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HYDROELECTRIC 800 000 Kwh SUB-STATION TRANSFORMERS 13 000 380 000 Kwh Kwh As the
poten127/220 v ce of energy coming out of a hydroelectric power suffers a decli
ne up to a light bulb without exploding it, the energy coming from the spirit al
so suffers from an adaptation energy in order to act in different sizes without
damaging the bodies that will be used.
ng its energy power
This process is called energy descent
Etheric Double
In the book Spirit of self-discovery Joana de Angelis psychographics of the medi
um Divaldo Franco found no reference to different levels of vibrations of energy
: 1) The human subject is a grouping of energies at different levels of vibratio
n (p. 16). 2) The human being is a set of harmonic energy, composed of spirit an
d matter, mind and perispirit, emotions and physical body, which interact in a c
ontinuous flow over each other (p. 20). 61
Whether they are positive or negative energy created by the spiritual memory is
less dense than the energies created by the desires, so they are in different di
mensions. Whether they are positive or negative energy created by the desires ar
e less dense than the energies created by thoughts, so they are in different dim
ensions. Whether they are positive or negative energy created by the thoughts ar
e less dense than the energies created by the feelings, so they are in different
We are dealing less dense as the chemical structure of the energy. In this case
the density is not synonymous with purity. That happens with the chemical struct
ure of water, that being clean or polluted water does not cease to be
BODY OF ENERGY WANTS WISHING Will - Wish - Faith Determination - Force
Desires prior thoughts
MENTAL MENTAL ENERGY BODY Intelligence - Reasoning Reflection - Insight - Insigh
Thoughts precede feelings
Anguish sorrows Depressions
Addictions Addictions
Hate Rancor Revolt
Satisfactions Pleasures
PERISPIRIT OR SPIRITUAL BODY Power of Emotions and Feelings
Etheric Double Power Plant
PHYSICAL BODY Support material embodied spirit
In the 19th century spiritual knowledge was still very restricted, this caused b
y a Church Ruler and Secret Doctrines by restricting only the teachings to his f
ollowers. • • • CHURCH Domino for those who want power one of the best strategie
s is to keep people in ignorance, so the Church forbade the people to have conta
ct with books containing the teachings, the people going to learn only interpret
ed the light of the interests of representatives of the church and condemned to
death in the name of God that contradicted; After the Reformation the people sta
rted to have contact with books, but was forbidden to make interpretations. SECR
ET DOCTRINES hid the teachings of the people, could only have known those who ma
de pacts initiation and that disclosing to pay with their lives, people only kne
w a few lessons started through the surface; When people went to only interprete
d the teachings light of the interests of the initiates of the Secret Doctrine.
• • • •
- Make the Divine teaching to reach people in a clear and objective - Awakening
the people of spiritual ignorance and moral;
Kardec, as good teaching, adapted many lessons to a level that people could unde
rstand them, as was the courageous attitude of Kardec that time. Even today many
people, which hinder other people from obtaining knowledge (is forbidden to rea
d this, that, etc, etc, etc ...) between the teachings of Kardec adapted so that
the people could understand them is what concerns the spiritual bodies. The spi
rit, provided focus and director of intelligent life, is surrounded by various e
nergy fields, each vibrating in space dimension of its own, and the physical fie
ld, the outermost layer and therefore the more densified of human complexity. Ai
ming to facilitate the understanding of seriation energetic man, Kardec summariz
ed the matter in order to facilitate understanding,€perispirit chose the name to
encompass all that takes the spiritual essence, or that is interposed between t
he spirit and the physical field. Allan Kardec encompassed all spiritual bodies
and created the name perispirit.
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ESOTERICISM Spiritism Atmic Spirit Divine Body Body Body Body
Buddhahood Buddhahood Nirvanic Higher Mental Body Mental Body Mental Perispirit
Lower Astral Body Astral Etheric Double Double Etheric Physical Body Physical Bo
dy Physical Body
"So the perispirit is a naming used by Allan Kardec and represents all the spiri
tual bodies that surround the Spirit. In summary our spirit is wrapped in many b
odies that are subdivided according to several dimensions in which we operate.
Body Mind Spirit Perispirit Physical body Etheric Double
The evolutionary process of knowledge spirit does not stop. Understanding of eac
h course on time, additional works, most of all, written by Andre Luiz, brought
more light on the specification of the envelopes of the Spirits.
