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2012 International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition

Fast Feature Selection for Handwritten Digit Recognition

Hassan Chouaib, Florence Cloppet and Nicole Vincent

Laboratoire LIPADE
Universite Paris Descartes
Paris, France

AbstractFeature selection happens to be an important step imental study on the MNIST database is carried out. Finally,
in any classication process. Its aim is to reduce the number conclusions are drawn and perspectives are given in section
of features and at the same time to try to maintain or even V.
improve the performance of the used classier. Variability of
handwriting makes features more or less efcient and gives a II. F EATURE SELECTION
good support for evaluation of selection method. The selection
methods described in the literature present some limitations Feature selection is generally dened as a search process
at different levels. Some are too complex or too dependent on to nd a relevant feature subset from an initial feature set.
the classier used for evaluation. Others overlook interactions The relevance of a feature set always depends on objectives
between features. In this paper, we propose a fast selection
method based on a genetic algorithm. Each feature is closely and criteria. A selection method [3] generally incorporates
associated with a single feature classier. The weak classiers several steps: First a search starting point is set then subsets
we consider have several degrees of freedom and are optimized are evaluated and a search strategy is applied to make the
on the training dataset. The classier subsets are evaluated by subset evolve.
a tness function based on a combination of single feature In general, search strategies can be classied into three
classiers. Results on the MNIST handwritten digits database
show how robust our approach is and how efcient the method categories: exhaustive, heuristic and random. The evaluation
is. function computes the suitability of the selected subset and
compares it with the previous best candidate, replacing it
Keywords-Feature selection; Classier combination; Hand-
written Digit Recognition; Genetic algorithm; AWFO if the current subset is estimated as being better. Besides,
feature selection algorithms may be classied into two
categories depending on their evaluation procedure lter or
In the eld of handwritten digits recognition, variability
of handwriting represents a challenge. Then many recog- A. Filter approach
nition system have been proposed and many works have The lter model was the rst one used in feature
been devoted to feature denition. High dimension spaces selection. The used criterion for feature relevance evaluation
are often used as representation spaces. Many handwritten is based on measures that rely on training data properties.
recognition system have been proposed and tested on the This type of method is considered more as a pre-processing
MNIST database [1] [2]. In our case the aim is not to propose step (ltering) done before the training one. In other words,
a handwritten digit recognition system, but to show the ef- evaluation is generally done independently of any classier
ciency of our fast feature selection method for such systems. [4]. Methods that are based on this feature evaluation model
Reducing vector dimensionality is often considered as a pre- were developed in [5][6][7][8]. Most of them use an heuristic
processing step dedicated to noise and redundant information or random approach as search strategy.
elimination. One type of dimensionality reduction methods The main advantage of ltering methods is their compu-
is feature selection. tational efciency and robustness against over-tting. Un-
Existing feature selection methods reveal limitations on fortunately, these methods do not take into account inter-
many levels such as complexity, interaction between the actions between features and tend to select features that are
features, dependency on the evaluation classier, and so on. redundant rather than complementary [9]. Furthermore, these
In order to overcome these limitations, we introduce a new methods do not absolutely take into account the performance
method for feature selection. It is based on selecting the best of classication methods subsequent to selection [10].
classier combination from a set of simple classiers.
The paper is organized as follows. In section II, we motivate B. Wrapper approach
our choices, in section III, we introduce our Fast Feature As seen in the previous section, the main drawback of
Selection Method (FFSM). In section IV an extensive exper- lter approaches is that they ignore the potential inuence

