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Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
The Self-departmental government of Santa Cruz through the Departmental Secretar
iat of Production and Departmental Agricultural-SEDAG, with the support of the G
overnment of Navarra and Action Against Hunger. Submitting the "Manual for the C
ultivation of Vegetables", as a contribution to knowledge in the technical manag
ement of the production of vegetables, mainly of small agricultural producers in
rural areas of the department of Santa Cruz. This paper aims to contribute to t
he construction of a Santa Cruz more productive and supportive. We thank all tho
se who made possible the viability of this issue.
Mr. Louis Benjamin Bowles SEDAG DIRECTOR
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
INTRODUCTION Rating Rating vegetable classes of vegetables according to their ed
ible parts. Vegetables that have problems when there are no crop rotation Electi
on Features variety of vegetable growing crop rotation Example problems caused b
y monoculture cropping season Class and Land Use vegetable crop rotation Soil Pr
eparation Soil pH Improvement Fertilizer and fertilizer application components A
pplication of manure application of mineral fertilizers fertilizer application F
orm Acquisition and maintenance of home-seeds seed Conservation Seedlings Prepar
ing Leafy Vegetables Fruit Preparation of ridges for seedbed preparation tillage
Pest Control Preparation of the environment and disease management of pesticide
7 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 14 15 16 16 17 18 18 20 20 20 21 22 23 24
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
Broccoli Eggplant Celery Onion Peas Spinach Asparagus Cauliflower Lettuce Turnip
Potato Cucumber White Pepper Beets Cabbage Watermelon Radish Carrot Squash Toma
to green beans
20 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
The word is derived from vegetable "Hortal ', a term at a time from Latin and me
ans hortalis = garden vegetables and other edible plants grown in garden. Vegeta
bles are herbaceous plants cultivated for food of man who takes advantage of its
low content calories and high in protein, minerals and vitamins. Its essential
characteristic is to be used without suffering any industrial transformation and
grown in intensive, requiring much labor. The term includes vegetable vegetable
s and green vegetables such as beans and peas. Orchards exclude fruits and cerea
ls. As far as horticulture is concerned with the cultivation of vegetables, gree
ns and vegetables. The vegetables can be grouped or classified, according to its
duration, the climate, according to the edible, as farming methods, by their re
sponse to transplantation, by its resistance to frost or tolerance to soil condi
tions. The production of vegetables is widespread worldwide and is growing every
day, despite the adverse conditions marketing and production, plus its high per
ishability. agro-ecological factors are crucial to the development of different
species and varieties of vegetables. Some regions are better suited to low tempe
rature and short photoperiod, others at high temperatures and long photoperiods.
The temperature influences on each of the states of plant development. To get g
ood yields in vegetable production, it takes great care in cultural work: planti
ng, hilling, weeding, row orientation, plant applications, soil type, etc. The v
egetables can be produced in any kind of soil as long as they ensure a good nutr
itional intake, usually grow well in soils with pH between 5-7. 1. Types of Vege
tables The main types of vegetables are: acelqa, chicory, garlic, artichokes, ce
lery, eggplant, watercress, sweet potatoes, broccoli, broccoli, zucchini, squash
, chard, onions, chives, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kohlrabi, parsn
ips, endive, escarole, asparagus, spinach, chilli, pea, bean, fennel, green bean
s, lettuce, cabbage, cassava, turnip, potato, cucumber, parsley, pepper, leek, r
adish, radish, beets, regollo, carrot, tomato.
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
2. Classification of vegetables according to the edible plant part, vegetables a
re classified as: • Fruits: Eggplant, peppers, tomatoes, peppers, squash. • Bulb
s: onion, leek, garlic dry.ۥ Leaves and stems green: Swiss chard, chicory, char
d, endive, escarole, lettuce, spinach, parsley, celery, sprouts • cabbage, brocc
oli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower • VEGETABLES: Zucchini (escariote, z
ukini), squash, pumpkin, and cucumber lacayote Flower: Artichoke, cauliflower. •
Stem: Asparagus. • Fresh or green vegetables: peas, peas, beans, green beans. •
Roots: Carrots, turnips, beets, radishes. According to the method of preservati
on, vegetables are classified as: • Fresh vegetables: Sold in bulk or packaged.
• Frozen Vegetables: Almost has the same properties as fresh. • dehydrated or dr
ied vegetables: They eliminated the water. Depending on the color vegetables are
classified as: • Leafy green vegetables are low in calories and contribute and
have great nutritional value because of its richness in vitamins A, C, B complex
, E and K, minerals like calcium and iron and fiber. The green color is due to t
he presence of chlorophyll. Examples of vegetables: lettuce, endive, cabbage, ch
icory, watercress, Swiss chard and spinach. • Yellow Vegetables: These vegetable
s are rich in carotene, a substance that promotes the formation of vitamin A. Ca
rotene was first isolated from the carrot, a vegetable to which it owes its name
. • Vegetables other colors: They contain little but rich in carotene, vitamin C
and B vitamins compleio
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
Worldwide there are approximately more than 130 kinds of vegetables, being the m
ost common 30. In Bolivia, consumes about 20 vegetables.
