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Complications of Chronic

Liver Disease
By Rima A. Mohammad, Pharm.D., BCPS
Reviewed by Paulina Deming, Pharm.D.; Marisel Segarra-Newnham, Pharm.D., MPH, FCCP, BCPS;
and Kelly S. Bobo, Pharm.D., BCPS

Learning Objectives and most patients are given a diagnosis of cirrhosis

in the presence of these complications. Decompen-
1. Apply results from clinical studies and guidelines
to the management of hepatic encephalopathy. sated (or unstable) liver disease occurs in 2% to 10% of
2. Design evidence-based treatment and prevention patients with viral hepatitis and in about 25% of patients
regimens for patients with ascites or complications with alcoholic liver disease.
of ascites such as spontaneous bacterial peritonitis The severity of cirrhosis is important to assess
and hepatorenal syndrome. because it serves as a predictor of patient survival, sur-
3. Given recent guidelines on the management of gical outcomes, and the risk of complications such as
portal hypertension, justify the need for primary variceal bleeding. Assessment tools commonly used
and secondary prophylaxis of variceal bleeding in in patients with cirrhosis include the model for end-
patients with cirrhosis. stage liver disease (MELD), which has a score ranging
4. Assess and apply the role of the pharmacist in pro- from 0 to 40; and the Child-Pugh classification system,
viding appropriate treatment recommendations which has a score ranging from 0 to 15. Patients with a
to health care providers and drug education to higher MELD score have a greater risk of dying within
patients regarding the management of complica- 3 months than patients with a lower score. The Child-
tions caused by chronic liver disease. Pugh score is used to group cases into three catego-
ries: (1) class A, score of less than 7 (mild disease); (2)
class B, score of 79 (moderate disease); and (3) class C,
Introduction score of 1015 (severe disease).
Cirrhosis results in around 29,000 deaths annually This chapter discusses common complications such
in the United States. Patients with cirrhosis who do not as portal hypertension, variceal bleeding, ascites and
receive a liver transplant have a 5-year mortality rate of complications of ascites, and hepatic encephalopathy
up to 85%. Cirrhosis is the result of chronic inflamma- (HE). Portal hypertension, a complication of chronic
tion and development of fibrosis that leads to various liver disease, results from replacement of normal hepatic
complications of chronic liver disease. These complica- parenchyma with fibrotic tissue, leading to resistance
tions are also markers for decompensated liver disease, to bloodflow through the liver. Portal hypertension

Baseline Review Resources

The goal of PSAP is to provide only the most recent (past 35 years) information or topics. Chapters do not pro-
vide an overall review. Suggested resources for background information on this topic include:
Phongsamran PV, Kim JW, Cupo Abbot J, Rosenblatt A. Pharmacotherapy for hepatic encephalopathy. Drugs
Runyon BA. Management of adult patients with ascites due to cirrhosis: an update. Hepatology 2009;49:2087107.
Kiser TH, MacLaren R, Fish DN. Treatment of hepatorenal syndrome. Pharmacotherapy 2009;29:1196211.
Garcia-Tsao G, Lim J; Members of Veterans Affairs Hepatitis C Resource Center Program. Management
and treatment of patients with cirrhosis and portal hypertension: recommendations from the Department
of Veterans Affairs Hepatitis C Resource Center Program and the National Hepatitis C Program. Am J
Gastroenterol 2009;104:180229.

PSAP-VII Gastroenterology and Nutrition 91 Complications of Chronic Liver Disease

Patients with cirrhosis who present with neuropsycho-
Abbreviations in This Chapter metric abnormalities of HE when tested, but who have
AAA Aromatic amino acid no clinical or electroencephalographic manifestations,
AASLD American Association for the are given a diagnosis of minimal HE. Staging of HE
Study of Liver Diseases consists of using the West Haven criteria (also known as
BCAA Branched chain amino acid the Conn score) to assess mental status changes. These
ESPEN European Society for Parenteral criteria, which are used in several HE studies, define five
and Enteral Nutrition stages (04) of altered mental status.
EVL Endoscopic variceal ligation Factors involved in the pathogenesis of HE should
HE Hepatic encephalopathy be considered in its management and treatment. The
HRS Hepatorenal syndrome main contributor to the development of HE is nitrog-
HVPG Hepatic venous pressure gradient enous substances, usually ammonia, obtained from the
IAC International Ascites Club gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Urease activity of bacteria
MELD Model for end-stage liver disease (especially gram-negative anaerobes) in the colon and
SAAG Serum-ascites albumin gradient deamidation of glutamine (protein) in the small bowel
SBP Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis lead to the production of portal ammonia, which is the
main substrate for urea and glutamine synthesis in the
liver. In patients with HE, there is an increased blood-
brain barrier permeability to ammonia. The accumula-
can lead to other complications of chronic liver dis- tion of serum ammonia leading to an increase in brain
ease, including the development of varices and variceal ammonia concentrations has direct neurotoxic effects
bleeding, ascites, and spontaneous bacterial peritonitis and may sensitize neurons and astrocytes to injury by
(SBP). In addition, the loss of hepatocytes and intrahe- other factors and mechanisms. Although higher serum
patic shunting of blood caused by portal hypertension ammonia concentrations (i.e., greater than 200 mcg/
diminishes the livers metabolic and synthetic function; dL) have been linked with increased risk of cerebral her-
this may result in a reduction in ammonia metabolism, niation in patients with fulminant hepatic failure, there
further leading to HE. is no direct relationship between serum ammonia con-
This chapter reviews and applies clinical study data centrations and mental status.
and recent guidelines to explain the rationale for treat-
ment of the complications of chronic liver disease. Therapy Goals and Treatment Options
Most therapies used in the treatment and preven-
Hepatic Encephalopathy tion of HE are aimed at correcting precipitating fac-
tors (e.g., GI bleeding, excessive protein intake) and
Hepatic encephalopathy, also sometimes referred decreasing the accumulation of neurotoxic, nitrogenous
to as portal-systemic encephalopathy, is a syndrome by-products (e.g., ammonia). The treatment approach
of neuropsychiatric abnormalities caused by acute or in patients with overt HE includes providing support-
chronic hepatic insufficiency. The neuropsychiatric ive care, treating and removing precipitating factors,
disturbances of HE are often at least partly reversible decreasing nitrogenous load from the GI tract, and eval-
and may consist of a collage of changes in intellectual, uating the need for long-term therapy and liver trans-
cognitive, fine motor, emotional, affective, behavioral, plantation. The approach in patients with recurrent
and psychomotor functions. One-third to one-half of HE focuses on preventing the future recurrence of HE,
patients hospitalized for cirrhosis present with HE, enhancing the patients daily function, and evaluating
and the average hospital length of stay is 57 days. The the need for liver transplant.
1-year survival rate after the first episode of HE is 42%. Agents used in treating HE include nonabsorbable
Clinically, HE is classified as three types: A, patients disaccharides (lactulose and lactitol) and antibiotics
with acute liver failure; B, patients with large, noncir- (rifaximin, neomycin, and metronidazole), with lact-
rhotic, portosystemic shunting without intrinsic liver ulose and rifaximin being the most common. Rifaxi-
disease; and C, patients with cirrhosis and portal hyper- min, a semisynthetic derivative of rifamycin, received
tension or portal-systemic shunts. Type C is the most label approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administra-
common form of HE and includes overt (or acute) HE, tion (FDA) for HE prevention in 2010; however, its use
which is further divided into episodic or resistant HE. for HE predates this. Probiotics also used for the treat-
Overt HE is defined as the presence of symptoms (e.g., ment and prevention of HE are lactic acid bacteria (e.g.,
acute changes in mental status, asterixis) and elevated lactobacilli, lactococci, bifidobacteria) and yeasts (e.g.,
serum ammonia concentrations. However, chronic HE, Saccharomyces spp.). Zinc is increasingly being used for
also known as recurrent HE, is defined as patients with a HE because it is thought that, as an element essential for
previous episode of HE regardless of their presentation. several metabolic processes, it can serve as a cofactor for

Complications of Chronic Liver Disease 92 PSAP-VII Gastroenterology and Nutrition

