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Name: Maria Arredondo

Grade Level: Grade 8
Content Area: Social Studies
Beyond-the-Basic Productivity Tool Used: Timeline
Standards Addressed: SS8H1 The student will evaluate the development of Native
American cultures and the impact of European exploration and settlement on the
Native American cultures in Georgia. a. Describe the evolution of Native American
cultures (Paleo, Archaic, Woodland, and Mississippian) prior to European contact.
Blooms Level of Critical Thinking:
Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating
Description of how to implement in the class: For this class, the students will be
taught through direct instruction on the Native American cultures. For the
anticipatory set, there will be a KWL chart which will also serve as a pre-assessment
of their knowledge on Native American cultures. The students will then watch a video
to discover what an archeologist is and how we are able to trace back to so many
years ago. Then, by using a basic productivity tool such as Powerpoint there will be a
short presentation about the Native American cultures such as the Paleo, Archaic,
Woodland, and Mississippian.
After the presentation, the students are to create the beginning of their timeline
(because they will be using this for other aspects of the class such as the European
arrival) by using Timeliner. One timeline the students have to apply what they
learned by adding the time period that that culture existed as well as a description of
the key characteristics and an image that represents that culture. In doing so, the
students are recalling the information and are applying it to their timeline with this
BBPT. Also, on their timeline the students are to include themselves. They will see
that these cultures were around such a long time ago in comparison to their lives on
the timeline.
Level of Technology Implementation (LoTi): The best LoTi level that this activity
describes is LoTi level 3 because it requires the student to apply their knowledge and
the students will be creating a product that is meaningful to them.
Description of the sample BBPT file provided *: There is not a template for this
BBPT because the students will arrange and design their timeline at their liking as
long as the events are in chronological order. Attached will be my example, but open
to interpretation.
Other comments about your proposed BBPT Activity: This was the original
Powerpoint for the standard, but I modified it in order to meet the objectives of this

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