According to the edible part, can be classified into three groups 1 - 2 leafy ve
getables - Vegetables Fruit 3 - root vegetables is the most abundant leafy veget
ables followed by fruit and finally the tubers. Making a classification by famil
ies, the most abundant are: Brassicaceae, following alliaceous, Solanaceae and l
egumes. Within the same family of vegetables, both the diseases and pests that a
ttack these are common, mainly in the Solanaceae family (tomato, potato, etc..)
And Brassicaceae (cabbage, radish, etc.). To cultivate these vegetables is impor
tant about this relationship.
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
Asteraceae Brassicaceae Luchugas LEAF VEGETABLES Cabbage, Chinese cabbage, brocc
oli, cauliflower. Chives, garlic, onion head, asparagus. Tomato, eggplant, peppe
Solanaceae alliaceous FRUIT VEGETABLES
Cucurbits Brassicaceae
Cucumber, watermelon, pumpkin. Long radish, white turnip round. Potato Carrot
Solanaceae Apiaceae
Relatively little problem: With problems: Sweet potato, pumpkin, carrots, radish
es, long, onions, chives, garlic. Tomato, potato, eggplant, peppers, watermelon,
cucumber, peas, spinach, lettuce.
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
Within a species, there are many varieties, eg between tomato varieties are: San
ta Clara, Sunny, Prince Giant, Tropic, Angela Gigante, etc. It is very important
to know the characteristics of the variety, whether it is suitable for a certai
n time of cultivation and where you want to cultivate. To choose and buy the see
d, must investigate the characteristics of the variety or request an information
pamphlet. There are currently fashionable hybrids, which are the product of cro
ssing two different varieties. When these varieties are grown fruits result in g
ood characteristics of both varieties crossed, most uniform, good quality and hi
gh performance. But the cost of seed is high and good characteristics appear in
the first planting, disappearing into the sub-FOLLOWING.
There are vegetables that are very easy to grow, you only need to plant the seed
and then watering, however others require more care. The characterization of ve
getables according to the difficulty of work, the highest degree of difficulty t
o the lower level. 1 .- Vegetables are planted and harvested directly by eg leaf
lettuce, spinach, celery, etc. 2 .- Vegetables are harvested tubers, for eg: Po
tato, carrot, onion, etc. 3 .- Vegetables that are harvested the fruit, for eg:
tomato, eggplant, pepper, etc..
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
EXAMPLES OF CROP ROTATION. 1st. Year: leafy vegetables like spinach, lettuce, ce
Good rotation 2nd. Year: Root vegetables and bulbs tubers eg potato€in time carr
ot, beet.
3rd. Year: Vegetable fruit: watermelons, melons, tomatoes, eggplant. 4th. Year:
Vegetables are seeds eg beans, peas, etc..
Increased insect attack Nutrient Deficiency Diseases Nematodes Soil Acidificatio
Vegetables can be classified according to the optimum temperature for its develo
pment: 1 .- Vegetables Group taking place at high temperatures of 10 º - 30 º C
for eg: Eggplant, peppers, tomatoes, etc.. Group 2 .- Vegetables that develop at
low temperatures, 0 º - 20 º C even support up to 10 ° C, eg, cabbage, onion, e
tc. Group 2 vegetables vary according to degree of growth, how to feel the tempe
rature likewise vary according to the class of varieties and the right time for
the appropriate time cultivoy course is different depending on location, tempera
ture and photoperiod affecting the proper time to crop, eg, the tubercle of the
onion does not develop if there days.
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
long, as well as in the flowering of the spinach begins when long days.
Crop rotation The crop rotation will be very careful about rotating crops, not p
lanting vegetables in the same family as eg the tomato and then the pope. Plot s
hould be changed when you finish a crop, to rest and improve the ground for next
The conditions for the cultivation of vegetables are: good aer
ation and good drainage water retention Proper pH. Good fertility Low incidence
of pests and diseases and deep loose soil
An ideal soil for cultivation should not be too clayey or sandy, because the roo
ts of the vegetables are very delicate, they need more oxygen than other crops.
To improve soil is to add organic fertilizers such as manure from sheep, cow, to
psoil, manure, besides the incorporation of green manures.
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
It is important to know the pH of the soil for sowing of vegetables, soils with
high pH (alkaline) or low (acid) are not suitable for planting vegetables, the p
roper pH should be in the range of 5.5 - 6.8. If vegetables have been grown for
several years, the attack of pests and diseases is higher and the ground is dete
riorating, therefore we recommend deep plowing the ground, turning the soil of t
he bottom up, about 50-60 cms.
For best crops is necessary that the man's hand to help with the application of
chemical fertilizers, because the nutrients in the soil there are not enough for
the full development of the plant.