978-0-7695-4774-9/12 $26.00 2012 IEEE 483

DOI 10.1109/ICFHR.2012.203
of the selected features on the performance of the classiers manner. We retain this idea by building a set of classiers,
to be used later. To solve this problem Kohavi and John each associated with one feature. They will be dened in
introduced the concept of wrapper for feature selection section III-B. The overall vision of the wrapper method is
[10]. The wrapper methods evaluate feature subsets on preserved while considering a selection criterion that takes
the basis of their classication performances using a learning into account all the used features. This is implemented in a
algorithm. GA whose tness function will be detailed in section III-C.
This evaluation is done using a classier that estimates Thus, we consider interactions between features. Finally, the
the relevance of a given feature subset. The feature subset features associated with the subset of classiers selected at
selected is always well adapted to the used classication the last iteration represent the nal feature subset. First, in
algorithm but it is not necessarily valid if the classier is section III-A, an overall vision of FFSM method is given.
changed. The complexity of the learning algorithm makes
the wrapper methods rather expensive regarding time com- A. Selection process
plexity. As the complexity drawback of this technique makes Let set F = {f1 , f2 , .., fN } be composed of N features
it impossible to use exhaustive search strategy (NP-complete and Bapp = {X1 , X2 , .., XM } be a training dataset con-
problem), heuristics or random search strategies are often sisting of M samples where each Xi = (fi1 , fi2 , .., fiN )
preferred. However, even in this case, the search becomes represents the ith sample. A sample of dimension N is
more and more inconceivable as the initial feature set size represented by a vector whose components are the values
increases. of features (fi ), where N is the total number of features.
The wrapper methods are generally considered to be better Let Y = {y1 , y2 , .., yM } be the sample labels. For a bi-class
than the ltering methods according to [11], [10]. They are classication problem we have yi {1, 1} . The training
able to select small feature subsets which are efcient for set Bapp is divided into two parts: a training dataset A and
the used classier, nevertheless the wrapper methods have a validation dataset V . Our feature selection method is in
two main drawbacks : two steps:
Complexity and computation time Construction of N simple classiers Hi . For each Hi ,
Dependency of selected features on the classier only the ith feature fi is taken into account.
Selection of classiers (Hi ) by using a GA.
C. Genetic algorithms and feature selection
Genetic algorithms (GA) are one of the latest techniques B. Classier set
in the eld of feature selection [12],[13]. Unlike classical In this step, a set of classiers is built so that each
feature selection strategies where one solution is optimized, element is trained on only one feature. A classier learnt on
a population of solutions can be modied at the same a single feature is a simple model dened using a learning
time. one should encode its potential solutions by nite algorithm based on the training dataset A and which only
strings of bits forming chromosomes of the candidate points takes into account one feature at a time. Such classier
population. The tness function can be dened using lter must be simple and as efcient as possible on a single
or wrapper models. feature.
The tness evaluation of a genetic algorithm for feature To build such classiers, we propose to take advantage of
selection, can be very costly as there are many generations of two approaches. One is to compute a single classication
many feature subsets that must be evaluated. This is particu- threshold, the other is to combine different weak classiers
larly a problem for wrapper approaches where classiers are in a strong classier in order to obtain classiers with
induced and evaluated for each chromosome. To limit this multiple classication thresholds. This makes our approach
problem we propose to nd a classier that takes advantage original.
of both lter and wrapper approaches. [14] use single classication threshold hereafter named
- lter methods: quality is associated with each feature. Classif Alamdari. The threshold that was used is the
- wrapper methods: a classier efciency is optimized. midpoint of a segment whose endpoints are the barycentre
These objectives represent the main idea of our new fast of data feature values in each class. Another classier of
feature selection method described in the next section. this type is the decision stump [15]. It denes the best
threshold that minimizes the classication error on a single
On one side, ltering methods for feature selection have
limitations with regard to the consideration of potential inter- As only one feature is considered at a time, we propose to
actions between features. On the other side, wrapper meth- introduce multiple classication thresholds in the classier
ods present a very high time complexity and dependence building. To do that, we associate a threshold with the nodes
on the classier evaluation. Filtering methods derive their of a decision tree [16], or use AdaBoost algorithm [17]
rapidity from taking into account features in an individual from weak classiers of type decision stump computed