enzymes of the urea cycle and further decrease ammo- (bacterial) to be as effective as lactulose, with beneficial
nia concentrations. Zinc deficiency may also contrib- effects persisting weeks after treatment withdrawal and
ute to the pathogenesis of HE, especially in patients fewer adverse effects.
with cirrhosis. Combination therapy is an option for A meta-analysis of 22 randomized controlled stud-
the treatment and prevention of HE when monotherapy ies compared nonabsorbable disaccharides with antibi-
does not produce sufficient results. otics, no intervention, or placebo in patients with acute
Dosing recommendations for treatment with lactu- and chronic HE. Compared with placebo or no inter-
lose and rifaximin depend on the indication. Specific vention, the use of nonabsorbable disaccharides sug-
recommendations are listed in Table 1-1. For patients gested improvement in HE but did not significantly
presenting with acute HE, lactulose dosing should be affect mortality. When nonabsorbable disaccharides
initiated every hour until evacuation occurs, followed were compared with antibiotics, all-cause mortality
by maintenance doses titrated to achieve two or three rates and adverse events were similar between the two
soft bowel movements daily. However, for the treatment groups; however, rates of HE improvement were signif-
of chronic HE (or the prevention of HE), hourly admin- icantly lower with nonabsorbable disaccharides. Over-
istration of lactulose is not required. From previous all, high-quality data were lacking to support or refute
studies of rifaximin used in the treatment of acute HE, the hypothesis that the use of nonabsorbable disac-
rifaximin should be dosed at 400 mg by mouth three charides results in significantly favorable outcomes in
times/day. patients with HE.
For chronic HE, rifaximin is dosed on the basis of its A more recent meta-analysis showed that, compared
prescribing information at 550 mg orally twice daily; with nonabsorbable disaccharides, rifaximin resulted
however, given the study that resulted in the label in significantly less abdominal pain; however, simi-
approval for rifaximin, the drug should be administered lar effects on improvement in HE or reduction in por-
in combination with lactulose therapy. Limited data tal-systemic encephalopathy index and diarrhea were
are available on rifaximin use in patients with a MELD noted. In addition, there was no significant improve-
score greater than 25 and Child-Pugh class C. On the ment in HE or reduction in portal-systemic encepha-
basis of the prescribing information, patients with lopathy index, regardless of the type of HE (acute vs.
severe liver disease (Child-Pugh class C) had increased chronic). Rifaximin did not show superior efficacy to
systemic exposure of rifaximin. However, these sys- nonabsorbable disaccharides.
temic exposures did not reach the concentrations seen Rifaximin was further evaluated for the prevention of
in animal toxicity studies. Overall, these data indicate HE in a prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled,
caution should be used in patients with severe liver dis- randomized, multicenter study. Of note, greater than 90%
ease (Child-Pugh class C) and/or a MELD score greater of patients received concomitant lactulose. Patients who
than 25. received rifaximin had significant reductions in the first
In 2001, the Practice Parameters Committee of the breakthrough HE episode and the first HE-related hospi-
American College of Gastroenterology developed guide- talization compared with the placebo group. However, no
lines on the treatment and prevention of HE. The rec- benefit in the primary outcome was seen in patients with
ommendation for treating acute HE is lactulose as first- MELD scores of 1924 or in patients who did not receive
line therapy, followed by neomycin. Similarly, for chronic concomitant lactulose therapy. Adverse drug events and
HE, lactulose is first-line therapy, followed by neomycin mortality were similar between groups. The study led to
or metronidazole. Few data exist to support the use of the approval of rifaximin for reducing the risk of overt
neomycin or metronidazole, and concerns about adverse HE recurrence in patients 18 years and older.
drug effects with chronic use limit support of these agents When making recommendations for the treatment
for HE. Data regarding rifaximin were not yet available and prevention of HE, it is important to consider not
during development of the 2001 guidelines, and newer only the efficacy of these agents, but also their safety
studies have clarified the therapeutic benefits of rifaxi- and tolerability. Although neomycin is a poorly absorb-
min in the treatment and prevention of HE. In addition, able antibiotic, a small amount may be systemically
in 2009, the Veteran Affairs Hepatitis C Resource Center absorbed, potentially leading to ototoxic and nephro-
Program and the National Hepatitis C Program recom- toxic adverse effects. Thus, neomycin should be dis-
mended lactulose as first-line therapy for the treatment of continued in patients with acute kidney insufficiency.
acute and chronic HE and rifaximin for patients with per- Lactulose produces flatulence, diarrhea, and dyspepsia
sistent HE who are intolerant of or whose disease fails to in up to 65% of patients. Lactitol was better tolerated
respond to lactulose. because it lacks the strong, sweet taste of lactulose and
Overall, recent studies have shown that lactulose is produces less frequent adverse GI reactions. However,
as effective as neomycin and rifaximin in the treatment lactitol is currently unavailable in the United States. In
of HE. Lactitol is as effective as lactulose. For the treat- addition, nonabsorbable disaccharides may have a vari-
ment of stage 1 and 2 HE, studies have found probiotics able dose response and should be administered with

PSAP-VII Gastroenterology and Nutrition 93 Complications of Chronic Liver Disease

Table 1-1. Dosing of Drugs Used in Patients with Complications of Chronic Liver Disease
Indication Drug Dosing Recommendation
HE treatment Lactulose 3045 mL orally every hour until evacuation; then 1540
mL orally every 612 hours titrated to two or three
soft bowel movements daily
2030 g (powder packet) orally every hour until
evacuation, then 1030 g (powder packet) orally
every 612 hours titrated to two or three soft bowel
movements daily
200 g/300 mL in 700 mL of water or saline enema
rectally every 4 hours as needed
Metronidazole 250 mg orally every 612 hours
Neomycin 12 g orally every 6 hours
Rifaximin 400 mg orally three times/day
HE prevention Lactulose 1545 mL orally every 612 hours titrated to two to four
soft bowel movements daily
2030 g (powder packet) orally every 612 hours titrated
to two to four soft bowel movements daily
Rifaximin 550 mg orally twice daily
Ascites Furosemide 40 mg orally daily (maximum 160 mg/day)
Spironolactone 100 mg orally daily (maximum 400 mg/day)
SBP treatment Cefotaxime 12 g IV every 8 hours for 5 days
Ceftriaxone 12 g IV daily for 5 days
Ciprofloxacin 500 mg orally or 400 mg IV every 12 hours for 5 days
Levofloxacin 500 mg IV/orally daily for 5 days
Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole 35 mg/kg of TMP IV every 12 hours for 5 days
SBP prophylaxis with- Ciprofloxacin 750 mg orally once weekly
out active GI bleed
Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole 1 double-strength tablet orally daily
Norfloxacin 400 mg orally daily
SBP prophylaxis with Ceftriaxone 12 g IV every 8 hours for 7 days
active GI bleed
Cefotaxime 12 g IV daily for 7 days
Ciprofloxacin 500 mg orally or 400 mg IV every 12 hours for 7 days
Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole 35 mg/kg of TMP IV every 12 hours for 7 days
HRS Albumin 1 g/kg (up to 100 g) IV on day 1; then 2060 g IV daily
Midodrine 515 mg orally every 8 hours
Octreotide 100200 mg subcutaneously every 8 hours
Variceal bleeding Nadolol 2040 mg orally daily
Propranolol 20 mg orally twice daily
GI = gastrointestinal; HE = hepatic encephalopathy; HRS = hepatorenal syndrome; IV = intravenously; SBP = spontaneous bacterial
peritonitis; TMP = trimethoprim.

Complications of Chronic Liver Disease 94 PSAP-VII Gastroenterology and Nutrition

caution. Excessive dosing can result in severe diar- Role of the Pharmacist
rhea, further exacerbating electrolyte disturbances and
Recent studies show that nonabsorbable disaccharides
hypovolemia. Prolonged use of metronidazole is lim-
are as effective in the treatment of HE as neomycin and
ited by its potential risk of neurotoxicity and peripheral
rifaximin. For prevention of HE, lactulose monotherapy
neuropathy. In addition, metronidazole metabolism is
and combination therapy of rifaximin and lactulose
significantly decreased in patients with liver disease,
reduced the risk of HE recurrence compared with pla-
and dosage adjustments may be warranted to prevent
drug accumulation. Compared with lactulose and other cebo. Pharmacists should consider not only efficacy when
antibiotics, rifaximin, probiotics, and zinc appear to be making recommendations on HE therapy, but also the
well tolerated. Although probiotics are considered safe, cost and safety of these agents. The approximate monthly
the ingestion of living bacteria can theoretically pose a cost of rifaximin (1100-mg/day dosing) is $1100, which
risk in immunocompromised patients with HE. More is significantly more than that of lactulose 60-g/day dos-
studies are needed to evaluate the long-term safety of ing at about $100 per month. Several cost-effectiveness
these agents. studies evaluating HE therapies and studies have shown
that patients who received rifaximin had fewer hospital-
Nutrition izations compared with patients who received lactulose;
Traditionally, protein restriction has been viewed as however, these studies were limited by a lack of statistics
a standard approach to reducing both the nitrogenous reported and retrospective study design.
load and theoretically decreasing ammonia plasma con- Resistance to antibiotics, which pharmacists should
centrations. However, data supporting this intervention also consider, is especially notable when rifaximin is used
are mainly anecdotal. Patients with cirrhosis present in in patients with an inflamed GI tract (e.g., Clostridium
a catabolic state, leading to an increase in protein break- difficile infection); however, the risk of bacterial resis-
dows that actually requires increased protein intake. tance to rifaximin is minimal because of its lack of sys-
Restricting protein intake in patients with cirrhosis may temic absorption and exposure to bacteria external to the
have harmful consequences on nutritional status, which GI tract. Although there are concerns with rifaximin use,
may further exacerbate the patients clinical condition. rifaximin is better tolerated than lactulose.
In one study, restricting protein intake in patients with Based on recent studies and considering the patients
HE had no benefit (e.g., a further reduction in ammonia financial ability and tolerance of HE therapy, several rec-
concentrations) compared with a normal protein diet. ommendations can be made. Because of the cost of rifax-
However, protein breakdown was worsened with a low- imin, lactulose is recommended as initial therapy for the
protein diet. treatment of HE. However, in patients intolerant of lactu-
Protein breakdown can further lead to negative nitro- lose, consider changing to rifaximin. For the prevention
gen balance and worsening of HE. Positive nitrogen bal- of HE, lactulose monotherapy is recommended after the
ance can promote hepatic regeneration and increase first episode of HE recurrence, and rifaximin may be an
the capacity of muscle to detoxify ammonia. To main- alternative in patients intolerant of lactulose. In addition,
tain positive nitrogen balance, the 2006 European combination therapy with rifaximin and lactulose should
Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ESPEN) be considered in cases refractory to monotherapy. There
guidelines in patients with liver disease recommend a are potential risks of adverse effects with the use of neo-
daily protein intake of 11.5 g/kg. Vegetable and dairy mycin and metronidazole, especially with prolonged use;
sources of protein are preferable to animal protein. however, in patients intolerant of lactulose who cannot
Branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) (e.g., leu- afford rifaximin, these antibiotics can be considered with
cine, isoleucine, valine) are favored over aromatic careful monitoring.
amino acids (AAAs) for several reasons: BCAAs inter- Other key things to consider for the management of
fere with AAAs ability to cross the blood-brain bar- HE include identifying and removing precipitating fac-
rier (thus decreasing the accumulation of false neu- tors such as psychoactive drugs that can worsen and/or
rotransmitters, which may contribute to HE). In addi- mimic HE (e.g., benzodiazepines) and providing medi-
tion, BCAAs increase hepatocyte growth factor synthe- cation education to patients, especially with dosing and
sis, and BCAAs bypass liver metabolism. The ESPEN titration of lactulose therapy based on bowel movements.
guidelines recommend the use of enteral BCAAs (grade
A recommendation) instead of whole protein formula-
tions (grade C recommendation) when a patient has Ascites and Complications of Ascites
decompensated liver cirrhosis and when HE arises after Ascites is a pathologic fluid accumulation within
enteral nutrition. Currently, based on their availability, the peritoneal space that can lead to the development
enteral BCAAs are added as a supplement to whole pro- of SBP and hepatorenal syndrome (HRS). Ascites is a
tein formulations to meet the protein intake require- common consequence when portal hypertension leads
ments in patients with liver disease. to an increase in systemic and splanchnic vasodilation,

