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1.E.1: Game Modification Plan Assessment Rubric

Unacceptable Basic Proficient Distinguished

Quality of Game Modification Task Game Modification Task Game Modification Task Sheet In-depth analysis of the game is very
Response Sheet is not fully thought Sheet is complete, but the is complete and includes an in- evident within the Game Modification
out and complete. Answers objective of the game is depth analysis of the game. The Task Sheet; responses illustrate a deep
are incomplete and do not not clearly articulated and game objective is clear and the and thoughtful review. Multiple new
show evidence of comple- fully detailed. Likes and responses to the questions are views are offered on why the existing
tion of the Game Modifica- dislikes are identified, but well articulated and explained. game is successful. A strong rationale
tion Plan. there is no clear explana- Responses demonstrate a good is provided for likes and dislikes of
tion as to why. Minimum grasp of how a contemporary the game actions, design, and ap-
answers are provided for game review process works and pearance; additional factors are also
each question. how a game may actually be provided.
Modification The Game Modification Revised objective of the The Game Modification Plan Recommendations and ideas within
Plan Plan is incomplete, does not game as indicated within depicts new ideas for modifying the Game Modification Plan are ex-
include valid suggestions for the Game Modification the game and reflects a well-ar- tremely clear and concise, and include
game improvement. Plan is not very different ticulated idea or concept with unique recommendations to improve
from original. Some chang- regard to workability. Responses the game. Realistic (i.e. workable) and
es are offered for game- show understanding of how the valid suggestions are offered explain-
play or game design; gameplay and/or game de- ing how they will improve the game.
some reasons are offered sign will be affected along with Multiple change ideas are offered
for why suggested chang- a good analysis of why game and are clearly explained. The revised
es would not be included. developers may not have imple- objective of the game successfully
mented these ideas. compliments what the revised game
will be.
Creativity The work is not very cre- The work is somewhat cre- The work is creative, offering The work is highly creative, offering mul-
ative. The work does not ative, offering some new new ideas and approaches to tiple alternative approaches to chang-
offer new approaches or ideas. Familiar approach- change the game in a unique ing the game from its original design.
ideas. es, ideas, and methods way. The work takes some risks in Familiar methods and approaches
were provided in the work. ideas suggested for the revision. have been combined in new and inno-
vative ways.
Mechanics: Assignment is delivered Assignment was probably Assignment has been proofread Assignment has been thoroughly
spelling, sloppy and includes many not proofread as it in- and includes minimal errors. proofread and contains no errors.
errors. cludes several errors.

Blooms Domain Learning Objective Level of Difficulty

From memory, learners can list or label basic
game design principles.
1 1

Learners can research online game reviews,

citing the vocabulary related to game play
2 2
and design elements.

Learners can consistently and correctly apply

project management fundamentals as an
3 3
essential function of game development.

Learners can demonstrate how to open a

pre-developed scene, view its components,
and configure the user interface within the
game editor.
Learners will be able to differentiate the fol-
lowing game development components:
i. Assets
ii. Hierarchy
5 iii.Inspectors/properties 4
iv. Parenting/Nesting
v. Views: Scene, Game Animation, Light
mapping, Occlusion Culling
vi. Prefabs
Supplied with a list of contemporary games,
learners will consistently and correctly char-
acterize genre inclusion; providing adequate
justification for genre selection. Learners can
6 4
also differentiate popular gaming platforms;
describing the advantages and disadvantag-
es in terms of hardware (i.e. peripheral) fea-
tures and game play modalities.
Learners can design a game rating system to
rank interactivity and player immersion.
7 5

Blooms Domain Learning Objective Level of Difficulty

Based on the review created by the learner,

the learner will formulate a Game Modifica-
tion Task Sheet and a Game Modification 5
Plan; identifying key differentiators of the
game, possible issues, and/or areas for im-
Upon selecting a game of their liking, learners can
write a critique using appropriate standards and
9 terminology.

Within small group interactions, learners can

Evaluation argue or defend the value of game narrative
10 and game play; evaluating its impact on the 6
game being discussed and influencing others
within the group.


Which books, digital resources, & other materials will be used in this lesson? Listed below is a
recommendation of resources to consider for this unit:
2. Just Enough Project Management: The Indispensable Four-Step Process for Managing any
Project Better, Faster, Cheaper - Curtis R. Cook, Ph.D - McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing


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