Given a set of classiers (in this example, Adaboost clas-
siers) H = {H1 , H2 , ..,H12 } which contain twelve clas-
siers, where Hi = t=1 it hit , i {1, 2, 3, .., 12}
and T is the number of AdaBoost iterations. Let I =
100110010110 an individual for which six out of
twelve classiers are present. If we use the mean as a
 for combining the classiers then CombiSc (Hi ) =
1 T
6 k ( t=1 kt hkt ), the tness function of I will be calcu-
lated as follows:
f itness(I) = error(sign( 16 k ( t=1 kt hkt ))) where
k {1, 4, 5, 8, 10, 11}
The Comb operator can take many forms that will be studied
in the following section.
Figure 1. Multiple threshold classier: (a)Decision stump case For combining classiers, we used several conventional
(b)Adaboost case
combining methods such as majority voting, weighted
majority voting, mean, weighted mean, median. Another
method was used called AWFO (Aggregation Weight-
on different sample sets. Then, an H classier is associated
Functional Operators) [18]. For the AWFO method we
with feature f. This is illustrated in gure 1.
propose a modication to make it better adapted to our case.
It is among these classiers that a subset, optimizing the
In our case of a two-class classication, the two classes
dened criterion, will be extracted. This optimization will
have an equivalent status, making it impossible to dene
be carried out by a GA. It is then necessary to encode the
a distinguished valuewith a signicant value with respect
subsets. The most classical way consists in encoding each
to the problem. We want to combine classiers whose
possible solution by a binary string of size equal to the
answers are between -1 and +1 (-1 being associated with an
total number of classiers. A gene of index i has the value
element of the rst class and +1 characterizing an element
1 if the initial set ith classier is present in the current
of the second class). Therefore, we have chosen to aggregate
subset and 0 otherwise. We denote by C = (c1 , c2 , .., cN )
separately the positive and the negative values. Refering to
a chromosome where each ci {0, 1} and Sc is the set:
the original method, we have two optimal values. Thus, we
{i/ci = 1}.
have two distinguished values. The AWFO method does not
only consider the classiers answer but also the distribution
C. Selection criterion of all answers to achieve aggregation. Then weight formula
The matter is to nd a subset having a reduced number of dcum (xi )
W (xi ) =  (3)
highly efcient classiers. In wrapper methods, the tness dj
function is related to the building of a new classier based sign(xj )=sign(xi )
on features that are involved in the individual. To overcome 

dcum (xi ) = dj with
the heaviness of this approach, we made a compromise. We
build a new classier that does not need a training phase but where Ei = {j/(dj di ) & (sign(xj ) = sign(xi ))}
involves all the features present in the individual. We can

notice that the already built classiers provide more adapted di = 1 |xi |
information to the problem than features themselves. Thus Finally, in case of negative answer very close to -1 and
each selected classier participates in the decision making. if we have a lot of negative answers, the cumulative sum
Therefore, we introduce a classier built as a combination of distances increases and its weight will be high. Similarly
of classiers. for an answer very close to 1.
where CombiSc (Hi ) is the combination of classiers In this section we present the experiments carried. We
present in an individual. Thus, for the GA tness function, rst describe several representation spaces and we compare
we compute the error given by this new classier. It can be the results with those obtained by other feature selection
written as: methods.
f itness = error(H c ) (2) A. Databases and experimental protocol
For our experiments we used ve feature databases. They
We present below an example that shows how to compute
have been built using different descriptors:
the f itness of an individual:

