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EVANGELICAL CHURCH OF Alagoa Nova Congregational Church Evangelical Congregation

By Robert Reid Kalley July 2, 1876
The 28 items from the Brief Exposition of the Fundamental Doctrines of Christian
Article 1 - The Testimony of Nature on the Existence of God There is one God (1)
, living and personal (2), his work in heaven and on earth manifest, not merely
there, but that has wisdom, power and goodness so vast that men can not understa
nd (3), as his free and sovereign will, governs all things (4). (1) Dt.6: 4, (2)
Jer 10:10; (3) Ps 8:1, (4) Rom 9:15,16 Article 2 - From the Testimony of Revela
tion About God and Man In witness of their doings God added information (5) abou
t yourself (6) and requiring men (7). These details are found in the Scriptures
of the Old and New Testaments (*) in which we have the only perfect rule for our
belief about the Creator, and infallible precepts for all our behavior in this
life (8). (5) Heb 1:1; (6) Ex 34-5-7, (7); Tm.3.15 II, 16, (8); Is.8.19, 20. (*)
The apocryphal books are not part of inspired Scripture properly. Article 3 - N
ature of Revelation The Holy Scriptures were written by holy men inspired by God
, so that the words are written the words of God (9). Its value is incalculable
(10), and should be read by all men (1). (9) II Peter 1:19-21; (10) Romans 3:1,2
. (1) 5:39. Article 4 - Nature of God the Sovereign God of the universe is Spiri
t Owner (2), Eternal (3), Infinity (4) and Immovable (5) wisdom (6), power (7),
holiness (8) justice (9), kindness (10) and truth (1). (2) Jn 4:24; (3) Deuteron
omy 32:40, (4) Jer 23:24; (5) Ml 3, (6) Ps 146:5; (7) Genesis 17:1, (8) Ps 144:1
7; (9) Deut 32: 4, (10) Mt 19:17; (1) John 7:28.
Article 5 - Trinity Unit
Although it is a big mystery that there are several persons in one Being, it is
true that in the Godhead there is a distinction of persons in Scripture by the n
ames of Father, Son and Holy Spirit (2) and by the use of the pronouns I, You an
d He employed by They mutually from each other (3). (2) Matthew 28:19: (3) Jn 14
:16,17 Article 6 - Creation of Man God, having prepared this world for the habit
ation of mankind, created man (4), constituting one of the soul that is spirit (
5), and a body composed of Earth materials (6). The first man was made in the li
keness of God (7), pure, noble and intelligent, with memory, affections and free
will, subject to Him who created it, but with dominion over all other creatures
of this world (8). (4) Genesis 1:2-27; (5) Ec 12:7; (6) Gen 2:7; (7) Gen. 1:26,
27; (8) Genesis 1:28 Article 7 - The Fall of Man Man so gifted and loved by the
Creator was perfectly happy (9), but tempted by a rebellious spirit (called by G
od, Satan), he disobeyed his Maker (10), destroyed the harmony that had been wit
h God, lost the similarity God, became corrupt and miserable, so she came upon t
he ruin and death (1). (9) Gen 1:31; (10) Gen 2: 16.17; (1) Romans 5:12. Article
8 - The Consequences of Falling These are not limited to the first sinner. His
descendants inherited his poverty, disgrace the inclination to evil and an inabi
lity to fulfill what God commands and (2); consequently everyone sins, everyone
deserves to be condemned, and in fact all die (3). (2) Ps 50:7, (3) I Corinthian
s 15:21 Article 9 - The Immortality of the Soul The human soul does not end when
the body dies. Designed by its Creator to a perpetual existence, remains able t
o think, want, remember the past and enjoy the most perfect peace and joy, and a
lso to fear the future, feel remorse and horror and suffering such agonies,
What else would want to stop than to continue to exist (4) the sin of rebellion
against his Creator, forever deserve this misery, which is called by God of seco
nd death (5). (4) Luke 16:20-31, (5) Revelation 21:8 Article 10 - The Conscience
of Judgement and God was the judge aware of man's soul (6). He gave them comman
dments by which to decide all cases (7), but reserved for itself the final judgi
ng, which will be in harmony with their own character (8). He warned the men of
the pen with which to punish all unrighteousness, wickedness, deceit, and disobe
dience to his government (9); fulfill their threats, punishing every sin in exac
t ratio to blame (10). (6) Romans 2:14,15; (7) Mt 22:36-40; (8) Ps 49:6, (9) Gal
3:10; (10) II Co 5:10 Article 11 - Da wickedness of man and of God's Love God s
