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DIRECT ATP-DEPENDENT Active transport -responsible for procuring excess H+ ions bringing
-depend on ATP particularly the hydrolysis of the ATP them back inside the lumen of the acidic organelle
-breakage in the phosphoanhydride bond releasing ADP 1 ABC superfamily (ATP Binding Cassettes)
and Pi a Two T domains- transmembrane/integral membrane
If you take a look at the carrier protein or the PUMP proteins
involve in active transport -responsible for actual translocation of
PUMP has two functions: a Two A domains- peripheral membrane proteins
a Transport-carry out the translocation of their -responsible binding and hydrolyzing ATP
substrates or solute against its concentration SUPERFAMILY because made up of several hundred
gradient membranes/types of carrier proteins
a ATP hydrolysis -enzyme to catalyzes ATP hydrolysis *Find in wide range of organisms:
So the cation pumps that we know of- bacteria, plants, fungi and humans
Sodium potassium pumps *Substrates they carry depending on the carrier
ATPase pumps proteins:
Ca2+ ATPase pumps Ions, polysaccharides, amino acids, lipids, peptides
even proteins,
Classification of these pumps: *Directionality of transport: some inside going out,
1 P class outside going in
-get phosphorylated VARIATION: what they transport and direction which
-means after binding ATP, hydrolyzing it, they they transport
release ATP back into cytosol, but Pi may bound to
-phosphorylation triggering change in conformation Na+K+ ATPase pump
-NOTING THAT CARRIER PROTEIN works by changin g Classification:
conformation Co-transport
e.g. Na+K+ ATPase, Ca2+ ATPases Antiport-opposite
*ATPase-enzymes that catalyzes ATP and also transport P-class antiport
Electrogenic-function is to establish
1 V class voltage/membrane potential
-Not phosphorylated Review: in terms of concentration gradient,
When they hydrolyze ATP, they released both ATP more Na+ outside the cell, K+ ions inside
and Pi back into the cytosol Difference in concentration 100 mM
a V1 domain-peripheral membrane proteins carrying -responsible for maintaining the concentration gradient
out ATP hydrolysis of Na+
a V0 domain-integralmembrane proteins responsible SIGNIFICANCE:
carrying out active transport usually of H+ a store E needed for other metabolic processes in
e.g. proton pumps such as H pumps the cell/ other type of active transport (Sodium
*Found in the membrane in vacuoles in plant and Motive Force)
fungal membranes, and membranes in lysosomes and a Do prevent cell swelling in isotonic medium
endosomes of animal cells. i Osmolarity in the cell is ensured to not
*Lumen are acidic, hence, high [H+ ions ] increase therefore preventing the entry of cell,
*PUMPS-actively transport H+ ions from the cytosol into hence preventing cell swelling
the lumen 2 CONFORMATIONS: cycle can start anywhere
-regulate pH in the cytosol so it wouldn't be acidic a E1-high affinity for 3 Na+ ions
-open on the cytosolic side In E1 state, Ca2+ ATPase Pump will pick up 2 Ca2+ ions
a E2- low affinity for 3 Na+ ions but high affinity for and then ATP binds and hydrolyzes and pump becomes
K+ ions phosphorylated (P class) changing conformation E1 to
E2 because of that change, the 2 Ca2+ ions because
Ex. The pump is at an there is decrease in the binding affinity with the pump
a E1 state- at this point, it has high affinity for 3 will now be release into the lumen and eventually get
Na+ ions and 1 ATP molecule so it bind dephosphorylated so goes back to E1 to pick up another
b ATP hydrolysis- 2 Ca2+ ions from the cytosol. This goes on until the
P class so phosphate is remain bind to the concentration of Ca2+ ions in the cytosol normalizes , it
pump only ADP is released to the cytosol is reduce and muscle cell will now relax.
