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Cockroaches are insects unquestionable in the order of Dictiópteros divided int

o two sub-orders: the Mantoideus (pregadeus) and Blatáridos (cockroaches). Ther

e are about 3,500 species of blatáridos, of which 19 are important to human hea
lth and of these only seven can be considered really like the plague. In Spain a
lone there are 3 types of cockroaches that pose a problem: Blattella germanica (
cuca coffee), the Blatta orientalis (black pussy) and in the past few years, Per
iplaneta americana (cuca red). The general shape of a cockroach is familiar to e
veryone. They are oval and flattened body, allowing them to sneak in all kinds o
f cracks and crevices. A pronotum (cover as a shield) is projected forward over
the head, their mouthparts are chewing type and are directed downwards and sligh
tly to the back of your body. With its long, spiny legs can run quickly on most
surfaces. Some specialize in the tarsal pads were easily scales glass windows or
walk on the ceiling. Most cockroaches are tropical origin and sub-tropical, usu
ally living abroad. They are active mainly at night, time in looking for food, w
ater, and mate. Can be seen during the day, especially when there is a large pop
ulation or where the existing population is subjected to another form of pressur
e (such as lack of food or water). Cockroaches generally prefer a moist environm
ent and many species also prefer a relatively high degree of heat.
Behavioral habits vary from one species to another, but all have one thing in co
mmon: they are specially adapted to survive successfully in the human realm. Coc
kroaches develop by gradual metamorphosis that consists of three changes or stag
es: egg, nymph and adult. The female produces an egg-shaped capsule called oothe
ca wallet, which contains two rows of eggs. Nymphs hatch from the ootheca scrapi
ng to create an opening along the top of the capsule. When they succeed, small n
ymphs emerge to begin their life.
Nymphs are generally equal to the adult in appearance and behavior but are small
er, are wingless and often have a slightly different color. The recent change of
instar nymphs are white, but color will darken to normal in a few hours. Some p
eople believe that these newly molted individuals are "albino cockroaches." The
nymphs go through several changes in the last one ends to form the wings and dif
ferentiate the sexes. The wings of adults can be long and functional or very sho
rt, almost nonexistent. In some species the males have wings, but females have o
nly vestiges of them. Adults can fly or not, depending on the species and enviro
nmental factors. Cockroaches are omnivorous and feed on domestic any remains but
show a strong tendency towards starchy materials, sweet substances and meat pro
ducts. They can also eat many other materials, from the wallpaper walls to piece
s of clothing.
Cockroaches can cause serious problems in both residential and commercial situat
ions. In Ibertrac we have succeeded in the battle against this scourge, using pr
ofessional insecticides and including new types of baits. We make a careful insp
ection of the facility, drawing a diagram of the site noting cockroach infestati
ons and use monitoring to track the activity of the cockroaches. When a plague o
f cockroaches is installed in a very difficult it to be eradicated without the u
se of insecticides. Household aerosols (sprays) may be useful when the level was
low, but these are usually formulated with insecticides of short duration, so t
hat its persistence is insufficient to eradicate an infestation of cockroaches.
In Ibertrac, we offer the most personalized service possible, because each case
and each client requires it.
What is a pest? How can we prevent a plague? How to prevent entry of organisms?
Is it possible to reduce the factors that affect the incidence of pests? How to
act if we are affected by a pest? What are chemical pesticides?
â us a query What is a pest?
All around us have always lived a great diversity of living creatures: ants, spi
ders, flies, mosquitoes, beetles, rats, termites and many other small animals. M
any of these creatures are harmless and their presence gives us a problem, but w
hen they find the optimal conditions of temperature and humidity and sufficient
food,€can multiply rapidly to become a plague.
How can we prevent a plague?
The first step is to obstruct and reduce the factors that encourage them to live
and breed in the area.
How to prevent entry of organisms?
- Covering the cracks and holes in walls and ceilings, protecting the joints of
the doors and windows, watching that close properly. - Protecting the windows wi
th mosquito net fabric. - Covering the ventilation holes with mosquito net fabri
Is it possible to reduce the factors that affect the incidence of pests?
Yes, keeping as clean as possible local or home, especially where food is handle
d or stored. - Avoiding moisture, leaks, condensation, standing water and water
storage without protection. - Watching the false ceilings and other places witho
ut light, focusing on sites where heat. - Keeping clogged garbage, emptied daily
and maintaining sanitary condition of the pets.
How to act if we are affected by a pest?
The first thing is to know what kind of organism is the plague, as distributed,
the local characteristics of the affected area and the use made of this room or
area. It is best to use, whenever possible, mechanical control systems (traps: b
ait, Buzzard), physical (cold, electricity, ultrasound), biological or products
that prevent the growth and reproduction of insects and reduce the use of chemic
al pesticides.
What are chemical pesticides?
Pesticides are chemical compounds designed to eliminate living organisms, and th
is means that they can have a certain toxicity to humans. If you use these produ
cts must take into account that you can only use pesticides approved for domesti
c use. Ibertrac only use pesticides registered and approved by the Ministry of H
Ibertrac Since we offer our selection of external links, so you can expand your
information about pest control cockroach cockroaches Gordons page http://www.ins Identification keys http://ianrwww cockroach. / ianr / pat
/ appenxd.htm Cockroaches and Their Control control o
f cockroaches and their effects on pregnant females
rabajos5/concuc/ concuc.shtml

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