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Date : 10 October 2014

Title : Local Taste, Million Nutritions

Topic : Fermented Soybean

Specific purpose: I want my audience know an Indonesian native dish that nutritious and
cheap, Tempe.
Central Idea: Though producing tempe is simple, it has a lot of benefits.

I. I miss Tempe
a. Tempe is consumed almost daily.
b. Tempe is delicious.
c. It is hard to find Tempe in Singapore
II. Tempe is consumed by everyone
a. Everybody loves it
b. People eat tempe in any occasion.
III. It is nutritious.

I. The history of Tempe
a. It is originated from Indonesia
i. It has been consumed for a long time
ii. It is accidentally discovered when someone was
producing tofu.
iii. In many occasions and restaurant, people serve
iv. It is cheap to buy
b. It is introduced to overseas
i. From the reference, Tempe was introduced
during the 18 century within local people
ii. Holland, Germany, and Japan Researchers made
a big contribution in bringing tempe overseas in early 1900
(Connective: Transitions)
II. Benefits of Tempe
a. It contains high protein.
b. Soybean, the main ingredient of Tempe, is really good for skin because the Vitamin B and
c. The high content of mineral and fatty acid is good against disease.
d. The research done in North Carolina University discovers that it contains Genistein and
Phytoestrogen. It is good to prevent breast and prostate cancer.
III. How to Make Tempe
a. Preparation and tools.
b. The Steps
i. Ingredients (Soybean, yeast)
ii. Fermentation process.
c. Many ways in processing and serving tempe.

I. We should have known in choosing good and healthy food for our body,
Tempe is the best choice replacing unhealthy food.
a. The nutrients contained.
b. No Fat
II. Tempe is not only for Indonesian anymore,
it is an international food that should be campaigned to consume,
because of its benefits.


Document. (n.d). Khasiat dan kandungan gizi Tempe. Retrieved from

Shurtleff, W.; Aoyagi, A. (1986). The Book of Tempe, Lafayette: The Soyfoods


Only a week after we arrived Singapore, I and my friends realized something. I miss my
moms cooking. my friend said. Yes, me too. I miss Kerupuk, Sambal, and Tempe Goreng.
Huhuhu (sad expression), another replied. Ya, ya, ya, I miss Tempe too. I dont know where
i can find Tempe here, I replied. It is somepart of our conversation during meal time in
UTowns Dinning Hall. Yes, i miss Tempe. For those who dont know what is that, here i have
the picture. (Show Tempe Picture).
Tempe is a local food, Indonesia, which is consumed almost daily. It is made from
fermentated Soybean. The taste is delicious. I miss Tempe Goreng (Fried Tempe). In my
country, almost everyone is familiar with this one. It could be consumed everytime as
maincourse or just snack. The good thing is it is full of nutrition.

Tempe is orginally from Indonesia, especially Java Island. It has been a very long time ago
people started eating this. Taken from the ancient script found, it is discovered during 18
century. It is accidentallly discovered when people on that time was producing Tofu. It is the
by-product of Tofu. From the reference i got, the discarded soybean residue caught the spores
that later grown whitish fungi that was found to be edible.

This food is so popular. It spreaded from Java to other islands. But still, the best one is
coming from Malang, East Java Province. In line with its popularity, Tempe is served in any
occasion. You can eat it at the morning, afternoon, even dinner. You could consume it as your
main course or as a snack during your leisure time. Tempe is also cheap, thats why everyone
can taste it.

On early 1900, there were some researches about tempe. It was done by researchers from
Holland, Germany, and Japan. When they did the research, they also brought tempe back to
their country. It is a big contribution in introducing tempe to the world.

We all know that there are a lot of delicious food, but they are trashes, they contain nothing
but make you overweight or will catch you a heart attack later. It will not happen with tempe.
Tempe does contain a lot of materials body needs. It contains protein very high, many types
of Minerals line iron, zinc, calcium, magnecium, vitamins, and acid. There are some
antioxidant in Tempe.

All the materials contained in tempe is easier to be digested than we just consume the
soybean. It happens because of the process tempe mold makes. The Vitamin and Antioxidant
are good for skin expecially for anti aging. The high content of mineral and fatty acid is good
against heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. A recent research done, also prove that Tempe is
good in preventing breast and prostate cancer. Vegetarian, no, eat tempe as replace of Meat.
Tempe is made by fermentating soybean with mold. The mold is called Rhizopus
oligosporus. The first step to make tempe is prepare the soybean, the mold, and plastic or
banana leaves to wrap it during the fermentation process. Next step is put mix the soybean on
the plastic or banana leaves. And then start the fermentation process by put the mold onto it.
The fermentation process lasts about 24 to 36 hours. After that, tempe is ready to cook.
Tempe can be served by frying it, soup, or stewing it. For those who want a snack, you can
slice tempe into slim pieces, and mix it with multipurpose flour, and you fry it. It is nutty,
meatty, and mushrom like. It is really nice!.

Tempe is not only for Indonesian anymore, it is go international. We should have know in
choosing good and healthy food for our body. Delicious food is not often healthy, Healthy
food is not often delicious. But now, you know what is delicious and Healthy.

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