a E1 becomes E2- due to change in conformation so
-3 Na+ released to the extracellular fluid, and 2.INDIRECT/SECONDARY ATP DEPENTDENT ACTIVE
high affinity for 2 K+ ions so it will bind, after
the binding they are de-phosphorylated -does not directly depend on ATP hydrolysis but instead
releasing the phosphate causing change in in proton motive force or E stored in the concentration
conformation going back to gradient certain molecules (Na)
a E1 state- low affinity for the K+ ions so they will be -carriers or pumps do not hydrolyze ATP because they
released in the cytosol and pick up 3 Na+ from the would come from proton motive force
cytosol also transport of glucose
-3 Na+ outside, K+ inside Absorb glucose from small intestine (intestinal gut)
*Delivered to where they are more in Na+- Glucose symport-transport Na + and glucose in
one directions)
Ca2+ ATPase Pump More Na+ outside the cell, more glucose inside small
Remember the SR, sarcoplasmic reticulum found in the intestine cell compared to the gut
muscle cell containing a lot of Ca ions, has Ca 2+ Carry out two types of transport
release channels in the membrane that when opened For every two Na+ ions , that are passively
because of opening of Ca voltage-gated channels in transported that will (provide E) drive the
the T tubule since they are physically connectedt and active transport of 1 molecule of glucose
due to change in voltage, they will open up causing inside the cytosol
release of a lot of Ca2+ ions in the muscle cell cytosol Is Na+ meant to stay inside the cytosol of the small
initiating muscle contraction intestine cell?
Need to relax, Ca2+ ions should be relax to the SR They should be circulated- move out of the cell-
Problem: SR still has moreCa2+ inside than cytosol diffuse across the blood vessels into the blood
stream and be circulated.
2 States: High concentration of+ glucose inside and
a E1-high affinity for 2 Ca ions lower outside, when glucose move out of small
-cytosolic gate is open intestine cell via passive transport involving
-lumenal portion is closed glucose channel that passively transport
a E2-lost affinity for 2 Ca2+ions releasing them inside glucose from inside of the cell going to the
the lumen tissue fluid and diffuse into the blood, location
-cytosolic gate is closed on the basal side of the cell
-lumenal portion is open Na+ ions that were passively transported
during glucose uptake, move out of the cell in
SR lumen has more Ca, cytosol has less Ca
order to maintain the concentration gradient e.g In cytosol, E1-catalyzes the hydrolysis of PEP, PEP
of Na+. Keeping in mind that more Na is after hydrolysis releases pyruvate but E1 is
outside so , r sodium potassium ATPase is phosphorylated though (transient). Eventually, this
responsible in returning the sodium ions phosphate group is transferred to H protein, then H
outside the cell is active type of transport,. protein will transfer it (phosphate group) to E2a (now
Therefore, maintaining that concentration you have an idea why it is called the
gradient of sodium potassium so there will be phosphotransferases system) then phosphate group will
stored E/sodium motive force to carry out the be transferred to E2b. Then you have this integral
uptake of more glucose or active transport membrane protein E2c that carries out the actual
of more glucose. transport of glucose from outside the cell going inside.
This is also known as ATP has an indirect role. At the same time that it will transfer glucose from
ATP somehow has a role , although indirect outside going to the cytosol, it will also catalyze the
role.. transfer of the phosphate group from E2b to glucose so
How so? that in the end what is released into the cytosol is now
Immediate source of E here (glucose G6P.
uptake) is sodium motive force-E stored With this, the glucose that is being chemically modify,
in concentration gradient of Na. can it now get back out of the cell? Can it move out of
How is that maintained? the cell using the same transport protein?
Sodium Potassium ATPase pump. It NO because this is just specific for glucose, there is
depends on ATP hydrolysis. no transport protein that will recognize
Without ATP, it cannot function, can't G6P.Therefore, this system ENSURE THAT THERE IS
outside the cell, those phosphorylated will remain
3.LIGHT-DRIVEN Active transport inside the cell.
-depend on light In bacteria, glucose is not the only sugar that can be
-found in some archaeans- Halobacterium halobium metabolized but also mannitol, mannose and lactose. So
In their membrane bacteriorhodopsin is observed they are also translocated via PTS. They also would
-multipass integral membrane protein containing make use of E1 responsible for the first step-
chromophore (light absorbing organic group hence hydrolyzezPEP. Also involve, H protein. However, E2a,
sensitive to light E2b and E2c will now be specific and different in
What happens when light activate bacteriorhopsin different sugars-they have similar functions but different
-cause change in conformation from trans to cis components.
