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It is now well established that dietary chemicals can

affect or modulate drug-metabolizing enzymes. This

property suggests that some food chemicals, including
flavonoids, may have important pharmacological and
toxicological consequences.

In the study by Siess

et al. (1992), the experimental doses of flavonoids in the
rat diet that had enzyme-inducing effects were quantities
that could be consumed in the daily human diet. It
is also possible that subthreshold levels of several flavonoids
acting together could collectively cause enzyme

Flavonoids have the ability to activate and induce the

synthesis of the primary enzyme system involved in
metabolism of various lipophilic xenobiotics, such as
carcinogens, drugs, environmental pollutants, and insecticides.
Naturally occurring and synthetic flavonoids
were reported to have striking effects on the P450-dependent
monooxygenase system (Sato and Omura,
1978), including the induced synthesis and activation of
specific P450 isozymes (Wood et al., 1986).

Flavonoid mampu mengaktivasi dan menginduksi sintesis sistem enzim primer termasuk
diantaranya metabolisme berbagai zat xenobiotik yang lipofilik, karsinogen, obat-obat,
polutan lingkungan, dan insektisida. Secara natural sintesis flavonoid dilaporkan

Secara natural si

Several studies have shown that plant flavonoids affect

the activity of P450-mediated monooxygenases.
These in vitro studies indicated that flavonoids have
specific actions related to chemical structure or to enzyme
activity (Buening et al., 1981; Sousa and Marletta,

It is possible that other flavonoids ingested in

the regular diet could affect health adversely by delaying
metabolism and clearance of drugs, thus causing an
increase in plasma and tissue concentrations to potentially
toxic levels. Perhaps the anticarcinogenic activity
of particular flavonoids may be related to their capacity
to induce carcinogen-metabolizing enzymes

It is possible that other flavonoids ingested in

the regular diet could affect health adversely by delaying
metabolism and clearance of drugs, thus causing an
increase in plasma and tissue concentrations to potentially
toxic levels. Perhaps the anticarcinogenic activity
of particular flavonoids may be related to their capacity
to induce carcinogen-metabolizing enzymes.
Flavonoid yang dikonsumsi pada diet sehari-hari dapat mempengaruhi kesehatan dengan
lamanya metabolisme dan klirens obat, sehingga menyebabkan peningkatan konsentrasi
plasma dan jaringan dan berpotensi menjadi toksik.

Beberapa studi juga memperlihatkan bahwa flavonoid mempengaruhi aktivitas CYP 450
terkait adanya ikatan dengan enzim tersebut.

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