinephrine are
Resting potential of a nerve is 70 mV.
Corpora quadrigemina are related with the perception of
Saltatory conduction occurs in myelinated nerve fibres.
Tigroid movement is associated with movement of nerve
Endolymph (in the ear) contains good quantity of
Fenestra ovalis (oval window) the external opening of
tympanic cavity.
Nerve cells are a part of the nervous/ neural system.
Tongue is under the control of glossopharyngeal nerve.
The muscles surrounding the pupil of eye are unstriated and
Intracellular communication in multicellular organisms occurs
through both neural and endocrine systems.
Glycine (an amino acid), and GABA (gamma amino butyric
acid) leads to inhibition of CNS.
Acetylcholine is an excitatory neuro transmitter.
If dorsal nerve of spinal cord is broken down then no impulse
is transmitted through it.
Neural canal is found in vertebral column.
Frog has 10 pairs of cranial nerves.
Comprehension of spoken and written words takes place in
the region of Wernickes area of forebrain.
Occulomotor nerve carries the nerve fibres originating from
Edinger Westphal nucleus.
Ten lamina are present in the grey matter of spinal cord.
These are called Rexed laminae.
Color blindness is due to defect in cone cells.
Cerebrum is the largest part of human brain.
Para ventricular nucleus is responsible for physiological
sweat secretion.
Intensity level for whispering noise is 10 15 decibel (dB).
Acetylcholine, glutamic acid and epinephrine are
Injury localized to hypothalamus would most likely disrupt
regulation of body temperature.
Parasympathetic neural signal reduce heart rate and cardiac
Rhodopsin is a purplish red protein present in rod cells
Retinal is the light absorbing portion of visual photo
In retina, rod cells have photo pigment rhodopsin while cone
cells have three different photo pigments.
Amount of CSF (cerebrospinal fluid) in cranial cavity is 140
Centre for hunger and thirst are located in the hypothalamus.
A monosynaptic reflex arc has two neurons sensory and
motor, which form one synapse in CNS.
Respiratory and vomiting centers are located in medulla
oblongata of hind brain.
Otoconium is found in otolithic membrane.
Number of cranial nerves in amniotes (reptiles, aves &
mammals) is 12.
Retina is most sensitive at fovea centralis.
Eyes develop from both ectoderm and mesoderm.
Spinal accessory nerve is a motor nerve.
Path of reflex action is receptors spinal cord
Center of thinking and learning is present in cerebrum.
The olfactory smell area and auditory area both are present in
the temporal lobe of brain.
Corpora quadrigemina is a part of the midbrain of mammals.
Abducens is a type of motor nerve.
Axon part of neuron is covered by a fatty sheath.
The roof of cerebrum is called pallium.
The fluid between pia mater and arachnoid is cerebrospinal
fluid (CSF).
Gustatoreceptors are taste buds of tongue.
Auditory area, olfactory area and Wernickes area are present
in the temporal lobe of the cerebrum.

Memory is the responsibility of the cerebrum.

Neurons and glia are the two types of cells of the nervous
In eye donation, the cornea of donors eye is utilized.
Rods and cones cells are present in the retina of the eye.

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