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Basilio, Moira C.


1. Do you think that investing in a "Smart House" like the one in the episode is worth

I think investing in a Smart House is worth it if it can really protect your

house from external dangers. But if I will based on the episode, I think it is not worth
it. When I saw the house in the episode, I was amazed on how a residential can turn
into a smart house. It really attends to the needs of the owner just by activating the
sensors etc. But in reality, since the devices built in the Smart House is man-
made, it can be fooled also by a human. For one instance in the episode when the
wife of Mr. Peter Burnand was murdered, the culprit was not even seen in the house.
This only makes it difficult for the police to track down who really did kill the wife. I
think investing in a Smart House like in the episode can be worth it if they can
find a way to secure the house without even knowing where the security cameras or
the sensors will be located. So that if anything happens, the house that you
invested and paid for will really be helpful not only to your daily lives but also on
your own safety.

2. With the development of devices being turned into "Smart" devices, what
innovation would you like to see in the near future?

In the development of many devices that turned into Smart devices, I think
many innovation in these devices can be really seen in the future. For example,
the devices being used at home. Nowadays, many homes are equipped with many
devices that can make their lives easier. By using sensors to activate the security
locks. The security camera that can view the surroundings of the house. The
equipment used in the kitchen in cooking or baking. I think that in the near future
we can now predict on what devices will be innovated. I would like to see the
innovation on security. I want it to be more precise and cannot be fooled even by
humans. In terms of the devices that can make our lives easier, I want it to be
activated by it by just a command like that. In terms of the equipment, I want it to
be where I want it to be. Just command it and let the equipment do their work.

3. What do you think are the dangers of the internet that was shown in the episode?
The use of computer devices without taking any countermeasures.
The use of internet. Uploading personal photos and videos in an unprotected
Neglecting the dangers imposed when downloading files or going to another
Internet hacking and extortion
Mistaken identity through the use of internet.

4. Do you agree that there should be a separate form of currency to be used online?

I think that having a separate form of currency to be used online can be quite
confusing. Because even if we have a separate currency that can be used in paying
online, people will still find ways on how they can hack and scam people through
that new currency online. And even if we do have a separate currency, it cannot
guarantee the safety of the online sellers and buyers from scam and hacking if the
online world is not protected.

5. What do you think are the things that you could do to prevent what happened to
"KITTY" from happening to you?

I should take measures to ensure my safety when I am using the internet. Do

not post any photos or videos in sites that are unprotected and websites that you
think are not true. Make sure to think before you click. Before posting anything on
any social media or social websites make sure that you are visiting a trusted
website and do not post all of your personal information. Also delete any emails or
any messages from unknown sources so you cannot insert any virus or any
secondary devices to be installed in your computer without you knowing.

6. Based on your computing habits, do you think that you are safe when you are

If I were to assess my computing habits, I now think that I am not truly safe
when I am online. When I watched the episode, I felt nervous because I am fond of
uploading pictures in the social media accounts. Maybe I should just take precaution
in the things that I upload.

7. Do you think cybercrime criminals are appropriately detected and prosecuted in

our country?
I think cybercrime criminal are not appropriately detected and prosecuted in
the country. Some can say otherwise and say we have a new law that protects
everyone from cybercrimes but still why we have many crime cases of internet
extortion and mistaken identity. Even if we do have an agency that handles internet
crime related cases, they still find it hard to locate or even trace criminals whom
they thought are anonymous and unknown to them. The lowest form of cybercrime
is cyberbullying. If this simple case of bullying using social media cannot be
resolved then more difficult cases cannot be given resolve. Cyberbullying has
become grounds for some people on committing crimes and also suicide. If these
people who threatens to destroy peoples minds, then we do have a big problem.

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