It is common to find some authors that Spiritualists confuse some attributes of
the Spirit as the spiritual bodies. The seat of memory is one of them. According
to Kardec, the Spirit is who has the seat of memory, because he is being clever
, thoughtful and eternal. Without the Spirit, the spiritual bodies are inert mat
ter of private life and feelings. The same thing happens when we refer to the se
at of sensibility. It is the Spirit who loves, suffers, he thinks, is happy, sad
, or is it living all these sensations or colleges. The spiritual bodies somatiz
e and convey all these feelings and build up the energies from the thoughts, fee
lings, emotions, etc.. So the spiritual bodies, are a tool in the service of Spi
rit. As we know, to think we create mental energy. Feelings and emotions also cr
eates specific energies, all energy is matter and matter because they are kept i
n spiritual bodies. In summary, the spiritual bodies are matter, do not think ei
ther has a memory. Those are attributes of the Spirit.
The evolutionary process of knowledge spirit does not stop. Understanding of eac
h course on time, additional works, most of all, written by Andre Luiz, brought
more light on the specification of the envelopes of the Spirits. André Luiz repl
aces the traditional name for perispirit psychosoma or spiritual body, André Lui
z says the mental body is the mantle of subtle mind, André Luiz also claims that
the vital body or etheric double is the double energy that surrounds the physic
al body of man . The Spirit Andre Luiz, studying the man according to Spiritism
states that it is composed of: - the physical body or Soma - Etheric Double or s
ymbiosome - Psychosoma - Mental Body - Spirit. a) CHANGES IN TWO WORLDS CAP. PAG
E 2. 25 (1958) The mental body, pointed out experimentally by several scholars,
is the mantle of the subtle mind and that, for now, we can not define with more
breadth and concepts, than the one that has been submitted by the investigator i
ncarnate, and this lack terminology suitable land in the dictionary. 64
b) CHANGES IN TWO WORLDS PART 1 - CAP. PAGE 17. 128 (1958) In humans, however, s
imilar projection appears deeply enriched and modified by the factors of continu
ous thought that in adjusting to the fumes of the field cell, it shape, round ab
out the personality, known vital body or etheric double of some schools spiritua
l, more or less duplicate the radiant creature. c) IN THE FIELDS OF MEDIUMSHIP C
AP. PAGE 11. 99 (1955) At first their perispirit or "Astral body" was covered wi
th the effluvia which provide vital balance between soul and body of flesh, thos
e known as a whole, as the "etheric double" formed by emanations neuropsychiatri
c belonging to the physiological field and, therefore, can not further alienatio
n of land organization and is designed to disintegration, occurs as the instrume
nt of flesh, upon the death of renewal. d) Our Home - CAP. 36 - The Dream Taken
in the comfortable and spacious room, I prayed to the Lord of Life thanking him
blessed to have been helpful. The "profitable fatigue" of fulfilling the duty di
d not give me any opportunity to watch nasty. Hence the moments, sensations of l
ightness invaded my soul and all I seemed to be caught up in tiny boat, heading
to unknown regions. I ran to where? Impossible to answer. Beside me, a silent ma
n held him the helm.€And what child can not define or enumerate the beauties of
the way, let me drive without any kind of cheers, ecstatic but with the magnific
ence of the landscape. It seemed that the boat went faster, despite the movement
of ascent. After minutes, I found myself in front of a beautiful harbor, where
someone called me with special care: - André! ... Andre! ... Ashore with precipi
tation truly childish. Recognize that voice among thousands. One moment, hugged
my mother in overflowing joy. I was led then by her, the wondrous woods, where f
lowers were endowed with a unique property of retaining the light, revealing the
party's permanent scent and color. Carpets and golden light stretched in this w
ay under the big trees rustling in the wind. My impressions of happiness and pea
ce were unsurpassable. The dream was not exactly what occurs on Earth. I knew pe
rfectly well who had left the vehicle in the apartment below Chambers of Rectifi
cation in "Our Home," and he was absolutely aware of that plan in motion diverse
. My notions of space and time were accurate. The wealth of emotions, in turn, a
sserted itself more and more intense.