PSAP-VII Gastroenterology and Nutrition 95 Complications of Chronic Liver Disease

causing an increase in arterial pressure, sodium and patients with acute and chronic kidney failure who do
water retention, and renal vasoconstriction. Spontane- not meet the current criteria. However, before the new
ous bacterial peritonitis is an infection of preexisting recommendations become the standard diagnostic cri-
ascitic fluid that results from impaired GI contraction, teria, they will need to be validated in clinical studies.
intestinal mucosal damage, GI bacterial overgrowth, There are two distinct types of HRS. Type 1 HRS is
decreased ascitic protein, altered gut permeability, described as a rapidly progressive kidney failure defined
and impaired reticuloendothelial system function. The by doubling of the baseline serum creatinine to a level
organisms most commonly causing SBP are gram-neg- greater than 2.5 mg/dL in less than 2 weeks. Type 2
ative bacilli (up to 80%), especially Escherichia coli and HRS is described as moderate kidney failure defined by
Klebsiella spp., followed by gram-positive cocci (about an increase in serum creatinine from 1.5 to 2.5 mg/dL
20%), mainly Streptococcus and Staphylococcus spp. with a steady or slowly progressive course.
Ascites is the most common of the three major com-
plications of cirrhosis (i.e., HE, varices, and ascites), Therapy Goals and Treatment Options
and around 50% of patients with compensated cirrhosis The treatment of ascites is based on results from the
develop ascites over 10 years. One-half of those patients patients physical examination, diagnostic abdominal
die within 2 years of diagnosis. Spontaneous bacterial paracentesis, and abdominal ultrasonography. The goals
peritonitis occurs in 10% to 30% of patients with asci- of therapy are to improve the patients quality of life (e.g.,
tes, and patients with a concomitant GI hemorrhage, improved respiratory function and abdominal discom-
previous episode of SBP, or low protein concentration fort), prevent complications of ascites, and avoid treat-
in ascitic fluid are at the highest risk of developing SBP. ment-related adverse effects. The treatment approach in
Unfortunately, recurrence rates are almost 70% within patients with ascites includes restricting dietary sodium
1 year of an SBP episode without antibiotic prophylaxis. intake (to 2 g/day), avoiding sodium-retaining drugs
Ascites is diagnosed by physical examination (e.g., (e.g., nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs [NSAIDs]),
abdominal distension, bulging flanks with dullness), avoiding rapid correction of asymptomatic hyponatre-
abdominal ultrasonography, and diagnostic abdominal mia, restricting fluid only in patients with symptom-
paracentesis with ascitic fluid analysis. A serum-ascites atic severe hyponatremia (serum sodium less than 120
albumin gradient (SAAG) is calculated by subtracing mEq/L), providing natriuresis using diuretic therapy,
ascitic fluid albumin from serum albumin. The SAAG and performing large-volume paracentesis or transve-
is used in categorizing and assessing the cause of asci- nous intrahepatic portosystemic shunts in patients with
tes: 1.1 g/dL or greater indicates the patient has portal refractory ascites.
hypertension; less than 1.1 g/dL indicates other causes
of ascites (i.e., nephrotic syndrome, heart failure). The
diagnosis of SBP is established with a polymorphonu-
clear leukocyte count of 250 cells/mm3 or greater in the Box 1-1. International Ascites Club 2007 Criteria for
ascitic fluid. Ascitic fluid culture should be obtained; Diagnosis of HRS
however, up to 50% of these cultures are negative. Patients must meet all the following to confirm the diagnosis:
Around 20% of patients with ascites develop asci-
tes again within 1 year and 40% within 5 years. Hep- 1. Cirrhosis with ascites;
atorenal syndrome is a poor prognostic sign, espe- 2. Serum creatinine greater than 1.5 mg/dL;
cially in patients with end-stage liver disease and asci-
3. No improvement in serum creatinine after at least 2 days
tes. Mortality is high (95% within 30 days) in patients
with diuretic withdrawal and volume expansion with
with untreated type 1 HRS, and spontaneous recovery
albumin (recommended dose of albumin is 1 g/kg of
is extremely unlikely. Patients with type 1 HRS have a
body weight per day up to a maximum of 100 g/day);
median survival time of less than 24 weeks; however,
median survival of patients with type 2 HRS is 6 months. 4. A bsence of shock;
This syndrome is a functional kidney failure that results 5. No current or recent treatment with nephrotoxic drugs;
when portal hypertension causes the release of vasodila-
tory mediators (e.g., nitric oxide), leading to changes in 6. A bsence of parenchymal kidney disease (defined
kidney perfusion and systemic arterial circulation. by proteinuria [greater than 500 mg/day],
Diagnosis of HRS is based on the exclusion of all microhematuria [greater than 50 red blood cells per
other possible causes of kidney failure and evaluation high-powered field], and/or abnormal kidney
using the updated 2007 International Ascites Club
HRS = hepatorenal syndrome.
(IAC) criteria. Patients must meet all the IAC criteria
Information from Salerno F, Gerbes A, Gines P, Wong F,
to confirm the diagnosis (Box 1-1). A working group Arroyo V. Diagnosis, prevention and treatment of hepatorenal
from the Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative and IAC is syndrome in cirrhosis. Gut 2007;56:13108.
reevaluating and expanding the 2007 criteria to include

Complications of Chronic Liver Disease 96 PSAP-VII Gastroenterology and Nutrition

In 2009, the American Association for the Study of The AASLD guidelines recommend that the empiric
Liver Diseases (AASLD) updated guidelines on the treatment of SBP includes antibiotic therapy with a
management of adult patients with ascites caused by third-generation cephalosporin (class I, level A recom-
cirrhosis. In patients with cirrhosis and ascites, the mendation). The preferred agent is cefotaxime; however,
first-line treatments include restricting sodium intake ceftriaxone may be used as an alternative option. Cefo-
(to 2 g/day) and providing diuretic therapy (class IIa, taxime is the antibiotic of choice because it was shown
level A recommendation). Agents used for the acute and superior to ampicillin plus tobramycin. In patients
chronic treatment of ascites include diuretics, with most without previous quinolone exposure who are not vom-
of the data supporting furosemide and spironolactone iting, in shock, presenting with a grade II or higher
use (see Table 1-1 for specific dosing recommenda- HE, or with a serum creatinine greater than 3 mg/dL,
tions). Therapeutic abdominal paracentesis is an option the guidelines suggest that oral ofloxacin can be used
for the acute management of ascites; however, it should instead of intravenous third-generation cephalosporin
be reserved for patients with tense or refractory ascites, (class IIa, level B recommendation); however, ofloxa-
and diuretic therapy should be initiated immediately cin is not used in practice because of its adverse effects.
after the procedure. Alternative fluoroquinolones such as ciprofloxacin or
Initially, most patients are started on a combination levofloxacin should be limited to use in patients with
diuretic regimen with furosemide and spironolactone, severe allergy to penicillins (e.g., anaphylaxis) because
titrated to achieve a maximal weight loss of 0.5 kg/day; extensive use of these agents has resulted in an increase
however, the 40-mg to 100-mg dosing ratio of furose- in gram-positive and quinolone-resistant organisms
mide to spironolactone should be maintained, if possi- causing SBP. Five days of treatment for SBP was found
ble. Data support the use of this combination because to be as effective as 10 days, especially with respect to
using spironolactone alone can result in hyperkalemia, infection-related mortality, in-hospital mortality, bac-
especially in patients with fluid overload, and furose- teriologic cure, and ascitic fluid infection recurrence.
mide alone is less effective than spironolactone. How- Based on these results, it is recommended to treat SBP
ever, patients intolerant of furosemide therapy may use for 5 days. Adding intravenous albumin, 1.5 g/kg on day
spironolactone alone. Eplerenone, amiloride, and triam- 1 and 1 g/kg on day 3, has been shown to decrease SBP
terene have been used in patients who develop gyneco- mortality from 29% to 10%.
mastia on spironolactone; however, data on the effec- Antibiotic prophylaxis for SBP is differentiated as
tiveness of treating ascites with these agents are unavail- either primary prophylaxis or secondary prophylaxis
able. The efficacy of diuretic therapy can be assessed by (see Table 1-1). Patients with a history of SBP should
evaluating a 24-hour urinary sodium measurement or receive secondary SBP prophylaxis. Patients who have
a random urine sodium/potassium ratio. To achieve low ascitic protein or active GI bleeding should receive
mobilization of ascites, results should be greater than primary SBP prophylaxis. One recent study showed that
78 mmol of urine sodium per day or a urine sodium/ patients who received norfloxacin for SBP primary pro-
potassium ratio greater than 1. phylaxis had improved survival compared with placebo.
Tolvaptan, a vasopressin receptor antagonist, increases However, because of its low systemic concentrations,
serum sodium concentrations and has been studied in norfloxacin should be limited to SBP prophylaxis and
patients with cirrhosis for the treatment of euvolemic not treatment. Moreover, patients who presented with
and hypervolemic hyponatremia. However, the limited a low ascitic protein measurement (less than 1.5 g/dL)
outcome data available in patients with cirrhosis show and at least one of the following criteriablood urea
the benefit versus risks (e.g., increased risk of GI bleed- nitrogen of 25 mg/dL or greater, serum creatinine of 1.2
ing) do not support the use of this agent. All patients mg/dL or greater, serum sodium of 130 mEq/L or less,
with cirrhosis and ascites should be considered for liver or Child-Pugh score of 9 or more with a bilirubin of 3
transplantation. mg/dL or greaterhad improved survival compared
The treatment and prevention of SBP is based on with placebo. Based on these results, the criteria for SBP
results from diagnostic abdominal paracentesis and his- prophylaxis defined in this study are currently recom-
tory of SBP. Once the diagnosis of SBP is made on the mended in the AASLD guidelines.
basis of the results from ascitic fluid analysis, patients Patients who do not have active GI bleeding but who
should immediately receive empiric antibiotics to target have an indication for SBP prophylaxis (e.g., previous epi-
common organisms that can cause SBP. Delay in antibi- sode of SBP) should receive long-term oral prophylaxis
otic therapy can result in worsening infection and even with norfloxacin or trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole.
death. Antibiotics can be narrowed or changed on the Oral once-weekly dosing of ciprofloxacin was evaluated
basis of cultures and antibiotic sensitivities if available. in one prospective controlled study and shown to be
Antibiotic choice and dosing recommendations depend effective in preventing SBP. The guidelines recommend
on indication (i.e., SBP treatment or prophylaxis, pres- against intermittent dosing because it may rapidly select
ence of active GI bleeding) (see Table 1-1). for resistant flora; however, only limited data support

