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Labour and Social Welfare 100 Col. Federal Tel: 26064265-044 5518498031
Date of birth: August 11, 1975 Marital Status: Married primer released titled Ca
reer Degree in Psychology from the School of Advanced Studies (FES) Zaragoza, Na
tional Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). Ced. Prof. 4250530 Reviewed by Na
tional Center for Higher Education Assessment, A. C. (CENEVAL), with an assuranc
e of satisfactory performance, achieving results above the national average
To collaborate actively and responsibly in an educational project of quality, wh
ere it can successfully exploit my potential as a professional, individual and s
ocial being.
Experience in the area of psychology and education.
ψ ψ
Deliver of therap in the clinical area under the supervision of Prof.. Raquel
Guillén, the FES Zaragoza, during periods 97-2 and 98-1 Planning, scheduling and
deliver of courses and workshops in the area of education, on learning strateg
ies to improve the academic performance of average students, under the supervisi
on Prof. Alberto Monro . These programs covered the topics sigs Speech Reading N
ote Taking oral Coping Creative Thinking Critical Thinking Relaxation Time Manag
ement Collaborative research in the area of social ps cholog under the directio
n of Prof.. Alba Garcia, with special emphasis on the influence of societ and c
ulture in domestic and famil behavior - From a perspective of GéneroColaborador
Pedagogical Services area of the Antiguo Colegio de San Ildefonso as planner an
d implementer of guided tours, courses, workshops and cultural activities - the
Social Service
ψ ψ
Work Experience

Professor at the Institute of Computer and Secretarial Mexica (IMECS)-Technolog

-Bachelor 58,526,907. Februar 1999 - September 2000 providing the following sub
jects: Educational Technolog Recreational Therap Occupational Therap General
Ps cholog Child Development Ps cholog
Research Methods Teaching Children's theater Other activities within the Plannin
g Institute, revision and modification of programs and plans of stud of ps chol
og Participation in cultural and artistic events
Volunteer at school W. L. Henr Elementar School in the cit of Hillsboro, Or
in the U.S.) carr ing out activities to assist Grade 2 groups, and collaborating
on the project SMART (Start Making A Reader Toda ). Winter 2000
Visiting Professor at the Autonomous Metropolitan Universit (UAM-Xochimilco)
in the race
nursing, teaching on the area of clinical ps cholog
Professor in the Graduate Studies Administration and nurses headed to state
Therapist Assistant at the Foundation San Jose de la Palma (Ixtapaluca, Edo de
Institution dedicated to the rehabilitation of persons addicted to alcohol and /
or other drugs. June-December 2002
Professor at the Metropolitan Institute-Technolog -Bachelor (Ixtapaluca, Edo.
Mexico) in Januar 2003 - August 2003 - taught the following subjects anal sis o
f educational Ps cholog Textbooks ludolog Musical Activities Children's Litera
particular clinical ps chologist in charge of the Ps cholog Department of H
erbart College, located in Alle
Re es s / n, Chalco, Estado de Mexico. Phone 59,752,477. Head directl Rocio Gon
zález There were carried out several activities, among which are following in pr
eschool, primar and secondar . -September 2003 - September 2004 Evaluation of t
he ps chological aspect of student interviews with parents design and deliver o
f parent workshops Design and deliver of workshops for students in teacher perf
ormance assessment Educational Guidance Vocational Guidance Support in the devel
opment of activities cultural and artistic design of strategies to raise achieve
ment of students with low scores Development of theoretical support material for
teachers. Assessment of students aspiring to enter the stock assessment of appl
icants to work on campus
Current Activities
Currentl Professor at the New School for Technolog , Center Ixtapaluca. Locat
on Calle Centenario # 29, Col Centro. Ixtapaluca, Edo de Mexico (17224260) provi
ding the form life plans and project management, self-stud workshop for the ou
th and leisure, and sexualit . Collaborators, Ms. Martha cord. Laboring there si
nce September 2004 Professor of Ps cholog Degree in the Spanish School,€member
of the Universit Center Sun Group (59755212) teaches subjects related to human
ps chological development, histor of ps cholog and biological basis of behavio
r. Laboring there since September 2004 ETAC Ixtapaluca node - located on Nationa
l Road Chalco s / n esq Camino Real Col. Jardines de San Marcos. Chalco, Edo. Me
xico. Teaching the social ps cholog field. Laboring there since August 2006 pro
viding therap in the d splasia clinic. Located on Avenida Cuauhtémoc Ote. # 47
int 3. Streets Manager Dr. Humberto Trejo. Tel 59750123
Currentl teaching in college now
Workshops Basic course in sex education. FES Zaragoza. National Meeting in Octob
er 1994. Ps chic development and education. FES Zaragoza. October 1996 Introduct
ion to computer programming. Ps chometric New Activit Center. Jul 1996. 4th Na
tional Meeting in Puebla Humanistic Ps chotherap : Creativit : An alternative to
life. Graduate School, Albert Einstein, Centro Universitario de Puebla AC Novem
ber 1998 Workshop The awakening of consciousness (Humanist National Meeting in P
uebla). Graduate School, Albert Einstein, Centro Universitario de Puebla AC Nove
mber 1998. Workshop Logotherap applied to ever da life. (Humanist National Mee
ting in Puebla). Graduate School, Albert Einstein, Centro Universitario de Puebl
a AC November 1998. Arts in the Classroom. Antiguo Colegio de San Ildefonso. Wit
hin the framework of the exhibition Sigmund Freud Collector. March 2000 Art and
twentieth centur ps cholog . FES Zaragoza. Ma 2001. Workshop ps chometric test
ing enterprise level. Pro-Industr Mexico. November 2002. Workshop projective an
d intelligence tests. Pro-Industr Mexico. Januar 2004. Grapholog Workshop. Pr
o-Industr Mexico. Februar 2004. Workshop of Educational Therapist. Pro-Industr
Mexico. Februar 2004. Integration course for teachers of the New School Techn
olog . September 2001 Workshop Multiple Intelligences and its application in the
classroom and the museum. ACSI. October 2005
June 2007

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