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
The demand for nutrients by plants or crops, is a natural process in the develop
ment or vegetative stage, which is why you should choose the sites which contain
sufficient amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, so-called macro eleme
nts. The Nitrogen is the most important for vegetative growth of vegetables, dev
elopment of stems and leaves, showing such a dark green color. The legume family
has the ability to fix nitrogen in the roots from atmospheric nitrogen, which i
s deposited in the root modules. Phosphorus: It is very important for the format
ion of cells in plant growth and acts in the same location of the roots in the s
oil. The definition of phosphorus in the plants as shown by the reddish color of
the leaves, the deficiency. The demand for nutrients by plants or crops, is a n
atural process in the development or vegetative stage, which is why you should c
hoose the sites which contain sufficient amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus and pot
assium, so-called macro elements. Potassium: Helps the fruit growth and the form
ation of tubers also good training for leaves and stems. Absence of potassium to
dry the tips of the leaves, the fruit rots featuring a black on the base.
Organic Fertilizer - Manure from domestic animals. - Compost - Topsoil effect th
ese fertilizers are not fast, because they decompose slowly, but it helps a lot
to improve the physical structure of soils. Mineral Fertilizers: chemical and mi
neral combination are quick impact that provide the most nutrients.
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
The application of organic manure in horticulture, should be done in two stages:
At the time of land preparation, incorporating 50% of organic manure for the ar
able land, considered as base fertilizer. The other 50% should be applied when p
lanting seedlings and the vegetative period before flowering (period of hoeing a
nd weeding). It should be kept in mind that organic fertilizers, especially manu
re should not be applied when fresh, should have a period of decay. (Composting)
A normal basic subscription or installation of a garden, is one that is applied
or incorporated in the soil mixed with topsoil at a rate of 10t/ha of poultry m
anure or 20 tonnes / ha of decomposed cow manure.
Your use of organic fertilizers is not enough to supply all necessary nutrients
for normal plant development, for this reason is that it requires additional app
lication or foliar applied mineral fertilizers added to the soil to a safe dista
nce from the roots to not cause damage or burn the root system (roots), in addit
ion to applying the right amount or necessary, depending on the characteristics
and composition of fertilizers. The land application of phosphorus and potash fe
rtilizers should be at the time of planting (below the seed) in coverage, partic
ularly urea. should be done when there is adequate moisture in it, so that there
is a good nutrient absorption by the plant.
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
Gereral the life of the seed has a minimum of one year as (chives, onion head),
the longer life are 3 to 4 years (bean, vanilla, cucumber and watermelon). If th
e seed is kept in dry and low temperatures prolongs life. Those of a year last u
ntil 3-4 years. When you want to purchase seed, you should see the production da
te and expiry in the container.
Should be placed inside a tin can in a bag with the seed desiccant (silica-gel o
r pieces of lime), then cover and secure with tape or Scotch tape to prevent moi
sture, then store in a cool or in the freezer.
To obtain a home seed left in the ground until the fruit is fully mature. Do not
get seeds of plants, pests or diseases. If possible select plants with good dev
elopment. Disinfect seed with Benlate, Busan and other disinfectants for seed.
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
Extraction SEED HOME
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
Leafy vegetables:
Prepare the seedbed Plant in Plant enough seed furrow and then thinned. Cover th
e seedbed with straw, to maintain uniform temperature and soil moisture. - Remov
e the straw after the seed germinates. - It is recommended two times the transpl
ant, but to avoid too much work, it should be transplanted when the seedlings ar
e of 4-5 true leaves. - When is irrigated seedlings can be transplanted when the
y have 5-6 leaves
Fruiting vegetables:
- Generally grow these vegetables at high temperatures (25 ° a30 ° C). - Sow in
drills, cover with a little soil and tamp with a plam Maderita or hands. - Water
ing with hand shower thoroughly.
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
Direct seeding: To grow vegetables directly to the ground should be prepared on
the flat ridge top and then planted on the ridges.
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
The land for the seedlings must be free of diseases, preferably disinfected. Ger
minadero size should be 1 meter wide and 2 meters long and 15-20 cm. high. - Sow
the seed in the furrows and cover with the same soil, 3 or 4 times the size of
the seed. - Water and cover with or straw. - Once you remove the straw germinati
ng seed. - When the seedlings obtained from 2-3 leaves, remove the soil between
plants and put a little fertilizer.
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
Pest and diseases appearing
Once the crop, the grower must be very careful about diseases caused by fungi, b
acteria and viruses and attacks by pests such as leaf eaters, suckers, fruit bor
ers, nematodes, mites, etc.€these pests and diseases may appear in orchards due
to: • • • • • • • The existence of host plants. Transfer contaminated seeds by w
ind in irrigation water use no protection tools in the garden Little natural con
The way to control these attacks on crops is done in two ways: a). Cultural prac
tices such as: • • • • • Elimination of host plant use certified seed Avoid over
-watering so that there is plenty of moisture in the garden Build a garden prote
ction around its perimeter. Removal of stubble of previous crops.
