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Polymer Degradation and Stability 39 (1993) 367-371

HALS-phosphite combinations as light and

heat stabilizers for polypropylene
Dedicated to Prof. Dr K. Schwetlick on the occasion of his 60th birthday.

~. C h m e l a , W . D . H a b i c h e r , b U . H~ihner ~ & P . H r d l o v i ~
a Polymer Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences, CS-842 36 Bratislava, Dt~bravskd cesta 9, Czech and Slovak Federal
b Technische Universitiit Dresden, Institut fiir Organische Chemie und Farbenchemie, 0-8027 Dresden, Mommsenstrasse 13,

(Received 29 November 1991; accepted 16 December 1991)

Organic phosphites combined with Hindered Amine Light Stabilizers (HALS)

were used as stabilizers in the photo- and thermoxidation of polypropylene
film. The efficiency of the mixture of HALS and phosphite was compared with
the efficiency of the combination of HALS and phosphite in one molecule. A
strong synergistic effect was observed for the molecule with HALS and
phosphite moieties. Generally, the mixture of HALS and phosphite exhibited
synergistic, antagonistic or additive effects. The efficiency of the mixture
depends upon the chemical structure of the phosphite and HALS structural
units as well as on the ratio of the components.


Most commercial stabilized plastics contain a Combined HALS-phosphite stabilizers were

combination of stabilizers. Deterioration is due perpared by reaction of PCI3 with the appropriate
to the combination of various agents like light, phenol or alcohol and with 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-
heat, oxygen and stress, and a combination of hydroxypiperidine in the presence of triethyl-
stabilizers is therefore more efficient in coping amine.3'4 The combined stabilizers have the follow-
with the various types of deterioration. The ing structures (Scheme 1): [bis(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-
choice of components to be combined has to be piperidin-4-yl)-(2,6-ditert.butyl-4-methylphenyl)]-
made very carefully because of possible an- phosphite (HALS/P I), m.p. 126-127C,
tagonistic effects. On the other hand, synergistic 31p NMR: 146.1 ppm.; [2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-
effects can bring some advantages by applying a piperidin-4-yl-neopentyl]phosphite (HALS/P II),
combination of stabilizers. ~'2 We have dealt with m.p. 94-95C; [bis(2,2,6,6-tetramethypiperi-
these questions in connection with the stabilizing din-4-yl)-(2-tert.butyl-5-methylphenyl)]phosphite
system containing HALS (Hindered Amine Light (HALS/PIII), m.p. 63-64C, 31PNMR: 134.1
Stabilizers), phosphites with alkyl or aryl ppm.
substituents and a sterically hindered phenol. A The alkyl aryl phosphites were prepared
deeper insight into their interaction was achieved by standard methods (H~ihner, V. & Habicher,
by applying a stabilizing mixture of these W. D., unpublished). The products P-l:
components on the one hand, and by using their [bis(isopropyl)-2,6-ditert.butylphenyl]phosphite
combination in one molecule on the other. and P-2: [monoisopropyl-neopentyl]phosphite
were yellow viscous liquids. [tris(2,4-
Polymer Degradation and Stability 0141-3910/93/$06.00 ditert.butylphenyl]phosphite (P-3) was the com-
(~) 1993 Elsevier Science Publishers Ltd. mercial product Irgafos 168 (Ciba-Geigy, Basel,
368 ;{. Chmela et al.