Andrea Jorge dos Santos, physician and writer renowned spiritualist, believes th
e man composed of: - Physical body. - Double Etheric Body or physical - or Peris
pirit Psychosoma - Mental Body - Unconscious current - past or Ancient Unconscio
us - Unconscious or pure Spirit SEXUAL FORCES OF ALMA CAP. PAGE 1. 32 and 36 (19
96) 1) We could still add the schema of the psyche the body involving the uncons
cious mind today. 2) We could not fail to suggest the possibility of the existen
ce of an appropriate energy field between the perispirit and the physical body,
the etheric double. Other books by various authors: MEDICINE PAC OF THE SOUL. PA
GE 4. 43 (1998) In humans, the etheric double is the most etherised or less gros
s, the physical body. The Wandering Spirit PAC. PAGE 4. 84 (1996) The etheric bo
dy is thus a body fluid, which appears as a duplicate of the individual energy,
interpenetrating the physical body, while it seems that emerge. SOUL OF HUMAN CA
P. PAGE 3. 46 (1956)
The etheric double thus has an individuality, a characteristic, unmistakable, ye
t an integral part of the physical body or somatic
Secret Doctrines Esotericism Esotericism
Body Body Atmic Buddhahood Higher Mental Mental Lower Astral Etheric Double Phys
ical Body
Jorge Andrea Pure Unconscious Unconscious Unconscious Ancient Past or Current Me
ntal Psychosoma Body or Etheric Double Perispirit Physical Body Spirit Andre Lui
z Allan Kardec Spirit
A Divine Body 2 Body 3 Body Buddhahood Nirvanic 4 Astral Body Mental Body 5 6 7
Physical body Etheric Double
Body Mind Spirit Body Perispirit Psychosoma or Etheric Double or symbiosome Phys
ical Body or Soma
Physical Body
Spirit Essence or Divine Spark. Monad or Seed pulsating life. I Cosmic. This is
where the body is somatize prints data from the Bank of consciousness. Where is
the mental energy of the recorded data for our evolution (it was like a floppy d
isk where files are stored and to access it you need a computer, this would be t
he spirit). This is the body where somatize are impressions derived from our wil
l, desires, strength, imagination, determination. This is the body where are the
energies created by our will, desires, strength, imagination, determination. Th
is is the body where somatize are impressions derived from our thoughts (intelli
gence, mentality, thinking, reasoning, association of ideas, perception). This i
s the body where are the energies created by our thoughts. This is the body wher
e somatize are impressions derived from our feelings, passions, emotions and add
ictions. This is the body where are the energies created by our feelings, passio
ns, emotions and addictions. He is also the MOB (organizer biological model - mo
deling of the physical body). Appropriate energy field between the Perispirit an
d the physical body, is semi-material, formed of a grosser matter that Perispiri
t and more subtle than the physical body. This is the body where energies are di
stributed to the spiritual and the physical and vice versa, is considered the ma
intainer of energy, a real power plant. Distributes the energy vitalizing the ph
ysical body. It is therefore also called the Body Vitality is where the spiritua
l energy "condensate" into the body. It's like a thin layer,€on the skin of ethe
ric matter how the human magnetism. Material support of the spirit incarnate. Wh
ereby he has to act in the matter. Somatize him is positive or negative impulses
from the other bodies in the form of vitality or illness, misfits or inharmonie
2 - UNCONSCIOUS PAST or archaic / BODY Buddha
- - -
In it is also somatize impressions originated from previous incarnations custom
which we live, which are now dormant but existing in our animism.
Definition, origin and nature
The perispirit is a condensation of the universal cosmic fluid around a focus of
intelligence or soul. It is the semi-material envelope of the Spirit and the bo
nd that unites the spirit with the material body. If it says perispirit semimate
rial it pertains to the field by its source (Universal Fluid) and spirituality f
or its ethereal nature. By its nature and in their normal condition perispirit i
s invisible, however, he may undergo changes that make visible and even tangible
, ie can be seen and touched. The Spirit draws its perispirit the elements conta
ined in the fluid environment of each world, from which it follows that the comp
onents of perispirit vary across worlds. The nature of perispirit is always in r
elation to the degree of moral advancement of the Spirit, so as to be more or le
ss debugged the Spirit, his party will form perispirit purer or more gross fluid
peculiar world where he comes to embody.
The perispirit not found in the closed confines of the body, like a box. By its
very nature fluid, it is expandable, radiates outwards and form around the body
an atmosphere that thought and willpower can swell to a greater or lesser degree
. As the embodiment of perispirit identical in nature to the fluids of the spiri
tual world, he assimilates with ease, like a sponge soaks up the liquid. Acting
on these fluids perispirit, this, in turn, reacts upon the body material with wh
ich to think in molecular contact. If the emanations are of good nature, the bod
y suffers a salutary impression if they are bad, the impression is painful. If t
hey are permanent and energetic, the effluvia bad can cause physical disorders,
is another cause of certain diseases. Because of its ethereal nature, the Spirit
itself can not act on the gross matter, without intermediary, ie without the el
ement that the call to matter.