PSAP-VII Gastroenterology and Nutrition 97 Complications of Chronic Liver Disease

this. One study evaluated the use of daily oral ciproflox- undergoing a phase III study (REVERSE [REsynchro-
acin versus placebo in patients with cirrhosis and low nization reVErses Remodeling in Systolic left vEntricu-
ascitic fluid protein concentrations (less than 1.5 g/dL) lar dysfunction] trial) to evaluate its efficacy and safety
for the prevention of SBP. Patients who received daily for HRS. Other agents such as octreotide monotherapy
ciprofloxacin had SBP about 4 times less often than pla- and dopamine have been evaluated for the treatment of
cebo; however, the results were not statistically signifi- HRS and have not been shown to be more effective than
cant. The probability of 12-month survival was signif- placebo. None of the available studies evaluated the
icantly increased in the ciprofloxacin group. Overall, diagnosis of HRS on the basis of the updated 2007 IAC
once-daily dosing of ciprofloxacin for SBP prophylaxis criteria. The IAC criteria currently recommend albumin
is preferred by the AASLD because of concerns about because of better and more sustained volume expansion
an increased risk of resistance. Once-weekly dosing of compared with isotonic saline. In addition, kidney fail-
ciprofloxacin for SBP prophylaxis could be an option; ure in the setting of infection (excluding septic shock) is
however, further studies are needed to evaluate its considered HRS, and treatment may be started despite
safety and efficacy. clearance of the infection.
Patients with cirrhosis and active GI bleeding are Recent studies have evaluated the combination of
also at risk of SBP. In these patients, the recommenda- vasoactive drugs, midodrine, and albumin therapy in
tion for SBP prophylaxis is to initiate an intravenous patients with type 2 HRS. The use of midodrine, albu-
third-generation cephalosporin (e.g., ceftriaxone) (class min, and terlipressin or noradrenalin was evaluated in
I, level A recommendation). Alternative options (e.g., patients with type 1 and type 2 HRS. There was no sig-
ciprofloxacin, trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole) should nificant difference for complete treatment response in
be limited to patients with a severe allergy to penicil- the noradrenalin group versus the terlipressin group.
lins. A meta-analysis showed a 9% increase in sur- There were significant decreases in serum creatinine
vival in patients with cirrhosis and variceal bleeding from baseline in the terlipressin group compared with
who received SBP prophylaxis with antibiotics. How- the noradrenalin group; however, there was no signifi-
ever, another meta-analysis of patients with cirrhosis cant difference in the recurrence rate during follow-up.
who received antibiotic SBP prophylaxis and presented In addition, the survival rate was not significantly differ-
with upper GI bleeding showed statistically significant ent between the groups. Overall, the authors concluded
reductions in bacterial infections. The analysis showed that noradrenalin was as effective as terlipressin in treat-
decreases in all-cause mortality, rebleeding, and hospi- ing patients with type 1 and type 2 HRS.
tal length of stay, although the differences did not meet Another study retrospectively evaluated the effect of
statistical significance. octreotide with midodrine in addition to albumin com-
Liver transplantation is the only definitive treatment pared with control for the treatment of type 1 and type
of HRS. The primary goal of pharmacologic agents is to 2 HRS. Overall, the authors concluded that adminis-
provide a bridge to transplantation by reversing splanch- tration of the combination of midodrine, octreotide,
nic vasodilation, improving kidney function, and pro- and albumin significantly improved kidney function
longing survival time. Pharmacologic agents such as (glomerular filtration rate [GFR]) and transplant-free
octreotide plus midodrine, norepinephrine, vasopres- survival in patients with type 1 and type 2 HRS. Both of
sin, or terlipressin have been used to bridge patients to these studies have several limitations (e.g., lack of treat-
transplantation. None of these agents has FDA label ment allocation concealment and blinding); however,
approval for use in patients with HRS. they provide some evidence to support using a combi-
The recommendation for the treatment of type 1 nation of vasoactive drugs (e.g., octreotide and terli-
HRS is the administration of combination vasoactive pressin), midodrine, and albumin therapy in patients
drugs (e.g., octreotide), midodrine, and albumin ther- with type 2 HRS. Based on current guidelines and
apy (class IIa, level B classification); however, the guide- clinical studies, combination therapy with octreotide,
lines do not address the treatment of type 2 HRS. (For midodrine, and albumin, or intravenous norepineph-
dosing recommendations, see Table 1-1.) The safety and rine and albumin should be used for the treatment of
efficacy data on these treatment regimens are limited type 1 and type 2 HRS. However, because of the addi-
to small, nonrandomized trials; retrospective analyses; tional resources (e.g., nursing time) needed to adminis-
and a few randomized controlled trials. Most of the stud- ter intravenous norepinephrine, it should be limited to
ies evaluated the efficacy of available agents in patients patients intolerant of oral therapy.
with type 1 HRS and showed improvement in kidney
function and HRS reversal. Terlipressin (a vasopres- Role of the Pharmacist
sin analog), when administered with albumin, showed Nonadherence to diuretic therapy and sodium
a significantly higher complete reversal of HRS com- restriction are major areas where pharmacists can
pared with terlipressin monotherapy. However, terlip- affect ascites treatment in patients with cirrhosis.
ressin is currently unavailable in the United States and is Many of these patients are nonadherent to diuretic

Complications of Chronic Liver Disease 98 PSAP-VII Gastroenterology and Nutrition

therapy because of their intolerance of diuretics sec- varices (greater than 5 mm), severe liver disease (Child-
ondary to adverse effects (e.g., muscle cramping, dehy- Pugh class C cirrhosis, presence of ascites or tense asci-
dration). In addition, diuretic therapy can become less tes), and previous variceal bleeding. Unfortunately,
effective over time. The efficacy of and adherence to mortality is at least 20% after 6 weeks of the variceal
diuretic therapy can be assessed by a 24-hour urinary hemorrhage. Varices are more prevalent in the esopha-
sodium measurement or a random spot urine sodium geal area; however, 5% to 33% of patients present with
concentration/spot urine potassium ratio. Pharmacists gastric varices. The incidence of gastric variceal bleed-
are valuable resources in making recommendations ing in 2 years is 25%.
regarding diuretic dosing and suggesting alternative
therapy in patients intolerant of their diuretic regimen. Therapy Goals and Treatment Options
Recommendations should be based on patients adher- The prevention of variceal bleeding is categorized
ence to diuretic therapy, adverse effects (e.g., hyperka- into primary and secondary prophylaxis. The goals
lemia, gynecomastia), and lack of symptom response to for primary prophylaxis are to detect the presence and
treatment (if adherent). size of varices and to treat patients to prevent the first
In patients with indications for SBP therapy or pro- variceal hemorrhage. The goal for secondary prophy-
phylaxis, pharmacists can make antibiotic therapy rec- laxis is to prevent the recurrence of variceal bleeding.
ommendations on the basis of previous antibiotic use For primary prophylaxis, patients are classified as hav-
(i.e., patient developing SBP while taking norfloxacin for ing the highest risk of variceal bleeding when they pres-
SBP prophylaxis), bacterial resistance patterns, patient ent with medium/large varix, red wale marks on varix,
allergies, and patient adherence to therapy. In patients and Child-Pugh class C. Patients at lowest risk of var-
presenting with possible HRS, it is important for phar- iceal bleeding include those with no varices; it is not
macists to ensure that drugs that can cause or worsen recommended to treat these patients. Specific recom-
kideny failure (e.g., aminoglycosides or NSAIDs) are mendations for primary and secondary prophylaxis are
discontinued and avoided. Although NSAIDs are often discussed in the following paragraphs. The treatment
used in patients with cirrhosis as an alternative to acet- of acute variceal bleeding is discussed in the acute GI
aminophen for the treatment of pain, they can also affect bleeding chapter of this book.
kidney function, decrease the effectiveness of diuretic Therapies used for preventing variceal bleeding
therapy, and increase the risk of upper GI bleeding, all include nonselective -blockers and endoscopic vari-
of which are concerns in patients with cirrhosis. Phar- ceal ligation (EVL). Nonselective -blockers are more
macists should educate prescribers and patients on the effective at preventing variceal bleeding than selective
risks versus benefits of NSAID therapy. -blockers because of their -1 and -2 antagonist prop-
erties. The nonselective -blocker reduces portal pres-
sure by decreasing cardiac output and causing splanch-
Portal Hypertension and nic vasoconstriction. Guidelines from the AASLD
Variceal Bleeding Prevention (2007), as well as the Department of Veterans Affairs
Portal hypertension that results from chronic liver Hepatitis C Resource Center Program and the National
disease can cause further complications including the Hepatitis C Program (2009), recommend primary and
development and bleeding of varices. Around 50% of secondary prevention of variceal bleeding based on
patients with cirrhosis develop gastroesophageal var- patient risks and varix size.
ices, and the presence of varices correlates with the For primary prevention in patients with the high-
severity of liver disease. Varices occur in 40% of patients est risk of variceal bleeding, the recommended first-
with mild liver disease (Child-Pugh class A) and in 85% line treatment is either nonselective -blockers or EVL.
of patients with severe liver disease (Child-Pugh class However, in patients with medium to large varix who
C). The strongest predictor of the occurrence of varices are not at high risk of bleeding (Child-Pugh class A
in patients with cirrhosis without a history of variceal patients and no red signs), nonselective -blocker ther-
bleeding is a hepatic venous pressure gradient (HVPG) apy is recommended unless patients have contraindica-
of greater than 10 mm Hg. Risk factors associated with tions to or are intolerant of -blockers. Patients with a
the progression of varices (e.g., small to large varices) small varix and higher risk factors for variceal bleeding
include decompensated cirrhosis (Child-Pugh class B (red wale marks on varix and/or Child-Pugh class B/C)
and C), alcoholic cirrhosis, and the presence of red wale should receive primary prevention with nonselective
marks on baseline endoscopy. -blockers. Randomized controlled studies have shown
Gastroesophageal varices can progress to variceal that patients at risk of variceal bleeding who received
bleeding, the incidence of which varies from 5% to 15% nonselective -blockers had a significant reduction in
per year. Strong predictors of variceal bleeding include the incidence of variceal bleeding compared with pla-
varix size, with the highest risk of bleeding with large cebo (25% vs. 15%, respectively).