Generic Fourier descriptor (GFD)[19]: is a descriptor Table I
based on Fourier transform. The radial (R) and angular N UMBER OF SELECTED FEATURES FOR EACH DESCRIPTOR USED FOR
resolutions (T) represent two of its parameters. We have
used two different values of R and T. For (R=8,T=12), Zer GFD1 GFD2 R-sig Pix
we obtain 96 features and for (R=10,T=15) we obtain Initial 66 96 150 180 784
Mean 25 30 46 42 245
150 features. In the following, we use names GFD1 % reduction 66.12 68.75 69.33 76.66 68.75
and GFD2 for these representation spaces.
R-signature [20]: uses Radon transform to represent
an image. There are 180 features in this descriptor the last line of table II shows the classication average rate
hereafter named R sig. for each descriptor before and after selection. we can notice
Zernike descriptor [21]: is a descriptor based on Zernike that we managed to select feature subsets 69.9% smaller than
moments. In our case, 66 moments are used. the originals sets but with roughly the same quality. Table
Luminance of the pixels. This descriptors is composed
of 784 features hereafter named Pixel. Table II
Features of each descriptor are calculated on the MNIST
database. It is a database of isolated handwritten digits Zer GFD1 GFD2 R-sig Pix
(from 0 to 9) built in 1998 [22]. Each digit is associated AdaBoost 92.42 92.55 92.1 79.55 97.6
classif Alamdari 91.50 90.15 90.85 74.15 93.85
with an image of size 28 x 28 in 256 grey levels (example decison stump 92.05 92.05 91.95 79.25 97.45
in Figure 2). The MNIST database is divided into two Decision trees 91.95 92.17 91.85 79.35 97.50
subsets, a training set of 60 000 examples and a test set of No selection 92.47 92.38 91.97 75.95 97.73
10 000 examples.
II shows also the best results obtained for each classier set
and for each descriptor. From such results we can conclude
that AdaBoost classiers give the best selection result and
the single threshold classier are less efcient.
Finally we compared the selection results using different
Figure 2. Samples of images extracted from the MNIST database combining methods. Table III shows the comparison results
averaged on ten classes. We can notice that the results for
We process a priori two-class problems, in the more the three combining methods AWFO, mean and weighted
general case of n classes it is necessary to build subsets mean are close for various used descriptors and are more
within the labelled sample set to allow the use of a one efcient than the majority voting, weighted majority voting
versus all approach. Each subset is associated with a and median combining methods.
class. Let A = {Ai }, V = {Vi } and T = {Ti }, which
Table III
represents respectively training, validation and test datasets. C OMPARISON OF THE DIFFERENT COMBINING METHODS
Ai , Vi and Ti are constructed for the use of a one versus
all method. On the one hand, each of the Ai datasets Zer GFD1 GFD2 R-sig Pix
AWFO 92.25 92.55 92.08 79.19 97.60
and Ti contain 2*N samples: N samples of class i and N Mean 92.42 91.90 91.95 79.04 97.40
samples of all the other classes. On the other hand Vi only Weighted mean 92.28 92.34 92.10 79.55 97.55
contains N elements: N2 samples of class i and N2 samples Majority voting 91.71 90.55 91.65 77.38 96.80
of all the other classes. For the MNIST dataset we have Weighted voting 91.95 91.95 90.98 79.05 97.20
Median 92.14 91.06 92.05 78.25 97.5
i {0, 1, 2, .., 9} and N = 1000. No selection 92.47 92.38 91.97 75.95 97.73

B. Results
C. Comparison with other methods
In this section we made the different elements of our
We compared our selection method with three other
method vary: the nature of the classiers, the nature of
existing methods. We considered three methods: Relief [5],
combination classiers involved in the tness function.
SAC [6] and the third one is a classic wrapper method
Table I shows the average number of selected features for
based on random search and using the same GA as our
each descriptor on the ten classes of MNIST database using
method, but with a different tness function dened by
Adaboost classiers and AWFO combination method. We
the classication error of a SVM classier. These methods
note that the nal subsets are on average 69.9% smaller than
are based on different evaluation approaches which are
the initial set. To evaluate the quality of the subsets found
lter(Relief and SAC) and wrapper ( Wrapper SVM). Table
by the FFSM method, we used an SVM classier learnt on
IV shows the comparison of results between our method and
training datasets Ai and tested on datasets Ti . The rst and
other selection methods. Results are computed on the mean

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