HALS/P I For testing the efficiency of the combined
HALS-phosphite stabilizers and for studying the
interactions of the individual parts of a molecule,
we used in the first case stabilizing mixtures
containing, besides the stabilizers being eva-
HsC CH3 luated, processing antioxidant 2,6-di-tert.-butyl-4-
methylphenol (A-l) and calcium stearate. This
HALS/P I I system is most often used for testing. Figure 1
shows plots of the increase of carbonyl
absorption versus the time of irradiation. The
empty points denote the combined H A L S -
phosphite stabilizers, i.e. H A L S / P I, H A L S / P II,
H3C,~.IcH3 H A L S / P I I I and control film containing A-1.
~H=p ( H3C CHa
HALS/P I shows the highest efficiency. Slightly
HALS/P III -- i O - ~ N - H lower efficiency was achieved by H A L S / P II in
CH= L HaC CH= spite of the absence of a phenolic group in its
molecule. The change of position of substituents
Scheme1. in the phenolic part of the stabilizer,
HALS/P III, and the reduction of the hindrance
Switzerland) used without purification. of the phenolic group as compared with
The low molecular weight HALS stabilizers H A L S / P I led to a rapid decrease in the
were 2,2,6,6- tetramethyl- 4- hydroxypiperidine efficiency of this additive in PP.
(HALS-1) and 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-hydroxy- Since the processing antioxidant A-1 was
piperidine-l-oxyl (HALS-2) as used previously, s present in the tested films and several authors
2,6-Ditert.butyl-4-methylphenol (A-l) (AO4K, have described the antagonistic effect between
Istrochem s.e., Bratislava, SFR) was used as HALS and phenolic stabilizers, 2 the actual
processing stabilizer. stabilizing effect was determined by testing the
Thermal stability was measured on a Perkin- PP films containing the combined HALS-
Elmer TGS-1, thermobalance (Norwalk, USA) phosphite stabilizer only. Figure 1 shows the
at a heating rate of 10/min in air. results as full points. All three additives exhibited
Polypropylene (PP) powder (Tatren HPF, increased efficiency in the absence of A-1. This
Slovnaft s.e., Bratislavia, SFR) and the indicates the antagonistic interaction between
additives were mixed and homogenized in a A-1 and the additives used. The antagonistic
Brabender Plastograph (Duisburg, FRG) at effect may be ascribed to the reaction between
175C or 190C for 5min in air. The bulk nitroxyl radicals ( ~ N O ' ) formed from the HALS
polymer was then pressed into c. 0.15- or 0-2-mm
films in an electrically heated laboratory press
(Fontune, Vlaardingen, Netherlands) at 200C
for 1 min.
Photooxidation was carried out in apparatus <
equipped with a 125 W medium pressure mercury
arc (Tesla n.e. Hole~ovice, (~SFR) described
elsewhere. 6 The temperature of the system was
held at 30 + 2C. Thermooxidation was carried
o ~oo 800 12oo 1too
out in a laboratory oven without circulation at IRRADIATION TIME (h)
90 + 2C or 110 + 2C. The course of photo- and Fig. 1. The rates of photooxidation of PP films (0-2 mm)
thermooxidation was followed by monitoring the containing combined HALS-phosphites with A-1 (0.1 wt %)
increase in the absorption of carbonyl oxidation and calcium stearate (0-15wt %)--empty points; without
products in the region between 1700 and A-1 and CaSt--full points. Composition of films: V,
control; EJ, HALS/P I; ZX,HALS/P II; and C), HALS/P III.
1740cm -1 (Specord IR-75, Carl Zeiss Jena, Concentration of additive: 0.2wt%; processing tempera-
FRG) as described previously. 4'6 ture: 175C.
HALS-phosphite combinations as stabilizers for polypropylene 369

part in the stabilizing process and A-1.

Hydroxylamine ( ) N O H ) is formed from N-oxyl __ O-CH(CH3
radical ( ~ N O ' ) and quinone radical is formed CH3

from A-1 which is considered to be a powerful ,4

sensitizer. Moreover, the quinone radical can
react with another ~ N O " molecule forming an z 0.1 -~N
# B= HO H
adduct which lowers the concentration of the 3
effective ~ N O " radicals. The absence of the
processing antioxidant in the control film 0 500 1000 1500
naturally accelerates the course of its degrada- iRRADIATION TIME (h)