PSAP-VII Gastroenterology and Nutrition 99 Complications of Chronic Liver Disease

In patients with small varices who are not at a high until more data are available, carvedilol is not recom-
risk of bleeding or in patients with no varices, the guide- mended first line for the primary prophylaxis of variceal
lines recommend primary prevention with nonselec- bleeding. Carvedilol may be an option in patients not
tive -blockers; however, the long-term benefit of ther- responding to nadolol or propranolol or in patients with
apy has not been determined. Patients with small vari- other comorbidities, necessitating the use of carvedilol
ces without a high risk of variceal bleeding who received (e.g., chronic heart failure, arterial hypertension).
nonselective -blockers had a small, nonsignificant It is important not only to consider the efficacy of
reduction in the incidence of variceal bleeding; how- these agents in the prevention of variceal bleeding, but
ever, nonselective blockers were effective in delaying also their safety and tolerability. Nonselective -blockers
variceal growth. The use of the nonselective -blocker should be titrated to a maximal tolerated dose and target
timolol was studied in patients with no varices and base- heart rates of 5560 beats/minute. Dosing recommen-
line portal hypertension (defined as an HVPG greater dations are listed in Table 1-1. Common adverse effects
than 5 mm Hg) and showed no benefit in preventing associated with nonselective -blockers, especially nad-
varices. All patients with gastric fundal varices or pre- olol and propranolol, include light-headedness, fatigue,
vious variceal bleeding should receive nonselective and shortness of breath. Direct comparisons between
-blockers. The duration of nonselective -blockers is nadolol and propranolol have not been made; however,
indefinite regardless of risk factors and varix size. nadolol seems to have fewer adverse effects than pro-
The guidelines recommend against using nitrates pranolol (around 10% vs. 17%, respectively). Contrain-
alone or in combination with nonselective -blockers or dications to nonselective -blockers must be considered
EVL because of the lack of efficacy with these therapies before therapy initiation; these include patients with
or conflicting results. Nitrates (e.g., isosorbide mono- reactive airway disease (e.g., asthma), insulin-requiring
nitrate) were commonly used for this indication; how- diabetes, decompensated or acute congestive heart fail-
ever, several studies have shown that nitrates are inef- ure, heart block, bradycardia, and peripheral vascular
fective at preventing the first episode of variceal bleed- disease.
ing. In addition, nitrates are associated with higher mor-
tality in patients 50 years and older. Combination ther- Role of the Pharmacist
apy with nonselective -blockers and nitrates has been The pharmacist is in a unique position to work with
studied for the prevention of variceal bleeding. In ran- various members of the team caring for patients with
domized controlled studies, this combination was not chronic liver disease and portal hypertension. These
effective in preventing variceal bleeding and resulted patients are cared for by hepatologists, gastroenterolo-
in an increase in adverse events compared with control gists, and, many times when admitted to the hospital,
(propranolol or nadolol plus placebo). general medicine practitioners. Pharmacists should be
The combination of nonselective -blockers and EVL aware of the guidelines in the primary and secondary
was evaluated for the primary prevention of variceal prevention of variceal bleeding, educate practitioners
bleeding in a randomized study of patients with high- about the importance of treatment, and ensure the initi-
risk varices. Results showed no differences in the inci- ation of therapy when indicated. At times, when patients
dence of bleeding or mortality compared with EVL are moving from one health care setting to another (e.g.,
alone. However, one randomized controlled study of from hospital to home), nonselective -blockers are dis-
patients with high-risk varices showed that combination continued; however, it is essential for the pharmacist to
therapy with nonselective -blockers and EVL resulted ensure therapy continuation if indicated. Pharmacists
in significantly lower first variceal bleeding rates than can also play a valuable role in assessing adherence to
nonselective -blockers alone. Given the conflicting and intolerance of nonselective -blockers, removing or
results, combination nonselective -blockers and EVL adjusting other drugs that may increase the risk of upper
cannot be recommended at this time. GI bleeding (e.g., NSAIDs), and educating patients on
Most of the studies evaluating primary and second- maintaining a low-sodium diet.
ary prophylaxis with nonselective -blockers used
nadolol and propranolol. In a recent controlled study,
carvedilol was evaluated for use in the primary pre- Conclusion
vention of variceal bleeding. Carvedilol demonstrated When making recommendations on appropri-
a significant reduction in the incidence of first variceal ate treatment of patients with complications related
bleeding compared with EVL; however, no difference to chronic liver disease, pharmacists and other clini-
in mortality was noted. Compared with nadolol and cians must consider the recent guidelines evaluating
propranolol, the vasodilating activity of carvedilol may the efficacy and safety of new and existing medications
result in higher rates of arterial hypotension, sodium and their role in therapy. It is also important to evalu-
retention, and edema, which are concerns in patients ate recent studies in determining the validity of current
with advanced, decompensated cirrhosis. Currently, treatment guidelines. One example is with the recent

Complications of Chronic Liver Disease 100 PSAP-VII Gastroenterology and Nutrition

guidelines on the treatment of HE. Data with rifaxi- the reduction in risk of overt HE recurrence in patients
min were available after these guidelines were devel- 18 years and older. Important points to consider with
oped, and no recommendations were made regard- this study are that no patients were enrolled with a
ing rifaximin. Although data are limited in some areas MELD score greater than 25, and only 9% of patients
were Child-Pugh class C. These study limitations may
of chronic liver disease, such as with the treatment of decrease the applicability of these results in this patient
HRS, most complications of chronic liver disease have population.
solid evidence to support recommendations on treat-
ment and prevention. When making recommendations, 3. Terg R, Fassio E, Guevara M, Cartier M, Longo C,
it is important to consider not only evidence supporting Lucero R, et al. Ciprofloxacin in primary prophylaxis
the efficacy and safety of drugs to treat complications of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis: a randomized, pla-
of chronic liver disease, but also patient factors, such as cebo-controlled study. J Hepatol 2008;48:7749.
nonadherence, therapy intolerance, and cost. This study was a prospective, randomized, dou-
ble-blind, placebo-controlled trial that compared oral
ciprofloxacin 500 mg/day (n=50) with placebo (n=50)
Annotated Bibliography for the primary prevention of SBP. Patients included
1. Jiang Q , Jiang XH, Zheng MH, Jiang LM, Chen YP, were 1979 years old with cirrhosis, ascites, and low
Wang L. Rifaximin versus nonabsorbable disaccha- ascitic total protein concentration (i.e., less than 1.5
rides in the management of hepatic encephalopa- g/dL). Baseline characteristics were similar in both
thy: a meta-analysis. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol groups. Results showed that the ciprofloxacin group
2008;20:106470. had SBP occur about 4 times less often than placebo
(4% vs. 14%, respectively); however, the results were
In this recent meta-analysis, the investigators eval- not statistically significant. In addition, the probabil-
uated five randomized controlled trials (n=264) ity of patients remaining SBP free was not significantly
comparing rifaximin with nonabsorbable disaccharides different between groups (p=0.07). However, the prob-
for the treatment of HE. Results showed no difference ability of 12-month survival was significantly increased
between rifaximin and nonabsorbable disaccharides in the ciprofloxacin group (86% vs. 66% in the placebo
in the clinical improvement of HE (relative risk [RR] group; p<0.04) with an absolute risk reduction of 17%, a
1.08; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.851.38; p=0.53). relative risk reduction of 59%, and a number of patients
When evaluating acute and chronic HE, there was no needed to treat of six. Forty-eight percent of patients in
difference in the clinical improvement of HE between the placebo group and 36% of patients in the ciproflox-
both groups (acute HE: RR 0.98; 95% CI, 0.851.13; acin group developed complications during follow-up
p=0.74; and chronic HE: RR 0.87; 95% CI, 0.401.88; (p = nonsignificant), with kidney failure, encephalopa-
p=0.72). Rifaximin resulted in significantly less abdom- thy, and GI bleeding as the most common. Overall, the
inal pain than nonabsorbable disaccharides (RR 0.28; authors concluded that primary SBP prevention with
95% CI, 0.080.95; p=0.04), but there was no signifi- ciprofloxacin reduces SBP occurrence and improves
cant difference in diarrhea (RR 0.90; 95% CI, 0.174.70; survival in patients with cirrhosis and low ascitic pro-
p=0.9). Overall, rifaximin did not show superior effi- tein concentration. On the basis of these results,
cacy compared with nonabsorbable disaccharides. ciprofloxacin may be used as an option for primary SBP
prevention; however, resistance was briefly addressed
2. Bass NM, Mullen KD, Sanyal A, Poordad F, Neff G, in this study. Two infections with Escherichia coli (both
Leevy CB, et al. Rifaximin treatment in hepatic enceph- in the treatment group) were resistant to ciprofloxacin,
alopathy. N Engl J Med 2010;362:107181. and one patient in each group developed methicil-
This study was a prospective, double-blind, pla- lin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) infection.
cebo-controlled, randomized, multicenter study that Although further details were not provided, the poten-
compared rifaximin 550 mg twice daily (n=140) with tial increased resistance with daily use of ciprofloxacin
placebo (n=159) for the prevention of HE. Of note, should be considered.
greater than 90% of patients received concomitant lact-
ulose. Patients who received rifaximin had a significant 4. Chavez-Tapia NC, Barrientos-Gutierrez T, Tellez-Avila
reduction in the first breakthrough HE episode (22.1% FI, Soares-Weiser K, Uribe M. Antibiotic prophylaxis
vs. 45.9%, respectively; hazard ratio [HR] 0.42; 95% CI, for cirrhotic patients with upper gastrointestinal bleed-
0.280.64; p<0.001) and first HE-related hospitaliza- ing. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2010;9:CD002907.
tion (13.6% vs. 22.6%, respectively; HR 0.5; 95% CI, In this recent meta-analysis, the investigators eval-
0.290.87; p=0.01) compared with the placebo group. uated 12 randomized controlled studies (n=1241)
However, no benefit in the primary outcome was seen comparing antibiotics with placebo or no antibiot-
in patients with MELD scores of 1924 (p=0.21) or ics for the prevention of SBP in patients with cirrhosis
in patients who did not receive concomitant lactulose and upper GI bleeding. Antibiotics used in the studies
therapy (p=0.33). Adverse drug events (80% in the included ofloxacin or ciprofloxacin plus amoxicillin/
rifaximin group vs. 79.9% in the placebo group; p>0.05) clavulanic acid, ceftriaxone, ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin,
and mortality (9% vs. 11%; p>0.05) were similar in both cefotaxime, ampicillin/sulbactam, cefazolin/ceph-
groups. This study led to the approval of rifaximin for alexin, gentamicin plus vancomycin plus nystatin,