Other forms of control of these pests and diseases is carried out with the appli
cation of: • • • • Fungicides Insecticides Acaricides Nematicides
The use of these chemicals must be very careful to avoid: • • • • Poisoning Elim
ination of natural enemies of pest resistance formulation products Mala
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
The attack of pests and diseases in some cases is severe or fast, when there are
poor conditions such as: • • • • Little sunlight stuffiness Increased Excess mo
isture temperature
To correct these conditions can make the following practices: • • • • • Raise th
e height of the ridges Improve drainage system leaves the garden Prune to improv
e aeration removal of all diseased plants make crop rotation
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
For the proper use and handling of pesticides or pesticide should follow and tak
e into account the following recommendations: • For the formulation or dosing of
the different types of chemicals, the farmer needs to consult with agricultural
technicians or people with experience in use and management of them. Calibrate
the pressure of the sprayer so that the spray droplet size is the right size, th
is pressure to the case of herbicides must range from 25 to 30 lbs/pul2, on the
other side for insecticides and fungicides, the pressure must vary between 50-60
lbs/pul2. The application of fungicides to control diseases caused by fungi, sh
ould be done after the rains. The application of pesticides should be done in th
e evenings, when there is no wind to avoid drifting. After mixing the solution o
r "diluted" the product should not be left overnight because it alters the chemi
cal composition and decomposes easily. When working with pesticides, you must us
e the proper clothing for protection, which must be accompanied by a mask, oxeno
lore, boots, gloves and hat. When you have completed the application you should
wash your entire body with soap and water. Pesticides should be stored in cool,
dry and out of reach of children and animals. Spray equipment or fumigation (fum
igation) should be washed with water, once you've completed your application.

Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
Warm, high luminosity, low humidity optimum temperature 15 º - 18 º c temperatur
e below 16 º promotes early flowering height of 0.50 mt Biennial. Franks, loose,
well drained, rich in organic matter, pH 6.5 - 6.8, does not tolerate alkaline
soils. 110 -180 days (temperate climate) nursery - August. Transplantation - Oct
ober. Distance between rows 0.70 - 1.0 mt. 0.30 m plant spacing. Two rows of pla
nts per row.
Life cycle: Plant size: Soil type: Vegetative period: Planting time: Plant spaci
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
Period of transplantation: Number of seeds per gram: Number of seeds: germinatio
n time: Cultural Work: Harvest Time: Conservation:
1.5 - 2.5 months, when the seedlings are of 7-8 green leaves. 3700 1 gram per sq
uare meter (g/m2) of seedbed. 14-21 days, seed surface (less than 5 mm). Weed, r
emove enough soil and water. 7 days. In cool three days. 60 days refrigerated at
0 ° c and 95% relative humidity.
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
Temperate - cool optimum temperature 13 º - 18 º c. Sensitive to frost during th
e ripening of the crop. It tolerates high temperatures above 21 º c. Annual. 0.4
0 to 0.70 mts. Fertile, loose, airy, well-drained, acid-tolerant, sensitive to s
alinity PH 5.5 - 6.5. 50 -110 days. Northern Department in the winter. In the me
sothermal valleys from April to September. Dwarf cultivars 0.70 - 1.0 mt. betwee
n rows.€0.05 to 0.10 mt. between plants. 2-4 rows of plants per bed.
Life cycle: Plant size: Soil type: Vegetative period: Time of sowing:
Plant density:
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
Seed Form: Number of seeds: Number of seeds per gram: Cultural Work:
direct. - Guiding Cultivar 1.0 - 1.4 mt. between rows. 0.25 to 0.30 mt. between
plants. A row of plants per bed c / guardians. 80-120 kg / ha. 5-7 seeds. Contro
l of pests such as earthworms, leaf-eating worms, Atid, loopers. Control of dise
ases such as damping off, oidium. Weeding: Weeding, remove the soil (hilling). P
od fully developed before the grain matures, the more tender the pod quality is
better, minimum length 10 cm. 8000-10000 kg / ha. Three days in a cool, ventilat
ed, 20 days under refrigeration at 0 ° c and 90% relative humidity.