-accomplish the active transport of H+ ions
from inside going out MEMBRANE FLOW SYSTEMS
of H (because it also stores E/proton motive
force) 2 Main Stages of for endocytosis and exocytosis
4.GROUP TRANSLOCATION 1. Membrane adherence
-gram negative bacteria -referring to different segments of the membrane
-compound that is dephosphorylated is not ATP but PEP that will come close together or that will adhere to
-what happens is ,that solute or molecule transported is each other.
chemically modified/phosphorylated -e.g In exocytosis, a vesicle with its own lipid
-Glucose ---> G-6-P bilayer or membrane, will go near PM
-BACTERIALPHOSPHOTRANSFERASES SYSTEM In endocytosis, initially separate would come
in apposition with each other
1 Membrane joining/fusion appropriate signal/stimulus before it will
-e.g.In exo, the two initially separate will now release its contents into the cytosol
fuse/join. So if you recall our discussion in the motor
-gain more membrane material neurons and muscle contraction, there are
In endo, fusion vesicles in the motor neurons containing the
-loss of segment in the PM neurotransmitter acetylcholine, remember that
Rate should be equal of the two processes. those vesicles will only release the
acetylcholine into the synapse only when there
is an action potential that had reached the
1.EXOCYTOSIS-process of secretion terminus of the motor neuron axon initiating
-formed in Golgi apparatus (interior part of the cell) the influx of Ca2+ ions and that is the only
In order to accomplish membrane adherence, it will time, that those vesicles would release/fuse to
move at certain distance and go to the cell surface, the membrane and release acetylcholine into
that movement is accomplished because the the synapse.
secretory vesicles are carried by motor proteins
that are moving along microtubules. Motor proteins, 2.ENDOCYTOSIS -when cell internalize molecules (particularly
microtubules, are important for exocytosis because macromolecule from ECM)
they are responsible for making the secretory -vesicles that are formed can move inward toward
vesicle move/travel a certain distance from the the interior of the cell because of the motor
Golgi apparatus area to the PM area. proteins that are moving along microtubules.
-invagination would allow membrane adherence
a Secretory vesicle moves. then close off after membrane fusion and then
a Membrane adherence membrane pocket that is formed will eventually
a Rupture of part of the membrane separate/break off/ pinch off from the PM
b Release of the contents of the secretory vesicles WHAT WOULD HAPPEN TO THE VESICLES AND
a Fusion and integration of the vesicle lipid bilayer ITS CONTENTS?
into the PM -fused to the lysosomes
-digested-because lysosomes are rich in
They could either remain on the surface of the cell, like if it contains a protein-it will be
membrane proteins to be inserted in to the hydrolyzed to produce amino acids and
membrane/components of the cell wall released into the cytosol to be used by
Or could be part of the ECM the cell
If it is hormone, they should diffuse into the blood so it - fused with endosomes for further processing
will move and go to its specific target. -avoid the lysosomes and avoid
Types of exocytosis -transcellular transport/ transcytosis
1 Constitutive
e.g.constitutive gene expression 3 TYPES OF ENDOCYTOSIS
-synonym: CONTINUOUS/always 1 Phagocytosis-cell eating
-the moment it is formed, it will now fuse with the -one cell engulfing another whole cell/very
membrane and released its contents large structure
1 Regulated -e.g Amoeba engulfing 1 whole yeast cell
-formation of a secretory vesicle but will just
stay inside the cytosol, waiting for the
Phagocyte engulf/internalize a membrane to invaginate and
phatogen/bacterial cell inte initiate the formation of coated
-try to internalize something as big as it is vesicles.