PSAP-VII Gastroenterology and Nutrition 101 Complications of Chronic Liver Disease

neomycin plus colistin plus nystatin, imipenem/cilas- bolus of 1 mg every 4 hours and increased to 2 mg every
tin, and norfloxacin. Results showed that antibiotic use 4 hours after 3 days of treatment if serum creatinine
for SBP prophylaxis resulted in a significant reduction was not decreased by at least 25%. Albumin was admin-
in mortality (RR 0.79; 95% CI, 0.630.98), mortal- istered during the treatment period. Treatment was
ity related to bacterial infections (RR 0.43; 95% CI, administered until complete reversal of HRS or for a
0.190.97), bacterial infections (RR 0.36; 95% CI, maximum of 2 weeks. The primary outcome was clinical
0.270.49), and overall rebleeding (RR 0.53; 95% CI response (defined as complete, partial, or recurrence)
0.380.74). Mortality benefits were diminished with to treatment. Twenty-two patients were included in the
stratification of antibiotics by group; however, there was analysis. Baseline characteristics were similar between
still a significant reduction in bacterial infections with the two treatment groups (p>0.05). There was no sig-
all antibiotic groups. Cephalosporins were associated nificant difference for complete treatment response
with the highest effect on bacterial infections, followed between the noradrenalin group (70%) and terlipressin
by quinolones, quinolones with -lactams, and other group (83%). Five patients (22.7%) did not respond to
antibiotic groups. Overall, patients with cirrhosis who any treatment. Significant decreases in serum creatinine
received antibiotics for SBP prophylaxis after an upper occurred from baseline in the terlipressin group com-
GI bleed had significant reductions in mortality, bacte- pared with the noradrenalin group (2.5 0.3 mg/dL to
rial infections, and rebleeding rates. 1.2 0.1 mg/dL vs. 2.3 0.2 mg/dL to 1.2 0.1 mg/
dL, respectively; p<0.05). There was no significant dif-
5. Fernandez J, Navasa M, Planas R, Montoliu S, Monfort ference in the recurrence rate during follow-up between
D, Soriano G, et al. Primary prophylaxis of spontane- noradrenalin (29%) and terlipressin (60%). In addition,
ous bacterial peritonitis delays hepatorenal syndrome the survival rate was not significantly different between
and improves survival in cirrhosis. Gastroenterology the groups. The authors concluded that noradrena-
2007;133:81824. lin was as effective as terlipressin in treating patients
This was a prospective, randomized, placebo-con- with type 1 and type 2 HRS. The AASLD guidelines
trolled study that compared norfloxacin (n=35) and recommend the use of combination vasoactive drugs
placebo (n=33) for primary SBP prevention in patients (specifically octreotide), midodrine, and albumin for
who presented with low ascitic protein measurement the treatment of type 1 HRS; however, norepinephrine
(less than 1.5 g/dL) and at least one of the following cri- could be an option in patients intolerant to oral therapy.
teria: blood urea nitrogen of 25 mg/dL or more, serum
creatinine of 1.2 mg/dL or more, serum sodium of 130 7. Skagen C, Einstein M, Lucey MR, Said A. Combina-
mEq/L or less, and Child-Pugh score of 9 or more with a tion treatment with octreotide, midodrine, and albu-
bilirubin of 3 mg/dL or more. Patients in the norfloxacin min improves survival in patients with type 1 and
group received norfloxacin 400 mg by mouth daily. The type 2 hepatorenal syndrome. J Clin Gastroenterol
primary outcomes measured were 3-month and 1-year 2009;43:6805.
probabilities of survival. Results showed that patients This study was a retrospective evaluation of the
who received norfloxacin had significant improve- effect of octreotide with midodrine in addition to
ment in 3-month survival (94% vs. 62%; p=0.003) and albumin for the treatment of type 1 and type 2 HRS.
improvement in 1-year survival (60% vs. 48%; p=0.05) Patient inclusion was on the basis of the following cri-
compared with placebo. The incidence of kidney failure teria: documented liver disease with evidence for portal
(7 patients vs. 16 patients; p=0.03) and SBP (2 patients hypertension determined by ultrasonography or clini-
vs. 10 patients; p=0.02) was significantly lower with cal parameters (e.g., varices, ascites, and splenomegaly)
norfloxacin than with placebo. Overall, the authors and diagnosis of HRS. Patients in the treatment group
concluded that primary SBP prevention with norfloxa- (n=75) received the combination of octreotide and
cin reduces mortality as well as the development of SBP midodrine with albumin. Octreotide was administered
and kidney failure. 100200 mcg subcutaneously three times/day with
midodrine 7.515 mg orally three times/day in addition
6. Alessandria C, Ottobrelli A, Venon-Debernardi W, to albumin (50100 g intravenously daily). Patients in
Todros L, Cerenzia MT, Martini S, et al. Noradrenalin the control group (n=87) received no therapy. The pri-
vs. terlipressin in patients with hepatorenal syndrome: a mary outcomes measured were transplant-free survival
prospective, randomized, unblinded, pilot study. J Hep- and GFR. Baseline characteristics were similar among
atol 2007;47:499505. groups, except for a significantly higher presence of
This study prospectively compared noradrenalin ascites in the treatment group (98.7%) than in the con-
(n=10) with terlipressin (n=12) for the treatment of trol group (89.7%, p=0.02). There was a significantly
type 1 and type 2 HRS. Patients were eligible for inclu- higher rate of transplant-free survival in the treatment
sion if they had HRS and were excluded if they had group at 1 month (74%) and at 3 months (53%) com-
heart or respiratory failure, coronary disease, or periph- pared with the control group at 1 month (39%) and at
eral artery disease. Patients were randomized to receive 3 months (27%, p<0.0001). At the 1-month follow-up,
continuous infusion of noradrenalin or terlipressin. GFR was significantly higher in the treatment group
Noradrenalin was administered at an initial rate of 0.1 (47.67 33.98 mL/minute) than in the control group
mcg/kg/minute titrated to a maximal dose of 0.7 mcg/ (34.39 18.79 mL/minute; p=0.03). Liver transplant
kg/minute. Terlipressin was given as an intravenous rates were significantly higher in patients with HRS