Yield: Conservation:
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
Weather: Life cycle: Plant size:
Warm temperate. Optimum temperature 21 º - 28 º c. Annual. Height 1.0 - 1.5 mts.
diameter 1.0 - 1.2 mts. Loose, sandy loam, well drained, deep, with enough nutr
ients, pH 5.6 - 6.5 110-140 days after transplanting. In the area of the plains
can be grown all year round. Mastic on the plains in winter to harvest in summer
. Distance between rows 1.0 - 1.2 mt. Among plants from 0.40 to 0.50 mt. In seed
Soil type: Vegetative period: Planting time: Plant Density: Method of sowing:
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
Time 8-12 days. Germination: Number of 220 seeds per point:
As the crop is prone to lodging guardians Prune side shoots to broadening Fertil
ize with organic fertilizer weed control by hand (hoeing), or applying herbicide
s such as: anger from 0.3 to 0.5 kg / ha Application post - transplant led to th
e bottom of the groove. - Implement regular irrigation, according to need. - Pes
ts common: red spider, earthworm, aphids, stem weevil, chrysomelid, flea hoppers
. - Diseases: Wilt, evil stalks. The beginning of the harvest is at 90 - 100 day
s 5000-6000 Doc / Ha cool environment, cooling 10 º - 12 º c and 90% relative hu
Cultural Work:
Yield: Yield: Conservation:
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
Weather: Life cycle: Plant size: Soil type:
Warm, Fresh. Optimum temperature: 15-18 ° c. Annual Height 0.70 m, 0.50 m diamet
er. Fertile, rich in organic matter and good drainage, pH: 6.0 - 6.8. Incorporat
e dried manure on soil preparation, fertilizing with mineral fertilizer dose 150
-50 - 50 ha of K2O NP2O5 and Transplant. - For the plains area, planting in wint
er - in the valleys at any time of year, avoiding the places likely to frost. Di
stance between rows 0.70 - 1.0 mt. Plant spacing from 0.40 to 0.50 mt.
Fertilization: Type of planting: Planting time: Seeding:
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
Number of seeds:
0250-0300 Kg / Ha.
Number of 260 seeds per gram:
- Control of weeds by hand (hoeing) - Chemical control using Goal 0.75 Lt / Ha.
Application addressed post transplant - Pest Control as earthworms, worm defolia
tor, aphids, leaf worms. - Control of diseases such as mildew. Main immature flo
wer or axillary. - The harvest begins when the broccoli inflorencia measures 10
Inches. in diameter and before the flowers open. Broccoli can be harvested sever
al times after cutting the main inflorencia. Cool 1 - 2 days Refrigeration 14 da
ys at 0 º c and 95% relative humidity.
Cultural Work:
Edible part: Time of harvest:
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
- Warm, fresh. - Optimum temperature: 18 º - 21 º c. can tolerate light frosts.
- Is sensitive to high temperatures and long days. - It is resistant to cold wea
ther. Biannual flower. Height 0.40 to 0.50 mt. diameter 0.20 - -0.25 mt. Loose h
igh in organic matter, good drainage, pH 5.8 - 6.8. Tolerates slightly saline. A
pply organic fertilizers in land preparation. Chemical fertilizer dose 200 - 100
- 100 Kg / Ha. of K2O NP2O5 and apply a third of nitrogen, all the phosphorus a
nd potassium at planting, two thirds of nitrogen, applied in two parts, within 4
5 days after sowing. 120-150 days. direct transplantation or mixed.
Life cycle: Plant size: Soil type:
Vegetative period: Type of plant:
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
Planting time: Seeding rate: Number of seeds: seeds Numbers:
In the Plains area from April to September. In the area of the mesothermal valle
ys, in March-April and transplant in June. - To bed of 0.40 mt. double row of se
parate plants 8 to 10 Cm. - To bed of 0.60 m, 3 to 4 separate rows 10 cm apart.
- Total 300-400000 plants per hectare. 1-2 kg / ha. for nursery, 300 - Weed cont
rol by hand (tents) with post transplant. - Chemical control using tribunil 2 Kg
/ Ha. or afalon 1-2 Kg / Ha. - Control of the following pests: Thrips, Worm mil
itary loopers. - Control of diseases such as pink root rot, antracrosis, damping
off. 30 days. dried plant false stem folded completely dry bulb. 20-40000 Kg /
Cultural Work:
Duration of the harvest: Harvest Time: Performance:
In cool and dry two months (Burgo tightly closed and Conservation: mature).
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
Weather: Life cycle: Plant size:
- Temperate cool. - Optimum temperature 15 º - 18 º c. year. - Height: 0.90 m. -
Diameter: 0.60 m. - Franks, rich in organic materials. - Moderately salt tolera
nt. - Somewhat tolerant of acidity, pH 6.0 - 6.8. 12 days. - In the plains area
should be cultivated in winter. - In the area of the valley is planted throughou
t the year, avoiding frost. - Distance between rows of 0.80 - 1.0 m. - Distance
between plants from 0.50 to 0.60 m.
Soil Type: Vegetative period: Time of planting: planting density:
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
Transplant type seed: Number of 0.3 to 0.4 Kg / Ha. (Nursery) seed: Number 320.
seeds per gram:
- Weed control by hand (hoeing or weeding) or using chemical control, applying h
erbicide Goal, 0.75 lt / Ha. pre-transplant. - Control of pests such as chrysome
lid, earthworms, shoot borer, moths, aphids. - Control of diseases such as milde
w. - Fertilization: incorporating organic fertilizers in land preparation or ino
rganic fertilizers applied in the dose: 150 - 80-0 Kg / Ha. Previous analysis of
soil. - Implement irrigation according to crop requirements. when the infloresc
ence has reached its maximum development, is compact and features clean white co
lor. 1000 - 1500 Dozens / Ha.
