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Ouaid-e-Awam Universitv of Engineering. Science and Technolosv

Department of Civil Engineering
Mech-053 : Revolvi ng Pendulum
Demonstrate pendulum
Mech-054: Wave Motion Phenomenon - Demonstration Tube Apparatus
Mech-055 : Pascal's Apparatus
Mech-056: Pelton Water Turbine
IUlech-}il7: Track & Rait for Demonstration
Mech-058: Spring Balance flNg
Measure weight / force
Mech-059: Spring Balance 10009
Mech-060: Equilibri um Apparatus
Mech-061: Apparatus to demonstrate Turning Moment
Mech-062: Triple Pulley Parallel
Mech-063; Slide Rules
Demonstrate use of slide rules
Mech-064: Slotted Weights (10 g)
Mech-065: Sef of Weights (lWg - 2 kg)
Mech-066; Sloffed Weight (mix - no marking)
Mech-067: Slotted Weight (Kilo)
Mech-068: Caliper 175 mm and 4A?
Mech-069 : Stabil ity Apparatus
Demonstrate stability of trusses and frames

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