Complications of Chronic Liver Disease 102 PSAP-VII Gastroenterology and Nutrition

type 2 in the treatment cohort (58%) than in the con- group were Child-Pugh class C. Results showed no sig-
trol group (25%, p=0.04). No differences were observed nificant difference in the primary outcome between the
in the need for dialysis, rate of transvenous intrahepatic timolol group and placebo (39% vs. 40%, respectively;
portosystemic shunts, or use of vasoconstrictors other p=0.89). However, moderate or severe adverse events
than midodrine (p>0.05). The authors concluded that were significantly higher in the timolol group than in
the combination of midodrine, octreotide, and albumin placebo (48% vs. 32%, respectively; p=0.02). Overall,
improved kidney function and transplant-free survival the authors concluded that nonselective -blockers are
in patients with type 1 and type 2 HRS. Current guide- ineffective for the primary prevention of gastroesoph-
lines recommend this combination for the treatment of ageal varices and variceal hemorrhage in patients with
type 1 HRS; however, this study also supports its use in cirrhosis and portal hypertension without the pres-
treating type 2 HRS. ence of varices at baseline (no or lowest risk of variceal
8. Tripathi D, Ferguson JW, Kochar N, Leithead JA,
Therapondos G, McAvoy NC, et al. Randomized con- 10. Sarin SK, Wadhawan M, Agarwal SR, Tyagi P, Sharma
trolled trial of carvedilol versus variceal band ligation BC. Endoscopic variceal ligation plus propranolol ver-
for the prevention of the first variceal bleed. Hepatology sus endoscopic variceal ligation alone in primary pro-
2009;50:82533. phylaxis of variceal bleeding. Am J Gastroenterol
This study was a prospective, randomized, con- 2005;100:797804.
trolled, multicenter trial comparing carvedilol (n=77) This was a prospective randomized controlled
and EVL (n=75) for primary prevention of variceal study comparing the combination of propranolol
bleeding. Adult patients with cirrhosis and grade 2 or and EVL (n=72) with EVL alone (n=72) for the pri-
larger esophageal varices without previous variceal mary prevention of variceal bleeding. Patients with
hemorrhage were included in the study. Patients in the portal hypertension and high-risk varices (defined as
carvedilol group were initiated on carvedilol 6.25 mg/ grade 3 or 4 varices) with red signs and without a his-
day titrated to a target dose of 12.5 mg/day (based on tory of bleeding were included in the study. Results
systolic blood pressure). Baseline characteristics were at 20 months showed no differences between com-
similar between groups. Results showed that carvedilol bination propranolol and EVL and EVL alone in the
demonstrated a significant reduction in the incidence actuarial probability of bleeding (7% vs. 11%, respec-
of first variceal bleeding compared with EVL (10% tively; p=0.72) or mortality (8% vs. 15%, respectively;
vs. 23%, respectively; p=0.04); however, no differ- p=0.37). However, the recurrence of varices was signifi-
ence in mortality (35% vs. 37%, respectively; p=0.71) cantly lower in the combination propranolol and EVL
or bleeding-related mortality (3% vs. 1%, respectively; group than with EVL alone (19% vs. 33%, respectively;
p=0.26) was noted. Overall, the authors concluded p=0.03), but no patient had recurrence of variceal
that carvedilol is effective for the primary preven- bleeding. The incidence of adverse effects in patients
tion of variceal bleeding in patients with cirrhosis and who received propranolol was 22% (p value was not
high-risk varices. Although data are limited on the use reported). Overall, the investigators concluded that
of carvedilol for primary prevention of variceal bleed- both combination therapy with propranolol and EVL
ing, these results support the use of carvedilol as an and EVL alone were effective in the prevention of vari-
alternative to nadolol or propranolol in specific patient ceal bleeding in patients with high-risk varices. On the
populations (e.g., patients with congestive heart failure basis of these results, adding propranolol to EVL may
requiring -blocker therapy). not be necessary because the risk of variceal bleeding or
death is not significantly different from EVL alone.
9. Groszmann RJ, Garcia-Tsao G, Bosch J, Grace ND, Bur-
roughs AK, Planas R, et al. Beta-blockers to prevent gas-
troesophageal varices in patients with cirrhosis. N Engl
J Med 2005;353:225461.
This is the most recent study evaluating the use
of -blockers in low-risk patients without varices.
Most recent studies focused in high- or moderate-risk
patients. This prospective, randomized, placebo-con-
trolled study compared timolol (n=108) and placebo
(n=105) for the prevention of gastroesophageal varices
in patients with cirrhosis and portal hypertension (an
HVPG of 6 or greater). Patients (1974 years of age) were
eligible if they did not have gastroesophageal varices.
Patients in the timolol group were initiated on timo-
lol 5 mg by mouth daily (titrated on the basis of heart
rate). The primary outcome measured was the develop-
ment of varices or variceal hemorrhage. Most patients
were Child-Pugh class A (91% in the timolol group and
87% in the placebo group), and no patients in either

PSAP-VII Gastroenterology and Nutrition 103 Complications of Chronic Liver Disease

Complications of Chronic Liver Disease 104 PSAP-VII Gastroenterology and Nutrition
Self-Assessment Questions
Questions 14 pertain to the following case. C. No treatment indicated.
T.R. is a 64-year-old woman (weight 60 kg) who pres- D. Ciprofloxacin 500 mg by mouth every 12
ents to the emergency department with abdominal hours.
distension, nausea/vomiting, and fever. She reports
chronic hepatitis C cirrhosis (diagnosed 1 year ago) 4. Four weeks after her recent hospitalization, T.R.
that was treated with peginterferon alfa-2b plus riba- presents to the clinic for follow-up on her ascites
virin. Currently, she is taking no medications. She is treatment. She is currently treated with diuretic
allergic to sulfa drugs with a reaction of hives. Physical therapy. Random spot urine sodium and potassium
examination shows that T.R. is jaundiced with marked concentrations are obtained, and the results are
abdominal distension, bulging flanks with dullness, 81 mmol/L and 30 mmol/L, respectively. Which
and a temperature of 101.9F, heart rate 99 beats/min- one of the following is the best assessment of the
ute, respiratory rate 18 breaths/minute, blood pres- effectiveness of T.R.s diuretic therapy?
sure 135/63 mm Hg, and oxygen saturation 100% on A. Her ascites is responding appropriately.
room air. Abdominal ultrasonography shows that T.R. B. Her ascites has an inadequate response.
has large ascites. Her laboratory and radiologic results C. Not enough information is given to assess
show a serum creatinine of 0.9 mg/dL, potassium of 4.2 response.
mEq/L, and white blood cell (count) (WBC) of 20.2 x D. A 24-hour urine collection should be performed.
103 cells/mm3; her toxicology screen is negative, esoph-
agogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) shows no varices, and Questions 57 pertain to the following case.
ascitic fluid shows a protein of 1.1 g/dL, albumin of 1 g/ R.S. is a 42-year-old man who presents to the emergency
dL, and WBC of 406/mm3 with 76% neutrophils. Cul- department with significant mental status changes and
tures are pending. asterixis. He has chronic alcoholic cirrhosis (diagnosed
5 years ago), Child-Pugh class B; refractory hepatic
1. Which one of the following would be best to initi- encephalopathy (HE) (diagnosed 5 years ago with two
ate in the acute treatment of ascites in T.R.? recurrent episodes of HE in the past year); and portal
A. Norfloxacin 400 mg by mouth twice daily. hypertension. He is taking lactulose 30 mL by mouth
B. Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole 180 mg four times/day and reports two to four semisoft stools
intravenously every 12 hours for 5 days and daily. He reports no known drug allergies. The toxicol-
intravenous albumin 90 g on day 1 and 60 g on ogy screen is only positive only for benzodiazepines,
day 3. abdominal ultrasonography shows no ascites, and EGD
C. Cefotaxime 1 g intravenously every 8 hours for shows many varices in the esophagus, which are large
5 days and intravenous albumin 90 g on day 1 and not bleeding. Sclerotherapy is conducted.
and 60 g on day 3.
D. Ciprofloxacin 750 mg by mouth once weekly. 5. Which one of the following is best to recommend
for treatment of HE in R.S.?
2. T.R. is treated and is now stable enough to go home. A. Discontinue lactulose and start rifaximin 550
Her ascites fluid culture was negative. Which one mg by mouth twice daily.
of the following, taken orally daily, would be best B. Increase lactulose dose to result in six to eight
to recommend for chronic drug treatment of semisoft stools daily.
T.R.s ascites? C. Discontinue lactulose and start rifaximin 400
A. Spironolactone 100 mg and furosemide 40 mg. mg by mouth three times/day.
B. Spironolactone 100 mg. D. Continue current lactulose regimen and start
C. Furosemide 40 mg. rifaximin 400 mg by mouth three times/day.
D. Eplerenone 25 mg.
6. Which one of the following would best help treat
3. Which one of the following is best to recommend HE in R.S.?
for spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP) pro- A. Discontinue benzodiazepines.
phylaxis in T.R.? B. Initiate branched chain amino acids (BCAAs).
A. Norfloxacin 400 mg by mouth once daily. C. Restrict protein intake.
B. Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole double D. Treat GI bleeding with intravenous proton
strength 1 tablet by mouth once daily. pump inhibitor.

