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Does God Exist?

When you say the word God, it usually is describing something so vast that the human

mind cant fathom exactly what it is. This idea of an all-powerful being that created the universe

and lives in the past, present and future has taken over the world we live in. Whether you believe

in Him or not, you cannot deny the fact that He is a huge part of society. Not just in the United

States, but across the world, there is a form of God in every single country. The world we live in

has put blind faith into this being that could very well be non-existent. Is this being something

that we humans thought up on our own, or does this incredible God actually exist? Was every

single thing in this universe created by this Deity, or is it all just part of The Big Bang Theory?

With this immense question, I will use a few different resources to help understand each side


Asking the question, Does God Exist? opens up a world that is hard to conceive. He is

integrated into the American society so deep, that it is almost impossible not to believe in him. A

Deity that doesnt have solidified proof of existence is engraved on our currency. The saying In

God We Trust is carved into the monetary exchange system that people use every single day. A

bold quote like that tagged on the United States currency doesnt even give you an option not to

believe He exists, and this is just one of many countries. There is a form of Him in every country.

Now, when I say a form of God, I am referring to the five thousand-plus different versions of

Him that could take a lifetime to learn. Each form is a deity or higher power that has some sort of

control of how people live their lives. Whether you are atheist, believe in a certain God, or base

your every decision around Him, this omnipotent being will affect your life in some way. The

unconceivable being, that we arent sure exists, is part of this world if you like it or not. But the
question isnt if you like the fact, the question is if God is a fact. Is he existent? And if so, how

does he exist? Is there more than one God? Did he create us? Did he invent life? Is the universe

that we arent even close to understanding, a creation? Does it have a start and end? Does God

have a beginning and end? Will there ever be a clear answer to any of these questions?

Lets start with a few substantial definitions of God, according to Wikipedia, to get a

better understanding of if what we are asking exists. In the Hindu Religion, God is said to be the

Greatest Soul. As every being is said to have a Soul, God is the Greatest Soul of all. The Vedas (a

large body of texts origination in ancient India constituting the oldest layer of Sanskrit literature

and the oldest scriptures of Hinduism) gives the meaning of God as He is Almighty. In

Classical theism, God is the first, timeless, absolutely simple, sovereign being (the

metaphysically ultimate being), lacking any anthropomorphic qualities. Classical theistic views

did not believe that he could be defined and that it would contradict the superior nature of God

for mere humans to define him. In modern western societies, He is defined as a monotheistic,

absolute, ultimate, and personal being. Now, with this knowledge we can start to make

arguments for the existence of this Deity. Wikipedia gives Empirical arguments for the existence

of God with Aquinas Five Ways. The unmoved mover, first cause, necessary being, argument

from degree, and the teleological argument.

-The unmoved mover argument states that whatever is in motion must be put in motion, therefore

from our experience of motion in the universe must have been put in motion by another thing.

-Aquinas first cause argument shapes the idea that it is impossible for there to be an infinite

chain of causes, thus, there must be a first cause with itself uncaused.
-The necessary being argument, Aquinas argued that if everything can possibly exist, there must

have been a time when nothing existed; as things exist now, there must exist a being with

necessary existence, regarded as God.

- Aquinas argued from degree, when degrees of goodness are being considered, he believed that

if things are considered good, there must have been a standard of good to relate to. There must

be a goodness that which causes all goodness.

-The teleological argument emphasizes that an intelligent being orders unintelligent objects.

Meaning an intelligent being moves objects to their ends.

On the other end of the spectrum, in the article Arguments for Atheism, three examples

against the existence of God are given. Starting with one that has been around the longest, the

problem with evil says, the problem is that the traditional conception of God implies that if God

exists then He knows how to, wants to, and is able to prevent all suffering. If such a God existed,

though, then we would expect Him to prevent all suffering. Suffering, though, is a familiar part

of the world around us; it has not been prevented. There is, therefore, the argument concludes, no

such God. It also states the paradox of the stone which asks, Can he create a boulder so big

that he cant lift it? Either way it is something He cant do, making him not omnipotent. The

third is that belief in God is just an emotional crutch for those who are unable to deal with the

reality of a life without him.

Now getting to the article, The Bibles Answer, stating, Yes, the Bible provides

compelling evidence that God exists. Basing that the Bible is a legitimate source, the quote, Of

course, every house is constructed by someone, but the one who constructed all things is God.

(Hebrews 3:4), is to be found powerful by many well-educated people. Also, what the Bible calls
our spiritual need says, As humans, we have an innate desire to understand the meaning and

purpose of life, a type of hunger that can remain after our physical needs have been met. This is

saying that the spiritual need gives proof that he exists and points to the fact that he is a loving

creator who wants us to satisfy that need. The article also states, The Bible has detailed

prophecies that were written centuries ahead of time and came true exactly as predicted. The

accuracy and detail of those predictions strongly suggest that they came from a superhuman

source. (2 Peter 1:21) The bible continues to say, That God is suspending the earth upon

nothing. (Job 26:7) Similarly, the Bible correctly describes the shape of the earth as a sphere or

globe. (Isaiah 40:22). When the Bible doesnt give reasonable answers, it can lead a person to

atheism. For instance, If god is loving and all-powerful, why is there suffering and evil in the

world? Why is religion so often an influence for bad rather than for good? (Titus 1:16)

After researching these articles to get a clearer understanding whether or not God exists,

it seems that the argument for the existence of god has a more agreeable aspect to me. Aquinas

Five Ways argument gave the unmoved mover example which put the scale of motion

requiring an initial mover to get everything underway. It was an illustration I havent heard

before that gave a perspective Ive never even thought about. In addition, the fact that there is a

Deity in every country all across the world and all throughout time, is a good indicator that such

a being does exist. When it came to the Bibles arguments, just because well educated people

found a statement powerful doesnt automatically mean they agree with or believe it. It wasnt a

worthy quote to provide a strong answer for the existence of God. Even when leaning to God

being real, it all comes down to putting faith in what you do or do not believe in. Maybe time

will answer this philosophical question, but until then, add it to the list of the unsolvable.

Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 08 Dec. 2015

"" Arguments for Atheism., 2004. Web. 08 Dec.


"Does God Exist? Is There a God? | Bible Questions." JW.ORG. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Dec. 2015.

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