Important properties of perispirit
Visibility: Through some sort of condensation the perisprit, which is normally i
nvisible can become visible to the eye. Tangibility: You can get the perisprit t
o acquire the properties of a solid and tangible, saving, however, the possibili
ty of resuming their state instantaneously ethereal and invisible. Transfigurati
on: It is assumed that the Spirit can give your perispirit any appearance you wa
nt, it operates by a change in the overall appearance of a face or a bright appe
arance. This can occur with perispirit a disembodied person, as in a living pers
on, not isolated from the body, but radiating around the body so as to envelop y
ou, like a vapor, you can change your appearance, whether that is the will of th
eir spirit. Another is a disembodied spirit, blending his fluid with another tha
t is already red can you substitute appearance. Bi-corporeal: The Spirit of a li
ving person regains part of his liberty by isolating part of the body, its tangi
bility perispirit getting momentarily, appears elsewhere, making it physically p
resent in two places at the same time and showing up with all the appearance of
reality. In this state, the physical body is not never in a normal state, is mor
e or less ecstatic. Penetration: Matter is no obstacle prevent him, he goes thro
ugh all, as the light passes through transparent bodies. Emancipation: It happen
s through sleep and psychic breakdown.
The perispirit is the body that personalizes and individualizes the Spirit and i
dentifies as the appearance. The soul after death never lose their individuality
. It proves that individuality, though no longer possess the body material, and
perispirit guard the appearance of your last incarnation. It is through him that
an abstract as is the Spirit becomes a concrete being defined and knowable by t
Cast of the physical body
You could say that he is the sketch, model,€how it develops the physical body. H
e is also the MOB (organizing model biological). It is in its intimacy that aggr
egate energy cells, which are modeled organs, providing them with the operation.
Principle Communications
To act in the matter, the spirit needs matter. As already mentioned, because of
its ethereal nature, the Spirit, itself, can not act on the matter without an in
termediate coarse to connect you to that matter. This intermediate, which we cal
l perispirit, we provide the key to all the phenomena of spirit material order.
Therefore, the perispirit is the organ of expression used by the Spirit in commu
nications with the plane of embodied spirits.
Seat of memory and sensibility
It is common to find some authors that Spiritualists confuse some attributes of
the Spirit as the perispirit. The seat of memory is one of them. According to Ka
rdec, the Spirit is who has the seat of memory, because he is being clever, thou
ghtful and eternal. Without the Spirit, is an inert material perispirit private
life and feelings. The same thing happens when we refer to the seat of sensibili
ty. It is the Spirit who loves, suffers, he thinks, is happy, sad, or is it livi
ng all these sensations or colleges. The perispirit is the only organ that trans
mits all these sensations and accumulates the energies from the thoughts, feelin
gs, emotions, etc.. So the perisprit, is an instrument in the service of Spirit.
As we know, to think we create mental energy. Feelings and emotions also create
s specific energies, all energy is matter and matter because they are retained i
n perispirit. In summary, the perispirit is matter, does not think or have memor
y. Those are attributes of the Spirit.
Sensory organ of the Spirit
The perispirit is the body to transmit all the feelings of the Spirit. The body
gets a feeling that comes from outside, perispirit which is connected to this bo
dy conveys the feeling and the Spirit, which is the sensible and intelligent to
get. And vice versa: when the act is initiated by the Spirit, the body performs
and transmits perispirit.
The organs of perispirit
For the simple observation of the physical body, one can deduce that the Perispi
rit has also something similar to an organ, ie, clusters of molecules, which is
specially configured for the implementation of certain functions. These molecula
r clusters are obviously appropriate to the extra physical functioning in life,
promoting the uptake and assimilation of energy and fluids necessary to maintain
them, uptake and assimilation, which occur so essentially different from physic
al life can not therefore even be equal to body organs dense, but determine the
lines of force that characterized the conformation and functional distribution o
f the latter, which of course are tailored for biological development, implement
ation and specific tasks. The organs of perispirit can be injured by the action
of evil or disordered mind of the individual.
Weight perispirit
The kind of life of each, individual carnal, determines the density of the body
perispirit, after losing the dense body. The spiritual world, keeps close ties t
o the moral progress that we do. As we grow in morality, our perisprit is gradua
lly becoming lighter and we can move into more subtle planes.
Helium - He
Balloons with gases of different densities reach different heights. When we dise
mbodied to the plan that is consistent with our density perispiritual.
H2 Hydrogen Hot Air

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