PSAP-VII Gastroenterology and Nutrition 105 Complications of Chronic Liver Disease

7. Which one of the following is best to recommend 10. One week later, W.P. is stable enough to go home.
for the management of portal hypertension in Recent laboratory results show a serum creatinine
R.S.? of 0.9 mg/dL, serum potassium of 5.6 mEq/L, and
A. Endoscopic variceal ligation (EVL). serum sodium of 138 mEq/L. Which one of the
B. Carvedilol 12.5 mg by mouth twice daily. following is best to initiate in W.P.?
C. Nadolol 20 mg by mouth daily. A. Restrict dietary sodium intake to 2 g/day;
D. Propranolol 20 mg by mouth twice daily and initiate spironolactone 100 mg by mouth daily
EVL. and furosemide 40 mg by mouth daily.
B. Perform large-volume paracentesis and initiate
Questions 810 pertain to the following case. tolvaptan.
W.P. is a 58-year-old man who presents to the emer- C. Restrict dietary sodium intake to 2 g/day;
gency department with abdominal distension and initiate eplerenone 50 mg by mouth daily and
decreased urine output. He has alcoholic cirrhosis and furosemide 40 mg by mouth daily.
HE. W.P. is currently taking neomycin 2 g by mouth D. Restrict dietary sodium intake to 2 g/day;
every 6 hours and has no known drug allergies. His initiate furosemide 40 mg by mouth daily.
physical examination shows marked abdominal dis-
tension, temperature 98.5F, heart rate 96 beats/min- Questions 11 and 12 pertain to the following case.
ute, respiratory rate 20 breaths/minute, blood pressure I.R. is a 66-year-old woman (weight 72 kg) who has an
125/68 mm Hg, and oxygen saturation 100% on room episode of variceal bleeding while hospitalized. She is
air. The rest of the examination is unremarkable. Lab- treated appropriately for the variceal bleeding but devel-
oratory and radiologic results show a serum creatinine ops significant mental changes and asterixis a day later.
of 3.5 mg/dL (baseline serum creatinine 1 week ago I.R. has ascites and chronic hepatitis C cirrhosis (Child-
was 0.9 mg/dL) and serum potassium of 5.7 mg/dL; Pugh class B). She is taking spironolactone 50 mg by
toxicology screen is negative, abdominal ultrasonogra- mouth twice daily and furosemide 40 mg by mouth
phy shows many large ascites, and EGD shows no vari- once daily and reports no known drug allergies. Labora-
ces. All other laboratory and radiologic results are nor- tory serum results show a WBC of 9.6 x 103 cells/mm3,
mal. W.P. is currently taking nothing by mouth except creatinine of 0.9 mg/dL, potassium of 4.5 mEq/L, chlo-
for medications. ride of 101 mEq/L, bicarbonate of 23 mEq/L, aspartate
aminotransferase of 57 IU/L, alanine aminotransfer-
8. Which one of the following treatments is best to ase of 69 IU/L, and alkaline phosphatase of 154 IU/L.
initiate in W.P.? Toxicology screen is negative, abdominal ultrasonogra-
phy shows mild ascites, and EGD shows recent variceal
A. Octreotide, midodrine, and intravenous bleeding. The rest of the physical examination as well as
albumin. the laboratory and radiologic tests are normal.
B. Midodrine and intravenous albumin.
C. Octreotide and continuous-infusion normal 11. Which one of the following is best to recommend
saline. for I.R.?
D. Continuous-infusion norepinephrine and
A. Discontinue spironolactone and furosemide;
intravenous albumin.
initiate lactulose titrated to two to four bowel
movements per day.
9. A few hours after his admission to the general medi-
B. Initiate lactulose titrated to two to four bowel
cine floor, W.P. has perfuse vomiting and difficulty
movements per day.
breathing. He is intubated and transferred to the
C. Discontinue spironolactone and furosemide;
intensive care unit. All previous treatments are dis-
initiate rifaximin 400 mg by mouth three
continued. Which one of the following treatments
is best to recommend for W.P.?
D. Initiate rifaximin 400 mg by mouth three
A. Continuous-infusion norepinephrine and times/day.
intravenous albumin.
B. Octreotide, midodrine, and intravenous 12. I.R. has been in the hospital for 5 days and is not
albumin. tolerating a regular diet. The primary team asks for
C. Continuous-infusion vasopressin. recommendations. Which one of the following
D. Continuous-infusion octreotide and dietary recommendations is most appropriate for
intravenous albumin. I.R.?

Complications of Chronic Liver Disease 106 PSAP-VII Gastroenterology and Nutrition

A. Enteral BCAAs, restricting daily protein mg and a multivitamin by mouth once daily. She
intake to 58 g. has no known drug allergies. Today she presents to
B. Enteral BCAAs, maintaining daily protein the clinic to review the results of her recent EGD,
intake at 86 g. which shows several medium nonbleeding varices
C. Whole protein enteral nutrition, maintaining in her esophagus. Her blood pressure is 115/60 mm
daily protein intake at 86 g. Hg, and her heart rate is 60 beats/minute. Which
D. Whole protein enteral nutrition, restricting one of the following is the best recommendation
daily protein intake to 58 g. for this patient?
A. Discontinue metoprolol and initiate nadolol.
13. As a clinical pharmacist providing care for patients
B. Continue metoprolol.
with complications of chronic liver disease, you are
C. Discontinue metoprolol and initiate
asked to provide several components to the ser-
vice to have an impact on patient care. Which one
D. Continue metoprolol and initiate isosorbide
of the following would be most appropriate and
provide the greatest impact on care in this patient dinitrate.
Questions 1618 pertain to the following case.
A. Develop HE treatment protocols on the basis R.R. is a 45-year-old man (weight 100 kg, height 62)
of current guidelines. with chronic hepatitis C cirrhosis (Child-Pugh class
B. Counsel patients with chronic liver disease on C) who presents to the emergency department with
maintaining a daily protein intake of 1 g/kg. abdominal distension. He reports no known drug aller-
C. Counsel patients with chronic liver disease on gies. Abdominal ultrasonography shows large ascites,
restricting dietary sodium to 2 g/day. and diagnostic abdominal paracentesis shows ascitic
D. Assess patients adherence to and tolerance of protein of 1 g/dL, albumin of 1.4 g/dL, and WBC of
drugs to make therapy adjustments. 170/mm3 with 75% neutrophils. Serum creatinine is 1.4
mg/dL, and serum albumin is 2.2 g/dL. The rest of the
14. A 53-year-old man presents to the clinic with severe examination is normal.
diarrhea (five or six watery bowel movements daily)
and worsening mental status. He has chronic alco- 16. Which one of the following is best to initiate in
holic cirrhosis (Child-Pugh class B), chronic kid- R.R.?
ney disease, and HE (which is stable). He stopped
drinking alcohol 5 years ago. He is taking a multi- A. Ciprofloxacin 500 mg by mouth twice daily
vitamin daily and lactulose 30 mL by mouth once for 5 days, followed by oral trimethoprim/
daily (the dose was reduced 2 days ago from the pre- sulfamethoxazole.
vious dose of 30 mL by mouth twice daily). He con- B. Intravenous cefotaxime 1 g every 8 hours for
tinues to have diarrhea despite several dose reduc- 5 days.
tions during the past few weeks. He has no known C. Intravenous cefotaxime 2 g every 8 hours for
drug allergies. He recently lost his job and has no 7 days, followed by oral ciprofloxacin 500
prescription coverage. His laboratory results today mg/week.
show a serum creatinine of 2.2 mg/dL, potassium D. Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole 1 double-
of 4.5 mEq/L, and serum sodium of 137 mEq/L. strength tablet by mouth once daily.
Which one of the following is the best therapy for
this patient? 17. Ten months later, R.R. returns to the hospital
with fever and abdominal distension. He was tak-
A. Administer metronidazole as monotherapy.
ing oral norfloxacin for SBP prophylaxis and was
B. Administer neomycin as monotherapy.
adherent to therapy. He is given a diagnosis of SBP
C. Decrease lactulose dose to 15 mL by mouth
and treated appropriately. His ascitic fluid culture
once daily, titrated to two to four soft bowel
shows no growth. Ascitic fluid shows a protein of
movements a day.
0.8 g/dL, albumin of 1 g/dL, and WBC of 302/mm3
D. Administer rifaximin as monotherapy.
with 98% neutrophils. He is stable and ready to go
15. One week ago, a 65-year-old woman with heart fail- home. Which one of the following recommenda-
ure (ejection fraction of 30%), chronic alcoholic tions is most appropriate for R.R.?
cirrhosis (Child-Pugh class C), seasonal allergies, A. Discontinue norfloxacin and initiate
and portal hypertension was hospitalized for heart trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole.
failure. She was sent home on metoprolol 25 mg by B. Discontinue norfloxacin and initiate
mouth twice daily. She is also taking loratidine 10 ciprofloxacin.

PSAP-VII Gastroenterology and Nutrition 107 Complications of Chronic Liver Disease

C. Continue norfloxacin for SBP prophylaxis.
D. Continue norfloxacin and initiate

18. Which one of the following is the best therapy for

A. Obtain an EGD to assess for varices.
B. Initiate nadolol.
C. Initiate octreotide and midodrine.
D. No additional therapy is recommended.

19. A 40-year-old man with a history of chronic hepatitis

C cirrhosis and hypertension presents to the clinic
with abdominal distension. He is currently taking
hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg by mouth once daily
and milk thistle 1 capsule by mouth once daily. He
denies any drug allergies. Abdominal ultrasonogra-
phy shows moderate ascites, and laboratory serum
results show a creatinine 1 mg/dL, potassium 4
mEq/L, sodium 136 mEq/L, and albumin 4 g/dL.
His blood pressure is 125/65 mm Hg, and his heart
rate is 65 beats/minute. After discontinuing hydro-
chlorothiazide, which one of the following would
be best to manage this patients ascites?
A. Spironolactone 50 mg by mouth daily and
furosemide 40 mg by mouth daily.
B. Spironolactone 100 mg by mouth daily.
C. Spironolactone 50 mg by mouth twice daily
and furosemide 40 mg by mouth daily.
D. Furosemide 40 mg by mouth daily.

20. A 38-year-old man presents to the clinic with the

following laboratory serum results: creatinine 1.5
mg/dL, potassium 4.2 mEq/L, sodium 115 mEq/L,
and albumin 4 g/dL. His medical history includes
chronic alcoholic cirrhosis (Child-Pugh class C),
hypertension, and a previous episode of variceal
bleeding (resolved). He stopped drinking alcohol
3 years ago. He currently takes spironolactone 100
mg by mouth daily, furosemide 40 mg by mouth
daily, propranolol 20 mg by mouth twice daily, and
amlodipine 5 mg by mouth daily. He has no known
drug allergies. His blood pressure is 120/66 mm
Hg, and his heart rate is 60 beats/minute. He denies
fluid overload (lower extremity edema or pulmo-
nary edema), mental status changes, or asterixis.
Which one of the following would be best to rec-
ommend for this patient?
A. Discontinue propranolol.
B. Discontinue spironolactone and furosemide.
C. Initiate sodium chloride tablets.
D. Discontinue spironolactone.

Complications of Chronic Liver Disease 108 PSAP-VII Gastroenterology and Nutrition

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