tion. When H A L S / P I was used to inhibit Fig. 2. The rates of photooxidation of PP films (0-2 mm)
thermooxidation of paraffin at 150C in air, the containing O, HALS/P I, 3.57 x 10 -3 mol/kg; I~, A (P-l),
3.57 x 10-3mol/kg; V, B (HALS-1), 7.0 x 10-3moi/kg;
induction period was 15 h and then phosphate and A, A + B, (3-5 + 7.0) x 10-3 mol/kg; x, control film;
started to be formed from the combined processing temperature: 175C.
HALS-phosphite stabilizer (H/ihner, U. &
Habicher, W. D., unpublished). Weight decrease compound A) was 3-5 x 10-3mol/kg. For the
measured on the thermobalance at a heating rate derivative H A L S / P II, 0-2wt % corresponds to
of 10/min was 1% at 175C and 2% at 190C for 7.0 10 -3 mol/kg and was used for pure HALS
H A L S / P I . A marked decrease, 20%, was (Fig. 3, compound B) and phosphite with
observed at 250C. For H A L S / P III it was 4% at isopropyl (Fig. 3, compounds A). Figures 2 and 3
175C, 5% at 190C and 20% at 230C. show the results for the photooxidation of PP
H A L S / P I I exhibited a much higher weight films. The efficiency of the additives increases in
decrease, namely 30% at 175C and 52% at both cases in the order:
190C. These results suggest that the concentra-
tions of H A L S / P I and H A L S / P I I I are not phosphite < HALS < phosphite + HALS
changed while the mixture is being processed on << HALS-phosphite.
the Brabender Plastograph for 5 min at 175C to
No interaction of HALS and phosphite was
190C. The actual concentration of H A L S / P II is
observed in their mixtures, either synergistic or
probably lower. In spite of this the efficiency of
antagonistic, and the efficiency was almost equal
HALS/P II is rather high.
to the precise sum of the efficiencies of free
In order to evaluate contributions from the
HALS and phosphite. A different situation arises
individual parts of the combined HALS-
if HALS and phosphite moieties are bound in
phosphite stabilizers to the overall efficiency or to
one molecule. A remarkable synergistic effect is
study their interaction, we have tested the
evident in both cases (HALS/P I and
efficiency of the individual parts of the molecule
H A L S / P II). It is interesting that the increase in
separately, i.e. of HALS and phosphite, then as
the effectiveness was 70% of the value exhibited
a mixture of two unbonded molecules. The
by the mixtures of HALS and phosphite for both
results were compared with the efficiency of a
combined HALS-phosphite, i.e. both com-
ponents were bound in one molecule. The
experiments were carried out for additives
H A L S / P I and H A L S / P II. 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-
4-hydroxypiperidine (HALS 1) was used as a free
HALS molecule. In the case of phosphite we
used an isopropyl substituent instead of the
2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidin-4-yl substituent. For
H A L S / P I , the concentration of 0-2wt % cor-
responds to a molar concentration of 3-5 0 ~QO 800 1200
10 -3 mol/kg. The molecule contains two active IRRADIATIONTIME (hl

HALS units so that the concentration of Fig. 3. The rates of photooxidation of PP films for
2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-hydroxy piperidine used derivatives of HALS/P II. O, HALS/P II; E3, A(P - 2); ~7,
B(HALS-1); and A, A + B ; concentration: 7-0x
was 7 . 0 x l 0 - 3 m o l / k g . The concentration of 10-3mol/kg; x, control film; processing temperature;
phosphite with an isopropyl substituent (Fig. 2, 175C.
370 ~. Chmela et al.

derivatives. The same increase in efficiency, in

spite of the chemically different substituents

iiI i
(substituted aryl in H A L S / P I and alkyl in
H A L S / P I I ) , led to the conclusion that the
synergism is caused by the presence of both
H A L S and phosphite in one molecule. A n o t h e r
possible explanation is that synergism is caused
by the interaction of transformation products of
the additive in the course of the stabilization
process. The extent and the possibility of
interaction is smaller for a mixture of the two
! I
compounds in a polymer than when H A L S and 0 500 1000 1500
phosphite are bound in one molecule. The IRRADIATION TIME (h)
complete absence of any interaction in the Fig. 5. The rates of photooxidation of PP films (0-15 ram)
mixture of H A L S and phosphite at a given ratio containing: +, no additive; O, P-3, 3-57 10-3 mol/kg; I~,
and considerable synergism of the combined HALS-2, 3.57 x 10 3 mol/kg; A, HALS-2, 10.7x
10-3mol/kg; I , HALS-2+P-3, 3-5710 -3+3.57x
H A L S - p h o s p h i t e stabilizer leads to the conclu- 10 3moi/kg; and &, HALS-2+P-3, 10-7 10 3+3.57x
sion that a special type of synergism is involved 10-3 mol/kg; processing temperature; 190C.
which might be called 'intramolecular synergism'.
The influence of the ratio of H A L S to for the N-oxyl derivative (HALS-2, Fig. 5). These
phosphite on the efficiency was investigated for data indicate m o r e or less the trend in the interac-
the pairs 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-hydroxypiperidine tion of H A L S and its derivatives and phosphite.
(HALS-1) or 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-hydroxypiper- In order to understand this interaction better,
idine-l-oxyl (HALS-2) and tris(2,4-di-tert.butyl- additional data using different structures and
phenyl) phosphite (P-3). The course of PP concentrations of H A L S and phosphite are
photooxidation is shown in Figs 4 and 5. No syner- needed. Nevertheless, the results indicate that
gistic or antagonistic effects are observable at the this interaction depends upon the ratio of the
molar ratio H A L S : phosphite = 1:1 using parent components involved. Moreover, this interaction
amine and N-oxyl respectively. A t a higher H A L S - also depends upon the chemical structures of the
to-phosphite ratio, namely 3:1, a weak antag- components. E v e n addition of free HALS-1 to
onistic effect was observed for parent amine the combined stabilizer H A L S / P I in the ratio
(HALS-1, Fig. 4) while slight synergism was seen 1:1 results in a noticeable antagonistic effect
(Fig. 6). This behaviour was rather unexpected,

o,,. / especially in comparison with the results based

on the efficiency of the mixture (Fig. 2) which is
roughly the sum of the contributions of the
individual parts (A + B, where A is phosphite