Cultural Work:
At harvest: Performance:
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
Climate: Optimum Temperature: Life Cycle: Plant size: Soil Type: Vegetative peri
od: Time of seeding: Seeding:
Temperate - Warm 15 º - 24 º c Perennial. - Height: 1.20 - 1.40 m. - Diameter: 0
.80 - 1.0 m. - Franco - sandy, organic, well drained, acid soil sensitive to the
culture tolerates alkalinity, pH 6.0 - 6.8. 1.5 - 2.0 years. - Sow the seed in
seedbed, when the temperature begins to rise. Between rows for - white asparagus
: 2.20 - 2.50 m - Green Asparagus: 1.40 - 1.80 m among plants from 0.30 to 0.5 m
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
Type Sowing: Sowing: Number of seed per grain at harvest time: Yield:
Transplant. 1 Kg / Ha.
40-50 The third year begins harvesting the shoots of 20 cm long. 5000-10000 kg /
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
Weather: Life cycle: Plant size: Soil type:
Warm Optimum temperature: 15 º - 18 º c year. - Height from 0.10 to 0.30 m - Dia
meter from 0.20 to 0.30 m - Franks or French - sandy, rich in organic matter, le
vel and well drained, not acidic soils but tolerates alkaline pH 6.0 - 6.8 40-50
days - in the area of the plains in the winter season from April to September.
- In the area of the valleys mesothermal avoid planting in the months of Decembe
r to March, hot season. - Between rows: 0.50 to 0.70 m - Among plants: 0.5 m in
two rows per bed.
Vegetative period: Time of sowing:
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
Seed Type: Number of seeds: Number of seeds per gram: Time of harvest:
1912-1915 Kg / Ha
when the leaves have reached their maximum size 25-35 days after sowing.
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
- Hardened, does not encourage excessive rains., - Optimum temperature: 15 º - 1
8 º c, high temperatures cause premature flowering. Annual. - Height 0.30 m - 0.
30 m diameter Fertile, loamy - sandy, well drained, rich in organic matter pH 6.
0 - 6.8 50-90 days - in the area of the plains can be planted all year, taking i
ntoaccount that in winter time should cover the soil with mulch or other materia
l. - In the area of the mesothermal valleys sowing is stationary, only in the wi
nter season.
Life cycle: Plant size: Soil type: Vegetative period:
Planting time:
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
Seeding: Seed Type: Number of seeds: Number of seeds per gram: Time of harvest:
- Between rows 0.8 to 0.1 m - 0.30 m between plants in two rows per bed. Transpl
ant 0.3 Kg / Ha
Harvest Home 1050 60 - 80 days after transplanting, when the blade starts to rol
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
Weather: Life cycle: Plant size: Soil type: Vegetative period: Time of sowing:
- Warm, fresh. - Optimum temperature: 15 º - 18 º c year. - Height from 0.30 to
0.40 m - Diameter from 0.20 to 0.30 m Fertile, loose (sandy loam), rich in organ
ic matter, tolerate slight acidity, salinity intolerant PH 5.0 - 6.5 40-50 days
- In the plains area to avoid the heat Summer (December to March). - In the area
of the mesothermal valleys: it can be grown all year round.
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
Seeding: Seed Type: Number of seeds: Number of seeds per gram: Time of harvest:
- Between rows 1.0 - 1.20 m - Among plants: 0.30 to 0.40 m, one row per bed. Dir
ect. 1910-1912 Kg / Ha
20 when the fruit reaches the size of 5-8 cm long. The most tender fruit is bett
er quality.
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
Weather: Life cycle: Plant size: Soil type: Vegetative period: Time of sowing:
- Warm, cool - Optimum temperature: 15 º - 20 º c year. - Height 0.80 - 1.0 m -
Diameter 0.80 - 1.0 m Franks or French - sandy, rich in organic matter, Deep (0.
6 - 1.0 m), loose, well-drained soil with pH 6.0 - 6.5 80-120 days - in the area
of plains grow only in the winter season from April to June. - In the area of t
he mesothermal valleys can be grown twice a year in March and June, taking care
of frost.
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
Seeding: Seed Type: Number of seeds: Ideal size of the seed: Time of harvest:
- Between rows: 0.90 - 1.0 m - Among plants: 0.25 - 0.30 m - Planting depth: 5 t
o 10 Cm. Asexual, per tuber. 2000 -2500 kg / ha from 1960 to 1980 gr. When the w
ilt. air begins
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
Weather: Life cycle: Plant size:
- Warm, does not tolerate excessive moisture - Optimum temperature: 18 º - 25 º
c Annual. - Height (Long Branch) 1.0 - 1.5 m - diameter (width of the branch) 0.