aw the wickedness, ingratitude and contempt with which men will repay your benef
its and the punishment they deserve (1), full of mercy took pity on them, swore
that he did not wish the death of the wicked ( 2) In addition, he took them and
had to declare them in human words, his immense kindness to them;€and when sinn
ers with such words or cared, he gave them the greatest proof of his love (3) by
sending them a savior to deliver them through the ruin and misery, corruption a
nd restore the conviction and forever in your favor ( 4). (1) Heb 4:13; (2) Ez 3
3:11; (3) Romans 5:8-9, (4) II Cor 5: 18-20. Article 12 - The Origin of The Salv
ation Salvation, as precious and worthy of the Most High (because it is perfectl
y in tune with his character) proceeds from the infinite love of the Father, tha
t He gave His only begotten Son to save His enemies (5). (5) I John 4:9 Article
13 - From the Author of Salvation was gained, however, the Son, not with gold or
silver but with His blood (6), it took on a human body and human soul (7) prepa
red by the Holy Spirit in the womb of a virgin (8), so is God and continuing to
be so made man (9). Born of
Virgin Mary, lived among men (10), as we regard the gospels, fulfilled all the d
ivine precepts (1) and suffered death and cursing like as the substitute of sinn
ers (2), rose (3) and ascended to heaven ( 4). Ali intercession for his redeemed
(5) and to enforce them has all power in heaven and on earth (6). It is our Lor
d and Savior Jesus Christ (7), which provides for free at any sinner full advant
age of his obedience and sufferings, and assures all that believing in Him, acce
pt it for His Savior (8). (6) PE1 I: 18.19, (7) Hebrews 2:14; (8) Mt 1:20; (9) J
ohn 1:1,14; (10) Acts 10:38; (1) I Fr 2 : 22 (2) Galatians 3:13, (3) Mt 28:5,6;
(4) Mark 16:19, (5) Heb 7:25; (6) Mt 28:18; (7) At 5 : 31; (8) John 1:14. Articl
e 14 - The Work of the Holy Spirit in the Sinner The Holy Spirit sent by the Fat
her (9) and the Son (10), using the words of God (1), convinces the sinner of th
eir sin and ruin (2) and shows him and excellence of the Savior (3), moves him t
o repent, to accept and trust in Jesus Christ. So take a great spiritual change
called born of God (4). The sinner is born of God already forgiven, justified an
d saved, has eternal life and enjoys the blessings of Salvation (5). (9) Jn 14:1
6,26; (10) John 16:7; (1) Ephesians 6:17, (2) John 16:8, (3) Jn 16:14; (4) Jo1:
12.13 , (5) Galatians 3:26 Article 15 - The Unrepentant sinners who do not belie
ve in the Savior and do not accept the salvation offered to them for free, they
will take the punishment of their offenses (6), manner and place intended for th
e enemies of God (7). (6) John 3:36, (7) II Thessalonians 1: 8.9 Article 16 - Th
e Only Hope of Salvation for those who die without taking advantage of this salv
ation, there is to come beyond death a ray of hope ( 8). God did not come across
remedy for that by the end of life in this world, persevered in their sins. Los
t. They will never have relief (9). (8) John 8:24; (9) Mark 9:42,43 Article 17 -
The Work of the Holy Spirit in the Believer
The Holy Spirit continues to live and operate in what is born of God (10), clari
fies his mind more and more with the divine truth (1), it elevates and purifies
the affections advancing on him the likeness of Jesus (2) These fruit of the spi
rit are proof that passed from death to life, and who are Christ (3). (10) John
14:16,17; (1) John 16:13, (2) II Co 3:18, (3) Galatians 5:22,23 Article 18 - The
Believer's Union with Christ and the power to His Service. Those who have the S
pirit of Christ are united with Christ (4), and as a member of your body receive
the ability to serve Him (5). Using this capability, try to live, and really li
ve for the glory of God, your Savior (6). (4) Eph 5:29,30 (5) John 15:4,7 (6) I
Corinthians 6:20 Article 19 - Marriage of the Body of Christ Church of Christ in
heaven and on earth is a (7) only and is composed of all sincere believers in t
he Redeemer (8), which were chosen by God, before there world (9), to be called
and converted in this life and glorified for eternity (10). (7) Eph 3:15; (8) I
Corinthians 12:13; (9) Eph 1:11; (10) Romans 8: 29,30. Article 20 - Duties of th
e Believer is the duty of members of a local church, get together (1) to prayer
and to praise God, study his Word, celebrating the rites ordained by Him, avail
of the other and promote the good of all the brethren receive (2) together as me
