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Module 9 Review

1. What are psychoactive drugs?

2. What is dependence?
3. What is the relationship between tolerance and withdrawal?
4. What are the physiological and psychological effects of drinking alcohol?
5. Which cognitive activity is most dramatically affected by alcohol use?
6. In most states, what is the legal level of intoxication?
7. Although alcohol is a ____________________, some people report feeling
stimulated after drinking because alcohol ____________________________.
8. What are the physiological and psychological effects of stimulants?
9. What are the two most use stimulants around the world?
10.A person who usually buys one coffee drink on the way to work in the
morning bet then starts feeling tired and sluggish unless she drinks
another one after lunch is experiencing ____________________ to caffeine.
11.What are the physiological and psychological effects of hallucinogens?
12.What is the main difference between hallucinogens and other drug
13.What factors help prevent the use of dangerous psychoactive drugs?
14.True or False: Research indicates that feelings of hopelessness are
unrelated to predicting if a person will become a drug use.
15.True or False: If the friends you hang out with never smoke cigarettes, the
chances youll smoke are very slim.

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