50 - 1.0 m Fertile, rich in organic matter, loose, well drained, pH 5.5 - 6.8 50
-60 days - In the area the plains can grow all year if you have additional water
ing. - In the area of the mesothermal valleys can be grown all year around the t
ime of frosts (June-July)
Soil type:
Vegetative period: Time of sowing:
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
Seeding: Seed Type: Number of seeds: Number of seeds per gram: Time of harvest:
- Between rows: 1.50 - 2.0 m - Between plants: 0.25 - 0.50 m (two plants). Direc
t. 1-2 Kg / Ha
35 immature fruit of 0.20 to 0.30 m long, the seeds that reach maturity.
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
Weather: Life cycle: Plant size: Soil type: Vegetative period: Time of sowing:
- Warm - Optimum temperature: 18 º - 21 º c Annual. - Height 0.60 m - 0.40 m Dia
meter Loose, well-drained, fertile, good leveling, light tolerance for acidity,
does not tolerate salinity, pH 5.5 - 6.5 100-120 days - in the area of the plain
s can be grown all year if you have supplemental irrigation. - In the area of th
e mesothermal valleys must be cultivated in summer.
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
Seeding: Seed Type: Number of seeds: Number of seeds per gram: Time of harvest:
- Between rows: 0.80 - 1.0 m - Among plants: 0.40 to 0.50 m in a row per bed. Tr
ansplant. seedbed from 0.30 to 0.50 Kg / Ha
Fruit with maximum size and immature to 100-110 days.
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
Weather: Life cycle: Plant size: Soil type: Vegetative period: Time of sowing:
- Warm, fresh. - Optimum temperature: 15 º - 18 º c Annual. - Height 0.30 m - 0.
15 m Diameter - Diameter of the root 5 cm. Light, well drained, rich in organic
matter, can not tolerate salinity, but if some level of acidity, pH 5.5 - 6.8 20
to 30 days - in the area of the plains is recommended sowing from March to Octo
ber. - In the area of the mesothermal valleys can be planted all year round, tak
ing care to cover the soil with mulch and applying irrigation.
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
Seeding: Seed Type: Number of seeds: Number of seeds per gram: Time of harvest:
- 0.50 m between rows - Between floors: 5 cm in two rows per bed. Direct hand-to
1 cm deep. 12 Kg / Ha
When the plant has reached the 6-7 true leaves.
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
Beet beet
Weather: Life cycle: Plant size: Soil type: Period to Harvest: Planting time:
- Preferably in a temperate climate, it also occurs in the dry tropics. - Optimu
m temperature: 16 º - 18 º c Biennial. - Height 0.30 - 0.40m - 0.30 m diameter F
ranco - sandy, well drained, fertile, good amount of organic matter, pH 6.0 - 6.
5 - In mild weather 80-90 days - Plains 60-70 days - in the area of plains can b
e grown in winter (April to September). - In the area of the mesothermal valleys
can be grown throughout the year using supplemental irrigation.
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
Seeding: Seed Type: Number of seeds: Number of seeds per gram: Time of harvest:
- Between rows: 0.80 - 1.00 m - Between Plants: 10 cm Direct from 1912 to 1914 K
g / Ha
50-60 When the root reaches a diameter of 7 8 cm. 40000-50000 kg / ha.
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
Weather: Life cycle: Plant size: Soil type: Period to Harvest: Planting time:
- Temperate, cool. - Optimum temperature: 18 º - 21 º C Annual. - Height 30-40 c
m - diameter 50-80 cm Franco or sandy loam, well drained and fertile, tolerates
low salinity and is demanding organic matter, pH 6.5 - 7.2 80-100 days (from tra
nsplanting) - In the area of the plains should be cultivated in the rainy season
(April to September). - In the area of the mesothermal valleys can be grown thr
oughout the year by supplemental irrigation.
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
Seeding: Seed Type: Number of seeds: Number of seeds per gram: Time of harvest:
- Among plants 0.40 m - 0.80 m between rows to catch crop. Transplant. 0.25 to 0
.30 Kg / Ha
Press the head and when the firm when harvested.
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
Weather: Life cycle: Plant size:
- Warm, dry - Optimum temperature: 20 º - 30 º c Annual. - Length of arm: 2-3 m
- Plant Coverage: 1-3 m2 Loose, Franco - sandy, well drained, rich in organic ma
tter, tolerates slightly acidic, does not tolerate saline soils, pH 5.5 - 6.5 90
-150 days - in the area of planting should be flat from the month of June to Oct
ober. - The area of the mesothermal valleys sowing must be done from September -
Soil type: Vegetative period: Time of sowing:
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
Seeding: Seed Type: Number of seeds: Number of seeds per gram: Time of harvest:
- Between rows: 2.5 - 3.0 m - Between Plants: 1 to 2 m directly by a machine blo
ws. 3-6 Kg / Ha
At harvest: The Tendril's armpit with the plant fruit must be dry, yellowing of
the fruit section that rests on the ground and with a distinctive sound to the p
ressure of the fingers.