--involve microfilaments in the membrane and -vesicle coat is coated with
has toadjust the microfilament network proteins
supporting the membrane Receptors and Clathrin
microfilament network supporting the e.g On one side of the membrane, they
membrane are very important during the would recognize and bind their
formation of phagosomes ligand/cargo, then that cargo-receptor
1 Pinocytosis-cell drinking complex will now move to another area of
-what is engulf may be essentially just the membranes(remember, membrane
extracellular fluid that may just contain some proteins can laterally diffuse) , we have
dissolve substances here clathrin aggregating on the cytosolic
-microfilament network is not involve anymore side, therefor causing the invagination of
- vesicles are much smaller, not much the membrane forming the coated pits
strain on the membrane .This receptor-cargo complex will now
1 Receptor-mediated endocytosis laterally diffuse and move into that
-involve receptors making it more specific, coated pit. Then, formation of coated
-makes endocytic processes more vesicles, however, the coat will eventually
concentrated disassociate itself since they are not
In the extracellular fluid there are several permanently bound to the vesicles, the
types of molecules, clathrin will back and start aggregating
if this is just a regular endocytosis , again to form other coated pits, to
it's possible that the vesicle contain participate in another round of RME.
heterogeneous mix of molecules What happens to the uncoated vesicles?
but if you have a receptor, -fuse with lysosomes
it will just recognize and binds its -fuse with endosomes
substrates/ligand , so even the ECF -be involve in transcytosis
will not be allowed to be part of what
has been taken in (or very small E.g UPTAKE OF CHOLESTEROL
amount would be included)
-RME, apart from involving receptors,w ould Cholesterol is transported in the blood as
also COAT proteins, particularly Clathrin-coat part of a complex, as LOW DENSITY
Clathrin Triskelia- monomer of clathrin LIPOPROTEIN (LDL) , complex with
coat proteins and other lipids. Now, in our cell
-each one is triskelion=three-legged membrane, we have LDL receptors, so
How they are formed? that receptor recognizes the LDL, and the
On the cytosolic side of the LDL-receptor complex moves into a
membrane, a number of clathrin-coated pit, initiating a formation
Clathrin Triskelia will now start of a coated clathrinvesicle but eventually
to aggregate or group together the clathrin will be released and recycle
to form a pentagonal/hexagonal back to the membrane. Now you will only
structure, the force of their have a vesicle containing LDL+receptor
aggregation causes the and this would fuse with the endosome
(has acidic pH). During the binding of
LDL-receptor with LDL (pH 7=having high to be released but not the
affinity with each other), here inside the apotransferrin (apotransferrin
endosome, pH dropped to 5 and becomes remains bound to the receptor)
acidic, binding affinity decrease between Iron is released into the cytosol
the receptors and the ligands. So receptor and used by the cell
releases the LDL, receptors are recycled Inside the vesicle, receptor is
back to the membrane to be reused. Left bound to its ligand and go back
is endosome containing LDL, no reecptors (exocytosis) exposing the
anymore. Next step, this will fuse with receptor and apotransferrin to
the lysosomes, so there will now be pH 7 and that will decrease
hydrolysis of the LDL, protein components their binding affinity so that the
hydrolyze to amino acids, lipids apotransferrin is released and
components hydrolyze to fatty acids, will pick up more iron.
cholesterol will now be released by At PH 7,receptor binds to
hydrolysis. All will now be release into ferrotransferrin, releasing
the cytosol to be used by the cell. apotransferrin
Take note of the significance of pH At acidic pH, only iron is released.
difference=influence the binding of the
receptor with its ligand. 3. TRANSCELLULAR TRANSPORT/TRANSCYTOSIS of maternal
Any of these processes, will affect the antidbodies (antibodies from breastmilk
cholesterol uptake. How they are transported from the gut into the blood
If mutation would prevent stream of an infant
recognition of LDL, or binding to the Take note of role of change in pH:
coated pit, it will disrupt uptake. In gut-acidic?
In ECF-neutral?
E.G RME of Iron
-Iron is transported bounded to a
protein that is part of
-Protein is apotransfrerin, if there is
iron -ferrotransferrin
Receptor recognizes transferin,
pH 7 high binding affinity between
the transferrin receptor and
Formation of clathrin coated
Removal of the clathrin to be
Vesicle containing the receptor
with ferrotransferrin but this
avoids the lysosome
Fuse with the endosome and
shifts pH to acidic causing iron

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