J / /
g~ o.1

" 0.1
0 500 1000 1500

500 10'00 1500 2000
Fig. 4. The rates of photooxidation of PP films (0-15 mm) IRRADIATION TIME (h)
containing: +, no additive; O, P-3, 3-57 10-3mol/kg; I-7,
HALS-1, 3.57x 10-3 mol/kg; A, HALS-1, 10.7 Fig. 6. The rates of photooxidation of PP film (0.15 mm)
10 3moi/kg; I , H A L S - I + P - 3 , 3-57x10 -3+3.57x containing: +, no additive; A, HALS-1, 3-57x
10 3mol/kg; O, HALS-1+ P-3, 7.14 10-3 + 3.57 10-3mol/kg; D, HALS/PI, 3.57x 10 3mol/kg; and O,
10 -3 mol/kg; and A, HALS-1 + P-3, 10.7 x 10-3 + 3.57 x HALS-1 + HALS/P I, 3-57 10-3 + 3.57 x 10-3 mol/kg;
10-3 mol/kg; processing temperature: 190C. processing temperature: 190C.
HALS-phosphite combinations as stabilizers for polypropylene 371

with two isopropyl substituents and B is CONCLUSIONS

HALS-1). The substitution of the two isopropyl
groups by 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-piperidyl leads to Our data show that the light- and heat-stabilizing
much higher efficiency for this c o m p o u n d w h e n it
efficiencies of H A L S and phosphite are preserved
is used alone. In the mixture with free HALS-1,
by applying t h e m as a mixture in the p r o p e r
the antagonistic effect was monitored. The data
ratio. The interaction in the complex system
show that the interaction of the mixture of H A L S depends upon the ratio of the c o m p o n e n t s and
and phosphite depends upon their ratio as well as
their structures. Variations in the composition of
on the chemical structures of the individual
the mixture may bring about slight synergistic or
components. The extent of interaction can differ
antagonistic effects or have no effect at all. The
greatly for various pairs and different ratios.
products which contain a H A L S - p h o s p h i t e
Most H A L S - t y p e stabilizers are used as light
structural unit in one molecule exhibit a strong
stabilizers because their efficiency as heat
synergistic effect. It was clearly d e m o n s t r a t e d
stabilizers is not sufficient. The presence of
that the combined H A L S - p h o s p h i t e s are able to
phosphite in combined H A L S - p h o s p h i t e mole-
function both as good light- and excellent heat
cules also p r e d e t e r m i n e s their use as light and
heat stabilizers. Results indicate that their
light-stabilizing activity is quite good. Qualita-
tively similar results were obtained in the
thermooxidation of PP films at 90C and ll0C.
The synergistic effect of the H A L S - p h o s p h i t e
combination was m o r e clearly d e m o n s t r a t e d as a
function of the type of substituents. For the alkyl 1. Allen, N. S., Chem. Soc. Rev., 15 (1986) 373 and
substituent, i.e. for H A L S / P II, the increase in references therein.
2. Chirinos-Padr6n, A. J., J. Photochem. Photobiol., A:
the efficiency was 200% c o m p a r e d with a 70% Chem., 49 (1989) 1 and references therein.
increase when it was used as a light stabilizer. 3. Habicher, W. D., H~ihner, U., Chmela, S., Noack, B. &
The time to reach an absorbance of 0.2 in the Schwetlick, K., P r o c . Chemiedozenten tagung,
Muhlhausen, Chemische Gesellschaft, Germany, 1990, p.
carbonyl region was c. 4 0 0 h for the mixture, 137.
while for combined H A L S / P II it was 1200 h at 4. Chmela, S. & Habicher, W. D., Proc. Microsymposium
90C. For the H A L S / P I mixture, the time to 'Degradation Stabilization and Combustion of Polymers',
reach A = 0.2 was 700h. It was 4700h for the Star~i Lesnd, 1990, p. 136.
5. Chmela, S. & Hrdlovi6, P., Chem. Papers, 38 (1984) 199.
combined H A L S / P I , which is an increase in 6. Chmela, S., Hrdlovi6, P. & Mafidsek, Z., Polym. Deg. &
efficiency of m o r e than 600% at 90C. Stab., 11 (1985) 233.

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