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
Weather: Life cycle: Plant size:
"Warm, warm, does not tolerate excess moisture in the environment. - Optimum tem
perature: 18 º - 21 º C 90-120 days Height: Undetermined 2.0 m Determined from 0
.60 to 0.80 m Intermediate 1.0 - 1.4 m Franco or sandy loam, prefers loose soil,
fertile, well-drained, tolerates light acidity and is sensitive to salinity, PH
5.0 - 6.5 90 - 120 days - in the plains area should be cultivated in the period
of April to October. - In the area of the mesothermal valleys can be grown thro
ughout the year by supplementary irrigation and preventing frost.
Soil type: Period to Harvest: Planting time:
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
- Simple Groove: Distance between rows 1.0 - 1.4 m distance between plants from
0.20 to 0.25 m - Groove Double Row width 1.50 - 2.4 m distance between plants 6-
8 per meter. Transplant directly and mixed. - P / transplantation from 0.30 to 0
.50 Kg / Ha - In 0750 tillage - 1.0 Kg / Ha
Seed Type: Number of seeds: Number of seeds per gram: Time of harvest:
300-400 Time of Harvest: Harvesting starts from the 90-120 days after transplant
ing, depending on the distance to markets, harvest ripe or ripening fruit. 30000
-60000 Kg / Ha
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
Green beans
Weather: Life cycle: Plant size:
- Temperate, tolerates hot climates something, does not tolerate frost. - Optimu
m temperature: 18 º - 24 º c Annual. Dwarf plants 0.4 m Height 0.30 m diameter g
uiders Plant Height: 1.2 m diameter 0.30 m
Soil type: Period to Harvest: Planting time:
Aerated soil with good drainage, acid-tolerant and sensitive to salinity, pH 5.6
- 6. 50-75 days - In the plains area should be cultivated all year round. - In
the area of the mesothermal valleys can be grown only in summer.
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
Seeding: Seed Type: Number of seeds: Number of seeds per gram: Time of harvest:
- Dry season: between rows 0.70 m between plants from 0.10 to 0.15 m double rows
per bed - Rainy between rows 0.8 - 1.0 m between plants from 0.10 to 0.15 m Dir
ect. P / transplantation 80-100 Kg / Ha
Number of seeds per gram: 4-5 Harvesting should be done as they mature, very ten
der and before the formation of the grain. 8000-12000 Kg / Ha
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
Weather: Life cycle: Plant size:
- Warm, fresh. - Optimum temperature: 15 º - 18 º c Biennial. - Height: 0.25 - 0
.30 m - Diameter of ground: 0.25 m - Diameter of the root 5-6 Inches Sandy soils
, loose, well drained, rich in organic matter, soil preparation should be deeply
, PH 5.0 90 6.8 - 110 days - in the area of the plains: it should only be plante
d during the winter season from April to June - In the area of the mesothermal v
alleys: You can plant all year, applying supplemental irrigation.
Soil type: Period to Harvest: Planting time:
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
Seeding: Seed Type: Number of seeds: Number of seeds per gram: Time of harvest:
- Dry areas: between rows 0.50 m - wet areas: 1.0 m between rows - between floor
s 8 to 10 Inches, Direct double row. P / transplantation 4-6 Kg / Ha
800 - 1200 Harvesting starts 90 days after planting when it reaches the diameter
required by the market, usually 5-6 Inches 15000-20000 Kg / Ha
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
Weather: Life cycle: Plant size: Soil type: Period to Harvest: Planting time:
- Temperate, cool. - Optimum temperature: 12 º - 18 º c Annual - Length 2.5 - 8
m - Width 1.0 - 1.2 m. Prostrate or creeping rich in organic matter, light and w
ell drained fertile, pH 5.5 - 6.8 90 - 120 days - in the area of the plains and
in the zone of mesothermal valleys can be planted all year round, provided that
irrigation is applied extra when the crop requires.
Manual for the cultivation of Vegetables
Seeding: Seed Type: Number of seeds: Number of seeds per gram: Time of harvest:
- Among rows 7-9 m - Between blows 2 m, two plants per hole. Direct hit. 2 Kg /
Harvesting can be done at 50-60 days after flowering, when the skin is clear and
does not penetrate the nail. 20000-30000 Kg / Ha
uis Benjamin Bowles Director General Mr. Federico Tonelli SEDAG T. ISSUED BY SED
AG Manager: Ing Ing Alfonso Mercado Gardenia Tayarapo Notta COORDINATION ISSUE C
ollazos Julio Costas G. Mr. Ricardo A. Rodriguez Mr. Cyrus R. Justiniano Mr. Ald
o A. Roca Mr. Fernando Justiniano M. TEXT CORRECTIONS: Ms. Rosa Isabel Perez Yav
arí RESP. Communication SEDAG PRINTED BY:

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