mbers those who ask and who seem truly children of God by faith: exclude (3) tho
se that show after his disobedience to the precepts of the Savior that are not o
f Christ and seek the aid and protection of the Holy Spirit in all his steps (4)
. (1) Hebrews 10:25, (2) Romans 14:1, (3) I Corinthians 5:3-5, (4) Romans 8:5,16
. Article 21 - The Obedience of the Believer Even if the saved do not obtain sal
vation by obeying the law but by the merits of Jesus Christ (5), receive the law
and all the precepts of God as a means by which He manifests his will
on the procedure of the redeemed (6) and keep us both more careful and if you th
ink thankfully saved by grace (7). (5) Ephesians 2:8-9; (6) I John 5:2,3; (7) Ti
tus 3:4-8. Art€22 - The Priesthood of Believers and the Gifts of the Spirit All
true believers are priests to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God thro
ugh Jesus Christ (8), which is the Master (9), Pope (10) and Single Head of his
Church ( 1), but as Governor of his home (2) it established several positions (3
) as Pastor (4), Elder (5), Deacon (6), and Evangelist; for them to choose and r
egister with their own talents, to he wants to fulfill the duties of these offic
es (7), and when there shall be recognized by the church and prepared and given
by God (8). (8) I Pe 2:5-9; (9) Matthew 23:8-10; (10) Heb 3:1; (1) Eph. 1:22, (2
) Hebrews 3:6, (3) I Corinthians 12:28; (4) Ephesians 4:2, (5) I Timothy 3:1-7,
(6) I Timothy 3: 8-13 , (7) I Pe 5:1, (8) Philippians 2:29. Article 23 - The Val
ue of God to His People The Most High God answers prayers (9) that with faith, a
nd in the name of Jesus, the one Mediator (10) between God and men, you are pres
ented by believers, accepts the praise (1) and recognizes it as done to him, all
the good done for Her (2). (9) Mt 18:19; (10) I Timothy 2:5; (1) Colossians 3:1
6,17; (2) Mt 25:40,45; Article 24 - Ceremony Of The Christian and Jewish rites R
ites divinely instructed by the Ministry of Moses, were shadows of the goods com
ing and stopped when the same goods came (3): Christian rites are only two: bapt
ism with water (4) and the Lord's Supper (5). (3) Hebrews 10:1, (4) Acts 10:47,4
8; (5) Matthew 26:26-28. Article 25 - Of Baptism with Water Water baptism was or
dained by our Lord Jesus Christ as the true figure of baptism and effectively do
ne by the Saviour, when you send your Holy Spirit to regenerate the sinner (6).
The reception of baptism with water, the person declares that it accepts the ter
ms of the covenant that God ensures the blessings of salvation (7). (6) Mt 3:11;
(7) At 2:41
Article 26 - The Lord's Supper The Lord's Supper was instituted by the Lord Jesu
s Christ, the bread and wine represent strongly the heart of the believer's body
that was dead and the blood shed on Calvary (8), part of the bread and wine rep
resents the fact that the soul received its Savior. The believer does this in re
membrance of the Lord, but it is their duty first to examine closely as your fai
th, your love and your procedure (9). (8) I Corinthians 10:16; (9) I Corinthians
11:28,29. Article 27 - The Second Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ will descend
from heaven as a man (10), in His own glory (1) and in the glory of His Father (
2), with all the saints and angels sit- upon the throne of His glory and judge a
ll nations. (10) Acts 1:11; (1) Matthew 25:31, (2) Mt 16:27 Article 28 - Of the
Resurrection for Life or the Sentencing The hour is coming when the dead shall h
ear the voice of the Son of God rise and (3), the dead in Christ shall rise firs
t (4); believers who are alive at this time will be changed (5), and being caugh
t will be forever with the Lord (6), others also rise, but for condemnation (7).
(3) John 5:25-29, (4) I Corinthians 15:22,23; (5) I Corinthians 15:51-52; (6) I
Thessalonians 4:16; (7) John 5:29.
The Twenty-eight of the "brief statement of the fundamental doctrines of Christi
anity" were issued by Dr. Robert Reid Kalley and approved on July 2, 1876 and th
is document, the memorable historical value,
established itself as a synthesis of doctrinal Evangelical Congregational Church
es of Brazil. The acceptance of these "Fundamental Doctrines" formed the basis f
or rejection of several anti-biblical doctrines and encouraged congregational gr
owth and deployment of robust and definitive Great Name.

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